Eternal Life

Chapter 1364

The torn catastrophe re-differentiated.

Each piece was turned into a form of oneself and began to escape. Now the leader of the Supreme Master has been completely afraid of Fang Han.


Fang Han screamed, and the body of the catastrophe that had just escaped began to burst again. Many of the magical treasures flew out, and the spirits, the veins, and even the magical treasure sacs were torn open.

Two sturdy King Grade Immortal Artifacts appeared.

As the leader of the Extreme Unity Sect, the catastrophe is not lacking. The two sturdy King Grade Immortal Artifacts are a purple and a green sword. It is a famous earthquake, Extreme Unity Sect The treasure of true teaching, male and female sword! One female and one male, Yin and Yang are opposite. The sacrifice can evolve Taiji, the mother of all things, and the power of every sword is not under the edge of glory. The combination of double swords can kill the emperor.

Unfortunately, the disaster lord knows that this pair of treasure is not the opponent of Fang Han, so there is no sacrifice at the beginning, fearing that the damage is damaged.

But now it still can’t escape the shattered end.

Sucking…Fang Han’s body swelled up, and the invading catastrophic emperor all connected the magical treasure into the body, and the catastrophe screamed again and again, but to no avail.

In the end, he came out of the last arrogance of hysteria.

“Fang Han, I won’t let you go, I curse you…”

The sound stopped short and died.

The Sectmaster of Extreme Unity Sect was swallowed by Fang Han in this way.

Swallowing the Extreme Unity Sect Headmaster Extreme, Fang Han screams in the sky, the body is more dense, and the air of the bright yellow color flows like blood, rushing toward his body.

“The blood of Xuanhuang!”

The Emperor Huang was shocked and just wanted to shoot, but he saw the mysterious yellow blood flow, and could not help but retreat: “What the hell is going on, his natural robbery will appear the blood of the black and yellow!”

“The blood of Xuanhuang!”

The Great Dao of Huangfu almost scared to death. “Impossible. Is he promoted to the Heavenly Monarch realm? When my ancestor was promoted to Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, the robbery would fall down to the blood of Xuanhuang and baptize. In the rumor, The blood of Xuanhuang is the most mysterious, killing, and melting of all things in the heavens and the earth. Each drop can tear the Emperor of Life as Heaven and Earth, and the body passes through the blood of Xuanhuang. The baptism of the baptism can invincible the world, and even withstand the catastrophe of the destruction of heaven and earth.”

“Don’t panic!”

The Emperor Huang screamed: “The blood of his Xuan Huang is not strong. In the rumor, the Heavenly Monarch robbery is the blood of Xuan Huang, turned into a black blood Blood Mine, bursting from the inside out He is too strong and forced to plunder the fragments of the artifacts, so there will be a short-lived condense of blood, washing the body to make the body strong, but this is also very horrible, once the washing is successful, his body will be tyrannical like never before. !”

“What should I do, 羲皇, do you just watch him robbery like this?” Huang Dabao Great Dao hurriedly said: “Do you want to summon Heavenly Monarch?”

“I’m afraid not. At present, the heavens are in great difficulty. The ancient seven great emperors actually spurred the great axe of the ancestor’s sacred king. The Heavenly Monarch of the heavens must suppress the seal of the end of the king, and must fight against the enemy. I only summoned the gun of the trial, and combined the power of the two to seal the demon head Fang Han, suppress it in the depths of heaven, and then wait for this heaven to deal with the crisis and let Heavenly Monarch kill him.”

The emperor’s god is flashing.

“Hey, hey, you want to kill me with the gun of the trial? I welcome the extreme, you are not afraid to attack me now, afraid of the blood of mysterious yellow in my robbery? Good, very good, you dare not Come kill me, I will kill you! Emperor Huang, you call the first ancient emperor of Heaven, Heavenly Monarch can not kill you, I have to look at it today, I will not kill you!”

Fang Han suddenly turned around and swallowed the catastrophe and the male and female swords. He was subjected to the baptism of the blood of Xuanhuang and infiltrated into the crystal god country. The crystal god country once again gave birth to earth-shaking changes, as if the heavens and the earth were shattered. All the kingdoms of the country have been transformed into hun-chao and re-emerged in a new world.

He did not expect that his own robbery would be fierce to such an extent, leading the most mysterious black and yellow between the heavens and the earth, condense into blood, the most body to wash.

This is the manifestation of the Heavenly Monarch robbery.

However, the general catastrophe really does not work for him.

In this “Life as Heaven and Earth” catastrophe, many ancient demons appeared in the world, and each ancient demon could kill the Supreme Master, but unfortunately, when it fell to the head of Fang Han, it was shattered.

The repeated catastrophe has caused Fang Han’s ruin.

But at the end of the day, the gas of Xuanhuang condensed and turned into the blood of Xuanhuang, and the lethality appeared. The rumored blood of Xuanhuang, every drop, can melt several King Grade Immortal Artifact, used to wash the whole body, it is to find death.

