Eternal Life

Chapter 1287

Chapter 1 287

Totem’s can has been one of the seven saints of the barbarian. It is the Saint Grade Immortal Artifact. It has the power of Heavenly Monarch. Although the artifact has broken the Divine Ability, the essence is still there. As long as the barbarian is constantly absorbed, in the Great Divine. Under the sacrificial refining of the Ability, it can still be recovered.

In the fight against the barbarian army, Fang Han collected hundreds of billions of barbarian army and killed the military sage winter cave. All of them are absorbed into the cans of the totem, and it is almost a part of the power of this sacred device.

However, his Culture Base is too shallow to be motivated at all.

But now, this totem can is driven by the Zen Emperor and the Emperor, but it is different. Whether it is the Emperor or the Zen Emperor, the Powerhouse of Life as Heaven and Earth, together with the magical treasure, will come out with a powerful and powerful totem.


Totem’s cans broke through the great array, and got out of it. It changed into the whole Taikoo Shenshan Daxiao. There were countless magic lights in the cans. A huge barbarian door was more horrible than the dragon. Jiao woven into a horrible world. .

The entire great array seems to be taken in by the cans of the totem.

The first to be unrecognized is the three monarchs of the barbarian. They are the Supreme Immortal emperors of the barbarians. After being surrendered by the disaster Heavenly Monarch, they became the embarrassing bodyguards of the Emperor.

The strength of the three of them is very tyrannical, urging the great array, tireless. But the totem cans are their nemesis.

When they flew out, their body strength began to drain immediately. These elements were turned into a huge bar of the gods, and they were sucked into the cans of the totem.

In the twinkling of an eye, these three barbarian monarchs were sucked away by almost three-tenths of the energy.

How strong is the barbaric monarch of the three supreme emperors, who absorbed three-tenths of the temperament? The totem’s cans immediately swelled again, almost reaching a limit, and the numerous totems above were alive. Thunder, lightning, and twine on the can, seemed to be the beginning of the robbery, turning into a real Artifact. Spirit.

“Well, the totem of the cans, really tyrannical, mysterious, Tianzen Buddha, we joined forces, and fully put the three barbarian monarchs into the can, so that the pots of the power are all out, just as much as The gun of the trial?”

Yuhuang Shen read the shout.

“South is not at ease!”

The Zen Emperor said: “I am interested in this, this magical treasure, the essence is Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, different from Xiao, we can join hands, one Buddha together, kill the barbarian, re-condense Artifact Spirit, immediately You can sweep across the scene, destroy the great array, and let all the emperors, all buried here!”

The two Experts, opened again, rolled Essence Qi into the can, and began to burn life. Of course, the Zen Emperor has no life and burns Fang Han.

Totem’s cans, the above changes, actually appeared a respected barbarian ancestor, the first ancestor, sitting in the sky, these ancestors, the first ancestor around an altar, the altar is incomparably huge, like a heaven.

The altar was slightly rotated, and ji took out the power of sacrifice, directly covering the three great emperors of the barbarian.


The three great monarchs of the barbarian, all of them have a horrible look on their faces. They have to escape from the great array and escape directly, but where can they do this? The suction of the totem cans is getting bigger and bigger, and it starts to rotate. The power of sacrifice is injected into the body of the three Kings.

The three great monarchs screamed and were sucked into the cans in a blink of an eye.

There is no trace of mud and water.

Yu Huang, Tian Chan and the Buddha and the two together, one shot will kill. The three barbarian monarchs who are equivalent to the Supreme Immortal emperor were swallowed directly. The can used to sacrifice totems.

“Totem’s can! Give us the condense totem! The barbarian totem, the god of totem, appears!”


Under the joint of the Emperor Yu and the Emperor of Heaven, three barbarian monarchs equivalent to the Supreme Immortal Emperor entered the cans of the next totem. When they were too struggling, they were melted and sacrificed.

If it is Fang Han, even if you charge the form of these three Maharajas, it will probably take many years to refine and refine. But now, the two Zen monks and the emperor are directly refining. It shows a lot more strength than Fang Han.

Life as Heaven and Earth’s Powerhouse is Powerhouse.

The totem of the can finally radiated the light of the totem, the strong light, the condense became a totem, the totems are all tattoo patterns, there are wolves, tigers, snakes, many ancient beasts, strange people, around A hand-held scepter with a crown of thorns is the giant god who masters the totem of barbarian civilization, the saint, the ancestor of the ancestors.

The ancestor of the barbarian who was in charge of the totem, at this moment, finally condense out and become a prototype.

Wū wū wū 呜!

The god of the totem holding the scepter, wielding the scepter, suddenly screaming and crying, everywhere the barbarian army surged, gathered into a military flag, drums, horns ………. many call weapons.

“Good tyrannical power.” Fang Han feels all this, the whole body is bathed in the power of a barbarian, the body is strong again, and there is a totem on each crystal of the gods. He seems to have become a barbarian at this moment. The king.

