Eternal Life

Chapter 1266

Chapter 1,266

“Is this person crazy? It is not like this to find death. I dare to directly rush into the barbarian army against the winter cave army. He really thought that the billions of barbarian army is a paper paste? Play this kind of army. Take the trick of the upper class?”

Seeing this scene, a group of law enforcement disciples in heaven and prison are also surprised.

“This person is indeed crazy, or else it is thought that King Grade Immortal Artifact is invincible in the world. The barbarian army has already set a good position and evolved a tens of thousands of time and space. He is afraid that he has not rushed to the front of the army. Encircled. In the sky, direct bombardment, and the military commander is not very good, actually deep inside.”

“In this case, even if he is fallen, we will not get the ghost map.”

“Hey, this person is not a fool. Although he doesn’t know the height of the sky, he will not do it when he is sent to death. He must have Assassin, but we must be ready to spur the nine days and nine landmines.” Lord Dao technique, when the time comes, the barbarian army is broken.”

“Yes? But this Dao technique requires all of us to work together, fully cooperate, and burn life together. Magic Force must be precise and not mistaken.”

“Reassured, we have been deducted many times in the life-thundering pool.”

A group of heavenly prisoners law enforcement disciples are again in the calculations, plans. The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

In the depths of the barbarian army, above the barbaric throne, the winter cave lord suddenly stood up and seemed to be angered by Fang Han’s bold behavior. His face was tattooed and showed a cruel smile. Meaning, a grip in the palm of the hand, a barbarian flag appeared on the palm of your hand, violently waved, hunting and screaming, and the gas of killing was greatly increased. All barbarian troops got orders, gathered toward the center, filled with black air, and eroded in time and space. One after another insect dong.

In the void, there are barriers everywhere.

A pair of barbaric generals, warriors, and fighters united to cover up Space, attack, and bombard the shadow of Fang Han, trying to kill the power of the ghost.

Among the different degrees of space, one and another of the alien experts, against Fang Han, played a smashing fairy, hundreds of billions of attacks, layered to Fang Han.

At this moment, even the saints will fall.

This kind of siege has already reached the limit, and one person is fighting against a racial army.

However, Fang Han didn’t know what kind of Dao technique was being displayed. The wings behind it were flickering. The ghost martial arts wrapped himself, as if jumping out of the Three Realms, walking freely. There was no attack and it fell on his body.

He seems to be a shadow, tangible and inferior. In the barbarian army, the alien army is not sure, and he is close to the core barbaric throne. The attacks of the army have fallen, but they have hurt themselves.

For a time, no one expected that Fang Han had such an ability. In the barbarian army, he caused a sao1uan, which collapsed and shattered everywhere. The space-time crystals of the time were smashed by Magic Force, and the heavens and the earth were shattered. status.


Fang Han reached the heart of the barbarian army, approached the barbaric throne, and saw the barbarian lord who stood up from the barbaric throne.

This winter cave lord, tall and stalwart, is two heads higher than Fang Han. The tiger’s back is a bear’s waist. The whole body is densely swayed. As long as people have a glance, it will never be forgotten forever.

Really close to this barbarian saint, Fang Han felt a suffocating taste, and the other body’s body was free to move, just like the naked body came to the ancient wild world, surrounded by countless wild beasts.

Moreover, Fang Han felt that the ghost martial arts map was suppressed by the saints, and at this moment he was truly facing a saint, a powerful military lord, and fighting alone.

However, the more depressing Aura, the more and more his fighting spirit is boiling. He even knows that he is tempered by lack of war. If he can fight with the saints of the barbarian this time, he will be able to break through the saints. Great benefit.

“Human cultivator? You are alone, and dare to fall into the army of the 35 billion barbarian warriors. I am very grateful to your winter lord. I will kill you and make it. Placed on the altar, now you have to say, what are the last words?”

A strong mind, the barbaric Aura, passed into Fang Han’s mind.

“Less nonsense, war!” Fang Han’s body was shaken, turned into thirty-three shadows, punched out, and directly hit thirty-three times the vast force.

The reason why he went deep into the barbarian army was to better display his own school, a hearty battle, and an inexhaustible barbarian army. The outside people could not see what was happening inside.

Thirty-three statues, each of them, are transformed into different styles of Fang Han. They are different in the way of Martial art. The temperament is different. There is a flow of stealing the sky, dexterity, and the weight of the heavens. The compassion of the way of heaven, the domineering of the way of falling into the sky…….

