Eternal Life

Chapter 1307

Chapter 1,300

“Well, a few saints in the heavens, can we assort the sacred son of our Ascension Sect? It must be the best, with the rich dong house, otherwise I can not rely. Here are a few pieces of Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, Immortal Pill and other xiao things, not respectful, you are smiling.”

When the Emperor Tuo left, Fang Han quietly inspected the realm of Insight, with a large sleeve and a sigh of relief, facing the heavenly court.

At the same time, he slammed his fingers, and the sage had one or two pieces of Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact on hand, and some Immortal Pill. These treasures, Fang Han killed many of the saints in the Chinese family, he made the Divine Ability of the saints of the Chinese family into a symbol, but some useful Immortal Pill, magical treasure left.

These Immortal Artifacts, each of which is the Life Origin magical treasure of the Chinese sages, have not yet reached the level of King Grade Immortal Artifact, but they are amazingly powerful and have no mystery.

One of the saints took the lead and added a white bracelet to the rune.

“This is the Hard & Soft bracelet, Ascension Sect, the home of Shenghua Gangsheng, the blood of the heart, the nine-nine True fire calcination, collecting the gas of the Tianhe Day, the rare essence, exercise, a fly When you go out, you can get everything, charge magical treasure, water and fire will not invade, and you can’t bless your body. How can it fall into your hands.”

This saint was shocked.

He knows that in the form of Ascension Sect, the Chinese family is the master, and there is no room for others to participate. The more the surname Expert is, the more it is suppressed, especially the people like Fengfeng, who are almost suppressed to death and can’t get out of their lives.

But now, in Ascension Sect, he is not only in the early stage, but also a world-wide change. Even the treasures that have just been repaired by the saints have been hand-picked, which is really difficult to understand.

“This is Huajia’s Hua Gang and I have some contradictions. I took the bracelet from his hand. This Hard & Soft bracelet is not the same. You are refining, and you are not afraid of the trouble of the Chinese family.” Fang Han waved the “legendary stick” in his hand as if to tell someone what to say.

He hinted at a kind of information that he got the protection of the Heavenly Monarch, the legendary stick, and the tough backstage. The Chinese people ate a big loss in their hands.

With this simple hint, he believes that many people will guess. I am afraid that there will be less trouble to find him later.

“Good! We will help you arrange the best dong house right away.”

The sage leader who got the Hard & Soft bracelet immediately applauded, looking at Fang Han’s eyes, a little more awe, nothing else, this is the absolute strength brought. It is definitely not that he can offend anyone who can pick up the three knives. Not to mention that there is a Heavenly Monarch backstage behind Fang Han.

Between talking, this group of heavenly law enforcement saints, all the stars cup themselves around the moon in general, Fang Han was introduced into a pavilion palace.

The palace was squatting, standing in the continuous heaven, the red wall and the yellow tile, the Chinese watch Tianzhu, the huge canopy shrouded the entire palace, and wrote three large characters on the plaque of the palace, Wuhua Palace.

“The dong house of your Ascension Sect is the Wuhua Palace, the best dong house among all the palaces. It is absolutely natural.” The sage looked at the “Wuhua Palace” with an envious look. “But these are Wuhua Palace will not open, this time the heavens are big, open the palace as a dong house, let the major sects temporarily live, inside cultivation one day, equivalent to the outside cultivation for a thousand years.”

Between the speeches, the saint took out a symbol, and Jiao gave Fang Han: “This is the charm of the opening of the Wuhua Palace. The time limit is only seven days. Because of this genius battle, seven days, once the time is up, you must To quit, this Wuhua Jingu will also be closed. Keep this in mind.”

“I know this.”

Fang Han looked at the “Wuhua Palace” shrouded in layers of forbidden art, and he was very satisfied with his heart. He felt that the huge vitality in the Wuhua Palace was rolling, roaring, and there was some energy even condensed into a fairy Buddha, dragon. , Qilin… these auspicious behemoths.

This is the best dong house.

“All Ascension Sect disciple, all come out, follow me into the cultivation of Wuhua Palace, waiting for the beginning of the genius battle. Also, in the days of the heavenly genius battle, try not to conflict with other doors, do you know? Of course, If some of the sects deliberately provoke, then you should not be polite, you should fight, the kill will kill, the aftermath, everything will be handled by me.”

Fang Han’s big-sleeved wave, thousands of Ascension Sect’s Son, the true mission core disciple all flew out, stood behind him, heard his instructions, all shouted: “Wind Senior Brother Shou and Tian Qi, prestige Shakes the whole world, the world is invincible, we follow the Senior Brother law!”

All the sounds are neat and tidy, and they rush into the sky, and naturally there is a majestic Aura.

Even Sun Shi’s paintings are no exception, and the name of Fang Han becomes the Senior Brother.

