Eternal Life

Chapter 1161

The virtual family is too close to Elder’s collar, and the strength is still above the Son of the Asahi. It is a mid-level figure in the realm of Ancestral Immortal, far beyond some of the initial Ancestral Immortal.

However, he was blasted by Fang Han and turned into a scarlet mist. He was also imprinted on the wall and penetrated deeply into a Daoist-shaped blood mark.

How much power and Divine Ability does this have to be?

Mid-level Ancestral Immortal’s Magic Force, far beyond the initial Ancestral Immortal, but facing Fang Han seems to be awkward.

After a slap in the face of the Elder collar, the Fang Han whole body converges, Aura has no, walked back to the seat. Da Ma Jindao, sitting on the side: “You can’t beat me. Put the virtual cloud out, let me bring it back to the feathering men, I can still give you a feeling, otherwise, the virtual family and the Nangong family same.”

The human blood marks on the wall were twisted, and the screams of screaming screamed, and they could not get out of the wall. It was called back to the dang in the hall, making people mao bones, and there were some half-step golden celestials outside. True disciple almost fainted.

Among the virtual homes, some disciplines are also divided into outer men, inner men, true biography, seed cores, saints… and mens, but all people are surnamed imaginary, which is the virtual family’s show.

A large family, prosperous, can proliferate thousands of people and hundreds of millions of people in the heavens for thousands of years.

The big family like the virtual family does not know much about the population.

There is no life or death in the heavens. As long as there is an Expert sitting in the town, it is very easy to prosper children and grandchildren.

Fang Han Now, if you go to a remote state, you are uninhabited, tens of thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of people, and find some nv xian, you can still breed many children and grandchildren.

“Wind! You think that you have the inheritance of the bone saint, you can glory and glory? Come to my virtual home? Do you really think that no one will cure you?”

That is the youth of the bloodline, the virtual voice of the main voice is very strong.

“I just give you a xiaoxiao warning. If you are really arrogant, you will die one by one. I am not impermanent. Before the mountain, you will take the people of heaven and take you to the top of the eleventh.” Injury. But in my opinion, he is also a xiao character.”

Fang Han does not move se.

“What? Do you know what happened to the impermanence?” Elder, who was injured, was stunned. This is a shameful thing that the virtual family had just born.

“Of course I know that the battle on the Liangxu River, I have calculated it.” Fang Han finger gently tapping the armrest of the seat, soaring… Every sound is like a dead note.

“If you don’t want this thing to spread out, call out the imaginary cloud and let us bring it back to the feathered men.” Dao Xu Shengzi saw the method of great power, and his face was not shocked. He knew that Fang Han had just been very One of the strengths has not been taken out.

If you take all the power, I am afraid that even the “Primordial Immortal”, which is higher than Ancestral Immortal, will not be able to stand up to him.

With such strength, it is indeed possible to go across the heavens.

Hey, wū wū wū !

I don’t know who secretly blew the horn, and the screaming voice of the horn is like a call for the heavenly army. Suddenly, the surrounding energy suddenly moved with the sound of the horn.

Funeral sword big river!

The Daoist-shaped blood mark on the wall immediately got the blessing of the spirit, and flew out of the wall. It changed into a collar of Elder, but the face was pale and hurt.

Fang Han is merciful, or he can kill it ten times with a single blow.

Long before the promotion of Ancestral Immortal, Fang Han can kill Ancestral Immortal, playing nong Ouyangchang ancestors like xiaochild. Later, after the absorption of magical fragments, sad bows, and brilliant arrows. It is also possible to injure the nine Ancestral Immortal of the virtual family in one fell swoop.

Then absorb the High Grade Immortal Artifact, the All-Cultivation Base, and the promotion of Ancestral Immortal. The strength is ten times higher than when it was not promoted.

Such a Culture Base can blow the low-end Ancestral Immortal to death, let alone direct shots?

However, Fang Han does not want to kill people in the virtual family, it is to look at the face of the virtual cloud.

“The Junior Brother, the virtual family moved the great array. This is the voice of the horn of nothingness. Every time it comes out, it is the virtual family and the big enemy. The enemy is invading. They want to attack us and attack us? We are now What should I do? Let’s break through the encirclement? Or do you wait and see?” Now Dao Xu Shengzi regards Fang Han as the backbone.

“It doesn’t matter, even if it is a move, it can’t stop us. We want to leave. Unless it is the sage of the virtual family. But… the saints dare not.”

Fang Han remembered hun1uanHeavenly Monarch.

The heavenly giant, Heavenly Monarch, who has defected to heaven, has come to heaven and secretly guards himself. If you are in danger, it is possible to come out. Of course, Fang Han’s main thing is to take the initiative to contact hun1uanHeavenly Monarch and get this Heavenly Monarch pointing Dao technique, which will definitely go to advance with leaps and bounds. He still has a lot of things to ask.

The horn kept ringing.

