Eternal Life

Chapter 1305

When the Tu Huang appeared, the whole scene was silent.

Some people with longevity have also returned to normal. Of course, Fang Han didn’t move the strongest power. Otherwise, the saints here must be completely changed into True Dragon, which became part of the eight floats. He just used the power of dragons to let all people attack the Tujia. .

The Tu Huang is the law enforcer of Tian Ting and is one of the strongest law enforcers. The majesty is not the same, the strength is extremely tyrannical, Fang Han just experimented, this person’s Magic Force is not under the feathers.

Of course, the current Emperor used the totem to kill the barbarian, quenching the body, and did not know what tyranny became.

“This person is holding King Grade Immortal Artifact, the knife of the slaughter, and it is the peak of the Emperor, Life as Heaven and Earth. If I don’t sacrifice the body of the Emperor, I can’t help him. Even if you sacrifice the body of the Buddha, you may be with him. Unless I am promoted to the realm of the Supreme Immortal, I will be able to stand up to him.”

Fang Han is thinking about it.

Although he is now strong and powerful, he has reached the Cultural Base of the peak of the saint. But in the heavens, compared with the top leaders of many leaders, the realm is still lower. It is necessary to cultivation to reach the realm of Supreme Immortal to be able to defeat the “Life as Heaven and Earth” Powerhouse.

Now, at most, you can only compete.

In particular, the “Church of the Emperor”, the Expert Base, has a long history and is more sad than the Nangong. It is a long time, and it is guarded in the heavens. I don’t know how many means of honing it. Just look at the knife just now. This person must not be ignored.

Of course, Fang Han is also not timid. Since he made the eight-level floats into King Grade Immortal Artifact, he is not afraid of anyone under Heavenly Monarch.

Of course this is a one-on-one. In the “Life as Heaven and Earth” Powerhouse, he has a life-saving opportunity to escape.

It can be said that he is very safe now.

“The Emperor, this is what they provoked me. Is it only allowing us to beat Ascension Sect and not fight back?” Fang Han smiled at the Tujia.

“Diao! I only saw that you used to display the ghosts and martial arts to destroy others. You have committed the rules of heaven, I want to deprive you of this right to participate, but also take you to the heavenly prison to go to the censorship, with me. Come, the honest point of the embarrassment.” The Tuo Emperor walked out of the void, and finally fell to the front of Fang Han, watching Nangong sad and Fang Han, the expression on his face is very formal, official business.


The crowd immediately raised their arguments, and the heavenly prison was not a good place. The average person was caught, and basically could not come out, suffering from tens of thousands of suffering.

Now the Tu-Ku is actually going to take Fang Han into the censorship, which shows that it is to murder Fang Han’s life.

“Tu Huang! You dare to do this, this is just between the martial art, xiaoxiao’s battle, you can completely turn it into a yu 帛, do you want to contradict?”

Nangong sadly said.

“Is the contradiction?” The butcher’s face with the butcher’s knife chou moved: “I am just a business official, windy, how can I not go to heaven with God? Otherwise, your Ascension Sect will lose this heaven genius The qualification of the war depends on your overall disregard for the overall situation?”

“Guoquan’s overall situation?” Fang Han laughed.

“What are you laughing at?” The Tu Huang voice is getting colder and colder.

“Tu of the Emperor, I want to ask you, what is the overall situation? Is it more precious than a finger in this seat? This seat is the headmaster of the future Ascension Sect, the status is respected, you actually want to murder me? I know that you Who is instructed by you, some things you don’t want to be too involved, otherwise Heavenly Monarch’s anger, you can’t afford it.”

Fang Han’s urgent calculations, I also know about it, this tutor must have received the inspiration from the Emperor, and I want to make it difficult for myself.

The emperor was defeated by himself and the emperor, and was finally saved by the emperor. This breath must not be swallowed. When you come to heaven, you must have a lot of conspiracy calculations. In the capacity of Emperor Huang, it is easy to calculate yourself. If you just find a person in charge and buckle a big hat, you can make yourself dare not resist, and you will listen.

However, Fang Han will be the person who listens to the fate. He knows that behind hun1uanHeavenly Monarch is plotting, the legendary stick has appeared to defeat the Heavenly Monarch of China, and he also has a background, and the background is no more than the 狞 xiao, I will be afraid of these plots. trick?

So he pointed it out directly, let the Tu Huang have something, don’t get involved, otherwise Heavenly Monarch’s anger can’t afford it.

The Heavenly Monarch behind him is naturally the Tiger skin of “Daobao Heavenly Monarch”.

“Let’s let go?” After listening to Fang Han’s words, the Tu Huang flashed his eyes and burst into anger: “Dear! You are too arrogant. Today I tell you, you have to go, you have to go, you have to go, you have to I went to heaven and prison and accepted cross-examination.”