Many people saw this scene, and they were even more surprised. Some of the disciples’ disciples couldn’t even close their mouths, and the chin almost fell to the ground.

This shows that Fang Han’s prestige in all disciplines of Ascension Sect.

In front of countless disciples, he cleaned and killed all the people in the Chinese family, and even the goddess of Heavenly Monarch was defeated by his backstage, and he also pushed the statue of Heavenly Monarch in China. Even the arrogant discipline. I have to admit that this “Wind” Senior Brother is a natural leader, an invincible Powerhouse, who created the era.

“Well, Nangong brother, we will go to practice advanced. When genius fights, I will meet again. The so-called guns are not in the light.” Fang Han arched his hand and led the son under the door. Stationed in the “No Hua Palace”.

Nangong nodded sadly, and also led the desert of the Nangong family to leave, and was stationed in a palace not far away.

Everything goes to silence.

But many of the martial art’s Experts, some of the Emperor’s royals, saints, and hidden characters are restless. Countless people have their hearts, and they all talk about jiao weaving.

Because Fang Han’s performance was too glaring, it’s amazing, it’s similar to some Heavenly Monarch in youth.

Such people have been rare for hundreds of millions of years.

It is not a general Expert that can be compared.

“Did you notice that there is no? This Ascension Sect came to participate in the discipline of the genius battle. No one is a Chinese family. What happened to the Chinese family? Was it completely suppressed by the wind? Or what? This is a big wind. The courage to know that the Chinese family is the Foundation of Ascension Sect, the Chinese Heavenly Monarch is coming soon. How can Yuhua agree to do this?”

Some Experts have a keen sense.

“Maybe it is the meaning of the feather emperor. The real feather emperor is not a Chinese family, but also a foreign surname. Although he has the power, it is extremely difficult to turn around in Ascension Sect. If there is a chance to fight against China, he is absolutely Will do it.”

“Now the Yuhuang can not, holding the barbarian sacred, totem cans, killing the barbarian, rumors, these days, there are four or five barbarian emperors, dozens of saints died in his In his hand, the barbarian army that was buried under the totem can not know how much.”

“The rumor is that the more pots of totems, the more refining the barbarians, the stronger the power, and finally the condense into a peerless totem badge, so that the potential of the human body is all exploding.”

“I don’t know what the Chinese people have to deal with? Can’t you lie? It’s impossible for some of the Chinese people to be very insidious. There must be a technique to deal with. Anyway, Ascension Sect will definitely have a big change in the future, nong It’s not good, it’s broken.”

“So, can we get cheaper?”……….

Some people are guessing, but they can’t think of dreams. Fang Han cleans up so fast. Now Ascension Sect is clean and will not be torn apart. As long as it takes time, it will become stronger and stronger. In the end, it will be earth-shattering. Above the big door.

At the same time, some of the gates were arguing and arguing, and when they were conspiring to calculate, in the depths of the heavens, in the hidden Supreme Kingdom, some eyes also looked at the scene where Fang Han had just fought the Tujia.

“The Emperor, what do you think of the young man? Although it is only the realm of the saint, the power on him is simply the equivalent of the condense of thousands of saints, stronger than the average king, let alone the King Grade. Immortal Artifact has eight floats.”

In that mysterious country, a whole body is composed of vitality, and the illusory antiques speak to a void Space.

“The gas queen, the young man is very powerful, but you can kill him. He can compete with us unless he raises the realm.” In the void, he conveyed the move.

This is actually one of the most powerful Experts among the Emperors of Heaven, the Emperor and the Emperor. They were the “Life as Heaven and Earth” Powerhouse in the ancient times, and they were with the “Ghost Wu Shengjun” “The characters of an era, living to the present, can see how powerful the power is saved?”

Even the Powerhouse, which is the “King of the Emperor”, is weak and filthy under their hands. Although it is also the realm of “Life as Heaven and Earth”, it is also divided into three or six.

“Kill him? It’s not impossible, but behind him, there is the presence of Heavenly Monarch, the anger of a Heavenly Monarch landing, not that we can resist. We are not the Emperor, under the anger of Heavenly Monarch, Can also escape the xing life.”

“Not far away. We only need to refine the body and understand the ‘Jun’ way, we can escape from Heavenly Monarch, but the only purpose is to be promoted to the Heavenly Monarch realm. The time is getting more and more, I have already felt that Aura is ending in the years, not cultivation to Heavenly Monarch, we are sure to die.”

“The world is broken, the years are over, it will take many years, hundreds of millions of years? For a long time.”

“For our Life as Heaven and Earth’s Powerhouse, the billions of years, it’s just a slap in the face, when you are willing to have a lifetime of Cultivation Base, destroyed once? Completely fallen in the history of the river? Never again Reexist?”

The empty Space conveyed a long sigh: “Don’t say this, then the Emperor asks us to shoot and kill the wind. What do you think?”

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