Eternal Life

Chapter 1250

“The powerful Aura, these Heavenly Monarch, the strength is terrible. I am not a level with me. I have the possibility to escape to the saints. If I am promoted to Saint Immortal, I will have the hope of saving the Supreme Immortal. But when you encounter Heavenly Monarch, it is the presence of an ant, a finger, you can be crushed and killed.”

Fang Han looked at Aura in the sky and was deeply shocked.

This is the first time he saw Heavenly Monarch really shot.

It used to be Heavenly Monarch’s idea projection. Now it’s the real Heavenly Monarch. It’s on the far side of the sky, and Magic Force can kill him.

If at this time, there is a Heavenly Monarch who wants to kill him, just cast a mind and shoot him down.

Fortunately, he secretly has hun1uanHeavenly Monarch guardian. When necessary, this supreme tyrannical character will protect himself from harm.

“Heavenly Monarch! I must cultivation to reach Heavenly Monarch to protect myself from harm.” Fang Han shocked: “Only when cultivation reaches the realm of Heavenly Monarch, you can truly establish a foothold in the heavens and become Lord. Only when you reach Heavenly Monarch can you hope that the world will be destroyed and the universe will be destroyed. Before the next era, there is hope to save yourself.”

Fang Han knows that this world, even the heavens, the secular, the heavens and the other worlds, will all be destroyed in the future, returning to the realm of hun chaos, and then the new civilization, the new era will come again, at that time It is another brand new civilization.

In the state of the great destruction of the heavens and the earth, nothing can be preserved. Even the Supreme Immortal emperor will die immediately, and it will not be able to withstand the destruction of the heavens and the earth.

Only Heavenly Monarch, Heavenly Monarch had the opportunity to survive a hun chaotic epoch and survive again in the next hun chaotic era.

Of course, this is also an opportunity. It is not inevitable that in the hun chaos of one another, there are many Heavenly Monarchs that have fallen and disappeared completely.

From the birth of the first epoch to the present, I don’t know how many Heavenly Monarchs have fallen. Even if they are sturdy and sturdy, they will die if they experience hundreds of thousands of hun chaotic epochs.

No one can reach eternal life.

However, when he was trained as Heavenly Monarch, he had the opportunity to live through the hun chaotic era. This is also the reason why many Experts are desperately trying to reach the Heavenly Monarch realm.

In fact, it has become a saint, and its life span is far away, and it is the point of hundreds of millions of heavenly years.

And there are some brilliant Supreme Immortal emperors, the highest peak of Supreme Immortal, the half-step Heavenly Monarch exists, almost with Life as Heaven and Earth. Will not die at all.

However, it is not useful with Life as Heaven and Earth.

When the heavens and the earth are shattered, it will fall.

Never before, the desire of Fang Han to practice is so strong, and strongly wants cultivation to reach the realm of Heavenly Monarch.

On that day, the redemption of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact came out and defeated the Heavenly Monarch of the barbarian. The whole world was peaceful, and the redemption of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact disappeared and entered the heavens.

All the pressure of the Son is suddenly over.

In the sky, dozens of saints also breathed a sigh of relief and joined forces: “Heavenly Heavenly Monarch shot, defeating the barbarian, but this is only a temptation, the future situation is grim, but the heavenly genius battle will not be postponed, you These saints have been honed, and after returning to digest the treasure, the notice of heaven will be released. At that time, it is a good time for you to show your skills. Eternal Heavenly Monarch has decided that in this genius battle, for his The righteous woman chose husband and wife. However, this genius battle, in addition to you, the Son, there are many people who are not born. You must be mentally prepared.”


Between the words, dozens of saints have already flown in the sky and disappeared.

Fang Han was shot by the gods, and now the Makino family, the pure land of Shenzhou, and other sects of the sects, have continued to pass through the transmission array and left the ancient city of Tianzhou.

In the blood test, how to kill, you can.

Outside, he can’t kill at will.

This is the rule of heaven.

The rules of heaven are to be observed by everyone, and those who do not obey are only dead!

“We will return to Ascension Sect first, and each will say goodbye.” Fang Han and the sects of the various sects don’t want to talk again, and then lead most of the Sons of Ascension Sect, stepping into the transmission array.

Fang Han At this time, he became the leader of the Son.

After he entered the transmission array, another group of Ascension Sect’s Son appeared, and the leader was Zhu Chongyang, Wan Xi’an, and Hua Zhentian.

Apart from this, there are some powerful sons, watching Fang Han step into the back of the transmission array, they look very unsightly.

Zhu Chongyang, Wan Xi’an, Hua Zhentian’s eyes sparkled with hatred.

In particular, Zhu Chongyang, who has been plundered by Fang Han after a thousand hardships, is now impossible to get back.

“What to do? This child is so powerful. The cultivation has reached the realm of semi-sacred. Although we have become a Primordial Immortal, it is not comparable to him.”

