Eternal Life

Chapter 1286

A murderous murder, at the beginning, unconsciously, but when it bursts out, it is simply imposing, with a fierce Aura that has never returned, killing the enemy without killing the enemy is in the sword in.

This is a sneak attack.

A peerless assassin, a giant swordsman, a combination of shocking and killing God, assassinated against the Emperor.

The Emperor of the Feather was almost instantly recognized. This peerless assassin must have killed the “King of the Emperor” under Heavenly Monarch. He was also invited by the Emperor, and he counted himself, and the Emperor also used the slaves of the three barbarian emperors. It is not sinister to make yourself distracted.

Kill the emperor and kill the world.

A glimpse of Sword Qi, dong wears Kyushu.

Sword Qi is on the head and wears his head.

Just at the moment when Sword Qi was on the head, suddenly a figure of the Buddha appeared on the body of the Emperor, and the ghost figure appeared. It was Fang Han who spurred this picture and protected the Emperor at all times.

Coupled with the ability of the feathers themselves, they are also assisting the ghost map. With his ability to spur the ghost Wu Sheng map, it is really earth-shattering, countless gods rise to the sky, actually wrap the sword from the killing.

On the spot, a tall, man with a sharp-edged sword was trapped in the Ghost War.

This man, the whole body armor, seems to be the avatar of murderousness, trapped in the ghost martial arts map, a low-pitched, actually stabbed out three thousand swords, each sword contains the great meaning of the big and big, from which to get out of it, It disappeared without a trace.

A hit can not be achieved, far away.

This is the real assassin method.

“Yuhuang, really unexpected, resisted my first assassination, but I will move for the second time, the third time, the fourth assassination, you will enjoy, harvest a Life as Heaven And Earth Powerhouse, Supreme Immortal The life of the Emperor is a pleasure.”

The “killing the emperor” made such a sound, as if the owl was screaming at night, very harsh and perverted.

“Array method!”

At this opportunity, the emperor’s face was expressionless and his body suddenly disappeared.

And the five old Chinese, but also disappeared out of thin air, the entire Taikoo mountain, suddenly collapsed, turned into the most primitive ground fire. The condense became a piece of God’s picture, which was wiped out against the Emperor.

“There are so many souls!”

Yuhuang saw that the Taikoo Mountains suddenly turned into infinite water and fire. Among them, the road map, the holy map, and the god figure came out one by one, and their faces suddenly changed, and they recognized this Taikoo killing.

“Yu Huang, it seems that you want to put me to death. Actually, this big hand is displayed. This is too old to kill, it takes a lot of life of the emperor to be able to mobilize, you just don’t wear it with me. ?”

“Hey! Yuhuang, you have to blame you for getting the Bible of faith, this is a secret book, it is my bag, and I look at your sword of the church, this treasure, and the Artifact Spirit woman, I want, I want to be in front of you, look at this Artifact Spirit woman, today is determined to kill you, of course, you are now in the great array, beg for mercy, ask me to let you go, take your The mouth of the sword is coming out, I will abolish your whole body skills and turn you into a dog, so your name will be saved!”

The voice of the emperor’s metamorphosis was conveyed.

“Damn, kill!”

This voice is not from the Emperor, but the anger of the woman in his hand.


A road map was suppressed, and this road map composed of ground water and fire was flowing over it, forming a pattern similar to the eyeball, blinking a little, and immediately turning around.

“hun yuan map!”

Yuhuang snorted, long Sword shocked, Sword light condense, tearing this road map.

“Hey, hehe… Come slowly, I will let you know, what is true despair?” The voice of Emperor Huang resounded again.

Immediately in the entire great array, hundreds of road maps appeared again, with the power of the suppression of the ancient gods, and the evils were wiped out. Each of these maps concentrates on the strength of the heavens and the earth, and it is simply oppressive that people can breathe.

Although the Emperor of the Emperor is the Expert of Heaven as Earth and Earth, but under the ruin of the suppression of such a large number of emperors, there are some that can not move, but still support.

“Junior brother, this is going on, the situation is not very optimistic. I guess that in addition to this great array, there are other means for the emperor. Now he just uses this great array to kill my strength, and my energy is almost the same. Then, the real Assassin will be displayed.”

Yu Yi’s idea passed into Fang Han’s mind.

“I am also thinking about this problem, but this way! Senior Brother, I dare to conclude that this host of the great array is the three barbarian monarchs of the Emperor, and certainly controls the vital line! As long as it can be calculated Out of their position, I can give the Totem’s can to the Senior Brother, and even let the Heavenly Zen Emperor join hands to spur the real power, seriously hurt your three barbaric monarchs, and get out of trouble. ”

How is the wisdom of Fang Han? The calculation is also a calculation of the secret, almost every opportunity is grasped.

