Eternal Life

Chapter 1252

“Summon the celestial spirit of the Emperor of the Heavenly Zen, such a tired, such consumption of its own life, but unfortunately make up the crystal fog, can only supplement the energy consumed by itself, as well as the law of breaking, can not add back the life of burning Otherwise, I will summon the body of the Heavenly Zen Emperor and attack it endlessly.”

Fang Han saw the Zen Emperor who had lost his mind and shook his head.

His communication, reluctance, is almost an agreement with the soul that the Buddha has long since passed away. In the future, as long as you display xiao fate, wake up the Buddha’s spirit, and control your body, you can make an unbeatable blow to the enemy, which is equivalent to one more bodyguard of Supreme Immortal.

But the downside is that the life span is too drastic.

Just now, this exhibition, to awaken Yuan Ling, almost lost one percent of life.

This loss is really too big. The average person can’t afford it at all. Even the true saints, Supreme Immortal, can afford to live, but unfortunately they can’t display xiao fate, which can’t wake up the sleeping spirit.

The Yuanling, who has died, can only thoroughly summon the dead spirit by mastering the power of fate and the Expert of the power of destiny. Moreover, these spirits have their own consciousness, and even if they wake up, they will not be controlled by themselves.

Fang Han was able to reach an agreement with the Heavenly Zen Buddha. The first is that the Zen Emperor is the Expert of Buddhism. He saw the symbol of the world’s free King Buddha and understood something. The second is that he masters xiao fate, can speak eloquently, and gives the Zen Emperor the Buddha unlimited hope.

If you change the Experts such as the Protoss Ghost Wu, I am afraid that it will be a wake-up call to kill Fang Han.

“In any case, this is my Assassin 锏, although there are a lot of restrictions, it does not help for its own Culture Base, but it will consume a lot of life, but after all, it is a big Assassin 锏! Summon the Buddha’s yuan Spirit, control his body, kill, even if the saint is not his opponent.” Fang Han silently said.

His original intention was to refine this body, but now it is impossible to refine it.

So Insight for a thousand years, I came up with such a method.

Use xiao fate to consume life, wake up the soul that this person has died, and then talk about it, reach an agreement, and then show it to the enemy, you can truly protect yourself.

The Zen Emperor, the Magic Force is boundless, and has a lot of imposingness. In the ancient times, it was the Supreme Immortal emperor of the famous one. Once he woke up, he used the power of the body to destroy the universe and shake the power of the universe.

The body of the Emperor Zen, re-flying, entered the body of Fang Han, sitting in the center of the crystal god country, warming up. Fang Han cross-legged Sit down and make a change.

The consumption just was too big, even if it was his half-Cultivation Base, there was something unsustainable.

It is not able to replenish life. However, the mystery of the creation of artifacts does not stop there. He calculated in Zhou Tianyi that as long as 33 Skies is the best, it will be turned into Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, and the Tiantian crystal fog can be turned into a stone.

At that time, the stone of the heavens can have the effect of supplementing the life of the passing.

If 33 Skies is turned into King Grade Immortal Artifact, the person who uses it can even go directly to Life as Heaven and Earth. Of course, the cost of refining King Grade Immortal Artifact is too great.

It can be said that even if Fang Han is a saint and even a Supreme Immortal, it is not always possible to make 33 Skies into a King Grade Immortal Artifact unless it is a fortuitous encounter.

Even the Heavenly Monarch, it is very difficult to make 33 Skies into King Grade Immortal Artifact.

“The body of the Zen Emperor is still used as little as possible. The more life loss, the harder I will be promoted to the realm of the saints, the harder it will be. I can’t use it.” Fang Han secretly thought of cross-legged sitting. Between, run my own Magic Force, start cultivation, calculate all kinds of Dao technique, Martial art, stone roads learned from the blood test… Try to melt in a furnace, fight for wisdom, re-promotion, run the holy road, reach the saint Realm.

Now he is only half a step away from the way of the saints, but the distance of this half step is too far away, it is difficult to go to the sky.

Just as his Insight was out of school, the deeper part of the feathered kingdom, an unknown alien space, some tyrannical figures are in the process of meeting.

There are hundreds of Primordial Immortal Experts, dozens of saints, and a few old antiques. The Supreme Immortal emperor-level living fossil cross-legged sits in the void of the glory.

This is the true essence of Ascension Sect, the highest decision-makers, destroying these characters, Ascension Sect is really dead.

“Headmaster Supreme, what do you think this time? The intelligence of this bloody trial has been passed to us. I believe everyone has seen it. Among the sons of Ascension Sect, there is such an ancient figure. , Fengyuan. Now that cultivation has reached the realm of semi-sacred, the rumor strength is enough to rival the saints, this kind of wizard, our Ascension Sect has almost never come out.”

A saint suddenly stood up.

This saint is not tall, but on the contrary it is a little short, but wherever he stands, no one dares to ignore it. Naturally, there is a majesty of sanctification.

