Eternal Life

Chapter 1264

First thousand two hundred and sixty-four chapters

“Wind Senior Brother, the barbarian army seems to have oppressed from here, no, this barbarian army is too much. And the composition of the sacred gods, many disciples can not resist?”

The Son of an Ascension Sect suddenly cried.

The black air filled the air, and the rows of neatlyously savage barbarian forces were forced to come over. They looked at them in the past, and they were more dense than the locusts. These barbarian army kept squirming and turned into a sacred door. g worms, combined with each other, are almost every hundred thousand barbarian army, they are combined into a new body, turned into a three-headed six-arm, or four-eight-armed barbarian Demon Soul, spit out a black mist.

The most powerful of these barbarians is the military combination. Although their individual individual strength is very tyrannical, but stronger is the combination of surgery.

The combination of Immortal Dao’s tactics is just a matter of condensing, communicating with each other, condense into a light giant, is a spirit, and the combination of the Experts in the barbarian is the body of the whole body. Door g worm, real and all people rou body condense into a savage savage.

Really hard power.

This is the real combination.

“Don’t panic, this is a good time for you to hone, confront the barbarian army, and promote the realm in life and death.” Sun Shi paintings screamed, suddenly shaking hands, whole body pulled out the nine hundred and eighty-one road Changhong , Sword Qi vertical and horizontal, into the barbarian army.

At the moment, a three-headed and six-armed barbarian Demon Soul was smashed by him, and the body of thousands of barbarian warriors fell.

However, behind the more barbarian army, Demon Soul was besieged. One of the ten heads and the thirty-six-armed savage screamed, and the ten big hands came out of the Astral Qi, which was the disc, and blocked the Sword light. Sword Qi was fired.

On the long lines of war, many Zhongzhou cultivators, as well as the Zhangzhou cultivator near Zhongzhou, began to struggle. But the good news is that there are a steady stream of cultivators on the battlefield.

Bang! There were a few sound explosions coming from the sky, and a group of Experts dressed in black rushed into the barbarian army and began to kill.

These black Experts, each tiger into the flock, burst out of ten times the power, even directly broke the barbarian army to break a front.

“The Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciples have appeared! Come to fend off the barbarian army, and we are saved.”

A lot of cultivators are screaming.


Fang Han was about to shoot, and he saw that a group of black people rushed from the sky, all of them bursting ten times, like a fighter, without stopping, he saw the law enforcement disciples of the heavenly prison.

This group of disciplines, all of them are Ancestral Immortal, there are several collars, actually reached the realm of Primordial Immortal, and even there are sturdy characters who are not hidden in 1u.

The Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciple is also divided into three or six, etc. Cao Zhengyang and others who were previously encountered by Fang Han are low-order, but now they are mysterious figures at the top level.

Suddenly, Fang Han thought about it, and in the bloody trials, there will also be rumors of the prisoner’s law enforcement in the court. But I am so popular, but I have never seen this group of people.

He can be sure that the group of people must have entered a secret place in the Taikoo market to try, and the benefits are much more than outside.

“The Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciples? You dare to kill them here!”

Numerous voices are transmitted from the alien space, and dozens of powerhouses appear in the opposite world, with brilliant majesty, blocking in front of this group of heavenly prison law enforcement disciples.

Both sides are great war.

“Senior Brother, this group of Powerhouses, very powerful. What do we do? To show the strongest means to tear them?” This group of heavenly prison law enforcement disciples, a total of hundreds of people, is a subversive The power of heaven and earth.

Into the barbarian army, those barbarian warriors have also been torn, but they are also entangled by the alien Powerhouse.

Some of these disciplines are very calm, and they pass on the mind and sneer.

Among the group of prisoner law enforcement disciples, the most tyrannical, guarded in the center, motionless, and no killing tricks, often an understatement, will open the front of a different powerhouse.

One of the leaders was called “Senior Brother”. I heard some law enforcement disciples passing the thoughts, and smiled coldly: “No problem, don’t need to kill the move for the time being, do you look at the distance? The genius of Ascension Sect is not the same.” Is it going to take a look? How do we see how he moves? This child’s performance in the bloody trial has attracted a lot of high-level attention. We were assigned to Zhongzhou to resist the barbarian this time. Some of the tasks are to monitor him and see him. How is the strength?”

“Well. Some of the tasks we came here this time are indeed this.”

“But now it seems that this person’s strength is just like this. It is a first-class, but to truly dominate the world, to be invincible, still far away.”

“Looking for an opportunity to test temptation. He defeated Wu Ba, Xiao Shihuang. These two people are indeed a bit powerful, and they are placed in our heavenly prison, which is also a powerful role.”

“It’s a good character, but it’s not a top. In our heavenly prison, there are also a number of Experts like Wu Ba, Xiao Shihuang. But when this barbarian war is over, we will let this wind out of Ascension. Sect, trained in the heavens and prisons, became a member of our prison prison.”

