Eternal Life

Chapter 1163

A word awakens the dreamer.

The man who is white, White robed wins the snow, is actually a legend of the Nangong family. Nangong is sad. Love is holy.

A saint, Saint Immortal.

Become a “holy” character, where everyone is sanctified.

Fang Han God calmly, facing the saints, he is also indifferent, showing the calmness of the sky and the face of the sun, which makes the virtual cloud and other people envious.

Whether it is the Tao Xuzi, Chen Yimei is too elder, or the virtual cloud himself feels a heart falling into the ice hole. They already know the grievances between Fang Han and Nangong family, and even charge the other’s Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact sad bow, the ruthless arrow, the Nangong family will never give up.

But absolutely did not think that the other saint appeared.

The true Saint Immortal level of Expert generally does not appear to deal with ordinary discipline. Even Ancestral Immortal is not worthy of Saint Immortal.

Every Saint Immortal is called holy because of the way of the saints and mutual restraint. In the case that the feathered men have saints, the other saint has to have all the scruples, and will not go to the trouble of finding a low-level discipline.

Between the saints, there is a sense of conscience. In the end, the battle between Fang Han and Nangonghong is a battle between the disciples for the saints. Two xiao children fight, and Lord goes straight to the hands and loses his face too much.

In such a situation, the saint of the feathered men will never sit back and ignore. As long as some of the voices of the Taoist Sons move, the high-level antiques of the feathered men will know.

“Dao Xu Senior Brother, and slow hands, listen to what the Holy Spirit said.” Fang Han saw that the Asahi Son would crush the urgent message, and report the situation to some of the old antiques of the feathered men, so he waved his hand and stopped it. he.

“Love Saints, you came to me this time, it is not for me to let Nangong Acer three days and three nights? If it is this xiao thing, it will also lower your identity.”

Fang Han Faced a thousand miles away, the “love” standing on the mountain peak, talking indiscriminately, there was no tension on his face.

No one can face the saints so calmly, but Fang Han did it, especially the saints who have hatred.

“My sad bow, the unrelenting arrow? At this time, you should be back.” Love St. Nangong sadly saw Fang Han calmly and arrogantly, and his eyes could not help but sparkle a strange luster.

It’s amazing.

He White robed wins the snow, standing in the splendid mountains and rivers of the misty rain, like the figures walking in the painting.

Although there is no momentum, the power bursts out, but Dao Xushengzi, Chen Yimei, and Xiaoyunyun all have an impulse to kneel down.

This is the sage of the real price, unparalleled, no one can compete.

“I have refining. Otherwise, I will not be promoted to the realm of Ancestral Immortal so quickly.” In the face of a sacred Saint Immortal, the ancient saints would like to ask for their own treasure, Fang Han is directly telling the truth, he is now It is true that Jiao does not have this sad bow, and the arrow is out: “Love Saint, you are a saint, you should need King Grade Immortal Artifact, a Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact, and let you come to me automatically?” ”

“Good courage!”

Love St. Nangong sadly said: “Your strength is strong, but in my eyes, it is still not enough to see. I dare to talk to me like this? Is it really not afraid of death? I thought I couldn’t kill it?”

“You want to kill me?” Fang Han smiled. “When I refining my heart and bowing my heart, I should kill me directly from the air, and I will get it now? Your spirit is branded in it. I moved the brand of Yuanling, which is to provoke you directly. I don’t know why you can tolerate it?”

In this sentence, Fang Han said the idea.

When the South Palace was sad, it was silent, and drinking with Fang Han did not seem to have any hostility, but Fang Han knew that this person was definitely not a good class. Nor is it to find someone to drink.

To be honest, in his own capacity, it is impossible to disturb the saints, and to descend from his identity to talk to his own jiao.

A Saint Immortal level Expert, too lazy to say to himself. Offended him to shoot at random, and several large states can kill at a time.

The other side is scolding “hun1uanHeavenly Monarch”.

At that time, Fang Han was charging the “sadness bow” and “the sinful arrow”. The spirit of the love sage was in it. When he just had to fight against it, hun1uanHeavenly Monarch will violently come and kill the spirit, so that he really mastered this treasure. .

For such a thing, the sadness of the St. Nangong is definitely very clear.

“Behind you, there is Lord’s shelter!” Nangong’s sad eyes shook, “and you are not ignorant of yourself.”

“Do you want to see the predecessor behind me?” Fang Han said directly: “Unfortunately, this predecessor I don’t know where I am. I can’t communicate with him.”

“You should know, what is the origin of the Lord behind you?” St. Nangong sadly said: “I want to see this predecessor. Which Henessly Monarch is he?”

“Heavenly Monarch !”

“A Heavenly Monarch? Behind the wind is a Heavenly Monarch?”

Dao Xushengzi, Chen Yimei is too elder, and the imaginary clouds are all over the blood. They know that Fang Han has a backstage, and there must be an expert asylum in the dark. Otherwise, it will not be so easy to grow up. Bone heritage.

