Eternal Life

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1 285

Fang Han’s body is hidden in the body of the Emperor’s body, “protected,” so his body is well protected, unscrupulously burning life, sacrificial refining magical treasure, urging the Zen Emperor The corpse, but also can take the treasures of calm.

For this “Junior brother”, Yu Huang is very well protected, for fear that he will have a little bit of problems.

This is the future hope of Ascension Sect.

His loyalty to Fang Han is no less than the “Sword of the Church.” Now everyone can see that Fang Han has been doing this forever, and he will certainly be able to achieve the imperialism, even the realm of “Life as Heaven and Earth”, which is of great significance to Ascension Sect. Under normal circumstances, a martial art has only one “Life as Heaven and Earth” Powerhouse. Once there are two genres, the strength will be upgraded again.

The eight Buddhism directly entered the essence of all the life of the “Grand Emperor”, the blazing flame, and over the years, Fang Han condensed some Impurities among the eight float materials.

The eight Buddhism can be used to transform the object into a True Dragon and integrate it into the tower body, so it is extremely fast. However, the more things that are integrated, the inevitable fish hun ho, the Impuraities are clustered, which is one of the reasons why the eight floats are difficult to cultivate to the highest peak.

After Impurities accumulated a lot in silence, when the magical treasure was promoted, the vitality would be 1uan and finally exploded.

Fang Han refining the eight floating sects in the past few years, and some Impurities are hidden in the depths of the floating squad, which leads to impureness and difficulty in boosting power.

But now, everything has changed.

Who is the Emperor? The body of the innate fire, built the Supreme Immortal emperor, presided over the Sun God Palace, and built the Great Dao into the fire, in the body jiao weaved something close to the civilization of fire.

This kind of strong fire essence is not as strong as the floating bubbling dragon fire of the eight floats. It directly penetrates into the interior of the floating tortoise, and all the various Impurities are forced out and burned into the void.

The shape of the float is getting more and more xiao, but the light is getting more and more violent. On the floating shoal, a distant aura from the treasure world shines on it, and the brilliance glitters, and the laws of the road are fused on it. Every rule is like a round of hot sun, glaring, even more than the amount of light, illuminate a lot of dark and deep Space, all the people who want to kill the Emperor of this time have all appeared.

Fang Han felt the strength of the eight buoys, and it was more than three times stronger than the previous one. Unfortunately, it has not been promoted to King Grade Immortal Artifact.

He also knows that a Supreme Immortal emperor is integrated into the Eight Floats, and it is impossible to promote this sacred treasure to King Grade. Unless it is to kill all the emperors present, the law seals, and then practiced for many years, it is possible to draw enough treasure from the treasure.

Although King Grade Immortal Artifact and Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact differ by one level, the difference between heaven and earth.

“Yu Huang, you don’t want to hide in Tibet, stand up, now you have arranged the great array, I have broken a gap, the Emperor died, the great array is no longer complete, you can no longer trap me. As long as I move at random, I can free and unfettered for more than nine days, break through the great array, turn back to heaven, and directly drain things out today. I see what you have to say, ji anger, disaster Heavenly Monarch will punish you. ”

One hit to kill the Emperor, the assist Fang Han refining into the Eight Buddhism, the Emperor held the sword, the prestige, the eight sides are Divine Strength blessing.

Hua Wenchang and others are face-to-face, and they have repeatedly retreated. They did not attack the Yuhuang, and even if they attacked, it was useless. Because the Emperor had already deviated from the orbit when killing the Emperor, their attack was defeated.

“Hey! The wise man must have lost a lot of thoughts. I can’t think of my careful calculation. I was directly destroyed by you. I also killed the Emperor, Yuhuang. You are the Powerhouse of Life as Heaven and Earth. And there is that xiao beast assist you. But I am very surprised, how do you know that we have to count on you.”

After a while, the cold voice sounded clear.

At this time, Emperor Huang finally couldn’t stand it, and stepped out from the altar that was full of ancient Dan Yao.

Apart from this, Yanhuang, the dark emperor, the emperor all appeared, these emperors, a look of horror, rabbits died of sorrow, just now Yu Han and Fang Han teamed up to kill the emperor is too fast, they have not had time to react.

Lost the Emperor, a lore of great array is not perfect, there is a flaw, against the Yuhuang did not have full grasp, let Yu Huang escaped, and endless troubles.

“Hua Wenchang! You are still a person in Ascension Sect, actually colluding with outsiders, assassinating me this Sectmaster, anyway, I am the Sectmaster of Ascension Sect! I am in charge of the Headmaster, you and the outsiders come to count me, you are worthy of the whole martial art Is it worthy of the ancestors of the ancestors? Is it possible to send your ancestors to your bloodline?”

The Emperor Huang did not answer the words of the Emperor, but looked at the five old antiques of the Chinese family with a sorrowful and angry look.

Hua Wenchang and other people have some darkness on their faces. Suddenly, they are fierce. “Yu, do you have the Sectmaster of our Ascension Sect? You have excluded the dissidents since the last place, and we are suppressing our Chinese people everywhere, and we want to let us you?”

