Eternal Life

Chapter 1363

First thousand three hundred and sixty-three chapters

“Give me!” The Emperor squatted to Fang Han, and he continued to know that Fang Han was a fierce god. Even the Emperor killed him. He will definitely not let him go. He now comes to the treasure house of heaven and absorbs it. Making artifacts and fragments, this is a ruin, and the heavens are taboo.

The creations are dare to swear, and the Emperor knows that Fang Han is more lawless than he imagined.

Killing him is a trivial matter, nothing to dare.

“I don’t think you are a prince, but there is also a day of squatting, but it is too late.” Fang Han didn’t look at it. One finger blew past, and the emperor who squatted on the ground exploded suddenly. After the blast, the soul was completely Disappeared in formless, no longer see any traces, he entered the 33 Skies into the depths of Essence Qi.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! …….

33 Skies in the treasure of Zhou Tianyi, first became King Grade Immortal Artifact.

Jun Cangsheng also screamed again and again, in the final stage of madness. Fang Han did not show mercy, the six-word mantra came out, and all the memories were smashed, and the soul turned into nothingness.

Jun Cangsheng, the Powerhouse of the Heavenly Monarch reincarnation, completely vanished, all Divine Ability, means, spells, and insights into Dao technique were completely absorbed by Fang Han.

The vast Supreme Immortal rule, Life as Heaven and Earth’s Great Dao textures are all infused into the 33 Skies, in conjunction with Fang Han’s Gate to Eternity.

Suddenly, the Tianjia, Optimus Prime……. A few pieces of treasure to the King Grade Immortal Artifact.

The fragments of the planet’s creational artifacts trembled again, seemingly to be swallowed into the shadow of Gate to Eternity, and the power of Fang Han has multiplied.

“Running, artifacts add! The law is jiao weaving, infinite Great Dao.”

Fang Han screamed and shouted again. Suddenly, the sky was bursting all over the place. In the midst of it, countless Essence Qi emerged from the body, turned into a big dragon, interpreted change, and again condense into a big emperor. Supreme Immortal rule.

This is his own law, which is more crude and tyrannical than Jun Cangsheng.

However, just when Jun Cangsheng was sacrificial refining to the last trace of Essence Qi, suddenly, a sturdy and sturdy atmosphere appeared, and Fang Han saw a long-sleeved white Changhong, Aura than The Miao Li Heavenly Monarch has a lot of tyranny, and move towards itself.

“This is a Heavenly Monarch rule, there is no wake up! Good opportunity! Waiting for this moment, got this Heavenly Monarch rule, I have made the 33 Skies into a King Grade Immortal Artifact more likely, a Heavenly Monarch rule It is simply the blood sacrifice of the emperor of countless respects!” Fang Han was overjoyed, and an Essence Qi concentrated package, suppressed, and the Heavenly Monarch rule that was awakened in an instant was suppressed, and 33 Skies was entered into the treasure. To Heavenly Gate.


To the Heavenly Gate, the Passive, accepting the Heavenly Monarch rule, the huge Essence Qi ran away again, the Tiangong, the rooftop, the sky mark…. I don’t know how many imaginary shadows are slow, and the emperor’s thoughts flash Non-stop, hua, poetry, supreme Aura, collided.

King Grade Immortal Artifact became.

Originally, the Heavenly Gate was the most difficult King Grade Immortal Artifact, and it was only after all the treasures were converted to King Grade Immortal Artifact that it was finally promoted, but now it is completely advanced after swallowing the Heavenly Monarch rule. It is.

The Heavenly Monarch rule breaks the rules. Because this law is no longer part of Immortal.


To Heavenly Gate, to the King Grade Immortal Artifact, 33 Skies was promoted even faster, and between the tremors of the wreckage of the artifacts, one after another, the explosion was promoted.

The fragments of the planet finally produced cracks and were swallowed up by Fang Han.

In addition to the promotion of 33 Skies, Fang Han’s Dao technique has been honed, to advance with leaps and bounds, and every magical treasure has made considerable progress, which is bigger than the original power. a lot of.

Especially in the crystal of the gods, the grains have evolved into the real scenes of heaven, 100,000 states, and even many wild areas, and between the crystal gods, there are many magical treasures such as 33 Skies. The shadow of the sky.

It seems that his crystal god country can copy magical treasure in general.

When 33 Skies refines and refines artifacts, his crystal god country is also refining, and after a large number of fragments melt, it enters the crystal god country, supplementing the power and cooperating with his heaven and earth.

He gets more benefits than 33 Skies.

Because 33 Skies does not have the realm of heaven and earth, and his body is an authentic world, it is more likely to resonate with the fragments of the artifacts.

His current body is already ruined. If he goes out, I am afraid that even if he encounters Miao Li Heavenly Monarch, there will be no damage.

At this time, his body, Magic Force, and Dao technique have all been completely smashed, and even the gun of judgment.


The fragments of the planet-sized artifacts, the cracks on the cracks finally expanded, then disintegrated and exploded. The huge fragments flew over to Fang Han.

