Eternal Life

Chapter 1416

Chapter 1 416

“It’s finally here, and this is the biggest test…”

Feel the powerful Heavenly Monarch Aura, bombarded from the outside world and rushed into the plane of the ancient tree, Fang Han knows that his greatest test has come.


This piece of heaven and earth, exploded everywhere.

Fang Han saw a tyrannical Heavenly Monarch. It was the other side of the emperor that would rush into the Dan world and fight in the plane with those old trees.

Apart from this, there is also a Heavenly Monarch, very young, with his hands empty, without any weapons, but on his head, the true meaning of the ruling appears, it seems that the rule between heaven and earth is general, the wild, the ancient Aura, from It appeared in his body.

This person is the Makino family, the wilderness, the king of Heavenly Monarch.

Created the Supreme Divine Ability Martial art of Seven Styles of Ruling, the last promoted Heavenly Monarch of Heaven. Since then, no one in heaven has been promoted to Heavenly Monarch.

Apart from this, there is also a Heavenly Monarch, tall, whole body is tattoo, actually the barbarian “Miao Li Heavenly Monarch” once besieged the heavens, between the fingers, to kill Fang Han’s barbarian Heavenly Monarch.

Apart from this , Fang Han also saw a huge coffin, suddenly broke into the plane of the ancient tree, facing the door of the Dan world, surging.

Some old trees have collapsed, and the coffin seems to be the nemesis of ancient trees.

The burial of heaven.

Create the shackles that Xian Wang has created for himself.

Naturally it is Hua Tiandu.

Hua Tiandu’s Dao technique is also refined.

For a time, the emperor’s bank, the pastoral wilderness, Miao Li Heavenly Monarch, Hua Tiandu, actually came one after another, facing the Danjie portal hard, not allowed Fang Han to get a sleepy Divine Pill.

For all of this, Fang Han knows in his heart that he has been prepared. He has received the message of the key to the Dan world. It is possible to pass the past. The emperor knows that he must invite the Expert to come and snatch it. Occupy the treasures of the legend of the ancient Dan.

There are so many enemies in his life. The three biggest Heavenly Monarchs, Hua Tiandu, may even be the first wave, followed by Expert, which will come in continuously.

The ancient tree plane outside the gate of the Danjie, although powerful, can not withstand so many Expert attacks. The old trees are broken under the boundless Magic Force, and they are about to hit the Danjie portal. front.

“桫椤古树, listen to my command, cover the sky, the ancient vines are empty…” Fang Han saw such a scene, suddenly waved his hand, the “key spoon” shape in his hand changed, actually turned into a big tree Something, splashing out the green light, mobilizing the Danjie spirit, and blessing the plane of the ancient tree.

For a time, the ancient trees of the old trees, all the ancient trees that were attacked by Heavenly Monarch have been reborn again.

The key to the Danjie, mobilizing the Danjie spirit, blessing the plane of the ancient tree, greatly increased the forbidden art of this ancient tree plane, able to withstand the attack of Heavenly Monarch.

However, there are too many Heavenly Monarchs, and there are three of them. There is also a Hua Tiandu with the celestial burial. Although it is not Heavenly Monarch, Mortal Body is also Heavenly Monarch, and the burial of the celestial burial, for the old trees There is great restraint, and the burial of the heavens is simply the equivalent of the Hongmeng Temple.

These characters violently attacked together, and the plane of the old trees really did not last long.

And Fang Han can’t close the Danjie portal now.

As soon as the ancient Danjie portal was opened, the seal of the Lord of the Dans began to loosen. Unless Fang Han cultivation arrived at Heavenly Monarch, the seal refining seal could be re-opened. Otherwise, it would not be possible to close again. To the extent, otherwise, he now closes the door and lets these Heavenly Monarchs die outside.

“Exquisite! You are fully urging the Hongmeng Hall, blocking the front of the Danjie portal, not allowing the Heavenly Monarch to enter, I charge the sleeping Divine Pill! You delay for a while, as long as you delay for a while, I can make the sleeping Divine Pill collects, swallows, and impacts Heavenly Monarch! Then he goes out and sweeps the world.”

Fang Han shouted, knowing that the most critical and most stressful moment has arrived, and it is the biggest number of robberies since his life. Once he succeeds, he will not be ruined and eternal. If he fails, he will fall into the hands. After that, he fell into the infinite purgatory, and his life was so miserable.

Fang Han can’t believe that the emperor’s side, the Miao Li Heavenly Monarch, the king of war, the Heavenly Monarch, the wilderness, the evil spirits will let go of themselves.

“Good! All the disciplines disciple, all orders, all of you, urging the Hongmen Temple, blocking the gateway to the Danjie, no Heavenly Monarch is allowed to enter.” Linglong also immediately commanded the commander, her huge Life essence burning So that more maps are motivated.

And Yu Huang, Xing Yun Baobao, Chi Hai Mo Zun … and other Experts, also know a lot, the mood is stirring, but the blood is boiling, one by one, each of them, sitting in the various cultivation sites of Hongmeng Hall, all burning life , began to mobilize the map, everyone is struggling!