This is an Expert “Sanctuary” in Ascension Sect.

A magic force is extremely powerful, and after a battle, I don’t know how many Experts are killed.

At this point, he is talking to the youth of a feather star crown. This youth, gentle eyes, gentle as yu, has a taste of modest gentleman, this youth does not have the slightest bo movement, even like an ordinary person, but his own casual movement, there is a natural flavor.

This is the genius that Ascension Sect has a rare year, and now Ascension Sect’s Headmaster is the ultimate “Fenghuang”.

Originally, the Headmaster Supreme Sect of Ascension Sect was the official of the Chinese family. Because the founder of Ascension Sect is Hua Heavenly Monarch. But because in the last ten thousand years, a genius 冉冉 was born, it is now the “feather of the feathers”, and he is the most hopeful, rumored to understand the realm of Heavenly Monarch.

Now that cultivation has reached the realm of “Life as Heaven and Earth”, almost the heavens are immortal, and he will not die.

However, this realm has a big gap with Heavenly Monarch. Heavenly Monarch is the end of heaven, they have a chance to not die.

But the realm of “Life as Heaven and Earth” is already terrifying, and because of this, Ascension Sect has the present majesty. In those days, among the many emperors in the heavens, the emperors who were able to reach the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, there were only a few, “羲皇”, “武皇”, “气皇”, “命皇”…but Ten.

“Life as Heaven and Earth” is basically a half-step Heavenly Monarch.

Because of this, it is possible for the “King of the Emperor” to stabilize the Headmaster in Ascension Sect, and no one can shake it for thousands of years. Because even some of the Chinese Supreme Immortal emperors, there is no cultivation to this realm.

“I have noticed this child.” Yu Huang was silent for a while, and suddenly said: “I seem to have the air transport in Ascension Sect, and I was able to give birth to such a peerless god, even the wisdom fist Makino, the martial arts Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei has been defeated, and even collected the treasures left by the Emperor Zen Emperor. If you grow up like this, there will be another saint in our Ascension Sect, even the Supreme Immortal emperor is stable. Things.”

“I don’t think so.”

A sharp voice sounded out, but an Ascension Sect emperor sitting in the East spoke: “Yu Huang, this person has caused a great disaster, do you know? In the bloody trial, kill Extreme Unity Sect’s son Zhao Fenghua, this person is the son of the emperor’s si. With the emperor’s xing grid, I will definitely look for the door. At that time, I am afraid that I will be trapped by Ascension Sect.

“In the blood test, any fault is not a fault. This is the rule that Heaven has appointed. Even if you kill the son of Heavenly Monarch, you can’t liquidate it afterwards.” The Emperor looked at the Supreme Immortal emperor: ” Hua Wenchang, I know that in the bloody trials, that Hua Zhentian and Feng Feng had some xiaoxiao contradictions, and ran to you to cry, but this is only a matter of xiao.”

The Supreme Immortal emperor is called “Hua Wenchang” and the name is “Changhuang”.

“You can’t say that.” Another Supreme Immortal emperor spoke: “There is no need to say anything about this bloody trial, but this person seems to have a conspiracy. There is a shadow of a Lord behind it. I listen. He said that he had offended the sadness of St. Nangong and went looking for his troubles, but he retired for no reason. The things in this have to be investigated. It is possible that this child is a spy.”

“Young people, there are some fortuitous encounters. Normally, he got the Dao Lineage of Duobao Heavenly Monarch.” Yu Huangdao: “As for Nangong, sad, you see, this is a letter he gave me not long ago. He has already Cultivation reached the realm of Supreme Immortal, Dao technique to advance with leaps and bounds, the current title, not love, but the emperor.”

Between the talks, Yu Huang shook his sleeves and flew a letter out.

That Hua Wenchang took a trick, and the letter fell into the hands. In an instant, the vast force of the letter came out and condensed into a virtual shadow.

This illusion is the sad appearance of Nangong. The power is a bo-bo, and even Hua Wenchang can’t grasp it.

“How can you have such a strong force?”

Hua Wenchang said with amazement: “Even if the Nangong sadness has reached the realm of Supreme Immortal, it is only a junior emperor, far less than me. Now this power Aura, it seems to be still waiting for me.”

Many saints have also begun to talk about it, and several other Supreme Immortal emperors have also shown a strong shock on their faces.

“Ascension Sect, all the friends, it is polite.” Nangong sadness appeared, very cool: “I made this Supreme Immortal royal, this letter is for the friction of Ascension Sect and Nangong family, the wind thing, is I am not a Nangong family, but I have prepared a gift in the second house. In addition, I have prepared a gift for the Nangong family. Together with the letter, Jiao has arrived in the hands of the Emperor Sectmaster, hoping to give the wind to the wind.”

Between the words, the shadow of Nangong’s sadness disappeared.

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