Eternal Life

Chapter 1365

Chapter 1,365

“Tangchu ancient classics?” Fang Han saw the Martial art displayed by Emperor Huang and immediately smiled: “Well, very good, you are the whole Great Dao essence condense. I married you, got this Taichao, I can enrich my book of the era.”

“You are enchanting, you can’t say anything, Heavenly Monarch can’t swear to me, and in this heaven, can you marry me?” The Emperor of the Emperor showed the “Tai Shi Gu Jing”, the whole person’s style changed, vicissitudes of life, The beard flutters, like a big wise old man, pointing to the birth of countless civilizations.

“The power of heaven, blessing me.”

The Emperor’s body continued to walk away, and in the air, it was turned into a phantom. The Japanese sun was blown by the blade glow ji and cut to Fang Han.

Those Japanese ships were in flight, and the vitality in the treasure house of the heavens caused a kind of resonance. The forbidden art in the treasure house of the heavens came, which constituted the Dragnet of the First Layer and suppressed Fang Han.

“It’s useless. Now all the forbidden art in the heavens are going to repair the sky marks. I can’t take care of it here. The power of the heavens you use is very limited. For me, it can be ignored.”

Fang Han’s five fingers together, gathered into a hand knife, when the air is a stroke, the fate of the river appears, all the heavens forbidden art, all broken open. Between the operation of the blade light, it also kills the emperor.

As soon as he was promoted to the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, the Lesser Karma Technique changed again, almost to break through the final First Layer, breaking the fate and comprehending some of the mysteries of the Great Destiny Technique.

Moreover, the heavens he feels are great, and Gate to Eternity is becoming more and more clear in his own mind.

He even knows that if there is a big chance to reach the level of Heavenly Monarch, you can really sense where Gate to Eternity is, see the real heaven, and even among the many eras, the first artifact that always exists is “Gate to Eternity” entity, ontology.

“Lesser Karma Technique !”

The emperor’s face changed, and his hands hit the rules of the beginning, only to resist the blind glow of the fate.

“Since my identity has been violent 1u, I am Fang Han, then how? The Lesser Karma Technique has been reached by my cultivation to the highest peak, just wait for me to promote Heavenly Monarch, find Gate to Eternity. You can understand Great Destiny Technique, when Heavenly Monarch is not my opponent.” Fang Han does not use other stunts. It is the fate of the fate Karma Technique. It is killing and killing the heavens forbidden art. The gas of the beginning.

The blade light is densely populated, such as rivers and oceans.

“Too tererifying! I can’t fall here, I have to leave.” The Great Dao looks shuddering, and the whole body is cold sweat. At the moment when Emperor Huang and Fang Han start, they retreat and are ready to leave the battlefield.

His body flashed and jumped out.

However, at this moment, Fang Han stunned, his eyes slammed on his body, raising his hand was a knife! Strangled, no matter what time and space, can not block a knife from fate.

“Huangfu Great Dao, I said that I want to kill you. It is useless to run to the ends of the earth.” Fang Han was actually fighting with the Emperor, and he came out and killed.


The body of the Emperor Great Dao was flashed by the blade light and split in half.

He was arrogant, and the body was once again aggregated, but Fang Han’s body suddenly broke a shadow, bypassing the Emperor, and actually came to his side, standing upright, his face indifferent, the dragon rolling, and there was still silk The poisonous gas from the poisonous hook. The combination of poisonous gas and dragon gas suddenly changed, and Aura, a blood of black and yellow, emerged.

This shadow arm is shocked, and the big ribs are like twisted together like a ancestral dragon. The blood of the black and yellow is full of blood, and it has a powerful lethality.

The body of the Emperor Great Dao began to smoke, and he was caught by the shadow. He couldn’t move, as if the burning soul had to penetrate.

“The avatars of the eight bas-reliefs!”

He struggled and worked hard to see this shadow, which was actually a magical treasure.

It was the eight floating sects that had been baptized by the blood of Xuanhuang. When Fang Han fought against the Emperor, Fang took the magical treasure out of the body and used it to kill the Great Dao.

The power of the Eight Buddhism is not the same as it used to be. Although it is still King Grade Immortal Artifact, it has swallowed a pair of highly poisonous hooks, and has swallowed up the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs. The baptism, even a single magical treasure, can be approached to the existence of the gun of this level.

The Great Dao is not the opponent of these eight floats.

“Dawei Heavenly Dragon, Da Luo Shen.” The eight Buddhism suddenly changed, becoming a model exactly the same as Fang Han, but wearing a flat crown, the emperor’s emperor: “Eight Emperors!”

The eight bas-reliefs showed their invincible form, and they became the “eight emperors”. They took the big hands and took all the avatars of the Emperor Great Dao into their hands and gathered them into a form again.

The mighty family of the imperial family, the Great Dao, is known as the incarnation of Great Dao, and is completely captured.

“Direct refining!”

