Eternal Life

Chapter 1306

Chapter 1,300

“This person is calm, definitely not a good class. In the twinkling of an eye, he calms his mind and is a big enemy!”

Seeing that the Tuo Emperor suddenly calmed down and said a three-knife agreement, Fang Han immediately knew that this person’s mind was deep, and that he was able to move forward and retreat, and he was definitely not blind.

The three-knife contract is extremely clever, and it has truly reached a realm of life.

The Tu Huang has already seen it. Fang Han must have a backstage, so he is so arrogant. He will definitely not fight with Fang Han, and if he can’t get rid of it, his dignity will be greatly damaged, and he will make a three-knife contract. Can’t kill Fang Han, you can also withdraw from the whole body.

It can be seen from this that the knife of this person is as good as the realm of life, and has already advanced and regressed, never putting himself in danger.

Fang Han originally wanted to use the means to make this massacre suffer a big loss, so that all the people were shocked, especially the Emperor Huang did not dare to act rashly.

But now, I am afraid I can’t do it.

Unless you cultivation to the realm of Supreme Immortal, there is no advantage over xing. Thinking of this, Fang Han’s thoughts on improving the realm are getting more and more enthusiastic.

“Dear, look good, this is the first knife! The sun and the moon scream!”


There was a whirlwind between the squadrons and the whirlwinds in the whirlwind. There were thousands of bright moons in the whirlwinds, and the vicissitudes of the thousands of rounds of the sun, the moon of the round, actually showed a face, five senses, like the sun, the moon Lived over.

Crying, sorrow, are all ringing.

Those crying and sorrow are scattered from the scorching sun and the face of the moon. Sure enough, the sun and the moon are sorrowful.

This knife is really a shocking ghost, and it is invincible, killing gods and ghosts. Sweeping in, in the twinkling of an eye, Fang Han was drowned, and many of the onlookers of the Experts quickly retreated.

It can be said that the knife of the Emperor, even the general Supreme Immortal, has no important magical treasure, and can’t resist it.

“Ah, this is the three major ways to kill the gods and demons!”

“Sun and Moon sorrow! This slogan can be used to display thousands of emptiness. Even the average day and month of the Ganges River, together with the sun and the moon of the heavens, sorrow together, with the help of the sorrowful power, killing the enemy, no one can afford Got it, I don’t know how many Experts died in his hands.”

“I don’t know if I can kill the wind?”

“The Tu-Ku has hatred on the wind. In the rumor, one of his descendants, Tu Gang, is also refining the eight floating battals, the genius with great achievements, but unfortunately was killed by the impermanence in the virtual state, there are Maybe because of this, hate the wind.”

“In fact, it may not be the case. You see that the wind has got eight floats, and the ghosts and sacred maps are fully explained. They have a deep relationship with impermanence. They may even die in his hands when they are impermanent. Buddhism may also be the capture of Tu Gang. The Tu Huang and impermanence may have died in the hands of the wind. This Tuo is definitely getting news, so it is to deal with the wind.”

“There is still such a deep layer of origin, you see the wind edge! The great Martial art, what is the Movement? One page of civilization history? In the heavens, there is such a deep Martial art?”

“Even if it is the mysterious Martial art recorded in the Emperor’s martial arts, it seems that it is not so magical.”……….

In the midst of countless Experts, saints, and emperors, Fang Han has already spurred Beginning Era Divine Fist and put together the blade light of the Great Moon.

Others are one, the eight Buddhism and the crystal gods combined, the ghost martial arts around the whole body, the legendary stick, the wing of freedom appeared behind, stunned, rushed into the blade light sun and moon.

The fascinating spirit is burning.

It’s awkward! With the power of the eight battalions, he actually broke many days and months.

“The second blade light is gone!”

The sound of the Emperor’s Emperor, the cold and resounding, the blade light changed, all the sun and the moon collapsed, turned into a spring water, slowly flowing in the air, all the people smelled the moisture, the sound of screaming, enthusiasm Come and turn into a piano sound, which is enduring and intoxicating.

Time is in this spring water, quietly passing.

The murder is quietly passing, and I’m not close.

Hey! Fang Han feels that the whole body is wrapped in blade light, and no power can be exerted. This is a knife that captures the creation of heaven and earth. But at this critical juncture, he is very calm, as if the blade light is not killing him, he is just a field observer, a passing between heaven and earth.

In an instant, he seems to have realized the meaning of “freedom in the world.”

His body, turned into a Zen light, a void, swimming in the blade light, letting the blade light cut, can not help him.

“The third move! Life and death will always be!”

