Eternal Life

Chapter 1251

Chapter 1, 251

Fang Han knows that there are still some dangers in his current situation. Although it seems to be superficial, his strength is still insufficient.

With his current Culture Base, encountering a real saint, only protects the life.

This is only possible. Grasp only 50%.

Moreover, among the saints, they are also divided into three or six, etc., to deal with the primary saint, he is sure to escape, but encountered the kind of expert among the saints, intermediate, even advanced, peak saints, even the semi-emperor Powerhouse, that I am afraid I will die immediately.

Therefore, only the body of Supreme Immortal, the body of the Supreme Immortal, can truly fight against the saints.

Even Fang Han wants to refine the body of this Zen Emperor into one of his own avatars.

After the opening of a dojo in the 1uan stream of the core of the kingdom of the kingdom of the Feathering Kingdom, he began a quiet cultivation, and the hand of the Zen Buddha appeared in front of him.

This Buddha is lifelike, with no signs of decay. The Great Karma Technique of the whole body is endless, and the Great Karma Technique of Fang Han’s own cultivation is far less than one ten thousandth of this Buddha.

Fang Han showed the body of the Buddha, and suddenly, in the entire dojo, bathed in Buddha light everywhere.

Dozens of demons are shocked, and there is a strong fear instinct.

The demon itself was restrained by Buddha. However, these demons are okay. After being surrendered by the tyrant, they used the Martial Dao to wash their own Demonic Qi, or else they will be illuminated by this Buddha light, and the whole body will come out with all the smoke.

The body of this Buddha, the body contains the power of no match, although it has already died, but the arrogance of the sky, only hands cover the sky. The palm of the hand squeezes out the French seal, move towards the heavens, and can tear the entire sky.

Fang Han’s calculations have been almost calculated. In the body of the Buddha, the power is almost boundless. He joined 33 Skies to the treasure, and the eight floats add up. There is no one in the body. power.

It is a pity that all these forces are blocked in the body by the Great Karma Technique. No matter how refining, no 1u will be released.

This is the real “no leak”.

“No leaks.”


Fang Han runs Magic Force, and the power of a materialized dragon is swept over. Not only does it have no refining of Magic Force, but the power of the dragon is also swallowed up.

A Sword light ji came out and was swallowed up.

Origin, creation, freedom… and other forces are bombarded, and there is still no effect. Instead, Fang Han attacked the Buddha’s body more and more, and the Buddha light above it became stronger and stronger.

Only the world’s self-contained Wang Fu’s symbol can suppress the Buddha’s light.

“The passage of time, the dead are like this.”

Fang Han has a finger, and the time in the entire dojo has begun to increase. The time rules of the heavens are very stable, and only when the cultivation reaches the realm of Jinxian can it be shaped and changed. However, Fang Han is now a “half-sacred” realm, shaping things between time and fingers.

He burned a lot of the beginning of the Yuan, and adjusted the time to an outside time, which was the horror of the past millennium.

Quiet, began to calculate, sacrificial refining the body of this Zen Emperor.

This Buddha Emperor is the most difficult to re-sacred refining in his history. With the current strength, there is actually a sense of helplessness.

It can be said that with his current “semi-sacred” realm, even if a King Grade Immortal Artifact is captured, it is not impossible to refine. But now, the body of the Zen Emperor is no way to take him.

The result of his original calculation was to use the Great Karma Technique to slowly eat, the stone was worn, and the rope was cut. However, in the next sacrificial refining, he now, the result of his own calculations, is actually wrong.

After an hour passed outside, he used the Great Karma Technique to spur the world’s self-contained Buddha’s sacrificial refining. This body has been around for a thousand years, but unfortunately, there is still no effect. Not only that, but the strength of his Great Karma Technique has also consumed a lot, and it has been sucked away by the body of the Buddha.

The face of the Buddha’s body is getting more and more rosy, more and more full of vitality, it seems to be resurrected at any time.

“Oh, my sacrificial refining for thousands of years, not only has no effect, but is restored in the assist Buddha, the body of this Buddha, the power is unfathomable, the body still does not know what some wonderful existence. In the end What can I do?”

Fang Han gave up sacrificial refining and thought hard.

Zhou Tianyi, the cruelty map, the three fate of the ball. The magical treasure, and its own crystal god country, is violently calculated. The light of wisdom flashes in succession.

Suddenly, in his heart, the aura flashed.

“Life is burning, fate power!”

A huge life burns Aura, which comes out of his body and he provokes xiao fate. The Aura and the power of the sacred fate have begun to align with the true destiny.

In the twinkling of an eye, Fang Han felt it again, in the heavens, in the distant unknown, the existence of the boundless Gate to Eternity. The shape of Gate to Eternity seems to be clearer, but it still looks like hua in the fog, not clear.

