Eternal Life

Chapter 1265

Chapter 1 265

“This group of heavenly prisons is not good enough. I feel their malice now. Half of them are for the barbarian invasion, and the other half seems to be monitoring me.”

Fang Han was in the air, using a ghost martial map to kill the barbarian army, and figured out how to deal with the law enforcement disciples of the group of heavenly prisoners, because he felt a strong hostility from the body of this group of prisoner law enforcement disciples.

Of course, there is a taste of conspiracy calculations.

At this moment, what is his Culture Base? Wisdom is clear, able to sense the secret from the midst of it. The sacred streams of these heavenly prisons are clearly reflected in his crystal gods.

However, he does not care about this now. Even behind these prisoner law enforcement disciples, even Lord objects pay attention to him. Maybe a saint, or even a Supreme Immortal.

But now, as long as it is not Heavenly Monarch, he is likely to deal with it. The corpse of the Emperor Zen of Heaven is calling at all times and killing the ancients.

Numerous barbarian army was charged by Fang Han into the ghost martial arts map, together with the Powerhouse in the outer world, all Essence Qi was circulated in the ghost martial arts map, brewing, part of the spirit of the ghost martial arts, and part, Fang Han has urged the world’s self-contained Wang Fu’s symbol, using the Buddha’s light to transcend, and entered the history of the Buddha’s civilization, the body of the Zen Buddha.

The body of the Zen Emperor has been cultivated to reach the realm of “Life as Heaven and Earth”. Even if it is dead, it will not decay. Instead, it will continuously absorb the strength of the heavens and the earth, and strengthen the body, just like fossils.

However, Fang Han summoned the Zen Buddhism several times this day, stimulating the body, and the consumption is also very large. It will always reduce the power.

Now immersed in the history of Buddhism civilization, it has been moisturized, and this body will become stronger and stronger. Fang Han If you continue to inject Buddha power, then this body is likely to return to the level of its prime.

The group of warriors of the barbarian, the body is special, the rou body is composed of many genus of the genus G., but it is darkly conforming to a Buddhist verse. After the Divine Ability of the Buddha, the genus of the genus can be The god of the law-protection of Buddhism is integrated into the body of the Heavenly Zen Emperor and adds strength.

“The strength of this group of heavenly prison law enforcement disciples is far more than this, but it has been reluctant to go down to Assassin, just entangled with the barbarian army, certainly in order to let the Experts in the barbarian come out to deal with me. Then get the benefits of the fishermen. A little xiao trick, concealing me? Among the barbarians, there are St. Human Grade other Expert.”

Fang Han in the heart of the dong if the fire.

This barbarian army invaded Zhongzhou, and there were many experts who were equivalent to Jinxian, Ancestral Immortal, and even Primordial Immortal. In a deep place, Fang Han even felt the Aura of the saint.

This kind of King Grade Immortal Artifact is a sage killing, and it will definitely lead to the saints in the barbarian. The group of heavenly prisoner law enforcement disciples must be waiting for this time, when they and the saints are trying to lose both, then Kill the saints of the barbarian, make a great contribution, and seize their own ghosts.

The wishful thinking of this hand is not bad.

However, Fang Han was in a hurry to wear their tactics.

Wearing, he can not blatantly shoot the law enforcement prison, otherwise, I am afraid that the next day, the Heavenly Monarch will find the door.

Or a group of old emperors in the heavenly prison to kill Ascension Sect.

“The last time he killed the Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciples, all in the unknown, in the grave of the Ghost Wujun, no one knows. In the virtual state, it is the impermanence of Aura, killing the butchers with eight floats. Just, all this is a case of blaming.

Blatantly, no one in the world dares to kill the Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciples, even if it is the Pure Land of China, it is impossible.


Just as Fang Han’s thoughts were calculated, suddenly, in the depths of the barbarian army, a blood rou body, full of arms, was a giant palm of the tattoo, rising from the ground, and actually caught the ghost Wusheng. Figure.

A sage of Aura, shocking the world.

The saints among the barbarians finally took the shot, and one shot was to smash the Huanglong, fierce and unscrupulous, and forced to take away the ghost martial arts map. This holy map is already a real King Grade Immortal Artifact, which is too lethal. Moreover, Fang Han can actually use it freely, and the shape of the ghost Wu Shengjun is “cloned” by the power of creation.

The giant palm that grabs the ghost Wu Shengtu, all the tattoos on the arm are all dragon snake patterns, Qinglong mind, basaltic water, Suzaku Benri, white Tiger Swallow gold, apart from this, and countless barbaric ancestors Look up to space, more blood-stained totems, entangled vines, blood-sucking demons…. Hell scenes.

All kinds of totems are tattooed on the arms. When the big hands expand, these tattoos come alive and become real scenes.

The power of countless worlds, all concentrated on this arm, and then a huge force, bombardment into the ghost of the holy map.

The Ghost War Saint Figure immediately moved, seemingly to be filled with giant force, and then charged by the saints of the barbarian.

