Eternal Life

Chapter 1222

Chapter 1222

{Tomorrow is a birthday, but I haven’t had a birthday for a long time. Since writing a book, for six years, birthdays have been spent in code words. So I decided to relax tomorrow and take a day off. Also, ask everyone to reward each person for a dollar, see how many readers of eternal life, how much money can be bought, can you buy a big birthday cake? I hope to be able to buy a cake of one person.}


“The stone maps were collected and the crisis was resolved.”

“It’s so good, my Xuanyuan is far from his opponent. How much potential can this person burst into?” Xiaoxuan Huangxuan saw Fang Han repelling Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei, face se is both excited and With a hint of envy: “Unless I really reach the realm of Supreme Immortal, I can completely counter this person, but when I wake up the memory of the emperor’s spirit, this person does not know what kind of growth is going to happen. It’s a pity that the heavens are getting more and more Heavenly Monarch, and this person’s Cultural Base is probably going to the top of the emperor.”

Xiaoxuan Huangxuan smashed, Xiao Yuhuang Xiaqiu looked at the eye, but they no longer hesitated, bursting out the majesty of the peerless, waving between the hands, the streamer jishe went out, each blocked the Space again, preventing xiao Shi Huang escaped.

The surrounding stone gas dissipated a lot and was sucked away by Fang Han. Now it is much easier for the two to display the Dao technique. Otherwise, Space is petrified and can’t display any Divine Ability.

Both of them are also like the talents of the sky, and they are amazing. In this battle, watching Fang Han and Xiao Shihuang fighting, and comprehending a lot of things, the body of the body is stupid, moving inward, and has a tendency to break through the realm.

“We killed Xiao Shihuang together and seized the spirit of him. He actually has nine kings. Everyone has a few, which is enough to shock the Primordial Immortal. I have now peeked into the realm of Primordial Immortal. Let’s get promoted together.”

Xiao Yu Huang Xia Qiu Road.

“Yes, Xiao Shihuang’s body is so many that it is eye-popping. If you don’t take it, there is no heaven. We are lacking in the spirit to promote Primordial Immortal. Kill him, it is the charcoal in the snow.”

The two men’s sinister shots, the killings and spurts, quite a bit of endless taste.

Just if it wasn’t for Fang Han’s shot, he would lose the victory and collect the stone map. Now the two of them may be crushed into powder, which makes them really angered by the heart, and they are not merciless to the death of Xiao Shihuang.

With the support of anger, Xiao Yu Huang Xia’s autumn blockade Space, behind the jing gas burning, actually condense into a shadow of Heavenly Monarch, this Heavenly Monarch, wearing a wide Great Dao robe, like an old man, in Explain the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, this is the founder of Taishang Jiu Qingtian, too Heavenly Monarch.

When Heavenly Monarch came out, there was a verse in his eyes. The inscription of Great Dao was carved in the void. The whole person of Xiao Yuhuang was integrated into the inscription, turning into a sharp edge, a smooth road, facing Xiaoshi. Emperor Song Tengfei killed the past.

“Too much!”

The Xiaoxuan Huangxuan smashed, the big axe waved, and the rune in the air was carved out. Every rune seemed to break away, and the power of the thirty-sixth method was all displayed.

He seems to be a god, the axe dances out of the barbaric Aura, carrying a whirlwind, and colliding with Xiao Shihuang.

“The killing of 1uan!”

The two were desperate and angry.

Fang Han is standing in the center, controlling the whole audience, and the fingers are flicking in and out. The scenes of the hua1uan are everywhere. The barriers of the roads appear in the sky, which is actually the “barrier of the gods.”

“Blessings of the gods! The wishes of the gods! The prayers of the gods……….” In the twinkling of an eye, Fang Han released the various great works of the Protoss. In particular, the blessings of the gods were displayed, and the circle of blessings of the circle was spilled outwards. All the sons of the three men’s factions received blessings, and immediately they were soaring, and all the bodies appeared. armor. There are countless protoss behind the shadows.

Protoss civilization, now the strongest!

Ghost Wu Shengjun’s paintings are constantly dissolved in the history of civilization, infiltrating into it, the history of the Protoss civilization is rising, and Fang Han exhibits a variety of Protoss, all on the Dao technique, the blessings of the gods are displayed, and everyone is blessed. With the blessing of force, the combat power can be doubled.


The emergence of the men, the gods of the gods, the Spirit Passage, the three sons of the Taoist sects, truly united, once again display the king of the sacred method, turned into a sacred king, this king is now different, whole body armor, behind the gold Ge Tie Ma, swallowing thousands of miles, as if the Protoss dominated the killing of the Expedition, and fell into the world, but also attacked Xiao Shihuang.

“Damn! How can there be such a freak in the wind, I cultivate to the realm of Primordial Immortal, seeing that he is going to kill him, but he is turning over, getting more and more ferocious, and he has this reason!” Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei is angry and thunderous, but But there is nothing to help.

