Eternal Life

Chapter 1162

Chapter 1 162

Finally, the old antiques of the virtual family, the activation stone level of the Expert came out.

At this point, almost everyone saw it and Fang Han could not be defeated. He underestimated, free to play nongAncestral Immortal, walk freely in the virtual array of the virtual family, walk in the air. This is simply unheard of and unheard of.

The people in the virtual family are not fools.

In fact, cultivation has reached the realm of this kind of person, no one is a fool, I know very well, Fang Han can not be defeated.

“Okay, finally there is an Expert.” Hearing the old voice, Fang Han nodded and his heart calmed down. This old voice is obviously a virtual family. Ancestral Immortal’s Expert, it should be Primordial Immortal. The Culture Base.

Because of Fang Han’s Zhou Tianyi, there is a kind of returning to the other party’s voice.

This taste is not available to Ancestral Immortal.

Fang Han’s current calculations are almost unpredictable, and nothing can hide from his eyes. Even if the realm is higher than him, it is still calculated.

He may not be afraid of Primordial Immortal now.

Although one hundred Ancestral Immortal can’t beat a Primordial Immortal, he is different. There are all kinds of snuggles, just want to see the mystery of Primordial Immortal.

However, after the old voice of Primordial Immortal spoke, it did not appear 1u for a long time, and did not show up with Fang Han jiao.

“Fengyuan Xiaoyou, I know that there is a strong presence behind you to protect you, so you are unscrupulous. But today, this thing, you are too much.”

After a while of silence, the old voice said again.

“How is it too much? The virtual cloud is the person who feathered me. You arbitrarily imprisoned her, aren’t I allowed to meet?” Fang Han also passed the voice out.

He began to deduct according to the old voice. Zhou Tianyi appeared in the depths of distant heavens. It was not in the real time and space. An old man sat in front of a pill cauldron. It seemed to be refining Dan Yao, unable to separate himself.

“In this way, we make a jiao easy.” The old voice said: “The virtual cloud, let out, is still the discipline of your feathered men, and you put the virtual master, and the virtual country, today’s things, too How can I not vent 1u?”

“Old ancestors! Don’t! You shot, suppress this person, he is lawless. Actually dare to make a fuss in our virtual home.” Youth screamed by Fang Han who was kneeling on the ground.

“shut up!”

Just when Fang Han wanted to do something and misunderstood the imaginary master, the old voice suddenly became angry: “The arrogance is arrogant, you have developed this kind of xing lattice, and the future is not far behind! See you.”

“Old ancestors!”

Absolutely did not expect that the ancestors blamed themselves, the virtual face of the main face se pale.

“It’s almost the same.” Fang Han stopped his hand. If it wasn’t for the old voice, he must have a big bitterness, and at least he should take half of his life, so that it can never peep into the higher. realm.

“The virtual man, you must have Closed door meditation. Also, the virtual treasure yubloodline is pure, you can be regarded as a shackle. You can listen.” The old antique voice of the virtual family once again said.


No one dares not to listen to an old ancestor.

The imaginary man once again became a young man with a face, and with his ancestors, his position may not be so stable.

“Let’s go out and let the vain clouds come out and tell her, I will punish the imaginary Lord!” The old voice again commanded.

“This is almost the same.” Fang Han shocked, the virtual master, and the virtual country also flew out, letting the two men. Later, in the depths of the virtual mountain, a prisoner opened and a figure rushed out of it. It was a cloud.

Fang Han took a trick, and the imaginary cloud was dragged by a strong force and landed at his side.

“Wind edge! Dao Xu Shengzi! Chen Yimei is too Elder!” Seeing three people, the face of the virtual cloud appeared a surprise.

Fang Han saw the imaginary cloud, his face was thin, but the body Aura had a tempered taste, knowing that she experienced this disaster, there are some artistic resurrection, which is good for promotion to Ancestral Immortal.

“Fengyuan Xiaoyou, now you can leave, our virtual family has to rectify the men’s wind.” The old voice gave the order: “Don’t forget to greet me with the Lord behind you.”

“Good to say!”

Fang Han grabbed the imaginary cloud, and the big sleeves slammed. Many of the great arrays collapsed immediately. He walked away without anyone. The virtual family is regarded as the great array of Longtan Tiger xue. Under his body, it is Kangzhuang.

Everyone looked at the back of Fang Han and was amazed.

“The great array of our virtual family can’t stop him.”

“After he murdered, he came and went freely. If he had just killed something and killed the imaginary person directly, then we really couldn’t help him.”

“The great array of our virtual family, even Ancestral Immortal can completely block, how strong is this person?”

“Even the ancestors seem to have some taboos on it? What is Lord behind him? He is a bone sacred person, is it behind the bones of one of Demon Dao Seven Saints? But how do I hear that the bone saint is dying? Before, did you pass it on to him?”

