Eternal Life

Chapter 1415

Chapter 1,145

In the aurora belt, it is inherently dangerous. It is one of the only places in the heavens. The surging aurora frenzy can directly melt the ancient emperor, and the beasts are even more powerful, equivalent to the Heavenly Lord Cultivation Base above the ancient emperor. With a natural advantage, unless the Heavenly Monarch level of supremacy can surrender to them, anyone who wants to catch them has only one dead word.

Heavenly Jedi, all kinds of, very dangerous, do not know how many people who do not know how to give life.

If there is no Hongmeng Hall, the whole person of Jiyuanmen may not live a few.

Of course, Fang Han’s current Culture Base is already infinitely close to Heavenly Monarch’s realm, showing three hundred times more power, and even attacking the equivalent of Heavenly Monarch.

His era of ecstasy, just now has refined.

Sealing Heavenly Lord directly, does not cost a lot of effort, let alone, he also cooperated with the power of Hongmeng Hall?

Next, Hongmeng Temple traveled in the ocean with endless aurora and exercised to Dan. Fang Han, however, is a cultivation in his spare time. He keeps running the epoch and kills the huge beasts in the aurora ocean. Then he threw it to Elder of His Majesty’s Era Gate and sealed it in his own weapon, magical treasure.

The light is shining.

A piece of King Grade Immortal Artifact was born.

In the ocean of this aurora, there are so many huge beasts that are swam, and they are sealed by Fang Han. When the shuttle reaches the edge of the aurora belt, hundreds of King Grade Immortal Artifacts are directly born.

Some of the core figures of the era gate, such as the Emperor, the Emperor of the Seven Life as Heaven and Earth, and some other Supreme Masters, at this moment, the whole body is King Grade Immortal Artifact, all in all. Armor, ring, weapon, and even boots are King Grade Immortal Artifact.

Everyone’s combat power has skyrocketed.

Fang Han is full of confidence, waiting for himself to enter the Danjie, and he will become Heavenly Monarch. He will create a series of Experts and condense. He will stand up against heaven and become the four forces of heaven, and heaven, the holy place of truth, and the origin of the dynasty. .

In fact, the strength of many Experts in the epoch gate is no longer under heaven, or even out, but if a sect really looks at the core, it still has to look at Heavenly Monarch.

A martial art without Heavenly Monarch, and then tyrannical, is also a bean curd. It may be on the verge of extinction at any time.

“I finally got this aurora belt, look!”

During the rumbling of the rumble, all the people in the hall of Hongmeng saw the disappearance of the front light, and then passed the smell of a medicinal fragrance from the outside, and actually reached a huge plane.

This plane, the world is vast, there are large ancient trees everywhere, one piece is connected, these ancient trees are filled in the air, the branches and leaves block the entire plane.

Fang Han saw the depths of these ancient tree planes at a glance, and stood an ancient portal, the entrance to the gateway to the ancient Dan.

However, those ancient trees, each plant is deeply rooted into the void, the branches and leaves do not know how long, each branch is a whip, you can blast the imperial.

“These are ancient trees, the trees of the ancient god of war, and the lethality is extremely tyrannical. They were planted at the entrance of the Danjie by the head of the ancient Danjie, forming a plane.” Linglong looked at these ancient trees, and the heart had a lingering road: ” These ancient trees have been cultivated for hundreds of millions of years. Although they are not comparable to Heavenly Monarch, they can be combined to resist the invasion of Heavenly Monarch. The former King of Heavenly Monarch came here and was trapped. Divine Ability, who performed the Seven Styles of Ruling, was separated from here, but unfortunately did not open the door to Dan.”

“Exquisite, you ascend into the heavens, although you have been practicing in the hall of Hongmeng, but the allusions of the heavens know a lot.”

Fang Han drove Hong Mengdian to stay outside this plane. Instead of swaying, he observed the plane where the ancient trees were planted. It seems to be trying to figure out how to get into it.

Suddenly, he grabbed a big hand and turned out a palm that was as big as the ancient city of Zhongzhou. He grabbed the face against the face.

The palm of the hand just infiltrated into the plane of the plane. In the immediate moment, the murderer swelled and boiled forever, and the branches and leaves of the endless ancient trees suddenly flew out and slammed against the palm of the hand.

Uh… the endless attack is simply the equivalent of Heavenly Monarch, which beats Fang Han’s palm explosion and turns it into the purest spirit.

“Sure enough, even the Heavenly Monarch should be taboo.”

After recovering his strength, Fang Han was secretly shocked, and a green light flowed through his hand, and the powerful lethality was released from it. This is the murderousness of the ancient trees. The palm of the hand that has just been blasted is his illusion, not his sacred body, but it is also seen that the savage ancient tree in the plane is indeed tyrannical, and has reached the level of Heavenly Monarch.

“The stronger the better, the stronger, the more the ancient Danjie can be our dojo.” Fang Han’s face showed a smile, and the green light flew into the hand of a key, and was suddenly Surrender, smashing away, “This is the key to the ancient Danjie, it really is extraordinary, I have mastered this key, is the inheritor of the Dan world, the ancient tree will not attack me, enter the Dan world, easy .”

