Eternal Life

Chapter 1417

Chapter 1 141

“Heavenly Monarch Yu Wei, can’t let the body, but with this ability, but can not stop me from promoting Heavenly Monarch! This body, I got it!”

In the face of this “Heavenly Monarch Rashless” attack, Fang Han was unmoved, and a series of Beginning Era Divine Fist with his hands, various French seals, portals, emerged in an endless stream, the crystal god country in his body, Hongmeng The airflow turned into a hall of Hongmeng, and in the hall, the endless True Qi, cheering incessantly.

Fang Han’s Martial Dao Cultivation Base has reached a level that is truly comparable to Heavenly Monarch. Now he is not as good as Heavenly Monarch.

In the practice of Hongmeng Temple, Insight’s secret, which made him truly consolidate all Foundation, the era of the era is perfect again, as long as you get the “Heavenly Monarch Rashless” body now made by Divine Pill, you can have Ten percent grasped and cultivated Heavenly Monarch.


Among Fang Han’s crystal gods, countless sacred condense Cheng Hongmeng Temple, it is like copying the general hall of the Ganges River, making Fang Han’s punch and foot have the ability to break Heavenly Monarch, even if it is not Casting three hundred times more power, you can also fight Heavenly Monarch.

Right now, between the punches, collide with the body of “Heavenly Monarch Rashless”.

Heavenly Monarch Rashless’s four killings, the dragon dragon lord, White Tiger corpse, Suzaku weeping, Xuanwu water. All of them were defeated, and Fang Han’s Beginning Era Divine Fist broke the Heavenly Monarch’s killings and bombarded the Heavenly Monarch.

Heavenly Monarch Rashless took a punch and stood in the air, but it didn’t move, but the light faded.

In the eyebrows, the blood hole, which appeared again, was shocking.

The majesty of this Heavenly Monarch Rashless was defeated by Fang Han.

“Human Divine Fist! Inspires the injury!” Fang Han smashed the remaining Yu Wei of Heavenly Monarch Rashless, but did not stop, but once again, in the body, among the large number of crystal gods, the glory of the air disappeared and appeared. The illusion of 33 Skies was revealed, and then a heaven appeared.

That day, the court is completely condensed in the atmosphere of creation, and it is a model of heaven, even in the depths of heaven, a portal is looming.

This portal is similar to the existence of the door of Hongmeng. It is the portal of the condense of the essence of the immortal king. It is also the essence of Insight Gate to Eternity and condense.

Fang Han’s display of the door of Hongmeng, you can show all the Martial art of Hongmen Daoist, and he can display the Dao technique of the sacred king.

The majesty of “Heavenly Monarch Rashless” was extinguished by Fang Han, but his body was persevering, and his majesty, in the next moment, revived, seems to be an unbeaten god of war.

“Dare to despise my majesty, Heavenly Monarch dignity, not tolerated…”

The body of Heavenly Monarch Rashless once again broke the tyrannical power.

“The innocent way, the way of thunder, the thunder in the sky, is innocent, the birds are in the cage, the wings can not take off…” Heavenly Monarch Rashless, actually played his innocent way, hit a shot, Suddenly, there was an innate vision from many unknown epochs.

The huge scorpion, the rumbling oppression, is more ferocious than the previous four killings, almost the Heavenly Monarch Expert that can kill the same realm.

However, Fang Han at this time, the Divine Fist has been displayed, a move, three hundred times the force burst, almost swept the entire Danjie, Danjie, the vast world of heaven and earth, rolling into the Fang Among Han’s body, he completely became the master of Dan.

a punch.

It was a punch, and it completely smashed the majesty of Heavenly Monarch Rashless, breaking the innocent way, and at the same time, igniting the injury left by Heavenly Monarch Rashless.

Kā chā.

The head of Heavenly Monarch Rashless splits, revealing a dense cracked texture.

“The era of the gods, seal.”

Fang Han didn’t stop, whole body turned into a epoch of gods, shrouded it down, suppressed it with the soul of Gate to Eternity, sealed the body of Heavenly Monarch Rashless in the center of the epoch, and finally he re-applied For the human form, the cross-legged side sits in the Dan world.

At this time, if there is the Heavenly Monarch level Expert, it can be seen that his body is at the center, and the Heavenly Monarch Rashless body stands in it, wrapped in a blazing flame, and begins to be refining.

“33 Skies! Heaven and Earth! Gate to Eternity! Refining the body of Heavenly Monarch!”

He actually used himself, and thirty-three to the treasure, to melt the Heavenly Monarch Rashless into a ray of the era. Once Heavenly Monarch Rashless becomes a glimpse of the epoch, Fang Han can impact the Heavenly Monarch, promoted to the extent of the earth and my immortality.

And just as he refining the Heavenly Monarch Rashless body, the outside has reached the most critical moment.

“The other side of the law, destroy the land!”

“Seven Styles of Ruling, dominating everything!”

“Nine Li Lidi, the ancestors came!”

“Cry the heavens, bury the heavens!”

The plane of the ancient tree, the emperor’s side, the king of Heavenly Monarch, the Mengly Monarch, and the Hua Tiandu, the four giants are combined, and immediately, the old trees guarded by the Danjie are all Broken, the leaves are flying around.

