Eternal Life

Chapter 1046

Chapter 1 046

The second task that Fang Han took was to assassinate the bones of the white bones. The difficulty of this task was much greater than the previous task.

After all, the last mission, to kill the 72-star Alliance, as long as you can find the “煞星神国” nest, and dispatch a master Jinxian, you can still kill all.

However, this task, even if Jinxian can not be completed, must first be on the bones of the lord, this demon evil. The general Jinxian will be defeated directly by him. Not to mention killing his son.

But now that Fang Han is done, the whole body has no damage at all, and striding forward, such as the Aura of the Demon Soul, so that all Ascension Sect true disciple are back.

The head of the Bone-Soul Master’s son, “Bone Burning”, also widened his eyes and looked like a dead eye, but the body of the Law, the Essence Blood, was exhausted. It can be seen that Fang Han is plundering this. All the wealth of the white bones.

But this is understandable.

To complete the task, in the plunder of the mission, the medicine pill can be private, this is not a rule.

In fact, Fang Han has just entered the Bone Bone Church and killed this white-bone son. It is indeed a big risk. Fortunately, the white-bone son is drinking and having fun. The Bone-Bone Master is in Closed door meditation, and he uses the soundless way. Change the rules of the heavens, then fan the wings of freedom and succeed in one fell swoop.

At the end, the Bone-Soul Master is now rushing out, and the evil spirits are shocking, and when the air is caught, the various great arrays are arranged, and he is allowed to escape.

However, between a little touch, Fang Han knows that the Bone Master is extremely strong. If it is face to face, he is definitely not an opponent. It is much more powerful than that of the square.

Fortunately, the “wing of freedom” has been refined into the product Immortal Artifact, the power is endless, and the chance of life-saving is greatly increased. More suitable for assassination.

Fang Han feels that if he can take more chances to refine 33 Skies to the treasured Immortal Artifact, it is not impossible to assassinate some Magic Forces that are slightly weaker.

When Fang Han threw the head of the “Bone Bones” bone to several Elders, not only did the Elders go crazy, but even some of the true disciple and genius characters who were present felt that they were going crazy.

“It’s really a white-boned son, bone burning. How many Lord things can’t wait for him to lick his skin, drink his blood, the last time the state of Jinxian, went to kill this child, but was severely wounded by the white bones, even the martial art Almost destroyed. Now it is assassinated.”

“This wind is so powerful? It’s unfathomable. I think even if the dust is taken by the Senior Brother, it won’t be so easy.”

“Hey! This person is really crazy. Even if he completes the mission, he will assassinate the son of the old bone demon. After going out, he will definitely be madly retaliated by this old demon.”

“But the rewards for the missions are very rich.”

Xiao Shaoyun, Xue Lie and others looked at Fang Han. They felt that this person had caused a huge threat to them. They looked at each other and saw each other’s eyes.

They all have the urge to find out the opportunity to get rid of Fang Han.

“Sure enough, the son of the old bone demon is burning, you can actually accomplish this task. It’s not simple, here is the reward.” Several Elder fixed the mind, wrapped the skull of the bone burned carefully, and then from A treasure bag was taken out of the treasure chest.

Fang Han was very satisfied with the bag, and saw that there was no Immortal Artifact magical treasure inside, but there were ten third-order veins, and the spirits of the articles were like a dragon, rising and falling in the country of the bag. The strong beginning of the volatility fluctuated.

“Very good, ten third-order spirits, and the value is also hundreds of billions of dollars.” He closed up, and a magical treasure sac of the body also moved. This is the “mother brocade” obtained by killing the white bone son. bag”.

After completing two missions in succession, I got five Low Grade Immortal Artifact five-line rings, and there are more than ten third-order veins, one god country, and the wealth of the mother-in-law, countless Essence Qi, and the harvest is still huge, although There is still no need to be able to accumulate the need to promote the eternal Jinxian, but if you complete the task in this way, it will not be completed for a few months.

“If it wasn’t for me to promote the best of the Golden Fairy, it would be three or five times the promotion of the ordinary Expert. Now these qualities are enough, but unfortunately.”

Fang Han shook his head, and if he is promoted to the golden genius now, think it will be refreshing and hearty.

“Is there any good grade 1 task? I want to go next. Pay no magical treasure, as long as the medicine pill and the spirit pulse.” After receiving the reward, Fang Han said again.

“What? You have to pick up the task?” Several Grand Elders and the true disciple around them are all shocked. I feel that this “wind” is really a enchanting god who sees God killing God and seeing Buddha killing Buddha.

“I heard that recently a true disciple, there was a Powerhouse, and completed two missions in a row, destroying the ‘煞星盟’ 72-and-half-step golden fairy power, even assassinating the son of the white bones old demon? Finish Many Jinxian can’t complete the task?”