“Not bad!”

Hua Wenbin walked up. “Yu Huang, this time killing you is a must. We have made regulations and have already impeached you. From then on, you will no longer be our Ascension Sect Sectmaster, expel you. Out of Ascension Sect.”

“Deportation of me?” Yuhuang suddenly screamed in the sky: “The expulsion of the doorman is the right of Ascension Sect Headmaster, the impeachment Sectmaster, must also agree with all the people of Primordial Immortal, can you impeach me, your family, Even if I agree with all of them, it is far from enough. I tell you that Ascension Sect is not a Chinese family. It is an thousand absorutely disciple, Elder. Although your Chinese family accounts for half of the power, it is far from enough to impeach me. ”

“At this time, you still have to rule what rules are not rules, you must die today!”

Another ancestor of the Chinese family came out, and the face of the murder was deep and distorted: “Let you say that hua1uan is falling, the earth is rushing to the golden lotus, and it is also impossible to escape the fate of your destruction. Without you, all of our Chinese family. People will have the power to clean up, and when we clean your people, we will unite our Ascension Sect, and we will have a lot of fighting power, and it will flourish.”

“What? Do you want to clean another discipline?”

Yuhuang’s face is getting colder and colder.

“Yes, as long as you die, all the disciples that are not surnamed Hua, all should be cleaned. Of course, there are some obedient dogs, such as Zhu Chongyang, Wan Xi’an, we can give him a surname!” Hua Wenchang has some sharp laughter. Crazy.

“Damn! You completely lost the style of China Heavenly Monarch. For the sake of our Ascension Sect, I don’t think I can keep it, but I won’t kill you. I will only use your Magic Force.” Take, then shackle you, the saints of the Chinese family, I will not clean, our Ascension Sect, is a kind of Spirit. The feather of the rising spirit.”

The emperor’s grand step moves towards the five kings of the Chinese family.

“Yu Huang, don’t come over!” A sharp ancestor of a Chinese ancestor.

“Yu Huang, still not fast! Kill the Yuhuang, we shot together, do not believe, can not wipe him!” Hua Wenchang hurriedly, hysterical.

“Yuhuang, you don’t want to be arrogant.” The Emperor suddenly said: “I have arranged so much today to kill you, but I can’t think of you killing the Emperor in one face, making my plan fall through, but you think Are you absolutely safe? Wrong and wrong, I still have the means to kill!”

“Monarch of the Barbarian Sku! Grandpa Depie! Tou Dajun! You are all out!”


Three invincible barbarian Experts, appearing behind the Emperor, the three barbarian Expert, the body of the tattoo totem is dense, the whole body explosive force can destroy many big world at any time, turned out to be the tyrannical figure of the barbarian level !


I saw that the Emperor Huang actually had such hidden strength, and all the emperors were shocked, especially the Chinese five old, watching the emperor have changed color.

“Five wastes, even a little things can’t be done well.” Yan Huang is not very polite to the Chinese family. “In the end, I still have to use real strength.”

“Bold! You can dare to collude with the barbarian!” The Emperor saw the three great tribes and his face changed.

“Hey? What collusion barbarian? These three barbarians are slaves surrendered by my Father disaster, Heavenly Monarch, everything is obeying my orders, for my personal protector, the three monarchs of the barbarian, how? Can it be replaced? The Emperor of this kind of waste, the Emperor died, after the death, I will put the wealth of the entire Sun God Palace in the bag.” The tone of the Emperor has some metamorphosis.

Among the barbarians, the saints are called “military masters.”

The “Supreme Immortal” is called “Malaysia”, and all of them are brave and good at fighting each space.

“These people can’t stop me. I have two Powerhouses of Life as Heaven and Earth. The Zen Emperor is also in the hands of my Junior brother.” The Emperor secretly condense strength, but the tone is very calm and elegant, no Half point bo move?

“What? You recognize the wind, that Xiaozi is doing for the Junior brother? Actually appreciate him.” Hua Wenchang lost his voice.

“Hua Wenchang, I am now cripple you, collusion with the outside door, assassination of Sectmaster, this is a big sin, no one can accommodate you.” Suddenly, a sword accumulates strength, swords explode, like a long river, Was swept to Hua Wenchang.

He can kill Hua Wenchang with “the power of Life as Heaven and Earth”.

“We join hands!” Huajia five old suddenly condense into one, turned into a five-finger giant palm, clenched the fist, palm river, control the world’s cao power, directly to the feathers of the feathers.

Just in the moment when the sword palm is connected, hehe!

From the void, a deep Sword Qi, with pure incomparable killing, killing, murderous, murderous, killing … … shadowless formless, killing the head of Yu Yuhuang.

“Kill the emperor! Killing the royals of Heavenly Monarch, also appeared.”

For a moment, Yu Huang knows that there is still an Expert ambush. How many people have you invited to kill yourself?

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