Eternal Life

Chapter 1288

The audience is stunned.

Even the five old men were shocked and stunned.

They were completely surprised by the language of Fang Han, and they dared to marry the emperor. What a great courage? From the beginning to the end, no one dared to insult the emperor.

The prince of the Emperor, the son of the disaster Heavenly Monarch, no matter who he is, he does not dare to offend him. Even if it is the Emperor, obviously knowing that the other side is killing himself, after getting out of trouble, still dare not kill each other, but also shake hands and talk, as long as the other party withdraws, this is actually a shame.

But now, Fang Han dares to dare such a blatant insult.

Actually let the emperor go to eat, and still eat ten million years of embarrassment.

Who can not be shocked? Who can not be confused?

The emperor was stunned and seemed to be unbelievable, thinking that his ears were wrong.

After a while, he was awake, the color of his face changed, and it became purple like pig liver. After ten breaths, there was a hysterical arrogance.


The emperor was the three corpse gods violently jumping, the seven scorpions smoked, and took out a killing word. The vicious enough to make people look scared and look at Fang Han. It seems that Fang Han is directly steamed and burned.

“Yuhuang! How do you say this!” In his mouth, even the cannon of guns came out of the heart-wrenching language. “Today’s things, can’t end, it’s definitely not dead, I won’t give up, I have to eat this alive. Xiao beast! Yuhuang, if you know each other, you let me go, I can spare you a life, you will leave immediately, but I will leave this xiao beast, and give birth to him, and marry his human skin!”

“Yu Huang, you are here to scare and scare xiao children, thinking that this is so mad, I will be afraid of you?” Fang Han is still slow, calmly shook his fingers, “Today’s things, is not endless, You display the great array to kill the Headmaster of Ascension Sect, destroying the rules of heaven, and after we broke the great array, it is still arrogant. Are you really a clay figurine?

“Yuhuang! This xiao beast is so annoying here! What do you want? I will give you one last chance. I will count three times. You will leave this xiao beast and leave. Otherwise, we will be big today. Kill a game, and you don’t die, you don’t want to resolve today’s grudges.”

The emperor jumped again and yelled at the emperor.

“Nothing wrong, this xiao beast’s mouth is too embarrassing.” Huajia Wu Lao opened, Hua Wenchang with a deep tone of voice: “Yu Huang, you can go, but the totem of the can, and this xiao beast, The body of the Emperor Zen must be left behind. We are cleaning the portal this time, not for you, it is a misunderstanding, everything is caused by this xiao beast. So, after you leave, we are still Ascension Sect people, Huajiahe You Headmaster, don’t make water into the water, build the Ascension Sect together, how?”

“Yes, this child is a black sheep.”

“This child does not kill, it is difficult to be natural, he is a big misfortune.”

“Kill this child, the world is peaceful, don’t kill this child, the world is playing 1uan.”

“Feather, you think about it yourself.”

The other Yan Emperor, the Dark Emperor, and the Emperor of the Heart all spoke.

“The last chance, Yu Huang, of course, you can also choose, take this child directly, jiao to me. Then we immediately turn to yu帛, and since then, become friends. Is the enemy is a friend, in your mind Between. You choose.” The face of the emperor has now changed from pig liver to green oil color. It seems that the wildfire is floating on it.



In the mouth of the emperor, he began to count, and every sound was floating in the air and became a reminder of the notes.

“Slow!” Just as he counted three times, the Emperor suddenly screamed.

“How? You are willing to put this xiao beast out of the jiao?”

“Hey! Hey, you deceive me too much! You think I am afraid of disaster Heavenly Monarch, I dare not kill you?” Yuhuang’s voice, a word is heavier than a word, seems to have the greatest determination: “You first kill I, I was smashed by the great array, but I still haven’t left. I want to be so arrogant. I am also the Powerhouse of Life as Heaven and Earth, half-step Heavenly Monarch. Dignity can’t be provocative, kill you, I will put this Everything is completely publicized, let the tens of thousands of states in the heavens, the general sects of the Ganges River know the truth of this matter and your shamelessness, and Justice is at ease.”

Between the words, the Emperor of the Emperor took the sword to the sky, and immediately seemed to be bright in the sky. At this moment, his whole person was very bright, and seemed to be the source of faith and communicated with the ancient church.

He seems to be the only true God between heaven and earth. No one can be more, no one can defeat him. This strong momentum, in a twinkling of an eye, oppresses the emperor.

Between the two, the Emperor felt that he was isolated, isolated by the whole world, and isolated by all the emperors. Although he has many emperors around him, he is so lonely now that no one can protect him. The first thing he has to face is the killing of the sacred sword of the Emperor.

In an instant, he knew that the feathers were angry, real anger.