A lot of people flew out from the depths of the imaginary mountains.

It is a bitter repair of the virtual home Expert, the core seed disciple thousands. It shows a strong family heritage.

Make up the great array!

Someone shouted and called again and again, as if to summon the soul of the ancient times.

Suddenly, some of the Magic Force’s deep Jinxian formed a great array of giants. Each hundred golden celestial connections were connected, and all the elements were built in the Space fault, blocking all the areas.

The strips of Changhong hang down from the sky, and in the depths of the ground, there is a killing intent. After a deep look at the past, Fang Han is now deep in the ground, and a layer of large net has been condense formed.

It is Dragnet.

His fingers touched the air a little, and immediately burst into a series of fires. Some free electric fires appeared in the air.

Opened the eyes of the gods, Fang Han saw again, in the air of the entire imaginary mountain, there was a violent lightning symbol everywhere, these cockroaches were extremely lethal, but there was no harm to the virtual family discipline. Only outsiders will cause a blow to destruction.

Moreover, there are not only lightning bolts, but also some sword-shaped xiao Fu, the space dust is generally big xiao, is also a menforbidden art.

“Wind edge, Dao Xu Shengzi, Chen Yimei, do you dare to come to my virtual home 1uan? It is self-deprecating. Do you really think that my virtual family is paper?”

The virtual person youh laughed and saw that the great array had been arranged. He walked the dragon and stepped, “putting the uncle, otherwise, the three of you will be imprisoned forever. The virtual family is Longtan Tiger xue, no People can break into the whole body and retreat.”

“This year, people are really impatient. It seems that this uncle is not heavy. I also let you set up a great array to kill me. I can only catch you and torture with Demonic art. Let go of the virtual cloud.”

Fang Han sighed and stood up again.

An umbrella-shaped light was once again supported.

This is not a skyless umbrella, but he uses the symbol of Beginning Era Divine Fist, imitating the support of the skyless umbrella, the law is not invading, and there is a lawless taste.

Walking and walking, in the air, countless free symbols hit the umbrella-shaped light, and there was no sign of damage.

The walker has no boundaries!

Fang Han came to the front of the “virtual person”, the bloodline of the sinister family. All the people were caught off guard. Any great array forbidden art could not stop his footsteps, strolling and taking people’s lives.

Grab a big hand.

Fang Han’s hand, like the gods harvesting life, like the Heavenly Monarch leader group, a little move, slowly stretched out, and covered. The whole world was dark, and the imaginary mountains seemed to be shrouded in it.

The virtual man, the youth face, is going to flee, but Fang Han’s palms cover the sky and destroy everything. He can’t move at all.

“Breaking the sun, the god of the gods!”

His eyes are cold, and he punches into the sky with a punch. He wants to wear darkness and gain light! On his body, there was a piece of armor that entrusted him as a god of war.

“The imaginary master? The Lord of the people, this name is really arrogant. It is a pity that you, you are not the Lord!” Fang Han has a lot of thunder eyeballs on the palm of his hand. Every eyeball has a big mountain, cold. Looking at people coldly.

“Hand of punishment!”

All the virtual home Experts saw this big hand eyeball appearing, and their faces were mad and they retreated.

The hand of the punishment is covered.

The imaginary man screamed and was directly suppressed by Fang Han.

The sky is shining.

Fang Han, carrying this youth, the imaginary man returned to the hall and sat. When the palm of the hand is pressed, the imaginary man is squatting on the ground, and the blood is infiltrated into the seven scorpions.

“Let’s reflect on introspection, do not jiao vain? Otherwise, I will let you lie in the most prosperous state of the heavens, not three days and three nights, but three years. I am not afraid of the Nangong family, Also not afraid of the virtual family.”

Fang Han said.

“You! Wind, stop, the virtual master is the silkline of my virtual family. You absolutely can not move him, otherwise the contradiction between the feathered men and my virtual family, irreconcilable, to brew great war!”

One is too embarrassed to Elder’s rodent, not dare to do it, for fear of hurting this virtual person.

“Is it? Then let go of the cloud.”

Dao Xu Shengzi Road.

“We have accepted the mention of a young master of the Xuanyuan family. Or do you have a discussion with Xuanyuan family?” One is too elder.

“Go to eat!” Dao Xu Shengzi roared: “At this time, you still have a hard mouth? It seems that you don’t see the coffin without tears. The Junior brother, the virtual master, I saw that it is important to him. It’s still important to be a virtual cloud. No matter who you want to deal with our discipline, you have to pay the price.”

“Alright! I will chou his Ancestral Immortal rule and turn him into an ordinary person.” Fang Han’s palm rested on the head of the virtual man.

“The ancestors saved me! The ancestors!” The imaginary man felt the power of Fang Han, could not resist, and could not help but shouted for help.

“Bone of the Holy Man, really overbearing, more unscrupulous than the bones of the year……..” An old voice, suddenly conveyed from the outer space.

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