Eternal Life

Chapter 1220

As soon as the stone figure came out, the world was invincible.

It is equal to the strength of the 100,000 state power created by the heavenly court. Song Tengfei, the xiaoshihuang, has the majesty of the real “stone emperor”. The stone map is oppressed, and the sublime son of the skill is simply unable to survive. If it is not Fang Han, Xiao Yuhuang, Xiaoxuhuang supports the pressure, some of the gods, the Spirit Passage, the low-grade Ancestral Immortal Son, It is going to be crushed and exploded.

The power of this stone map is almost equivalent to the peak of Primordial Immortal, and even has some “semi-sanct” power.

Such power, Ancestral Immortal, and even Primordial Immortal are not able to withstand.

After a pressure, Xiao Yuhuang, Xiao Shihuang felt the catastrophe.

This is the real disaster of extinction. The stone figure is pressed and pressed, so that it can crush all the counter-offers who refuse to accept Tianwei. Even the book of the era of Fang Han was in the air, and it was oppressed and swayed, and it could not rise.

“The power of the era! The fate of the operation, the Great Dao of the Yangtze River, the endless stream, the immortal life.”

At this time, Fang Han supported the overall situation alone, and a spurt of energy came out, and the book of the epoch was once again shining, and the history of civilizations one after another hit the stone figure.

The stone figure, encountered a history of civilization, suddenly rotated, the ancient veins of the 100,000 state of the heavens, together with a voice, too ancient and wild, from Taikoo.


First, in the book of the epoch, a few pages of weak xiao civilization, such as the civilization of Araye, the beastly civilization, ruptured and re-emerged.

The most powerful Confucianism, Protoss, Buddhism, and Demon Dao’s civilization were also wiped out by Guanghua. It seems to be falling.


Fang Han’s hands and one support, an eight-story squadron rises up and turns into a ancestral form, infused into the book of the epoch, in the book, the dragon race civilization shines, jishe comes out, a dragon claw, when the air bursts, 斩It has smashed the power of the smashing heroes of the eternal age. It is the true dragon race, the tyrant who travels in countless eras.

The dragon race of the dragon race is the existence of the Heavenly Monarch level and is the real hegemon. Almost almost the same as the world of the Buddha.

The dragon race was supported by the eight Buddhism Pagodas. It passed the history of Confucianism and Taoism in one fell swoop and became a more powerful page than Confucianism and Taoism. It became the first page.

Dragon claws hard to grasp the stone figure in the sky.

The stone figure is still slowly rotating, pressed down, collided with the dragon claws, hit the dragon claws above the fire, and the dragon scales everywhere began to rupture.

“Dragon race civilization? It is useless. The eight floating buds are also useless. The stone map of the ancient city of Tianting 100,000 is the kingdom of the heavens. It is the community of the heavens, the territory of the heavens, the core of the heavens, you and this stone map. To counter, it is equal to the whole heaven, the dragon race? Even the entire dragon race, it must be destroyed by the heavens, let alone record the xiaoxiao page of the dragon race civilization.”

Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei hits both hands, the stone figure is more inflated, and the power of more stalwart is bursting out. Only one time, the dragon claws are broken.

Then in the history of the dragon race civilization, the explosion began, and the shadows of many dragons were blown into powder.

This page of civilization history, actually began to break!

And the eight floating squads were squeezed out of life and re-entered Fang Han’s body. On the tower of the Eight Buddhism, there was a crack, which seemed to be broken.

This High Grade Immortal Artifact was actually damaged.

Fortunately, Fang Han was prepared in his heart. The Eight Floats were only High Grade Immortal Artifact, and the stone figure was the strongest hit by King Grade Immortal Artifact. King Grade Immortal Artifact and High Grade Immortal Artifact are aware of one of the heavenly 鲲peng and one of the ground 蚍蜉.

“Tue Qi True Qi, recovery!”

Fang Han has a lot of Tian Qi, the rule of repair. A group of True Qi entered, the history of the eight floating sects, and even the dragon race, the history of civilizations, once again restored.

Although the history of civilization has been broken, Fang Han’s ontology core Foundation is still there, as long as there is enough energy to be able to consolidate immediately. What’s more, he has a long history of True Qi, and his strength is like netbsp; “Responsive ability.” Xiao Shihuang couldn’t help but sigh at the moment of urging the stone, but he started to sigh. More aggressive.

“Your recovery is so fast, then it is no wonder that I am. I will abandon a king’s pulse, but also kill you quickly, not entangled with you.” Song Tengfei a mouth, suddenly a spray, a three-foot snake The spirit of the spray has come out.

As soon as this spirit spurted out, the spirit of the king was full of air. In the temper of the king, the power of the king’s spirits began to burst into the boundless power.

Originally, the king’s spirit, long-distance does not know hundreds of billions of miles, can be turned into a galaxy in the air, but now it is compressed by Song Tengfei with the supreme Magic Force, into a three-footed snake, you can see that there is compression How powerful it is, how powerful it is.