“The Emperor, the prince is not a generation, not yours.” Fang Han turned his hand and added a scepter. This scepter is the “stick of legend”, the glory of the glory shines, the legendary poetry Flowing above, although it is Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, it is infinitely close to half King Grade, and the most terrifying thing is that there seems to be a huge space in this treasure, which is endlessly communicated with some World.

“The legendary 仗…….” The Tuo’s eyes were shocked. “It’s just a Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact. It’s not right… The stick body communicates with the treasure world…. And, there seems to be no unique traction in the treasure world. The power. Is this child really a successor to the multi-hearted Heavenly Monarch? Is there a Duo Lineage of Heavenly Monarch behind?”

“The Emperor, let’s cultivate Dao’s people, it’s not a matter of pressure. You should be a law enforcer in heaven. You should understand this truth. So, let’s come to jiao today, my Culture Base is just The sage, and the realm of your Life as Heaven and Earth, don’t know how much difference. But I challenge you today! If I lose, I will go to hell and accept your cross-examination. Of course, if you lose, give it I kneel down, I don’t admit my mistake!”

Fang Han suddenly, murderous, showing a fierce fang.

All these words shocked everyone in the room.

Who is the Tu Huang?

With King Grade Immortal Artifact, Life as Heaven and Earth’s Supreme Powerhouse, half-step Heavenly Monarch, in the heavens, has a very high authority. Although it is not comparable to some of the old antiques in the heavenly emperors, such as the Emperor, the Emperor, the Emperor, the Emperor… those who have never been born, but also more than some big sects, the head of the big world, the supreme status Sitting up and down, it is equivalent to the leader of the Supreme Master.

Now Fang Han is just a sacred son of Ascension Sect. This time, I came to participate in a genius of the heavenly genius battle. I dare to challenge the Tuhuang. And if you let the other party lose, then you will admit your mistake!

What is this arrogance?

It’s arrogant to describe it with madness.

However, many of the people present, including some of the emperors, were also very jealous of Fang Han’s eight horror blows. They also looked at the legendary stick in his hand, and some people talked about it.

“The man of this wind, so arrogant, almost boundless. Even if he is a genius, he does not dare to speak to a royal man. What is it?”

“Did you not listen to him? Let the Emperor not participate in the battle between Heavenly Monarch. What does this mean? I heard that the Tuo Emperor got some instructions from the Emperor… and the Emperor for Ascension Sect has been There is greed. Look at the legendary stick, behind the wind, is the treasure of Heavenly Monarch?”

“In the legend, Duobao Heavenly Monarch has long since disappeared. It is impossible to be the background of the wind.”

“That’s not necessarily, even if the treasure of Heavenly Monarch disappears, but the legendary stick is still there. It is also comparable to the Heavenly Monarch’s Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, not the royals can compete.”

“It seems that the arrogance of the wind is not unreasonable. If there is a Heavenly Monarch standing behind me, it will definitely be more arrogant than him.”

“That must be, with the support of Heavenly Monarch, dare to move? Not Heavenly Monarch, everything is illusory.”

“And then again, the strength of this wind is really so sturdy? Can beat the life as Heaven and Earth Powerhouse holding King Grade Immortal Artifact in the realm of saints?” A royal xiao heart.

“Who knows this? This child is unfathomable. According to the truth, the realm of the world is too big to be compensated, but there is such a precedent in history.”

“Do you mean that the former Makino, or the realm of saints, also defeated the ancient emperor of Life as Heaven and Earth? The ancient emperor was much more powerful than the current Tuo. It was defeated.”

“Where is the pastoral wilderness? The last Heavenly Monarch, Heavenly Monarch, with great perseverance, the achievement of the king of heaven, do you think that this wind has the qualification of Heavenly Monarch? It is impossible.”

“Look, see how he fought with the Tujia? When it comes to this, the Emperor has to agree.”…

There were more and more Powerhouses on the scene, watching Fan Han and Tu Huang’s tit-for-tat. However, Nangong slowly took a few steps back, carrying his hands and smiling at the scene.

After this period of contact, Nangong sadly knows that Fang Han is a hot and mean tool, and there is no taboo, and everything can be saved, and the means are tyrannical, and the background is also hard.

“Will you fight with me? Let me kneel down!” When the Emperor heard the words of Fang Han, he was so angry that he was so angry that he was so angry that he then calmed down and looked at Fang Han’s hand. The legendary stick, watching Fang Han’s face without fear, suddenly said: “You are very arrogant, I have never seen such a arrogant person, but now you are not qualified to fight with me. Fighting with you, even killing you is my shame. But I will never bypass you. In this way, I will give you a chance. You will pick me up. If you don’t die within three knives, I can spare you. A life, in the future when you are promoted to the emperor, come and kill. If you can’t take my three knives, today you and all the sons of your Ascension Sect will die.”

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