“Old ancestors! Why don’t you try to suppress him?”

A Magic Force Ancestral Immortal Road.

“My alchemy can’t be separated. I can only make him feel scrupulous, and there is indeed Lord in his back.” The old voice said: “After that, you can’t provoke him to know? The essence of the Nangong family is even better. Passing our virtual home, but he directly hit the face of the Nangong family, and even seized the Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact that was saddened by the Nangong, but was not chased by the Nangong family? Why is this? Nangong’s sad love is holy, itself is People who are sad and sorrowful are not afraid of the sky, but there seems to be no action. Have you ever thought about it?”

“Don’t he be behind a Lord who can’t afford to sin in Nangong?”

“Nangong is saddened by this person. It is already the peak of Saint Immortal. It is possible to comprehend the Supreme Way and become the emperor. There are even some people in Tianting who are rumored that after he became Supreme Immortal, he can be called the Empress.”

“Is he a crime-stricken character, is Heavenly Monarch?”

“Does the Heavenly Monarch of the feathered men reappear?”

“This person is behind China Heavenly Monarch?”

The people of the virtual family were shocked. Although the virtual family is the king’s family, it is against a Heavenly Monarch. It is almost the opposite of the palm, it can be turned into powder. The whole family is destroyed.

“In short, today’s things, keep secrets.” The old voice said: “And, I have designated the family’s route, and I am close to Fang Han. You have raised the status of the vain cloud and let her have a good relationship with the wind. Maybe it’s a beautiful piece in the future.”

“But we have already received the banquet of the Xuanyuan family, is it going to retreat?” One of them was Ancestral Immortal.

“Let Xuanyuan family go to find the wind, it has nothing to do with us.” The old voice laughed: “Xuanyuan family to touch a gray face, it is not good for us to return the gift.”

“The ancestors are wise.”

“All are scattered! The virtual master, you go to the Closed door meditation! @虚宝yu, you go to the family’s treasure house cultivation.” The ancestors commanded, the virtual person’s main face se Tieqing, and the virtual treasure yu It is cheering.

The virtual family has gone far, and Fang Han walks in the smoky state of Yan Yuyu, watching the picturesque mountains and rivers, and the hearts and minds are full of emotions.

The imaginary cloud walked silently behind him, and Dao Xushengzi, Chen Yimei was talking about what he was talking about.

The scenery of the virtual state is one of the most beautiful scenery in the heavens. The fairyland is used to describe the virtual state. Because the beauty is almost illusory, this big state is called the virtual state.

“Wind, you were promoted to Ancestral Immortal? After that, it was the sacred son of the sacred, the real high-level of the feathers.” Fan Han looked at the contemplative Fang Han, could not help but open the way.

“Yes, if you have the heart, I can assist you to the level, with your current Culture Base, with 50% hope, can also be promoted to the realm of Ancestral Immortal.” Fang Han looked at the virtual cloud, sweeping her The vitality in the body, she has completely refining the Divine Ability jing blood Constitution Base rule of Wan Shi Jianzong Su Feiyang.

Her own yu bone ice muscles, also Ying Yingguang, from the outside to the inside, a crystal, is simply the world of ice and snow.

“A good one, nv loves…”

Suddenly, a happy voice was passed from a distant mountain. Fang Han was surprised! The gods looked like electricity, and when they looked at the past, they saw a beautiful white robed white man in the distance. He raised a jar of wine in his hand and poured it into the sky.

“Where is this person coming? We are not present!”

Dao Xushengzi, Chen Yimei face se changed dignified, whole body seems to be tightly tied up by the beasts, with their Culture Base, even the lurking Aura in Space dust can be found, but the distant peaks There is such a character on the living, but there is no such thing. How strong is the person coming? More mysterious?

“Song to the wine, personal geometry? Heaven and earth long, children nv love, ask the world what the situation, direct life and death!” The white robed white man after drinking, the handle in the jar: ” Fengyuan Xiaoyou, the smoke in front of me, the deep affection, you and I have a fate, why not have a drink? How about re-speaking?”

The jars were thousands of miles apart and appeared silently in front of Fang Han.

Fang Han frowned, but grabbed the jar. I saw half of the wine inside the red se, half green se, the red se contains the red dust, the Aura that is so drunk, the green se is like the bamboo yu, symbolizing the heavens.

The red dust road is in the wine.

“Wind friends, please!”

The white robed white man, smiling on the peak of a thousand miles.

Fang Han mentions the jar, sips a sip, slams, the liquor enters the throat, the whole body is boiling, and the crystal god country seems to be drunk in the red Aura, but in the midst of it, Biyu Tiandao pure Aura , always guarantee his heart.

I have enjoyed the red dust and pursued the heavens.

“Love, Nangong is sad!”

Dao Xu Shengzi finally recognized the coming, is a Saint Immortal, a saint!

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