Eternal Life

Chapter 1249

Chapter 1 249

The portal of the heavenly court is actually open at this time.

Originally, every blood test was going through seven days and seven nights, but it was only six days before it was opened. This is something that has never happened before.

Everyone is shocked, and I don’t know what earth-shattering changes have happened.

Even Fang Han felt the violent Space Bo movement.

He stopped the attack a bit and looked at the portal that opened to the court in the distance.

“The Sons, come out, the heavens barbarian unites many powerhouses in different powers, attacking heaven. If you don’t come out, the gateway to the ancient market will be closed forever, and you don’t know what year and month to open.”

The voices of many ancient saints are passed from them.

“What? The celestial barbarian has moved again?”

“There is also a combination of the Powerhouse in the outer world? There is an endless range of space in the heavens. There are many Powerhouses in it. There are even some heterogeneous Spaces. There are Heavenly Monarch-level tyrans. In the past, in the night. The most powerful supreme is the night emperor.”

“What happened? These powerhouses of the world, the barbarians, dare to attack the heavens? Is this the daring leopard?”

“No matter what, let’s go out, lest the portal disappear, and stay here forever.”

At the moment, many sons are also eager to fight, flying directly to the portal above the distant sky, and 1uan is a mess.

“Go out and talk!”

Fang Han At this time, he also refused to kill Xiao Shihuang and Huangpu Fei on the boat on the other side, violently jumping, and grabbed the portal mouth in one step. His degree can be described as invincible, then first, and all the holy Son, the first one was separated from the Taikoo.

In an instant, he came out of the portal and saw the “Tianzhou Ancient City.”

Apart from this, on the top of the head, the infinite height of the void, the looming heaven.

“The barbarian unites the Powerhouse, attacking the heavens?” He broke away from the Taikoo market, and suddenly felt a relaxed, immediately calculated, the heavens are infinitely vast, the heavens 100,000 states are only a very small part, nine cattle and one mao, In more vast wilderness, barbarians grow.

Apart from this , in many different spaces parallel to the heavens, I don’t know how many powerful beings exist.

Heaven, in the ancient Taoist book, called these different degrees of space, called the outer world.

For example, the most famous one was once the night emperor in the night.

Even the origin of the origin of the immortal king. The “corpse world” is also equal to an outside world. These aliens, each with their own laws, grow different tyrannical creatures, some aliens, and even the space fragments of the previous era.

These different boundaries, the number of rivers in the constant rivers, are quite large.

At the time of the ancient times, the sacred kings mastered the heavens, and they never destroyed the infinite world. But in that world, the heavens dominated the Quartet and conquered Zhou Tian, ​​and destroyed countless aliens, making the powerful existence in the outer world have to surrender.

The night emperor of the “night world” was killed by the heavens, and some of the disciplines under his command, who had turned to heaven, set up the dark emperor’s palace, and now is an important institution of heaven.

In the future, the sacred king suddenly disappeared, and the outer world got the Cultivate Vitality for many years, and countless Powerhouses were born. I can’t think of the barbarians who actually joined the heavens and attacked the heavens directly.

Fang Han first crossed out and looked at the heavens. Sure enough, the high heavens, a lot of black air filled, and the power of a stock to kill fell from the sky.

However, the court was too high. It is estimated that even if it is flying at its own level, it will be possible to arrive in a few days and nights. That is to say, now he cannot fly up and watch the battle between the heavenly barbarian and the alien Powerhouse teaming up with the heavenly court.

“This Son, how fast, good strength!”

Above the sky, there are dozens of saints standing on foot, all of which are the supreme beings of heaven. These saints, one by one, are full of surprises and look at him.

The degree he had just rushed out of the portal was indeed fast, so that the saint had some eyes, and as soon as he landed in the ancient city of Tianzhou, the power was scattered and the ground was shivering slightly.

Dozens of saints swept their gaze on him.

Fang Han immediately moved towards the sky and arched his hands: “The seniors, under the Ascension Sect.”

“Wind?? I have never heard of it. The heavenly kings are the family of the kings. The outstanding sons of the gates are the reincarnation of the emperor, or the master of the Martial Dao, the reincarnation of the King Grade Immortal Artifact.”

“This wind seems to be a sudden rise in strength. It seems that the cultivation has reached the realm of semi-sacredness. The Ascension Sect is not harvested. I don’t know some treasures in the Taikoo Market. How many of them did he get?”

“This time the heavens opened the Taikoo Market, there are so many treasures, we all see it, but unfortunately, according to the rules, we can’t go in. Otherwise, I have to collect it.”

Dozens of saints have been talking about it. At this time, among the huge portals, thousands of sects flew out one after another, black pressure, dense, like a locust, a powerful aperture, a bo-bo.