After the eight Buddhism incarnations of the “Eight Emperors”, he took the Emperor Great Dao and directly slammed the dragon that had been baptized by the blood of Xuanhuang into his body, and immediately screamed like the Supreme Master who killed the pig.

The Great Dao, the supreme leader of the Emperor, was caught by the Eight Buddhism, and he was unable to resist. He began to refine. If you let many ancient emperors see it, I am afraid to be directly scared to death.

We must know that the strength of the Great Dao, the more ancient the emperor, is far above the many Supreme Masters, and I am afraid that the countless lords of the 100,000-strong state of the heavens can count the best.

But now, it is defeated by a magical treasure. And it is easy to beat.

It can be seen that after a day of robbery, how hard the eight floats that have been tempered by the blood of Xuanhuang.

There are already some features of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact.

The conditions for the promotion of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact are the same as the Heavenly Monarch catastrophe, which is subjected to the quenching of the blood of the condense.

“Fang Han, spare me, I won’t dare to fight you again since then. Ascension Sect and our royal family have a good life for generations. Even if Heaven is against you, my Emperor family will eventually stand with you. “The Great Dao kills the pig like a scream, and asks for mercy, and the Supreme Master, the genius of the peerless genius does not exist: “We are a family of emperors, there are ancestors of the emperor, if there is protection, even if there is protection There is nothing going on with the Ascension Sect in Heaven.”

“Haha, idiots say dreams, emperor’s bank? The other side of the emperor can compare with me? If you know that I am Fang Han, you should know that there is hun1uanHeavenly Monarch behind me.” The eight emperors of the eight bas-reliefs A harsh voice: “Huangfu Great Dao, you will completely die, give me refining!”

More Xuan Huangqi, from the eight Buddhism, broke into the body of the Great Dao, and immediately the body of the Great Dao began to melt, a crystal treasure ship flew out.

This is the spirit of his life, and the spirit of the spirit is turning over and rolling, and they are all natural.

“Ha ha ha, so many days of vitality! Huang Da Da Da Da, you really help me, can let me show the Divine Fist, three hundred times the power, directly killing the Emperor…”

Eight Buddhism swallowed the crystal treasure ship with the Emperor Great Dao, whole body bsp;

The eight battalions turned into a light and re-entered the body of Fang Han.

At this time, Fang Han’s body is inextricably linked to the Emperor. Fang Han did not display any Dao technique, which was a Lesser Karma Technique, which turned into a blade glow. Between the throughput, the fate swept across the river, the blade light, the cutting sky, and the invincibility. The Emperor Huang urged his “Taiji Ancient Classics” to release bursts of arrogance and fight with Fang Han.

At this time, Fang Han actually occupied an absolute top. There was a roll of knives and swords. The pressure between the squadrons and the sorrows was overwhelming. The huge fate of the fate ran away, and in the deepest treasure house of this heaven, rampage .

Wherever it collided, where the planet turned into powder, the magical treasure inside, Dan Yao, the scorpion flew out, swept into the blade light power, and entered the body of Fang Han.

Fang Han’s thoughts and internal vision, I saw in my body, there are actually twelve Saint Grade Immortal Pill. There are also 26 King Grade Immortal Artifacts.

They are all in battle, and the treasure house of the heavens can be used to scare Immortal directly.

Apart from this, there are still nineteen symbols of Heavenly Monarch refining, each with its own effect. Those King Grade Immortal Artifact, there are tripods, swords, knives, guns, pianos, bells, furnaces, flags, cymbals, buildings… all kinds of pieces, each piece is extremely tyrannical, comparable to the power of the emperor.

That is to say, Fang Han took these King Grade Immortal Artifacts into the Ascension Sect and immediately added twenty-sixth-level Experts. Although so many emperors, although far less than heaven, But it can completely make up for the strength lost by cleaning the Chinese family.

Even worse, those of the Grade Grade Immortal Pill, twelve, were suppressed in Fang Han. Originally, I was so stupid, I was going to run away, but I was brushed by the blood of Xuanhuang, and all of them were cold and stunned. These Saint Grade Immortal Pill, if they are transformed into human figures, are the masters of Supreme Masters, the equivalent of a life as Heaven and Earth.

To Ascension Sect, if you can surrender, you can turn into twelve ancestors! Make Ascension Sect a leader in the top 100,000 states.

As for the nineteen Heavenly Monarch symbols, it is more effective, and it can be used to create more Genius genius for the martial art.

However, these Fang Han did not care, the body moved, the eight floats flew back, suddenly noticed that the crystal boat in the rich Tianmai vitality, very rich, a grain of indefinite character, formed a seat The vitality of the mountains is ups and downs in the universe inside the boat.

In an instant, he figured out that the great dynasty stored in the Great Dao’s life in the world is enough to make himself perform about three times the energy needed to make Divine Fist three hundred times more powerful.


On his body, he burst into the sacred spirit and condense into a god of creation.

“Hey, I will send you on the road!”

When I saw it, my face changed, and I made Divine Fist, three hundred times more!

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