Seeing the second move can not kill Fang Han, the Tu Wang suddenly and suddenly, shouting again and again, urging the third move to kill the great skills, this trick is displayed, immediately between, the void in the air bsp; heaven and earth Between the Impermanence of life and death, the ever-present artistic conception, countless people feel a sorrow, life loses its meaning, and even an impulse to commit suicide with the wind.

Life and death are forever, between the heavens and the earth, no matter how tyrannical existence is plagued by life and death, unable to liberate, always dying, then what is the significance of tyrannical power?

This trick, and the last stroke of Seven Styles of Ruling, is very similar to eternal life, but the lethality is unique.

Fang Han’s mind, in the blade light, did not waver. He danced and danced, his body suddenly spread out, turned into a torrent of the crystal god country, in the torrent, the heaven and the earth integrated, not moving, the era Books, many civilizations are in it.

In the twinkling of an eye, he seems to have incarnate his fate and is the reincarnation of fate. A crystal long river, heaven and earth, and the world resonate, many civilizations are in it, recording many long rivers of civilization, that is not what fate is?


In the body of the xiao fate of the runes, in the violent earthquake dang, with this understanding, suddenly a new change has occurred, actually condense becomes a vague portal, the portal seems to exist forever, and it seems to never exist, no one You can touch mo to it, and no one can motivate it.

“Gate to Eternity’s form!” Fang Han was shocked. He unexpectedly didn’t think that he suddenly realized that it made condense condense a form of Gate to Eternity. He felt that this form was condensed and formed, and the power of infinite destiny, coming down in the darkness, running through his soul, his will, his understanding of fate is even more profound, and now even a slight thought can be put The celestial spirit of the Heavenly Zen Emperor was resurrected from the dust of history.

In an instant, Fang Han’s body was long and trembled slightly. The numerous blade lights shattered instantly. His body smashed all the blade light and saw the surprised face of the Emperor.


Fang Han’s crystal long river, turned into a real form, turned into a real body, grabbed the big hand and grabbed the past.

However, the shape of the Tuo Emperor was scratched and it was actually a residual image. The real Tuo Emperor has disappeared.

“Diao generation, today you are lucky, resisting my three knives, you will be promoted to the emperor in the coming day, I will definitely take your life.” The voice passed from afar, and the Tujia actually left.

No longer entangled with Fang Han.

“Ten Thousand Laws Returns to Origin !”

Fang Han puts his hands together and puts all the power into one. Then stand quietly, not talking for a long time, seems to be realizing the realm of the past.

The Tu Huang is Expert, the absolute Expert, which has three consecutive knives and forced the greatest potential in his body. I realized a new realm.

“It seems to have to fight the real Expert.”

Fang Han silently thought: “If this Tu Tu can fight with my real life and death. Even if I fail, I will be able to promote a new realm after the return of the land. And this Tu Tu is not in the heavens. The most powerful emperor, rumored, in the Powerhouse of Life as Heaven and Earth, there are some even the emperors who can escape under the Heavenly Monarch idea. That is the real ancient power. If I can be with these people Hand, that benefits more, if you can cultivation to the highest level, after the fate of nine changes, Insight fate, that is really powerful.”

Fang Han Now, seeing a lot of knowledge, is not the xiao character of the past. Gradually on the stage of the heavens, he is eager to fight more Powerhouse legends.

There are some Powerhouses in Tianting, such as “Virtual Emperor”, “Fighting Emperor” and “King of Emperor”… all of them are terrorist characters. Although they are not Heavenly Monarch, they are far from many emperors. The general emperors are in front of them, even in the face. Not as good as it is.

Especially the “Emperor”, rumored that his Culture Base, can already escape from Heavenly Monarch. A long time ago, he went deep into the wild, and he encountered a strange pursuit of Heavenly Monarch. He actually ran out from the outside world and returned to heaven. It is legendary.

Emperor Huang is recognized by the heavens, and one of the most promising candidates for the Heavenly Monarch after the pastoralism.

What can it mean to be able to escape from the Heavenly Monarch? No one can get his life, it is the real Life as Heaven and Earth. Heaven and earth are not destroyed, he will not die.

These characters, Fang Han, want to fight.

This time he came to heaven, he has ten **, you can see the appearance of these characters.

He stood meditation and settled in this way, and many of the sects around the Powerhouse were scared and knew what was going on.

The Emperor’s three knives were ineffective and left directly. What does this mean? Representing “Wind” can truly compete with the Emperor of Life as Heaven and Earth! What kind of genius is this? There is no such person in each faction.

“My God! Is this still the Son? This strength, even if it is the Headmaster Supreme, it should be, what kind of heaven genius fight? Let other disciplines still have a way to live?” A great teacher of the great Exclaimed.

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