“All the era gate disciplines, all spelled, all burning life, as long as they can insist on the door to collect the sleeping Divine Pill, the door owner can be in the Dan world, promoted to the top of the Heavenly Monarch, we can later Sheltered by Heavenly Monarch, it’s not going to be worn!”

“Fight! Burning life!”

“Show the last desperate means to motivate the forbidden art of Hongmen Hall!”

“Block the portal and win time for the owner!”………

All the era gates thousand thousand absolutely expert, discipline, up to Life as Heaven and Earth, comparable to the Heavenly Lord’s tyrannical existence, down to the Jinxian discrimination, all of them, began to burn their own life, a moment, the fierce Aura, It is filled in the hall of Hongmeng.

In the depths of the Hongmeng Hall, the door of the Hongmeng was trembled, and the light of the glory was scattered. The scent of the sinister hangs down and completely blocked the gateway of the Danjie, making Heavenly Monarch unable to enter.

And Fang Han stunned, the body left the Hongmeng Hall, reached the center of the Danjie, a little shock, the key of the Danjie in the hand was aimed at the distance, the incomparably huge all the above is the golden light, the flowers , Huagai………the pagoda.

On the top of the pagoda, sitting on a Heavenly Monarch Mortal Body is a sleeping Divine Pill!

Make Divine Pill, Heavenly Monarch. Every move, there are shocking, weeping ghosts, breaking the majesty of the heavens, even if it is fallen, the ordinary ancient emperor can not be close, otherwise it will be shocked to death.

Fang Han quickly pushed into this Heavenly Monarch, getting closer and closer, Heavenly Monarch’s Aura couldn’t stop him. He thoroughly understood that the pagoda was made by Aura of Heavenly Monarch, not a magical treasure, and the scent of Dan has been condensed into stone, turned into a precious pagoda, and stored in the Heavenly Monarch Mortal Body.

The Heavenly Monarch Mortal Body, sitting on the pagoda, is tall, sturdy and majestic. It is a Middle-aged man, the skin of the whole body, with a soft luster that is almost comparable to the artifacts in the body. The ancient and powerful power is like the river of destiny, eternal rushing.

The only difference is that this Middle-aged man, with a dark and deep blood hole in the eyebrows, seems to be fatal, causing the Heavenly Monarch to die directly, all the thoughts dissipated, in the blood hole, The rich Aura is passed from above.

“This Heavenly Monarch, not sleeping, but already dead. Killed by people, one finger across infinite distance and time, direct bombardment into the Dan world, kill Heavenly Monarch, what is the ability? That blood hole In the middle, the rich Divine Strength! is the creator of the immortal king, and it is absolutely only possible to make it.”

Fang Han immediately calculated that the Heavenly Monarch, the avatar of Divine Pill, was killed by the genius.

Now, the body of this Heavenly Monarch is placed in front of Fang Han, not far from the pagoda, waiting for people to ask for it, a dead Heavenly Monarch, although there is still an immortal majesty, but still For Fang Han, it is the best tonic!

“In this Danian world? Is there a Heavenly Monarch? There is a Heavenly Monarch? According to the ancient Taoist history, there are five Heavenly Monarch Experts in the ancient Dan, all of which are made by Divine Pill, and one Lord of the Dan, why do you see the body of Heavenly Monarch now?”

Fang Han’s eyes, sweeping the entire ancient Danjie, although did not see through the deepest mysteries, but did not feel the Aura of the other Heavenly Monarch body.

He can’t help but have some doubts.

However, he felt that there were some mysteries waiting for him to explore in the depths of Dan.

Perhaps, the Lord of the Danes has another four Heavenly Monarchs, all sleeping in the depths of the Dan world, and they have blocked themselves and said that they are not necessarily.

These are not to deal with him, refining this Heavenly Monarch made Divine Pill, enough for Fang Han to have a 10% grasp, impact Heavenly Monarch big.

“This Heavenly Monarch, you have fallen, I will use your body for a long time.” Without further ado, Fang Han didn’t want to think about it. He took the big hand and used the Mortal Body, the vastness of the crystal godland, facing The Heavenly Monarch Mortal Body grabbed the past and connected the pagodas into the hands.

“The era of the gods, seal.”


Suddenly, the body of Heavenly Monarch felt the Aura of Fang Han, and suddenly he opened his eyes and opened his eyes. The blood hole gradually healed, and his eyes showed a fierce killing, like a handle. The peerless soldiers, recovering from the seal, skyrocketed, only shocked, and Fang Han’s big hand was shaken open, and the pagoda under his body split open and turned into a Dan, blending his body. .

“Who dares to break into Danjie and move me to Heavenly Monarch Rashless!”

“Excuse me the body of Heavenly Monarch, sin is not forgiven, kill without mercy.”

“青龙嫉主! White Tiger corpse! Suzaku weeping! Xuanwu water! Kill!”


This Heavenly Monarch, who was awakened, suddenly made four big kills, roared and roared, and went to school in ancient times. He evolved the four-phase true self and smashed against Fang Han.

Fang Han didn’t move at all. “Heavenly Monarch Yu Wei, although he died, can still shake the eight ridiculous **.” He knows that this is not the Heavenly Monarch resurrection, but the Heavenly Monarch’s unyielding will, escaping No dignity.

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