“Tian Chan Buddha, your life has disappeared, the road to the future has been cut off, there is no fate. You are a lifeless person. It has disappeared into the dust of history, it should not have appeared in this world, but I master fate, communicate fate, and perceive Gate to Eternity, and can call out the spirit that you have disappeared in the past.”

Fang Han’s eyes are like the immortal gods, standing up fiercely, the body is actually the same as the body of the Zen Emperor.

He waved his hands and hands, and Magic Force reached the highest level.

A long river of destiny appears in the air, between the rivers, hundreds of billions of life faces, in which the ups and downs, some floating on the river, some sleeping at the bottom of the river, this fate, no source, no end, A DC 淌 runs through the ancient and modern future.

This long river represents the fate of countless souls.

If Fang Han can really master Great Destiny Technique and cultivate success, then you can freely change the fate of all characters from the past to the present. Even shaping a new civilization and creating the next era.

However, Fang Han is far from this realm. I don’t know how far away it is. It’s just a beggar. It’s not precarious.

Finally found!

Fang Han suddenly shouted in his heart and saw the deepest in the river of fate. A strong golden light, flickering, but in the deepest part of the river, has gradually traveled.

In the tsunami, the strength of the life-long burning of the body is ten times bigger. The fate of the river spreads and the dangdang is rolling. The dozens of demons in the entire dojo see such a scene and can’t help it. Knocked down, kneeling on the ground, motionless.

“What is this Dao technique? Is it rumored that the Great Destiny Technique of Three Thousand Great Daos? Only the Great Destiny Technique can have such power.”

“Lord, this is the true master, our master.”

“Wu Ba Huang Yu Fei compared with him, it is simply worthless.”

“I can’t compete with him at all.”

These demon squatting on the ground, motionless, the heart really served Fang Han, in their view, Fang Han at this time, even more powerful than the saint.

“The soul of the celestial Buddha’s disappearance comes out of the long river of history!”

Fang Han used all his strength and screamed. A glimmer of light in the long river of fate flew out like a golden sun, entering the body of the Emperor.


The eyes of the Emperor Zen Emperor opened, and the numerous auras behind his head began to skyrocket. The entire dojo had a sign of rupture and began to collapse everywhere. This is the real “Supreme Immortal Emperor’s majesty.”

“Are you awakening me? You use your life, spur the fate, and awaken the soul that I have passed away!” The Zen Emperor opened his eyes and saw Fang Han, the infinite wisdom flowed, and he understood it in an instant. what.

The power of this Zen Emperor, at this time is the real Supreme Immortal Emperor, between the palms, can completely kill Fang Han.

However, Fang Han did not have a bit of timidity, because now the Buddha Zen Emperor is able to wake up, he is using his own fate, and the burning life is maintained.

If you stop using your fatalism, then the Buddha’s spirit will disappear immediately. Life and death are so simple and cannot be reversed. Things that have disappeared will not be able to come back.

Fang Han This is a life change.

Nowadays, the Zen Emperor exists in every breath in the world, and he almost consumes the life of hundreds of years or even thousands of years. Fortunately, his long life span, has passed hundreds of millions of days of the world, although not able to reach the highest realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, but such a large consumption can not make him burn out.

“Tian Chan Buddha, yes, that is, I am changing my life, so that you come to this world and watch this world again!” Fang Han said: “However, my Cultural Base is not enough, how long can I support it, you have to I die again. I am adhering to the will of the worldly Buddha, if I am a day, I will be able to return to this world for a long time.”

“Relying on others to live, it doesn’t mean anything to me. Even if it is the true self-reliance of the Lord Buddha, I have to wake up and have to endure the life.” The Zen Emperor took a glimpse of the time and the self-confidence of the Buddha. 1u has a look of emotion that no one can understand: “My wisdom has reached the realm of running the heavens, but unfortunately it has not become Heavenly Monarch, or it has fallen. Your consciousness, I understand very well, is to wake me up, Fight for you.”

“Yes, I am proficient in fate and control everything. In the distant future, I hope to cultivate eternal life, and the more immortal king, by then, you will be completely resurrected.”

Fang Han’s thoughts are shining.

He is doing the last jiao stream with the Zen Emperor.

“Eternal life, eternal life…. Throughout the ages, there have been many Powerhouses in the past. I have mastered the mystery of fate and learned Great Destiny Technique, but it still fell.” Tianzen Buddha said: “Eternal life, but An unreachable hope, such as the hua in the mirror, the moon in the water.”

“Mirror hua water month, reflecting the truth. There is no real hua and the month, where is the mirror hua water month?” Fang Han violently shouted.

“Good! Good! Good! Drink in the head!” In the eyes of the Emperor Zen, there was a smile, and his eyes closed. Suddenly, it disappeared again, leaving only the purple-golden body and standing in the air.

It was Fang Han who stopped the martial arts.

Just now, the gods of this moment are flashing, and the life of burning is too intense. He has something to eat.

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