“I want to make Heavenly Monarch unable to kill me. I want to attack the Heavenly Monarch in the near future, climb the peak of this heavenly power, take off the age, and live a hun!”

Fang Han growled in the sky and inhaled all of the pieces.

More crystallized crystals in the body rushed out and forced him to explode.

“Life as Heaven and Earth !Life as Heaven and Earth! The impact! Really lead to the robbery, make me promote, this world is not destroyed, I will not die, the sun and the moon are immortal, I will be immortal! I have the infinite world together life!”

With tremendous strength throughout the body, Fang Han is so comfortable that he changes back to his body again. The fragments of the planet-sized artifacts are in the body, and most of them are not refining, which will be completely absorbed after the melting of the days. But now, he also has enough capital to impact the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, the realm has improved, and he can accommodate more power.

And the gun of the trial, such as the Emperor of the Emperor, if the realm is not enough, it will cause fatal defects.

Even with Heavenly Monarch jiao, the realm is not enough, it will be completely suppressed, and it will die.

The robbery cloud on the top of Fang Han appeared, and the horrible Aura came from the air and went without a trace. At this time, a demon world seems to have appeared in the robbery cloud, this is the real robbery, Immortal’s last layer of robbery, Life as Heaven and Earth’s robbery.

After passing, the real life and the heavens are in harmony.

It’s such a cruelty.

“not good!”

Just on the head of Fang Han, the moment of the robbery cloud, the Emperor Huang, the Great Dao, the disaster emperor came in. I saw this scene.

The emperor’s face changed: “The original purpose is to create artifacts! He is now refining! This fragment of the artifact is the legacy of the king. As a commemoration, no one can move! He is so bold. That is Heaven and Earth Demon! The ancient demon will appear, he is in the robbery! Once you have passed the past, refining all the fragments, he will truly become the first person under Heavenly Monarch! Even I am not his opponent, heaven and earth Will become a blood sea!”

Emperor Huang really feels that everything is out of his control.

Unexpectedly, the ultimate goal of Fang Han is actually this, and now the power of Fang Han can no longer be described in words. If he does not use the power of the forbidden art of heaven, he will not be able to suppress it. It is not impossible to be injured by him.

“It really can’t make him promote. When he is robbed by him, he will kill him!”

The catastrophe saw the cheap, the body was turned into a disaster gas, rushed up, the Fengshen stone monument expanded, turned into a Tongtian stone bridge, attacking Fang Han.

Where do you know that Fang Han’s eyes are shining, and he’s coming over, and the stone bridge that has been turned into a stone monument is steamed, and it’s transformed into a lot of stone charms, which is directly integrated into his body. The existential stone monument was directly plundered by Fang Han. The catastrophe can’t protect it.

“Disaster, be careful!”

When Huang Huang looked, his face changed greatly, and there was a round of scorching sun on his hand. Haohao dangdang, move towards Fang Han attack and crush.

“It’s only a moment to save, it’s late!” Fang Han’s eyes flashed, and the group’s sacred day was turned into True fire, which burst between the heavens and the earth. He only used his gaze to defeat the attack of the Emperor. The attack of the first emperor is now in his eyes, nothing at all.

“The disaster emperor, you are dead today, you don’t dodge, merge into my magical treasure, no suffering!”

Fang Han defeated the Emperor’s attack, hehe! When the body disappeared, it appeared in front of the catastrophe.

The catastrophe was already horrified at this time, lost the stone monument, and was about to sacrifice a more magical treasure battle, but the tyrannical Aura has appeared in front of him.

At this time, the unforgettable scene of immortality was deeply drawn in his mind.

Fang Han’s body stood tall and appeared in front of him. The Aura of Demon Soul and the robbery cloud on his head completely covered his body. The robbers continued to come down, a respected heaven and earth. The demon appeared on the top of his head, and spewed out the magic cloud. The sharp claws were torn on Fang Han’s body, but they did not move.

Everything is robbed and cannot be blessed.

Divine Thunder from the open world hit the body of Fang Han and did not bring a little scar.

This is the real catastrophe.

After a thousand robberies, it cannot be erased.

Life as Heaven and Earth’s robbery was completely smashed, pouring down and bombarding Fang Han’s body, but he was not affected at all, and the shot was still very sharp, punching out, oh!

The whole body of the catastrophe was broken and exploded by a punch.

Blood stained the sky.

“The first line of life, reborn secret!”

The catastrophe is not the leader of Supreme Master Unity Sect, the whole body is condense again at the moment of the explosion, more powerful than before. On his head, the shadow of Heavenly Monarch appeared. The man and Heavenly Monarch were united. It turned into a catastrophic ancient god with a white horn on his head and a black elephant.

“Fang Han! Let me see how powerful you are…”

However, after he had just finished, Fang Han’s body slammed again, and the big hand broke through some lines of defense and grabbed his limbs, hehe! Teared into a few pieces!

A supreme master of teaching, was torn by life!

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