Eternal Life

Chapter 1221

Fang Han’s ghost Wu Shengjun map, lacking the central core piece, can not give the greatest power, now he is going to take the opportunity to collect stone maps and suppress the central government.

The first is to resolve the attack of Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei, and the second is to complete the remnant picture of Ghost Wu Shengjun, killing two birds with one stone.

Ghost Wu Shengjun’s remnant picture, the light shines, the ghost shadow of the ghost Wu Shengjun is looming in it, the dark clothes, showing the nobleness of the Protoss, Ronghua, cold and proud, ruling the Aura of the heavens. When the big hand grabs it, the stone figure is stopped, and it is impossible to move forward. Then it is slightly grasped and integrated into the core center of the residual picture.

This is the power of the ghost sage, half the power of Heavenly Monarch.

“What is going on here? Ghost Wu Shengjun’s remnant map?” Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei also saw a lot of knowledge, just to see it. What is the origin of this remnant figure? “In the rumor, the Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciple has taken the remnants of the ruins and rebelled out of heaven. Entering the cemetery of the Ghost Wujun, and the Protoss, why these remnants will fall into your hands Among these remnants, the idea of ​​possessing the ghostly sacred monarch is in it, the fierce god is evil, even if it is a saint, a bad one, but also the master of the remnant figure, many masters who have this remnant figure are swallowed and swallowed up. There is no residue left, can you manage it?”

When he quits and his hands are closed, he will take back the stone.

This stone figure, although not a magical treasure, is condensed by his jing, with a part of the King Grade Immortal Artifact, which is a burning king of the king, if he is taken away, he is energetic. Loss a lot.

But where does Fang Han let him do this?

The whole body has once again grown up, and the end of the holy law has reached a limit. The ghosts and martial arts have emerged from the ghosts and martial arts, and they are even more driven and flexible. In the rotation of the ghost and the remnant figure, actually from the void, Chou took a burst of the blessing of the gods.

The chapter of civilization of the Protoss is gradually combined with the remnant figure of the Ghostly Monster. To complement each other, this history of civilization, only a little, has completely surpassed the history of civilization of Confucianism and Taoism. Demon Dao, Wudao, Buddha, Dragon and many other civilizations have truly become the first.

The history of the Protoss civilization, great glory, and even suddenly, in the history of civilization, there are seven gods, the masters of the seven ancient gods of the Protoss, the emperor released the heavens, the heavens, the night sky……….

The power of the ghost Wutu figure, joined the history of the Protoss civilization, is it still worth it? It is equal to a half-step Heavenly Monarch’s jinghua integration.

Ordinary Expert, even the saints are difficult to control, but the ghost Wu Shengjun is a Protoss, as long as it is a Protoss, it must be restrained by the Dusk of the Gods, the end of the Holy King. What’s more, Fang Han got the face-to-face teaching skills of the end of the king, jing god brand. This is the jing soul of Ghost Wu Shengjun who dare not provoke.

If it is impermanent, forcibly opening the seal in the ghost weapon map, it will be swallowed up by the soul of the soul, and the death will be extremely miserable.

Therefore, the bone saint will give this picture to Fang Han, because the bone saint knows that this thing is extremely dangerous and counteracts the master. Keeping is a great scourge. But did not think of the end of Fang Han, specializes in restraining the Protoss.

Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei retired, but the stone figure did not retreat, and the form that was manifested by the ghost of the ghost Wu Shengjun was tightly grasped.

He repeatedly urged the amount of power, they could not move, not because of the face se cold, and once again raised an ancient stone monument on the top of the head.

This ancient stone tablet is the body of the stone monument. The body of King Grade Immortal Artifact, after the shacrificial refining of Xiao Shihuang, is very different. It shows the vitality of the stone, as if it is a stone statue. Out of the history of ancient dust, the power has recovered to a full 30%.

He pointed it with his hand, and the stone was rotated, and when it was crit, it was directly crushed against the body of Fang Han.

Fang Han shouted, rising into the sky, suddenly changing his body, facing the stone tablet, bursting out a strong sun jing light, covering all the forms, and then showing thirty-three in the light Fighting strength.


The stone monument has been hit thirty-three times in a row, the stone above is slammed, and the last punch, Fang Han Ten Thousand Laws Returns to Origin, into the heavenly law, a punch in the middle of the body central. The huge stone monument rolled over and was beaten back again, and Fang Han also shook a suffocation, gliding in the air, and the whole body was cracked.

However, he has True Qi, even if the injury is heavy, it will recover.

Between the moment, True Qi rushed in, and the crack in his body was violently recovered with the clarity of the rou eye. Without three breaths, he had recovered to the state of his prime.

Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei also snorted, and the Fengshen stone was once again in the body, and a blood spurted out. Fang Han’s hitting thirty-three times of the force on the stone tablet also hurt his body. The two collided, the injury was not light, but he did not make up the True Qi, far from the recovery of Fang Han. Just a spurt of blood, Fang Han has reached the peak of its heyday.


Fang Han came close, facing his body, violently attacking, punching, palm, tui, hitting, leaning, hitting, tearing…. All the Martial art jing marrows were displayed between him.

Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei was shocked, and a long breath inhaled the body, and even displayed a set of Martial art counterbalance. In the twinkling of an eye, the two men killed the jiao, and fought in the air. After thousands of collisions, they suddenly hit each other and the layers of ripples burst out.

“Shi Huangquan.”

“To the heavens to the Holy High Emperor God to rule the true law!”

In the final blow, both of them showed the strongest blow. Each of them bombarded into the other’s body.


Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei was hit by a fly, the whole body was cracked, the stone was tumbling, and Fang Han flew out, and the body was split in the air, turning into several crystals.

However, Fang Han was in the air, just after the break, and True Qi flashed again, and the body immediately regrouped and turned into a tall, majestic man who seemed to destroy the king.

A recovery, Fang Han finally grabbed the opportunity, the body called, and came to the place where the ghosts and sacred sacred sacred figures and stone maps competed, the big hands grabbed, both hands hit the heavenly law, the world and the world’s realm shock dang, with Ghosts and martial arts, actually killed the stone map.

“Do not!”

Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei watched this scene, he and Fang Han were shot at the same time, both lose, but his resilience is far less powerful than Fang Han, so he lost his chance and was robbed by Fang Han to the seal stone map. opportunity.

If his resilience is stronger by Fang Han, then he can cooperate with the stone map to seal the ghosts and sacred seals into the pouch and become their own items.

It is a pity that I can only watch Fang Han and suppress the stone map.

The stone figure was suppressed by Fang Han. The stone history of the stone road covered it and wrapped it up. Fang Han pointed a finger, and a fateful jishe was on it. It immediately erased the brand of the spirit inside and cut off causal thinking.


In the distance, I quickly adjusted my interest, and Xiao Shihuang, who was trying to recover, spurted out another blood.

“Ghosts and ruins, condense core!” Fang Han did not stop, and his hands once again woven the road seal runes, and immediately put the stone figure of the 100,000 state in the heavens into the core of the ghost Wuwu map. .

Two to two, between each other, suppression, melting. Fighting each other, but perfect and unified, very harmonious. There is a mysterious means of capturing the creation of heaven and earth.

“The St. Figure flies, the Stone Age, the chapter of civilization!”

Fang Han once again waved his arm, and the ghost figure flew up.

No, it should not be said that it is a residual picture, but a complete picture. In the core of the picture, the original vacant place, the shadow of the 100,000-strong state of the heavens appears, and the surrounding area is surrounded by the protoss army. The illusion of the Holy King seems to invade the heavens.

This constitutes a picture of the Protoss invading the heavens. Heaven, place, and people are among them.

Fang Han’s descending service stone map immediately acquired many mysteries, the ancient experience of Fengshen stone monument, and even the various processes of creating a hundred thousand state in heaven, which are almost vivid.

Whether it is the history of the Protoss civilization or the history of the civilization of the stone, it has grown by a thousand times!

“Ghost Wu Shengtu! You are brewing and dissolving in the history of the Protoss civilization. One day, you will eventually integrate into the Protoss civilization.” Fang Han pressed his hands and the picture of this ghost Wu Junjun slowly Into the chapter of the history of the Protoss civilization, began to slowly soak, melt.

Although it is possible to simply use the power of this holy map, with the current strength of Fang Han, it is impossible to refine this holy map. Therefore, using the history of the Protoss civilization to suppress and slow refining, it complements each other.

When he step by step, cultivation reached the realm of Saint Immortal, and even Supreme Immortal, refining this holy map, and squandering the spleen of the ghost martial arts.

Half-step of the Heavenly Monarch level, even if it is a glimmer of energy, will be of great benefit to his future practice.

After surrendering the stone map, Aura on Fang Han was overwhelming. His palms were slightly cuorou, and immediately in the palm of his hand, there was a picture of the same 100,000 states, borrowed from the void. .

Moreover, the chapter of the history of civilization of the stone road, running up, sweeping away the surrounding stone, which actually shows a shadow of the god stone, enough to fake 1uan true.

“Now, Xiao Shihuang, I see you have any skills to deal with me? Your most powerful killings, I surrendered, but become my killing, your stone, is my nourishing object. Now, It’s my turn to chase you completely!” Fang Han turned and looked at the face of the se, the horrible Xiao Shihuang, haha ​​smiled: “Xuan Xuan, Xia Zhiqiu, this person has lost the power, full force shot. It is absolutely impossible for him to escape, and to meet with the other Sons of Taiyimen, I will refine him here and get all his wealth.”

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