At this moment, he only felt that the feather emperor was terrifying. In one anger, the blood flow was five steps, and the Spirit of the whole body was locked by the other party. He could not move, even he felt that he could not escape.

In the face of such arrogant pressure, his heart, involuntarily produced a trace of fear.


Yuhuang moved, step by step.

The step is an ordinary big step, and the sword is also a very ordinary sword that splits from the sky. However, the emperors, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, and the emperor were forced to retreat, and they could not resist. Everyone present felt that they had become the target of the emperor’s attack. Will be hit by the Thunder.

So everyone retired.

This sword, like the Tianjian, is killed against the Emperor.


A sword tears the world. The emperor screamed, and there was a pair of strange-shaped soldiers on his hands, which blocked the sword. But when the sword fell, the pair of soldiers immediately shattered.


The emperor made a scream, and the whole person was smashed into two halves from beginning to end. The two halves were twisted, and the red blood stained the sky.

Yuhuang no expression: “One sword breaks down the river, the second sword smashes the mountains and rivers, the three swords become torrential rains, and the four swords wash the world. You can die in the hands of me, and you can be proud!”

The sword changed, the sword in the hands of the Emperor, suddenly splendidly scattered, Sword Qi Jianmang, turned into a torrential rain, some rain lingering, some rain pouring, some rain ji, some rain, but everything Sword Qi Jianmang, are all cleaning and washing the world.

Under the cover of this sword, not only all the emperors, even Fang Han was shocked: “The Emperor Senior Brother is indeed tyrannical, this move is simply cleaning the river, washing the world, to The power of a sword, sweeping the dang monster. I can’t resist this sword.”

The Emperor’s body was again condense shaped, as if it felt the end of the world, all of them were horrible: “Don’t! Feather, you dare to kill me! You are in trouble, I am the son of Disaster Heavenly Monarch! You are offending Heavenly Monarch!”

However, no matter how he called, Yuhuang has always been quiet, is determined to kill, absolutely merciless, so courageous, killing the son of Heavenly Monarch, not afraid to face Heavenly Monarch, Fang Han also had to admire, is a The person who does something big. Perhaps, perhaps there will be a fortuitous encounter in the future, and the Emperor has the opportunity to be promoted to the Heavenly Monarch position.

Sword Qi washes and cuts off all life.

However, at this time, the change suddenly occurred.

A white brilliance, with a strong vitality, directly into the Sword light of the Emperor, the light reached the body of the Emperor, the body of the Emperor immediately began to recover, then the vitality of the light, condense became a The white unicorn collided with the Sword light of the Emperor, and collided continuously for thousands of times.

It is actually a Lifehouse of Life as Heaven and Earth.

“Shenghuang!” Yuhuang shouted, a sword smashed into the void, and immediately the void was torn, and a White robed man appeared.

“Yuhuang, you have to spare people and forgive people, and the Emperor Huang did not do it right this time, but the sin is not dead, I specially took him away. Today’s thing, that’s it. It is the 1uan of Ascension Sect, and Our disaster has nothing to do with Heavenly Monarch bloodline.”

The White robed man had a big sleeve and resisted Sword Qi of the Emperor. At the same time, he wrapped the Emperor in the emperor, and did not work with the Emperor. He screamed and flew out, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and disappeared quickly. Go fast.

“Big Emperor!” Fang Han felt in the heart, and this man was also one of the most powerful sons of the disaster Heavenly Monarch. The Cultivation Base doesn’t know how much higher than the Emperor. It is the Powerhouse in the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth. It is not under the Emperor Yu, and it saves the Emperor and leaves. It shows a profound unfathomable skill.

“The birth of the emperor, come well, I will fight with you one day sooner or later!”

The Emperor Huang saw that the emperor had left, and he did not catch up. His eyes flickered and he did not know what he was thinking.

After a few breaths, his eyes turned and looked at the Yan Emperor, the Dark Emperor, the Emperor, the Emperor, and the Chinese Five, the face of the Emperor, getting cold and cold.

“You don’t have the refuge of Heavenly Monarch? A royal, I dare to kill me. Now that the Emperor is gone, you lost the backstage, are you self-disciplined? Or do you want me?”

The feathers of the emperor had a cold voice, and they were unwilling to take it. His killings had started, and no one could stop it.

The emperor dared to kill, not to mention the imperialists who did not have a backstage.

“Yuhuang? You are crazy, want to kill us together? We are the emperor of heaven!” The Dark Emperor said: “You are from the 1uan position, now the barbarian invasion, we should be one heart, the total resistance Enemy, today’s things are written off, no one mentions anymore, Ascension Sect’s Chinese five, this is their sin, I don’t want to fight with your Ascension Sect.”

“Yes, let’s leave, you take down the Ascension Sect five old, don’t bother us.”

Yanhuang hurried.

The face of the Chinese five old lady has changed.

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