Among the countless eras, many of the ancient emperors who were more tyrannical than the Emperor Huang had to attack Heavenly Monarch, but when they were robbed, they were directly melted by the blood of Xuanhuang, and there was no bones in the world.

Although the Emperor is very powerful, it is far from reaching the time when he passed the Heavenly Monarch.

Even, he has no way to lead Heavenly Monarch.

From the realm of “Life as Heaven and Earth” to “Heavenly Monarch”, I don’t know how many ways to go, even more difficult than the ordinary people’s cultivation reaches the realm of “Life as Heaven and Earth”.

Less than Heavenly Monarch, they are all ants, and they can’t escape. The number of robbers is on the head, and the ash is annihilated.

The blood of Xuanhuang penetrated into the body of Fang Han. The current crystal god country has a tendency to melt, but there are still a large number of artifacts in the body, which are slightly vibrating. These fragments disintegrate and merge with the blood of Xuanhuang. Almost let Fang Han’s body undergo a process of annihilation and the creation of everything from hun.

Fang Han’s body has undergone repeated baptisms, and this time it has finally become a big success.

And 33 Skies is in the midst of continuous baptism, and the thirty-three pieces of treasure are all turned into King Grade Immortal Artifact ups and downs in the boundless power of creation.

Fang Han communicated and immediately felt that he could play 360 times as much as he could with 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist!

Nothing wrong, the multiplication of the force has completely broken through thirty-three times, reaching the horror of three hundred and thirty times.

This is the magical point of the 33 Skies cultivation that has reached the King Grade Immortal Artifact. In the rumor, if 33 Skies breaks through the realm of King Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, it can smash three thousand times.

However, with a hundred and thirty times of combat power, I don’t know how many days of vitality. Nothing wrong, it is pure heavenly vitality, not a holy thread.

Fang Han’s strength is too strong, and he has smashed three hundred and thirty times. Although it is impossible to say that it is comparable to Heavenly Monarch, it can definitely kill all the ancient emperors!

It is a pity that the vitality of his body is not enough for him to display once. But its own strength, it can almost dominate the world, sweeping the universe.

“Devouring the mysterious yellow!”

Fang Han One finger day, all the blood of Xuanhuang entered the body. Both Emperor Huang and Huang Da Dao saw a rule that broke all the rules and was closely integrated with the heavens and the earth.

This is to show that he has all accommodated the blood of Xuanhuang, quenching the body, and completely reaching the realm of “Life as Heaven and Earth”. He will not die.

Shou and Tian Qi.

The extremely horrible Aura, coming out of his body, is a murderous enough to make the Emperor Great Dao tremble.

Now Fang Han, a look can almost tear his body Astral Qi, seriously injured him.

Unless it is the Heavenly Monarch, it is impossible to surrender and suppress him.

“Yuhuang, Huangpu Great Dao, both of you are going to die here today.” Fang Han is really proud at this moment. He looks up at the sky, casts a layer of mi fog, sees the distant future, and feels Heavenly. The realm of Monarch.

I have never had this moment, he has such strong self-confidence, and he has never had this moment. He has such power.


His physical strength exploded and directly tore the many planets in this treasure house! Hey! Centered on his own, there are dozens of planets that store powerful .magical treasures that have become a powder. The magical treasures of King Seal, King Grade Immortal Artifact, and Saint Grade Immortal Pill have been shot.

These King Grade Immortal Artifacts, Saint Grade Immortal Artifacts, have powerful powers that are comparable to the ancient emperors. When they fly out, they will attack the enemy of Fang Han, the invasion of heaven.

However, Fang Han has a five-finger one, including the sturdy King Grade Immortal Artifact and the Saint Grade Immortal Pill. The body is screamed with the power of a mysterious yellow scream, and the soul is turned into nothing. They all fell into the palm of Fang Han.

“Damn!” The Emperor’s heart hurts and chou squats: “There are so many King Grade Immortal Artifacts, there are thirteen pieces, all of which were forged in the ancient times when the sacred king was still there, and they all fell into the hands of the thief. .”

Just between this distress, Fang Han has been carrying the rolling power to come to him and the Great Dao! A fist hit, between the fists, there immediately appeared a vortex that could swallow the universe, pulling the great Dao face between the emperor, and retreating again and again, until now, he has thoroughly thoroughly opposed Fang Han Lost confidence and sorrow.

“Alright, Fang Han, I will really fight you, see how far you have arrived!” The Emperor saw Fang Han punching his fists and his face was firmer than ever: “You are so wonderful, in an era Rarely, I am the beginning of the beginning of the door, and I will use your hand to prove that there is no way to Heavenly Monarch!”


One after another, the celestial emperor rises up one after another. In the twinkling of an hour, with him as the center, there are thousands of celestial suns, one after another, a book that emerges in the hot sun, and four large characters appear on it. through”.

This is a book of his own Constitution Base Divine Ability Great Dao, which is the same as that of Fang Han’s epoch. Now he has sacrificed his core Martial art, and he has to fight with Fang Han.

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