Fang Han saw the illusory clouds, the paintings of the reincarnation of Sun Poetry and so on, and took a handful of measures to force the past and pull them to their side to prevent being hurt by other saints.

Xiao Xinghuang, Xiao Yuhuang and others saw Fang Han and also landed automatically. The crowd gathered to find a magnificent pavilion in the ancient city of Tianzhou.

The sons of the other major sects are distributed in the streets of the ancient city of Tianzhou according to the old rules.

This time, I saw the influence and prestige of Fang Han. I gathered at random. Most of the sons of Ascension Sect greeted me. Xuanyuan family, even all the sons of the nine heavens, the gods, Spirit Passage All the Sons of the Taoist are also surrounded by Fang Han.

“Wind brother, you are really invincible. If this is not the opening of the portal in advance, I am afraid that even if it is the Extreme Unity Sect, the Son of the Pure Land of China will be united and you will be beaten.”

Xiao Yu Huang Xia Qiu came over and was very graceful. Behind her, a group of leaders of the Sons who were too up to the nine heavens also revered, feared, and even had a hint of emotion to Fang Han.

“If you have anything, ask.”

Fang Han glanced at the big sleeves and glanced at the many disciples of the nine heavens. The hearts of these saints were like all the secrets were seen through.

A few of the leaders of the Son who were also reincarnation of the emperor could not speak.

I still think about Xiao Yuhuang’s summer autumn, only to say: “I see the wind brother in the battle, once showed me the highest secret of the nine clear days, Beginning Divine Fist, do not know how to learn? ”

“This is simple, I used to get too much treasure of Heavenly Monarch’s Dao Lineage.” Fang Han’s palm has a treasure, which is the legendary stick, “The relationship between Heavenly Monarch and the origin of the king, I don’t have to say much.”

“You get too much treasure Heavenly Monarch’s Dao Lineage!” All the people were taken aback. Xiao Yuhuang Xia Qiuqiu said: “It turns out that Duobao Heavenly Monarch was once the origin of the immortal king, the first Expert. We are too up to the Heavenly Monarch, but also ranked second. But Beginning Divine Fist, In the midst of our nine clear days, no one can comprehend the power of communication, and if there is an opportunity, I hope that you can come to us to be a guest.”

“That is natural.”

Fang Han nodded.

It is a martial art of the Big Mac, and it is not under the Extreme Unity Sect. It is also beneficial to be able to make good relations with people who are too good at the nine clear days.

“You sons, you return to your own sect. This place is dangerous and invincible, the barbarian and the expert of the outside world have already besieged a corner of the heavens, and the heavens already know the news, a large number of barbarians, it is possible to attack the heavens 100,000 states, each The gate family, mobilize Expert, go to contend.”

Just then, dozens of saints in the sky.

While talking, suddenly, above the infinity of the sky, a thunder, sweeping the sky, everyone is chilling, face like earth.

Fang Han stood up fiercely and ran full of dong Tianshen’s eyes. He saw that the thunder was filled with a true idea of ​​Heavenly Monarch. Wherever he went, some of the different Spaces were shattered, and the blackness of the heavens was ruined. The gas also collapsed, and in his eyes and ears, it showed the horrible picture of the blood of the corpse.

“Well, the Heavenly Monarch Lord finally shot, sweeping the dang monster directly!”

A saint saw this scene and nodded again and again: “This group of gimmicks and besieged the heavens, causing the wrath of Heavenly Monarch, but it is not fun.”

“You can’t take it lightly, among the barbarians, there is the Heavenly Monarch-level Supreme Powerhouse, you see.”

A saint once again said.

Sure enough, in the depths of the edge of the heavens, a sky of light, suddenly rushed, resisting the thunder. The two giants like Dao technique struggled on the sky.

A bobo’s madness chao, scattered outside the world, Fang Han immediately felt a burst of suffocation.

The great day of the heavens was shaking violently, and the light of the road fell to the earth and burned. Fang Han has almost a taste that the mind is blocked.

All the Sons felt the netbsp of the heavens and the earth; although the battle in the sky did not know how many distant countries they were separated from, the remaining bo of the battle made them simply breathless.

Boom! Uh… Some of the Magic Force’s sacred sons even fainted directly in the heavenly mad chao, and the land of Tianzhou began to tear.


At this moment, suddenly, there was a strong light above the heavens. This light was full of redemption. When it went, the vitality subsided, the earth was repaired, and everything returned to its original appearance. .

When Fang Han was shocked, he saw that there was a strange-shaped blade on the top of the sky. When the air hit, he even smashed the black light.

“The disaster of Heavenly Monarch’s Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, redemption appeared.”

A saint said: “The disaster Heavenly Monarch is not the ancient Heavenly Monarch who lived a few hun verses. It took a few days to destroy a Saint Grade Immortal Artifact salvation, and the strength is equivalent to Heavenly Monarch.”

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