It turned out that Fang Han’s palm was just a temptation. At the same time, he grabbed the murderousness of the old tree and looked at the restraint of the key to the Danjie. He never acted recklessly. Instead, he asked for the stone and asked for it. intend.

Calculated by his current way, it is nothing to lose.

“Fortunately, this moment’s spoon can really restrain the forbidden art of Danjie, let’s enter it now. When you really master the Danjie, open the Danjie portal, the old tree in the outer plane will come The more powerful it is, the more you need to talk about it.” Linglong Immortal Venerable also has some expectations.

“Go! Go into it!”

Fang Han spurted out of the air, and suddenly the key of the palm of the hand, the light shines, actually wrapped the entire Hongmeng Hall, rushed into the plane of this ancient tree, and surely there is the protection of the key, Fang Han and others did not receive any attack, so they rushed into the depths of the plane and came to the huge, ancient, vine-wrapped Danjie portal.

The portal of Danjie is a stone color, natural, without any traces of artificial excavation. It seems to be naturally formed. The upper corners are irregular. The mottled Aura left over from the years, on the stone gate, the seal of the road. Aura, which can destroy the heavens, is Aura, the seal of the ancient Dan, who used life to seal. Even if the Heavenly Monarch attacked, it would be seriously injured.

Since ancient times, there have been a few Heavenly Monarchs on the Treasure of the ancient Dan, and even the Emperor, Eternal, Chaos, Disaster, Killing, these Heavenly Monarch have also made up their minds, but they have all failed. Only when they find the key to the Dan world can they enter. among them.

When Fang Han landed in front of the portal, he saw a keyhole above the portal, and the key to the moment was just right. Once the key was inserted, the Danjie, which had been sealed for a long time in history, would open and be displayed in front of the world. .

Taking a long breath, Fang Han’s mood calmed down completely. When he opened the door to the ancient Dan, it meant that he would come when he was promoted to Heavenly Monarch.

The moment of glory of Myriad Heavenly Domain is coming soon.

I don’t know why, his mind is getting calmer and calmer. It seems to be the Gate to Eternity that exists in the depths of heaven and even in a higher world.

Kā chā.

His hand swayed, and the key to the moment was inserted into the keyhole of the door of the Danjie.

The light circulates, all the sounds are silent, and the whole plane loses its color in time and space. After a while, the portal of Danjie rumbling and shaking, all the old trees in the plane began to boil, it seems to be cheering, ecstatic, and It seems to be a scream in hysteria.

A crevice was opened, and suddenly, the mighty Dan, rushed out, the Hongmeng Hall seemed to be a reef in the torrent, hit by a bump, and was torn by the waves of Dan.

Dan gas rushed into the old tree, all the old trees grew again, and more ancient trees emerged from them.

The Magic Force is more and more sturdy around the gate of the Danjie Gate, but Fang Han, who has the key to the Danjie, feels a sense of coming from the Dan world and begins to infiltrate into the body. The chapter of civilization history has expanded.

At this moment, he seems to be accepting the inheritance.


Finally, the door of the Danjie, all open, the key flew out and fell into the hands of Fang Han. No one can take it away. This key was washed by the Lesser Karma Technique and cut off his fate. Even the Lord of the Dans is afraid that he can’t take it back. With this key, he really got the inheritance of Dan.

When the door of Danjie is opened, you will see the vast expanse of heaven and earth. The sky is full of thousands of rounds of the sun. Every round of the sun is not a real sun, but a powerful medicine pill.

Apart from this, Fang Han also saw many of the tall peaks, long rivers and oceans in the Danjie world.

There is even a huge statue, like the pagodas of the eight floating sects. These pagodas are all made by medicine pill.

King Grade Immortal Pill, Saint Grade Immortal Pill, is almost everywhere, in the Dan world, is the existence of sediment.

Fang Han even saw the sky, many bright moons, the sun, the power of the medicine pill, not under the Heavenly Lord, and some even can be beautiful.

However, in this Danjie, there is no vitality of Aura, those medicine pill, have lost their spirituality, will, seems to be in the ancient times, there is a power, suddenly bombarded in, killing all the medicine pill, Now all the medicine pill is left, only the purest medicine.

“The distance is…”

Fang Han At this time, his eyes looked at the deepest part of the Danjie. The first thing that caught his eye was an incomparable pagoda. The pagoda showed a bright yellow color, countless golden lights, enamel, surrounded by Huagai, at the top of the pagoda. On the top, there is a person sitting on the side. This person is tall and tall, and the god is like a god. Aura of Heavenly Monarch is scattered and makes people worship.

“This is….made Heavenly Monarch by Divine Pill!”


Suddenly, from the outside of Dan, the powerful Heavenly Monarch Aura rushed in. Actually, there is Heavenly Monarch. When you open the Dan world by Fang Han, you have to rush in to share a piece of cake, or even kill Fang Han, occupying Danjie.

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