This “cantem of the totem” is his treasure. After the promotion, he can get feedback and the power will increase.

He is now the Cultivation Base of the saint, and his Magic Force is equivalent to 365 saints. Now that the totem’s cans have changed, the power has actually skyrocketed. Some of the power of the three barbarian monarchs, feedback reached his body, making his strength reach the point of five hundred saints!

One person, with the power of five hundred saints!

What a horror is this?

The feedback from the three barbarian monarchs is really a big complement.

“This totem tank has greatly increased its strength. The good Immortal Artifact, which is equivalent to the peak of King Grade Immortal Artifact, has already surpassed my sword of the church, and can almost be compared with the gun of judgment!”

Yuhuang and even the tsunami, and the Tianzen Buddha Emperor teamed up to use the totem cans, it is handy, a little rotation, the entire great array, actually began to burst, a piece of road map, God map, the holy map was sucked from it Come out, all integrated into the can of the totem, this jar can swallow the sky, can devour the ground, can eat everything.

Countless ground fires are swept away.

The entire great array 1uo1u came out, showing the killing of the emperor, the emperor, the dark emperor, the emperor, and the frightened face of the Chinese family, the emperor fell from the void, the whole body shivered, can’t believe Your own eyes.

“You? You actually broke out.”

The Emperor’s hand is like the chou wind: “You swallowed up my three barbarian army guards! It made me lose so much! You! It’s just a sin!”

“At this point, now, you are still stubborn, do you think you can kill me?”

All the Magic Forces of the Emperor Huang were all collected. The totem pot fell into the hands. The Zen Emperor had disappeared and was collected by Fang Han. Fang Han’s body flew out and swallowed the eight floats. Into the body.

Now, these eight floating sects incorporate all the essences and laws of the Emperor’s life, and they are already more tyrannical than the 33 Skies. In particular, the above-mentioned buoyant dragon fire has also begun to change and can refine all Impurities.

Running the eight floats, Fang Han almost feels like he is at random and can fight the emperor.

Now his Cultural Base has reached the peak of the saint, and the first of the saints may not be able to call it. Infinitely close to the Supreme Immortal.

This power is not the general saint who can compete. Now, instead of summoning the body of the Zen Emperor, he will fight alone with Hua Wenchang in his hands, and may not fall into the wind.

“Wind, you xiao hybrid, it really is your ghost! Make our big plan fall!”

Hua Wenchang cursed, can’t wait to drink Fang Han’s blood, eat his rou, lick his bones.

“Hey, you go! Look at the face of the disaster Heavenly Monarch, I don’t care about this matter with you, as long as you quit safely, today’s things, even if they are revealed, I can do it without knowing it, nor will it promote it.” Yuhuang did not continue to work: “Of course, if you are stubborn, I will have to imprison you, personally press the heavens, jiao to the top, and let all the martial arts know about it. I see how the disaster Heavenly Monarch protects. Live with you.”

“You dare!” The emperor’s face was cold: “You just want to get out of it, it is too cheap.”

“How? I want to smash the emperor, I still want to break the net? I tell you, my current strength is not much better than before.” Yuhuang smiled coldly: “You should see that I broke the great array so soon. ”

The strength of the Emperor Huang, with Fang Han a stream of jiao, and the Tianchan Buddha emperor to prove the Dao technique, is indeed a new upgrade, all the problems are suddenly clear.

Cultivation Base has reached his realm and has begun to pay attention to comprehension and resonate with the world. The simple refinement Expert has not worked much. So Fang Han gave him a lot of ideas, especially the secret of making Divine Fist, which almost doubled his strength.

Although he did not cultivate the Divine Fist, he was able to understand the essence of the Bible and to harness the power of the heavens and the earth.

“Yu Huang, you believe it or not, even if it is your brother, the same cultivation came to the life of Heaven and Earth, I can also defeat a sword!” Yuhuang holding a sword, holding a totem pot in one hand, Eyes surround it.

“You are the wind? Are you killing Zhao Fenghua?”

Emperor Huang did not look at the feathers, and a pair of fierce eyes looked at Fang Han, and all of them were threats.

“Yes, Zhao Fenghua is dead in my hands. I also refining the corner of his Heavenly Monarch. It is really comfortable, which makes my Magic Force big and my body stronger.”

Fang Han is slow and seems to be answering “What did you eat for breakfast?”

“xiao hybrid, you are dead!” 狞皇语气狰狞: “You have no way to live. Heaven and earth, there will be no place for your body, Zhao Fenghua is my son, you killed him, I will let you know What is the most extreme suffering in the world.”

“Hey, a wild species, killing, killing, killing him like a dog.” Fang Han said that he was still slow, and ignored the threat of the Emperor, and he said something more embarrassing: “Of course, Emperor, you are also a hybrid. Depend on Father is Heavenly Monarch, dare to threaten me? After I catch you, I will not kill you, but let you eat every day, know? You must let you eat a thousand After the death of 10,000 heavenly years, you are called to die!”

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