“Yeah, we and this child have already formed hatred. It is almost impossible to resolve. Is it necessary to beg for mercy? Resolving grievances? It is impossible.”

“Hey! He is looking for death.” Hua Zhentian spoke, his face showed a hazy smile: “this child has forgotten, what is the offense of my end. My Ascension Sect is Huajia, and now Headmaster Supreme Yuhuang Although not my Chinese family, but a large number of people are too elder, saints, several Supreme Immortal emperors, antiques, living fossils, but also are our Chinese people, I only need to push a little help, you can make him difficult When I was late, I called out the treasure I got, and even looked for an opportunity to make a mistake. When I was able to deprive him of Magic Force, we all have a share.”

“Yes, it has to be like this, this child is too arrogant, not nong to die, it is difficult to flatter my heart.”

Zhu Chongyang’s wicked way: “He thought that only by virtue of strength, he could be arrogant, but he did not know that our position in Ascension Sect was deeply rooted. It was not that he could be instigated, even if he was promoted to be a saint, he could only A Magic Force was completely scrapped, and he was driven out of the division.”

“That’s how to deal with him, Hua Zhentian. After you go back, you complain to Elder of the Chinese family. We look for opportunities and provoke this person. And when we announce the news, we say that he is in the bloody trial and killed the si When he was born, Zhao Fenghua, when the emperor came to exert pressure… he must not eat and walk.” Wan Xi’an laughed.

“Go, let’s go back to Ascension Sect.”

“According to the plan, one step walk, let his end is miserable, can solve my hatred.”

The trio led some powerful sons and stepped into the transmission.

Ascension Sect.

Feathering the kingdom of heaven.

When Fang Han returned to the martial art, he began to close the door meditation. At this time, he was not living in the mountain of the gods, but in the core holy land of the feathered kingdom, a dojo was opened up by himself.

When the promotion reaches the realm of the Son, you can enter the sanctuary of the Feathering Heaven and open up a dojo to carry the core disciples of the Golden Fairy, seed disciple. There are even true biography, inner door, outer door and other discipline.

This is tantamount to opening the government to build a tooth, preaching and teaching, and building power.

But all powerful sons have their own dojos.

Fang Han returned to the depths of the core of the feathered kingdom. He looked at the 1uan flow in the depths of countless voids. When the next shock, the big hand stretched out, the spirits were suppressed, and the time and space condense became a piece of iron plate, which was full of flickering and dazzling.

At this moment, he is a Semi-Cultivation Base, which is not the same, and it is a breeze to open up the dojo.

At random, a magnificent dojo opened up. Space and condense became a yu-like crystal. In the dojo, there are strange grasses, some rare species, and even the other side. presence.

These are all obtained by Fang Han from the Great Hall.

In the Daxiong Hall, in the treasure house of the Emperor Zen Emperor, in addition to having some treasures, there are many rare hua wood seeds, which are collected by Fang Han and are now planted in the dojos that they have opened up.

“Heaven and earth dragons, guard the dojo!”

After stabilizing his dojo, Fang Han suddenly suddenly, and dozens of hunters and ancestors flew behind the body and swam in the dojo.

These flooded ancestors, although condensed, are extremely tyrannical, each of them is equivalent to the first-class Primordial Immortal, and is good at melting everything. Anything that is twisted by them can be turned into a dragon-shaped energy and supplement itself.

This is the benefit of Fang Han’s arrival of the eight battalion cultivation to Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact.

“You guys, come out, watch the dojo for me.”

Fang Han was shaking his body again. The dozens of demons all flew out and scattered in the dojo. The condense became the real body. Among them, the most powerful white peacock, the purple peacock, a man and a woman, all look bad, they were first surrendered by Emperor Huang, and later surrendered by Fang Han, just a few days, two easy to master.

“Master, what is your order?”

Although they are reluctant in their hearts, these demons also know that people under the eaves have to bow their heads, and the presence of the white peacock Primordial Immortal peak stands over and respects Fang Han.

They have already seen the means of Fang Han, and they have been defeated by the Xiaoshi Emperor. It also collects the magical treasures of the treasure house of the Emperor Zen, and even the body of a Supreme Immortal Buddha.

The achievement of saints in the future is just around the corner. It is impossible for such a person to resist in front of him. It is better to obey the instructions.

“After that, you will live in my dojo and guard the portal for me. At the same time, I will look for some Foundation’s rich discipline in Ascension Sect, cultivate it, and gather it into a force. You can also help, sometimes Walk around and see if there is a natural air transport disciple in the major states of the heavens, bring it here.” Fang Han told me: “I am now starting Closed door meditation, adding time to the passage, refining the Zen Buddha The corpse of the emperor. You should protect the Fa, and when I am successful, I will never treat you badly.”

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