Just when Fang Han asked for a mission, there was a voice floating in the air, ethereal and ethereal. When it was heard, the dust in the soul disappeared, and the ancient Buddha said Zen.

Then, there was a white cloud in the sky, no fireworks, landing down, standing on top of the white clouds, a youth wearing blue clothes, holding a long Sword, high eyebrows, naturally a compelling Aura.

All the people saw this blue dress youth appearing, and they spread out. Even Xiao Shaoyun and Xue Lie breathed a suffocation. The bloody beats accelerated by a thousand times. It seems that they encountered the biggest enemy.

“Dust Heart Senior Brother!”

“Dust Heart Senior Brother actually appeared. He was not rumored to go to Quanzhou a few days ago, looking for a final battle called Constant?”

“In the last seed campaign, the dusty Senior Brother faced the High Grade Immortal Artifact, the Prime Brother, and the Senior Brother, who struggled for three days and three nights. Magic Force was defeated. In fact, his truth Strength, above the item Prime Brother.”

“This wind, only a few days into the Ascension Sect, has completed two impossible tasks in succession, the dustheart Senior Brother naturally want to take a look, what is the role?”

“Is this wind and the heart of the Senior Brother? It should be impossible.”

“Look at how the wind is answered?”………

Many people automatically retired, even including some Elder, which were scattered, and the hall of the room gave up a large space for the two to face.

And “Xiao Shaoyun”, “Xue Lie”, “Shi Feng”, “古巽”, “Lin Feiyu” and others, but they have not dissipated, they are all powerful, the same realm, can be an enemy, even dozens of Expert, And everyone has a card, and if it goes backwards, the momentum will be weak first.

The tears of the blue clothes came back. Fang Han actually felt the pressure of formless. In the oppression of his own soul, there was no slight pressure on the surface, which was the pressure of the subconscious mind. It seems that the other party can pose a threat to himself.

“This person is amazing!”

Fang Han naturally knows who this person is, because in the memory of Shangziluo, this person left a terrorful memory of time. In the heart of Shangziluo, Ascension Sect disciple, this “dust heart” is more terrible than the general Jinxian.

Youth Dezhi, Jianjian Tianya, go south and north, kill countless Experts, just thirty days of heaven, they have become Heavenly Immortal, and then ten heavens, built Profound Immortal, and then until now, infinitely close to Jinxian, Even in his body, there is a secret of horror, which can hurt the golden fairy.

I have done the task of Ascension Sect many times, and I have played against the golden celestials numerous times, but I can retreat from the unhurried whole body.

Almost all the disciples know that this person must be promoted to the golden celestial being, and once promoted, it is earth-shattering. More and more.

For this “dust heart”, Shangzi Luo has only horror and surrender in his heart.

This “dust heart” is simply the god who walks on earth, the avatar of Great Dao wisdom.

But unfortunately, he has never had any fortuitous encounters. The air transport is very ordinary. Going to the present, with amazing wisdom and supreme perseverance, it is because of this, it is even more terrifying.

Such a person has now reached the front of Fang Han.

“Is it you, killing the seventy-two comets? And the bones of the bones burning?” The voice of the ethereal sounded again, and the dust came to a place far away from Fang Han, and there was not much. A lot of points, he also felt out, as long as he walked into a point, he would immediately encounter a blow from Fang Han, so he stayed, wisdom for the fluctuations of vitality, and future projections, all arrived. Amazingly.

“Not bad.” Fang Han said his finger slightly. “What are you doing?”

“There is nothing. Just take a look at your strength. You can complete these two tasks. The whole body is retired. It is very strong and strong. It is qualified to be the opponent of my competition.” For a while, the sound of the slow-sounding voice is still empty: “From these two tasks, you can see that your strength can be comparable to Jinxian. I originally thought that this Ascension Gate’s true disciple, no one is my opponent. This year’s battle for the seeds is too lonely, and I will not be able to think of you.”

“Hey! Dust heart, you said so, you said that we are not qualified to be your opponent?”

A discordant sound is heard.

It is an “ancient” saying. For the words of the dusty heart, he is naturally very unconvinced. With these people’s pride, how can you endure this sentence?

“is it?”

A dusty road: “Do you think that you are my opponent?”


The sword is out of the sheath, and the ghost is shocked. There is almost no time to block, amazing Sword Qi, directly forced to the face of the ancient 巽. fast! fast! fast! The sword is like the first light that was born in the sky, chasing the sun and the moon, infiltrating the mystery of the heavenly machine.


On the face of Gu Yu, there was a blood mark.

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