When the barbarian sage took the shot, it was earth-shattering. He even violently bombarded the spell into the ghost martial map, forcibly killing the brand of Fang Han left in it, and refining this holy map in the air, what arrogance? What is invincible? This is the momentum of the saint.

The saint is the real decision-making layer of the heavens, and the upper-level Expert. The rest are not influx.

“Well, the saint has finally appeared.”

Fang Han does not have a burning life, and he sacrificed the Zen Emperor. The first is to hone his own Culture Base, and the second is to burn the life to worship the Emperor, and there are many shortcomings. The protective ability is greatly reduced and it is easy to be attacked by people.

Moreover, his current strength is enough to fight against the saints.

“The gods are in my hand, listen to my command. Rule over the body, the ghosts of the holy road, the blessings of the gods, the rule of the gods!” Faced with the big hand of the barbarian saint, Fang Han urged the gods in the body and immediately shot The various spells of the gods are pure and incomparable. They are the orthodox protoss. No, even the orthodox protoss do not have his Aura purity. He is now like the noble prince of the Protoss.

A history of the Protoss civilization has been infused into the Ghost War Saints. This holy figure has shrunk, and the power is more concise. Aura is on the top of the plate, and the big hand of the saint is wiped out.

Fang Han stunned and displayed the two Dao techniques of “Wings of Freedom and Nothing of the Walkers”. They reached the bottom of the Ghost Wu St., and punched the barbarian army.

boom! A devastating bo movement, born from his fist, condense became a thick and a thousand miles, do not know how long the sky is shining, wherever the barbarian army blew open, he punched into the barbarian Among the great forces, they point directly to the saints in the barbarian army.

The light of the punch illuminates the dark and savage barbarian mist, and everyone sees it. On top of a barbaric throne surrounded by the barbarian army, sitting on a saint, this barbarian saint, whole body animal skin and tattoo, even face All, but it can be seen that it is a very strong man, with the majesty of the Qi swallowing Mountains and Rivers, seems to be the army of this group of barbarian army.

Among the barbarians, the cultivation reached the saints, and they could lead an army, smashing the land, and the flag of the army, and hundreds of millions of people landed. Their saints, also known as the military lords, the head of the army, one of their army, can be said to have gathered elites, some do not know how many hundred billion warriors, warriors, warriors.

“Senior Brother, the Senior Brother… the saint of the barbarian, the winter cave leader came out. What do we do?”

“Retreat! The Winter Cave lord, not the general Expert can compare, the sage realm dong complete. A sacred door g worm, has reached the day of the sun, the essence of the holy road, is the highest command of this army, Even the Powerhouse can be directly out of bounds, he just shot, I am sure, he can’t stand it! He will fight against King Grade Immortal Artifact, this is our great opportunity, we will avoid it and wait for him. Both lose.”

“It is indeed a good opportunity, a great opportunity.” A heavenly prisoner law enforcement disc called “Senior Brother” with a sneer: “This wind will definitely hurt both the winter cave and the army, we can kill the seal of the winter cave.” The military lord, made a great contribution, and at the same time got the national martial arts map, this King Grade Immortal Artifact, how could it be in the hands of a xiaoxiao Ascension Sect sage? Dedicated to the many emperors of the Heavenly Monarch Lord, you can of.”

“We can use it ourselves.”

“Standing on change, retreating, conditioning, and preparing for the final blow.”

Under a series of shrines of divinity, this group of heavenly prisoner law enforcement disciples came together to form a thunder of three feet tall, and the electric light shone, directly receding, tearing apart the barbarian army.

“I saw the barbarian saints! As long as you kill this armylor, you will immediately have no dragons, and if I can refine a saint, the benefits are unimaginable.”

Fang Han saw the barbarian army master, sitting on the barbaric throne, facing his own punch, and raised his head. Zhangkou spurted a sinister light, and the two collided and shattered himself. Fang Han’s The body was shaken violently under Aura infection. He has already tested the strength of the saints of this barbarian army.

“Ghost Wu Shengtu, condense my body, the figure is one, and leap into the square.”

In his body, Essence Qi is pervasive, and the Martial art experience of the Zen Emperor at this time has played a key role in the operation of Magic Force, a condense between the condense, and the ghost figure has actually contracted and become a dress. Wrapped in his body, then he turned into a streamer, dong put on, directly ji shot to the barbaric throne, turned out to be desperate, deep into the barbarian army, to be among the billions of troops, to achieve the supreme army, The level of the sage’s body.

This move, Aura was fierce, all the people were shocked, and almost could not believe their own eyes.

“What? Ascension Sect’s sect of the Son, actually deep into the army, to kill the invincible army?”

“This is a sheep.”

“In the army of the army, the superiors are taken, but the barbarian army is the saint.”

“Aurora, Aura.”

Many people have stayed at this moment, and even some barbarian army has begun to shrink to the inside.

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