Fang Han Martial art Dajin, under the zenith of the Zen Emperor, he also got all the Martial Dao experience of the Supreme Immortal Emperor, Martial art, one by one, 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist entered a more Invincible and unpredictable. Between the Divine Fist and the head of each body, a gate of creation was opened, and the power of the rivers of the rivers fell down, making the thirty-three bodies of Fang Han evolve into the prototype of the artifacts.

The realm of heaven and earth is fully developed.

At this moment, the whole person of Fang Han turned into the original form of the creation artifact, and it was strong and strong against the barbarian saints.


A circle of light bo scattered, the barbarian throne of the barbarian sage kā chā, inch cracked, and then collapsed into a powder, this barbaric throne is a Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, where can bear the fist of Fang Han now wind? Directly punched and broken, turned into fly ash, all Essence Qi, was also sucked away by Fang Han, into the power of its own Fist Arts, adding more power.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Hey… A series of explosions, from the side of the sage’s main winter cave, are some barbarian guards, all of which are blown apart by Fang Han. Tear, and even some of the Prambadial Immortal barbarian warriors can’t stand the burden of Fang Han.

“Thirty-three times the fighting power! The Divine Fist that made our barbarians feel sorrowful…” Seeing Fang Han’s starting style, the style of the fist, the saints in the moment knew what the power of Fist Arts was. In the same year, the sacred kings swept the barbarian. I don’t know how many stalwarts of the barbarians were killed. The Heavenly Monarch-level Experts were all fallen under this Divine Fist. When they met this Divine Fist, as long as they were barbarians, the soul was deep. There will be tremors everywhere.


The hateful gaze came out from the eyes of the barbarian sage’s winter cave. He moved, and this sage was moved. When he started, he launched the saint power, and the five fingers rooted up. Aura scattered from a finger, earth-shattering, covering the sky, turned into five Optimus Prime.

The tattoos on his body also lived, and evolved a series of pictures of the gods, the holy figure, the road map, and the whole body.

A palm hit, even with the power of rou, hard to force Fang Han’s 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist, thirty-three times the power.

Bang! Two Divine Strengths fight in the center of the barbarian army. The huge storm swept out and formed hundreds of millions of storm dragons, destroying soldiers who did not know how many barbarians and aliens.

Fang Han whole body Cracked, the body appeared in the cracks of the dense numb porcelain, shocking. The ghost martial arts map was smashed and smashed away from his side.

The barbarian sage army, the body infiltrated with blood, blood stained tattoos, but his face was heavy, and his body Aura was overwhelming, more and more intense, it seems that the injury has made him excited, this saint is not so easy Defeated, under the thirty-three times of the force of Fang Han, he was able to compete with ease.

“Since you will make Divine Fist, you will not be able to stay in it. In the future, you will be the biggest enemy of my barbarian. The gods are born, the barbaric Divine Fist!”

The sage army main body winter body explosion, tattoos fresh, big hands and a grip, a storm in the palm of the condense, turned into a barbaric fist, bombarded against Fang Han, one step, Fang Han felt the time and space change, I came to a desert of civilization, all of which are barbaric, wild xing, cruel and **1uo.

This punch shows the power of the saint.

“Awesome brutality, trampling and trampling civilization!” Fang Han seems to have felt the many civilizations in his book of epoch, and there is a feeling of being trampled.

He once again mentioned the power of the whole body, and a patch of crystal fog merged into the body, reaching Aura at the height of the moment, and 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist bombarded.

At the same time, the ghost Wu Sheng figure flew again and was wiped out.

Two major Experts, collided again, and the blood and fire are woven. In the twinkling of an eye, True Qi blasts, Space bursts, all the energy is swept away, and the heavens and the earth are turned into hun chaos. It seems that an old era has perished, and a new era is born.


The sage’s main winter cave is a barbaric way. Fist Arts is earth-shattering and carries the saint power. It actually broke through thirty-three times of its strength and hit the xiong膛 of Fang Han.

This punch, playing Fang Han is a whole body, many crystals of the gods turned into ashes, and the gods do not know how many ancestors all perished. Fang Han’s body, this time lost half of the vitality.

But in an instant, countless crystal fogs filled, his body was repaired with a degree of rou eye can see, as if time is going backwards, he actually restored the vitality of his heyday.


His body was fully unfolded, his hands and feet were stretched, and his thirty-three times of fighting power was repeatedly displayed, and he was again besieged to the saints of the Winter Cave.

The sage of the Winter Cave is a cold face: “How can there be such a sturdy recovery…”

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