“I heard that the Emperor of Ascension Sect wants to accept him as a discipline, not necessarily willing.”

“I won’t? It’s a shame to face. We have 10,000 ways to clean up.”…

“Wind Senior Brother, the law enforcement disciples of the heavenly prisons of the heavens entered the barbarian army, what should we do? Can not let them snatch the limelight, joke our Ascension Sect.”

A son is on the wind.

“Attention, the Powerhouse of the opposite world has appeared.”

Sun Shi’s paintings shouted again. During his long screams, among the densely barbaric army, there were suddenly many people with wings, and there were golden experts and even ancient corpses. They are all military.

Shuā shuā shuā !

Dozens of Sword light, shuttled from the army, killing Fang Han, every Sword light, is extremely wicked, was born out of destroying life.

Finally, the Expert in some barbarians, the alien Powerhouse shot Fang Han and launched a sneak attack.


Fang Han cold snort screamed, suddenly shook his body, the clothes hunted, a huge picture flew out, the god figure was expanding, sweeping the void, Jin Ge iron horse, swallowing thousands of miles, knife and gunming, Deficiency is deep, like a protoss army, when the air comes, the king Aura, dong wear the ancient and modern future.


The dozens of Sword lights have collapsed and they have been wiped out by Fang Han.

Ghost Wu Shengtu, now the real King Grade Immortal Artifact, once the exhibition, the king is majestic, almost the blocker, like a sage of anger, destroying the pillars of heaven and earth. The heavens and the earth are violent, pouring, and a god figure is in the air, and all the big days in the sky are covered.

Almost all the barbarian army, at this moment, all swayed with the heart, centered on Fang Han, the power of the ghost martial arts scattered out, spread out on all sides, a barbarian composed of a barbarian army was sucked into the holy map Among them. A little first-class turn, immediately wiped out, turned into ashes. Become the nourishing of the ghost martial arts map.


Dozens of sneak attacking Fang Han’s alien Powerhouse, struggling under the ghost martial arts map, the most powerful of which is a white winged bird, his whole body, scatters the light, trying to fight against the ghost martial arts : “My wing king, not so easy to die! Give me a break! The more the three worlds, the leap eight years!”

His wings flickered, and the amazing ability was revealed. The Aura, which was half-sacred, was actually a semi-Sacred Expert. Unfortunately, Fang Han was expressionless and slightly increased the power of the Ghost War.

Hey, this wing king immediately exploded, became a powder, and died.

Fang Han spurred the holy map, strolling in the void, wherever he went, where the barbarian army was wiped out, countless veins, magical treasures, weapons, and alien experts, all of which could not withstand the ghosts.

Under the cover of the Ghost Wutu, all the rivers and rivers are steamed and turned into blue smoke. The void is also full of ghosts and crying gods. Of course, there are hymns mixed with the Protoss, the inscriptions of the gods, blessings, exile….

King Grade Immortal Artifact, who is fighting?

“Awesome Essence Qi!” Fang Han drives the Ghost War Saint, the refining barbarian army, and the Powerhouse in the opposite world. He feels very comfortable in his heart. He even feels that there is more and more Essence Qi in the holy map. For the protoss, the spirits of the Protoss are becoming more and more tyrannical, and the world of the gods is broken and the power of God is attracted.

“This is! King Grade Immortal Artifact, Ghost War Saint Figure!”

Hundreds of heavenly courts in the barbarian army, the law enforcement disciples, the eyeballs almost fell out of the eyelids. They wanted to take a look at the real strength of Fang Han. No one would have thought that Fang Han actually offered a King Grade Immortal Artifact, killing melons, killing the Quartet, what the aliens, the barbarian warriors, His men can’t support a round at all.

“Isn’t the Ghost War Saint Figure split into many pieces? The impermanence has taken a few pieces. How did it fall into his hands and completely restore his strength?”

That means the Senior Brother can’t believe his own eyes.

“This is the real King Grade Immortal Artifact, the power is too strong, even if the saint came, but this is the case.” The leader of a prisoner law enforcement disciplinary shocked: “King Grade Immortal Artifact, not the average person can contend. Such a large handwriting in Ascension Sect condenses King Grade Immortal Artifact for him?”

“It is impossible for Ascension Sect to refine it for him, because in Ascension Sect, the Chinese people dominate. It is impossible to make a foreign surname grow like this.”

“What should I do? There is King Grade Immortal Artifact. Here, we are afraid to make him a heaven prison, and I can’t force it.”

“Oh, no problem!” A prisoner law enforcement disciple leader sneer again and again: “The bigger the wind, the more miserable. This barbarian, the army of the outside world, has the other Expert of Saint Human Grade. Once you shoot, you can put His ghost martial arts map is suppressed, and we can even see that they have lost both sides, and they have used their means to bring the ghost martial arts into their pockets.”

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