“Good idea! The restraint of the totem can not be expected by ordinary people.” The feathers of the emperor looked bright, but then they faded: “This great array, extremely mysterious, I don’t know the three.” What is the position of a barbarian monarch, and the orientation of the great array changes at any time. It is almost a moment to change the time of 119,600 times. It is impossible to grasp.”

“There is nothing.” Fang Han said faintly: “My 33 Skies is a treasure, it contains the mystery of dong, and the dong eye can observe everything. The Magic Brother’s Magic Force works together, and it complements each other. To tie in with the calculations, it may not be possible to find out the location of these people.”

“Good! I will steal the creation.”

Yuhuang nodded, a powerful Magic Force, bombardment into the 33 Skies into the treasure, immediately in his eyebrows, there appeared an eye, dong eyes.

Fang Han also received the body of the Emperor of Heaven and Zen, and sat down in a steady manner.

He is a life, showing the most powerful force, deducing xiao fate, and trying to evolve. In the midst of it, his thoughts are connected with the great existence of heaven.

The shape of Gate to Eternity is getting clearer and clearer.

He is now promoted to the realm of saints, and there are many more mysterious things in sacred life, and he has been able to see many things in the future.

The rune of xiao fate surgery, at this time, began to change, to advance.

Wū wū wū ! A song of the void of destiny, scattered from the sacred fate, Fang Han is now, the rune of the sacred book of life, has actually become a portal, this portal is tall and majestic, to the Heavenly Gate in front of this portal, They all look very ambiguous.

This is Gate to Eternity.

To be precise, it is the phantom of Gate to Eternity, or the brand of soul.

“This is the soul of the Gate to Eternity! How is it possible!” The Emperor saw the portal that appeared in Xiao’s fate, and was shocked.

“It’s not mine, it’s the brand of the electrician Heavenly Monarch, which was left behind by me.” Fang Han spurted out of the air. In the portal, there were countless images of the horses appearing. At a time, the image locks a picture. The picture is the three great barbarian Expert. The whole end sits in a picture. As the array of the picture, it keeps spinning and changing, and it has provoked many mysteries.

But Emperor Huang did not see the trace, I don’t know what to do.

Subsequently, the map changed again, one by one, the Yan Emperor, the Dark Emperor, the Emperor, the five old antiques of the Chinese family, apart from this, the killing emperor swam in the formation, with the power of great array, Condensed murderous. It seems to be a fatal blow.

Everything is inferred from the illusion of Gate to Eternity.

This allows the Emperor to clearly grasp everything.

“Lord Lord, this time should be able to wear out the feathers.” Outside the great array, the Dark Emperor kept pushing the map, and God thought to pass to a mysterious void.

“Nature, my three monarchic slaves, Magic Force is not under you. I was not willing to sacrifice these three Assassin ,, but the lord is really a waste, and I was killed and refining. I had to show the last Assassin.” In the void, the voice of the Emperor was conveyed.

“Hey Lord, what are you preparing for?”

Asked the emperor.

“I am preparing to give Yuhuang a gift! A lifetime unforgettable gift! To be precise, I am preparing for the final defeat of the Emperor, using his desperate power to exercise one of my Divine Ability. Yuhuang finally desperately hits It will certainly be earth-shattering, making a royal man fall directly, but I am going to use his last counterattack between death to make my Divine Ability truly promote, in the midst of a huge disaster, break through all kinds of changes, advance to reach The realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, Shou and Tian Qi!” The vicious voice of Emperor Huang resounded in the air.

“The catastrophe of the disaster Heavenly Monarch is really different…”

Many emperors are jealous.

However, at this moment, suddenly in the great array, a wave of destruction of x was transmitted. It seems that Yuhuang has been desperately desperate.


A long river-like Sword light directly tears through the many layers of the great array and is almost infiltrated.

“Impossible! How can Yuhuang be so desperately so early! He is burning his Essence Blood vitality violently, so he has been desperately trying to find the dead end.”

The voice of Emperor Huang has some shocks.


Just as his voice was shocked, a Buddha light and Sword light gathered together and twisted into one, which was completely shocked.

“Capricorn is a great curse!”

“Sword of Faith!”

It was Fang Han who made a full effort to cooperate with the Emperor of Heaven and Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor. Kā chā ! This great array was shocked by a gap, and then you can see that Yuhuang and Tianzen Buddha and Buddha together, actually True Qi communication, in the hands of both of them, holding the totem pot together, aimed at the barbarian Three monarchs.

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