Eternal Life

Chapter 1418

Chapter 1 418

Although Hongmeng Temple was not ruined by Hua Tiandu, the king of Heavenly Monarch, the Miao Li Heavenly Monarch, and the emperor’s side, but the huge shock power, but made the temple, the lower generation of the discipline of the discipline, the death and injury.

All the golden fairy, as well as the disciples below the golden fairy, all Mortal Body explode, the soul is broken, almost vanished.

The Ancestral Immortal, Primordial Immortal, Sage, and Supreme Immortal were all injured.

If this continues, all the people inside will have to live and be killed.

“Hong Meng reborn great array!”

At this moment, Linglong showed her own strength. Suddenly, she ignited another image. The map was full of rebirth. When it was motivated, the mighty rebirth of light landed. Down, so that many Mortal Body explosions, the broken pieces of the soul, all recovered.

Each of the disciplines, who had reached the edge of death, was suddenly stunned by the light of rebirth, and immediately all the wounds were restored, and all the injuries were restored.

The magical effect of the Hongmeng Hall is at the very moment.

“Hong Meng is trembled and guards all disciples.”

Linglong once again screamed, all the people in the body, there is an armor, ambience, protect the Mortal Body, not to break.

“You must not move the mountain king great array!”

It was also a picture of the rush, and suddenly a huge mountain of Sumi, rose from the depths of the Hongmeng Hall. Repressed all the shocks in the hall of Hongmeng.

Suddenly, the spirit of Hongmeng was stabilized again, and the roads were full of enthusiasm. Once again, the gateway to the Danjie was firmly closed.

“Well? Hong Meng Temple is really wonderful, looking at the other side!”

The other side of the emperor saw the Hongmeng Hall condense again, could not help but anger! His eyes spurred out a ray of light, and actually passed through the Hongmeng Hall and saw some scenes in the Danjie.

The Fang Han was sitting in the depths of the Dan, and was truly settled. Numerous crystal gods revolved around themselves. In the core package of the Crystal God Kingdom, the body of a Heavenly Monarch Rashless was gradually refining.

“Damn! Damn it.” Huangfu said on the other side of the bank: “Fang Han found the body of Heavenly Monarch Rashless in the Dan world and started refining. Once refining, even if it is not promoted to Heavenly Monarch, it can be Fight against us.”

“What? Heavenly Monarch Rashless?”

“It is indeed Heavenly Monarch Rashless. It is rumored that he was the hero of the battle of the Danjies. Later, in order to resist the invasion of the Dan King, he was smothered and killed. It was actually taken by Fang Han and began to refine. This Fang Han is good. It is awesome, and it has realized the realm of the creation of the heavens and the earth. It also brings the 33 Skies to the treasure and cultivation to the realm of heaven and earth. What kind of air transport is this?”

Miao Li’s Heavenly Monarch’s eyes also saw some aspects of the Danjie.

He saw that Fang Han sat down and refining the Heavenly Monarch body. It was also a big surprise.

“The heavens are in the cultivation of the orthodox 33 Skies. Once the cultivation succeeds, it is equivalent to thirty-three Heavenly Monarchs, which is called absolute orthodoxy. Unfortunately, the 33 Skies are still not in the realm of heaven and earth, not orthodox, only heaven and earth. One is the orthodoxy of the artifact. If I kill this Fang Han and capture the 33 Skies, it is possible to gather all the artifacts between the heavens and the earth in the future.”

The king of Heavenly Monarch has some greed.

“Fang Han dares to be like me, refining the Heavenly Monarch corpse! Heavenly Monarch corpse should be mine, only I can have such a big gas.” Hua Tiandu now has three days, the strength of Heavenly Monarch It was also clear that all of this, now, Fang Han actually got the Heavenly Monarch corpse, suddenly angered and burned, can not wait to immediately burst the Hongmen Temple, rushed into it.

“Kill! Heaven is buried Great Dao.”

He bit his tongue, a blood spurted out, fell into the sacred celestial burial, and immediately there was a twisted rune on the coffin. The buried Aura of the heavens became more and more sturdy, and the black light inside was directly The bombardment was on the hall of Hongmeng, and the torn temple of Hongmeng almost showed his own body.

At the same time, the other three Heavenly Monarchs also launched a crazy attack.

On the other side of the emperor’s bank, there was a large ship of the gods, and it hit the Hongmen Hall. Every time the impact, Hongmeng Hall can see the break of one of the arrays, and the light of the array is extinguished.

On the hand of the king of Heavenly Monarch, there is a black, scepter with a huge scepter. It is the treasure of his own refining, “the ruling stick.” When they were thrown out, they became bigger than the Taikoo Mountain. They were heavily bombarded in the hall of Hongmeng, and they also destroyed one of them.

Miao Li Heavenly Monarch is directly urging a fierce long knife, jagged knives, knives are hoes, a knife, and almost want to open the hall of Hongmeng.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! ………

In the hall of Hongmeng, all the disciples were deafening, and the treacherous body was broken again.