Since he was born, he has been invincible, invested in too many men, and is respected by thousands of people. This time he entered the ancient market, looking for the body shell, the stone stone of King Grade Immortal Artifact, and the Prinaldial Immortal, but also found The place where Cang Sheng was suppressed was charged with nine kings. I am going to be full of enthusiasm and show my talents. In this blood test, I want to kill anyone who will kill them, clean up many men’s factions for Taiyimen, and establish the eternal majesty of eternal.

But he absolutely did not think that he had just become a peerless Divine Ability. This feathered mendisciple called the wind edge was found on the men’s team, and he struggled to practice and suffer.

He has never had such a fire.

However, the fire is on fire, and he knows the current form. Fang Han Aura is getting higher and higher. The 1angchao, Bo-bo and Aura are amazing and can’t resist.

He sprouted back.

Although it is a shame to retreat at this time, if you don’t leave, I’m afraid it’s really fierce.

“Give me a break! Stone breaks!”

Suddenly, Song Tengfei’s body shrank, accumulating strength, and then swelled, and made a trick, “Stone Breaking,” and there was a stone explosion everywhere. Divine Thunder rolled, some of the air in the air was entangled by his Aura. They all turned into the Divine Thunder for the Rolling Stones. When the air exploded, a bo-bo, immediately xiao Yuhuang, Xiaoxuhuang, and the attack of the three great men’s united kings of the Holy Spirit.

At the same time, he squirted a spurt, and a stone sword rushed out. It was a glimpse of the space in front of him. Immediately, the barrier of the gods was torn apart and a gap was broken. He repeatedly showed his changes and would go out.

“Want to run?” Fang Han knew that Song Tengfei had retired. When he saw him offering a stone sword, he opened the gap and tried to break the weight. He stopped. He waved between the waves, and the whole river appeared in the air, and he was in the air, blocking the face of Song Tengfei.

“Damn!” Song Tengfei roared again and again, the stone sword burst into a rolling flame, to the long river to steam, this is the stone emperor True fire, burning, between the flames, True Qi are burning a lot.

Fang Han turned over the palm of his hand, and the big 1ang was a long river. It was changed into a sea of ​​azure se. The ice was blowing, and the flame was suppressed and extinguished directly.

“Where is it, then it is safe, Song Tengfei, why are you eager for a moment? With my good jiao hand, if you can resist my kill, you can go immediately.” Fang Han talks, walks, One finger repeatedly bounced and displayed the Scarlet Emperor’s Flame Emperor Qi in the Great Five Elements Technique. Mars exploded, and countless Mars turned into a respected Scarlet Emperor.

“xiaoxiao flame, can you get me?” Song Teng flying sword turned, “a sword cold light 100,000 states.”

Sword light bursts, every time the assassination destroys a Scarlet Emperor, and these flames are extinguished in an instant.

However, when the flame was extinguished, Fang Han appeared on the top of Song Tengfei’s head. The layer of civilization history wrapped around the body, like an ancient founding god. As soon as he descended, he used the body to suppress Song Tengfei.

The realm of heaven and earth is once again displayed.


Song Tengfei felt the general power of Mount Taishan. When he looked up, he saw the infinite light and settled directly down. Immediately, there was a madness, and the stone monument was turned. A stone hand was taken out of it and expanded infinitely. Fang Han was caught in it.

“The stone is in my body.”

Fang Han did not move, and continued to come down. The huge stone hand touched his body, was smashed by many civilizations, and was broken into pieces. The stone gas was integrated into the book of the epoch to add to his supplement.

“Unfortunately! If I am cultivation to reach the realm of the saints and throw out all the power of the stone monument, I can kill him.” Seeing that he added strength to Fang Han, Song Tengfei almost smothered a blood spray. Come out, but just this time, he won the time for him. He immediately displayed the fossil god, looking for the gap, the whole body was infinitely concentrated and disappeared into the air.

In the place where he walked, there was a huge black spray, and thousands of boulders were sprayed out of it. Then it turned into many stone planets, expanding outwards, and a starry sky appeared, blocking the path pursued by Fang Han. .


Fang Han moved, knowing that Song Tengfei had to escape from the life before he left, in order to cover his life. The stone world can be transformed into one.

“Oops, he evolved out of the stone world to escape, no one can chase it.” Xiao Yuhuang repeatedly sighed.

“The stone world can’t stop it. It just adds more tonics to me. As long as he is still in the Taikoo Market, he can’t escape my control.” Facing the ever-expanding expansion of the stone world in front, blocking his own way. Fang Han yelled at the mouth, spit out all kinds of syllables, and immediately spread the notes throughout the universe.

The stone world immediately began to collapse, turning into the most elementary stone gas. In the stone gas, there was a flame of life burning everywhere. Fang Han was inhaling again, Space collapsed, the stone gas, and the life burned. All the flames were swallowed into the abdomen, making the history of the stone path more luminous, with Aura of the ancient primitive Stone Age civilization.

The entire stone world, just a few words, was swallowed up by Fang Han.

The scene of the Taikoo Market reappeared, killing intent everywhere, the stone gas was completely eliminated, there was no trace of remnant, Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei disappeared without a trace, no longer see a little shadow.


Fang Han made a slight calculation, his eyes looked down, and in the killing intent, Devil Qi rolled up in the xue on the ground, as if he had sealed the Demon King.

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