The four Experts, directly killed in front of the portal of Danjie, saw the layer of ambition, blocked on the Danjie portal, Heavenly Monarch difficult to enter.

“Hongmen Hall! It is Hongmeng Hall!”

The emperor screamed at the other side: “I thought that this hall could block the portal and block the Heavenly Monarch from entering Dan.”

“Hong Meng Dian? Hong Meng Daoist, personally created the supreme treasure, equivalent to the entire heaven, once it is acquired, it is equal to master the entire heaven, creating another grand dynasty?”

Heavenly Monarch, the Heavenly Monarch, looks like a young man, standing in front of Hongmeng, facing the Miao Li Heavenly Monarch and Huangfu: “What do you say? Two of us, teamed up and bombarded , suppressing the Hongmen Temple.”

“Hongmeng Temple is an ancient artifact, although it is not an artifact, but it is the supreme treasure, heaven and earth Dongfu. It is best to deal with this cave is also used to treasure to restrain, such as the burial of this day.”

Miao Li Heavenly Monarch looked at Hua Tiandu from afar, and it was a coveted burial.

As a Heavenly Monarch, he naturally knows the horror of this coffin and is most useful for Heavenly Monarch. If the heavens and the earth are dashed, when they hide into the coffin, they will spend 100% of the catastrophe. The Heavenly Monarch will survive the epoch, and there is only a 50% chance.

There are a lot of Heavenly Monarchs, and there are not a few deaths in the catastrophe.

“You, let’s deal with Fang Han is the right way, otherwise he will be promoted to Heavenly Monarch, we will fight.” Hua Tiandu saw that Heavenly Monarch was not good with himself, and quickly said.

Although his Culture Base is comparable to Heavenly Monarch, it is dangerous in front of the three Heavenly Monarchs.

“Hua Heavenly Monarch.” King of Heaven, Monash, Makino: “You and I have some friendships, but now you are called Hua Tiandu, but I will not deal with you, come, urge the celestial burial, restrain the hall I can help you.”

Between the words, a slight shadow appeared on his head and he was exactly the same shape. He flew to Hua Tiandu and fell directly into the body of Hua Tiandu. Immediately, Hua Tiandu whole body Aura arrived at Heavenly Monarch. The realm of the whole body, the idea of ​​the whole body and the Mortal Body, the burial of the burial underneath suddenly broke out the Aura that really buried the heavens.

“Central Marathon empty war warfare!”

Hua Tiandu got blessings and became a potential! It is simply the true strength of the Chinese Heavenly Monarch Mortal Body. He is now the true Heavenly Monarch combat power and realm: “The pastoral wilderness, you finally practiced this tactic, turned into a central country, and realized the essence of the central.”

“Yes, I have already practiced this tactic. I just blessed you with the gods, so that you can really grasp the body of Heavenly Monarch, and you can have three hours of time. This is a person I owe you, now Return it to you.” King of Heaven, Monarch, Wilderness: “Get out together and smash the Hall of Hmong.”

“it is good!”

Hua Tiandu felt that the power was soaring and she got the blessing of the Heavenly Monarch Wilderness of the King of War. All of them were thrown out of the Heavenly Monarch Mortal Body. Now it is equivalent to a true Heavenly Monarch. The burial of the celestial burial is set up. The horrible Aura is from Which is scattered, when the first hit.


That anger was immediately ruptured by a third.

In the burial of the celestial burial, there is a black light that can melt everything, and even the gas of Hongmeng seems to be unable to withstand it.

The other side of the emperor, the Miao Li Heavenly Monarch, the Makino wilderness also shot at the same time, the three Heavenly Monarch shots are killing, the battle, everyone has scattered the power to destroy countless planes, the power is unpredictable.


Linglong saw that Hua Tiandu drove the celestial burial, and knew that the situation was urgent, the danger reached the extreme, her head blew open, standing in the center of the Hongmeng Hall, the Great Desire Technique was fully exerted, one after another Hongmeng wish Spit out, the atmosphere of Hongmeng is more intense in the whole hall, and the array is shining, almost there is a taste of Hongmen Daoist to wake up.

However, immediately after the four Heavenly Monarch level Expert, Magic Force bombarded the Hongmeng Hall.


A lot of Culture Base’s low-level discipline, a blood spurted out, and there was a crack in the body. They urged the image of Hongmeng Temple. Their own Aura was closely related to Hongmeng Temple. In the absence of Heavenly Monarch, the shock was very strong. When they were taken, they were seriously injured.

Even some saints, the Supreme Immortal emperor’s face was pale, apparently suffered little damage.

The four Heavenly Monarchs, just a single blow, made the era gate in the hall of Hongmeng damaged.

However, Hongmeng Palace is still not shaken.

“Fang Han, I want to kill you. When you are about to become Heavenly Monarch, kill you with your own hands and swallow you up, making me a Heavenly Monarch. What a glorious and wonderful moment…” Hua Tiandu, again, again Sacrifice the burial of the celestial burial, and hit the temple of Hongmeng.


Among the halls of Hongmeng, countless golden fairy disciples, blasted, and there was no bone.

Actually there is a discipline to start dying.

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