Of course, the virtual cloud knows that the bones are all false. However, when she killed the eight law enforcement disciples of the Heavenly Prison, she also saw that Fang Han had a backstage and the background was very hard and hard.

“It’s a love affair, Heavenly Monarch knows.” Fang Han thought for a moment. “But you are a saint, but it’s best not to bsp;” “What? you are not willing? Even the name of Heavenly Monarch doesn’t tell me? “Love St. Nangong’s sadness suddenly changed face se, step by step, across a thousand miles, came to Fang Han not far away, standing in the air, the momentum of oppression is like the sea.

Dao Xushengzi, Chen Yimei’s face is pale, and he retreats back and forth, staring at Venus.

The imaginary cloud is even more unbearable, and a blood spurt out.

Only Fang Han stood still, and the whole body was bathed in a group of gods, and the death and death resisted the pressure of Nangong’s sadness. No one knows how arrogant his potential is.

“No comment!”

Fang Han spit out four words.

“I really have no comment? Anyway, I will kill you and see if the Passion Heavenly Monarch will come out.” Love St. Nangong sadly stepped forward. The momentum is steeply increasing, and the White robed on his body screams like a big flag in the wind.


Dao Xushengzi, Chen Yimei was too embarrassed on the clothes of Elder, and the body appeared cracked, and the blood spurted out. The whole person almost exploded and turned into a blood rou.

The imaginary cloud was caught by Fang Han, holding a bright flame on her head and hiding behind her. Bo and not under pressure.

Love St. Nangong is so sad that it doesn’t need to be shot, and the momentum can be moved at random, and Ancestral Immortal’s Astral Qi can be ruptured. This is simply unheard of.

However, Fang Han himself is still not at all.

He stood firmly and daring, and there was a spiral nebula that seemed to be calculating.


Love St. Nangong sadly took another step forward: “I will give you another chance to tell the origin of the Lord behind you. Otherwise, I will kill you! Let you have no possibility of progress.”

In this step, the white on his head flew up.

Around Fang Han, the road’s hollow cracks ripped open, the Asahi Son, Chen Yimei was too elder, Elder finally exploded, and the whole body began to burn.

Fang Han suddenly stopped working in the nebula, extended his big hand, and caught the void. The strong vitality of the two groups flew out of the palm of his hand, and the Emperor Xu Xu, Chen Yimei was too wrapped up in Elder. Pulled behind him.

The two were in the midst of vitality, Nirvana was born again and recovered.

On the top of Fang Han’s head, a bronze oil lamp was lit up, and the oil lamp ignited. A Buddha saint appeared and combined with Fang Han’s own vitality. Resist the pressure of the sadness of the Holy South Palace.

“What’s the use of this? Can you resist me? But I won’t bully you too much, I won’t use any Divine Ability, I will oppress you with momentum. If you can resist it, then I will Let me go once. If you can’t resist it, then it’s ruthless.”

Love St. Nangong sad again took a step.

Pūchī !

The wind blew, and the light of the bronze oil lamp on the top of Fang Han was actually extinguished by the birth.

Then his body, back and forth again, began to glide in the air.

The sadness of the St. Nangong is free to come, step by step, the body is getting taller and taller, and it is simply filling the world. It is the only god, and Fang Han’s body has a lot of brilliance, but in the face of his Aura oppression, he can’t get close.

“This person is the real body, the true love, not the incarnation. Any of my Dao techniques can’t attack him and can’t break his momentum.” Fang Han’s mind is tight, his body seems to stop in the air, unable to Retreat, and was crushed by the sadness of the Holy South Palace. If it is the general Ancestral Immortal, it has been broken into pieces and turned into powder.

“Unless, unless I show 33 Skies Creation Divine Fist, thirty-three times the strength, I can break his momentum. But there is no hope to escape. This person is too strong!” Fang Han tried to run the laws, strength, There is also a crystal god country. However, these forces, under the pressure of that momentum, are gradually unable to support.

In the Tiantian furnace, True Qi also began to boil.

Fang Han’s law is constantly breaking, and it is constantly being repaired by the law of the sky.

Nangong was sad between the imposing pressure, watching Fang Han even squirting blood, the surprise in his heart has been overwhelming. He naturally didn’t know that Fang Han had the mystery of True Qi, thinking that he relied on his own ability to counteract all the Aura oppression.

“Even if it is Primordial Immortal, there is no such thing. If it is, I will show real strength.”

Nangong’s sad heart was up, and Tianzhu seemed to have entered his head, and his clothes were still. Aura is ten times stronger than just now!

Fang Han’s body can’t stand it, and the eight-piece floating squad, 33 Skies, almost emerged to resist the momentum. He is also forced to show his true strength.

At this moment, in the midst of a sigh, the incomparable will, once again poured into the crystal of the kingdom of God and the sea of ​​knowledge.

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