The three-foot-long spirit snake king-order vein was directly inserted into the stone map. The rotation of this stone figure is amazingly fast.

Big handwriting, this is an absolute big hand, directly burning a king-level spirit, perfusion into the spell, this is simply a luxury that makes the ancient saints surprisingly surprised.

“Oops, we are dead this time!” Seeing this scene, Xiao Yuhuang, Xiaoxuhuang, all had a desperate roar, and under this oppression, they could not resist.

No one thought that Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei would be so hot! Directly burn off a king’s pulse, break into the stone map, and kill. Of course, I did not think that the stone figure can withstand the burning power of a king’s pulse.

Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei looked at these people with mercy eyes, knowing that the overall situation has been fixed, “I am here to find the nine kings of the spirits, all of which were left by Demon Dao’s enemies, but now Cangsheng It should not be called holy, it should be called the emperor. Here is a sacred body of Cangsheng, leaving many treasures, wealth, all collected by me, or else, I will not be so promoted to Primordial Immortal .”

In his mind, the stone figure oppressed, and the shadow of the 100,000-strong state of that day suddenly expanded. Everyone seemed to return to the heavens. In the face of the oppression of the heavens, the despair of the bones would be broken.

Directly, it was a series of explosions. The book of the era of Fang Han was actually blown up and crushed. Even if it is a powerful Wudao civilization, the dragon race, the Buddha, the Demon Dao civilization can not be protected, and finally the Protoss and Confucianism are left. The great civilization is struggling to support it, but it is clear that it will not last long, and it will disappear.

However, in the eyes of Fang Han, it is still clear and transparent, and it seems to be in xiong.

“Ghost Wu Shengjun, the residual map condense, into the era, collecting stone maps!”

Suddenly, on the top of Fang Han’s head, a few pictures were taken out and pieced together to form a picture of the Protoss. It is also a picture of God! This picture of God is not complete, and the central core picture is missing a large piece. There is no core map.

This is exactly what Fang Han had in the tomb of Ghost Wujun.

These residual images, he has not used, sealed in the heavens, but always use Zhou Tianyi to calculate, use the day True Qi sacrificial refining, in the moment when the day is promoted to High Grade Immortal Artifact, Fang Han felt the picture of this ghostly sacred monarch, and some of the seals inside were opening.

At this moment, Fang Han suddenly gave up Assassin.

The Protoss civilization in the book of the Era has rushed out of a divine light. Jishe is on the remnant map of the ghost Wu Shengjun. The remnant figure feels the Jinghua of the Protoss civilization, and immediately bursts into the power of the god of the gods. The “Half-Heavenly Monarch” protoss, in the Holy Figure, seems to be resurrected.

The remnant figure of Ghost Wu is the sacred figure of the year, with the half-step Heavenly Monarch’s Culture Base, the quality and Aura is almost the peak of King Grade Immortal Artifact.

Originally, this remnant figure can’t be powerful, but Fang Han Cultivation Base is not the same as before, and countless jing wonders have begun to sway power.

At this moment, Fang Han stands proudly and instantly displays the end of the way. The whole body is transformed into the exact shape of the Holy King.

He has seen the end of the Protoss, and he has been taught face-to-face by the other side. For this form of the Holy King, Fang Han is very familiar. There have been countless times using Zhou Tianyi to calculate, and now become the other side, in addition to the difference in strength, almost Aura can be fake 1uan true.

In the end, the avatar is the end of the sacred king. The ghost martial martyrdom, which has just condensed in the ghost martial arts figure, bows and is directly suppressed by the Dusk of the Gods exhibited by Fang Han, and is integrated into the esoteric book of the epoch. In the chapter of civilization.

This integration is like a volcano thrown into the sea, immediately 1ang tumbling, hot 1ang transpiration, vision, Aura actually resisted the stone.

Fang Han stood on the spot and grabbed it with his hand. The Protoss civilization and the ghostly sacred sacred figure printed on the stone map.

In the center of the remnant map, the core piece is blank, but now, with constant expansion, it is necessary to collect the stone map into it and complete the residual map.

Fang Han is actually at this dangerous moment, to collect this stone map to complement the ghost map of the ghost Wu Shengjun, this is the real fight, extremely fierce, bold and extreme, and the peak is not too bad.

The remnant figure of the ghost Wu Shengjun, when encountering the stone map, has the potential ability, the seal is wide open, and the face of the ghost Wu Shengjun has appeared again.

Ghost Wu Shengjun, is a whole body black robes, his face is also dark, as if walking in the human world. After I had the impermanence of this remnant map, I have never dared to use it. I opened the seal and was afraid of countering it. But now, the Fang Han protoss civilization is great, and the end of the sacred king can fully suppress the spirit of the Protoss. With his power.

When the ghost Wu Shengjun came out, the black clothes rolled, and the big hand grabbed it, and went straight into the core of the stone figure.

The power of the stone figure, and the power of the residual figure fight each other, suddenly, jiao is entangled. It seems to be in the process of integration, and it seems to be fighting.

At this time, Ghost Wu Shengjun’s remnant figure shines brightly.

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