Even the Emperor Yu, a blood spurted out, the whole body was broken, and the faith of the Bible appeared on the top of the head, the writing was bleak, and some of their Experts, in order to shelter the discipline, resisted the 90% of the shocks in the Hongmen Hall, and finally endured Can’t live.

Red Sea Demon, also bleeds, the tall magic body stands up, his face is stunned, Devil Qi 滔天: “My brother Red Devils, who can challenge the world of the Buddha, I am not as good as the Senior Brother, but a few small Heavenly Monarch, I also want to kill me.”

He displayed Demonic art, which ruined the earth, and madly urged the image of the Hongmen Temple.

Linglong also raised her strength to the limit. In her heart, there was some anxiety: “Fang Han, Fang Han, the impact of Heavenly Monarch, we can’t support it for a long time, these Heavenly Monarch, extremely terrifying! Heavenly Monarch!”

A Heavenly Monarch is already scary enough. Now four of the Heavenly Monarch-level Experts are attacking at the same time, and they are all furious. If it is not for the Hongmeng Hall, the era gate has been destroyed tens of thousands of times.


Another loud noise, a star map completely lost its brilliance, this week’s star-studded great array, hosted by Stars Sect, was actually destroyed, Xing Yun Baobao, Star Master, and many Elders of Stars Sect. All souls are hit hard.

It is Hua Tiandu outside, showing the burial of the celestial burial, infiltrating the gas of the celestial burial and attacking.

Danger, extreme danger, fell on every discicle in the body of Hongmeng.

Xing Yun Baobao whole body ruptured and shed black blood. He was originally the realm of the ancient capital’s Cultural Base, Life as Heaven and Earth, but now it is a maddening.

Suddenly, Fang Han, sitting in the middle of the Danjie, opened his eyes and blew it in one breath. Immediately in the Danjie, the sun and the moon that were hovering in the millions of rounds were Saint Grade Immortal Pill, rainy. Landed down, blended into the spirit of Fang Han, and then swayed into the hall of Hongmeng and entered the body of Xing Yun Baobao.

Xing Yun Baobao The body began to heal immediately, the black flame burned, and all the poisonous gas was burned out. All the souls were cured and more powerful. Xing Yun Baobao stood up and both hands motivated the star map. More radiant.

His strength, actually upgraded to reach the realm of Heavenly Lord.

Many of the stars in Stars Sect have healed their injuries.

“Danjie medicine pill, integrated into Hongmeng!”

After Fang Han’s eyes opened, the medicine pill in the sky of Dan’s sky kept falling and entered the hall of Hongmeng. They were integrated into many bodies. All the injuries were immediately wounded and the Magic Force skyrocketed. The climbing of the medicine, the medicine pill in the sky of Dan, is endless, just like the stars in the universe. It was bombarded by Fang Han, and it also brought the spirit of his body, Heavenly Monarch idea, into who’s body, who can almost step into the sky.

“He is using the resources of Danjie and urging Hongmen Temple to resist us.”

“Damn, the Saint Grade Immortal Pill in the Danish world is endless. These Saint Grade Immortal Pill are more tyrannical than anyone else’s refining medicine pill. They can even live and die, meat and bones, with the support of these Saint Grade Immortal Pill, those People will not die, the power of Hongmeng Hall seems to be a little bigger than just now, and the array map is also a little more urging.”

“Damn, how can you attack the Hongmen Hall, do you want to use the Heavenly Monarch source?”

“The medicine pill of these Danjies is mine. Originally, the whole Danjie is mine. As I have control over the heavenly resources of the heavens, I am now in the hands of others.” Hua Tiandu’s heart is dripping Blood, the key to the ancient Danjie was his, and was taken away by Fang Han. Otherwise, the resources of Danjie are really his.

“Heavenly Monarch source! Kill!”

At this time, the emperor, the other side, used his own Heavenly Monarch source, waving his hand, cutting the universe, a series of white waves, comparable to the long river of destiny, breaking the bondage of the heavens and the earth, violently attacking the Hongmen Temple, Hongmeng The glory of the temple was completely cut open, showing a solid hall of the body. In the interior of the temple, the map was densely covered, and the emperor’s face was stunned, and the image was destroyed one after another. To cut off the connection between the figures and the map, force the victim’s mind to collapse.

This is his method of bitter sea. Once this Dao technique is reached, the soul and soul will fall into the boundless sea of ​​suffering, unable to extricate themselves, and very vicious.

Seeing the other side of the emperor used the Heavenly Monarch source, the king of Heavenly Monarch, the Miaoli Heavenly Monarch was not to be outdone, and began to use his own Heavenly Monarch source to kill the Hongmen Temple.

Under this time, Hongmeng Hall finally could not support it. The arrays inside were extinguished one by one, and there was no light. The seven dragonflies of the exquisite Immortal Venerable flowed out blood.

at this time.

Fang Han stood up.

The “Heavenly Monarch Rashless” body in his body was broken and shattered by a huge force, rolling Essence Qi into the crystal god of his body. This replicates the Heavenly Monarch Rashless, which has a general number of constant river sands.

Fang Han stood up, and the whole universe was centered on him and he was shaken.

“Heavenly Monarch is robbing, coming! At this moment, I want to get out of the world.”

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