Eternal Life

Chapter 1045

Chapter 1904

fast! It’s incredibly fast.

In the bones of the son just said, “Who dares to kill me!” The words have not been lost, the head flew up, the body was also taken away.

All the evil Daoist, even reacting, but what happened? Is it an illusion?

“A very good cultivator?” In a woman captured by many evil cultivators, an ordinary woman who seems to be a slave, his eyes flashed with a strange luster. “I showed my sacred mystery, and lurked here.” For many days, I dare not do it. Who is this person, so arrogant?”

No one noticed that the woman’s body was fading, and a subtle golden light was integrated into the void.

Actually, it is an expert woman of the golden genius, but also to assassinate the white-bone son, but it was first picked up by the Sword light.


The whole Bone City was angry. It was the eternal gold celestial bone of the Bone City. He was stunned in the underground. He suddenly felt that his son was actually assassinated. He immediately became angry and began to urge forbidden art. For a moment, the sky was dim and dark. There is no light in the month. All time and space, all blocked, countless white bones shuttle in time and space, bone-colored flame, burning everywhere.

Hey! A figure is empty and forced to come out. It is Fang Han.

But Fang Han, not afraid, Zhangkou is a shout, shocking the world.

“Give me broken!”

Just at the moment of this peak, his body, bursting with a strong golden light, like the ancient Heavenly Monarch, walking in the world, the great will penetrate the blockade, disappeared without a trace.

At that moment when the hole was blocked, a little golden light followed.

“Hey! That old bones, it’s really hard!”

The void was distorted. In the vast desert that did not know how many miles from the Bone City, Fang Han showed his body. He carried the head of the white-bone son and plundered the magical treasure on his body. Then he took his blood, Divine Ability, and Lawrence to 33 Skies, which was safe.

“It’s killing another one. Under the eyes of the eternal Jinxian, it is really exciting to assassinate his son, but this is nothing for me. This white bone, a lot of wealth magical treasure! I returned to Ascension After Sect, is this group of people surprised? But it doesn’t matter.”

Standing in the desert, Fang Han thought.

“Next time, is it going to take the task of assassination of the Golden Immortal? But when it comes to Jinxian, the task is Peerless Grade, which is a thousand times worse than the grade 1 mission. My current strength, although it is possible to complete, but Too mad, it becomes enchanting. Still forget, take more grade 1 tasks.”

After completing two tasks in a row, Fang Han was full of enthusiasm, especially the white-boned man, but not as clean as the seventy-two comets, but rich in property.

A magical treasure capsule, all of which is Immortal Artifact. There are golden fairy rules on the top. Fang Han’s understanding is an “mother of the mother” recorded in an ancient Taoist book.

He is about to open this kit, look at it, count the treasures, suddenly the sky, a flash of light, the entire desert, a dark, empty, a big white hand, directly grabbed, everywhere There was a white bone prison.

Actually it was the golden fairy, and the white bone master chased it up.

“Hey! Come here! But I am not afraid of you!” Fang Han stood still, and now the strength is not the same as before. When the air is in a palm, it is turned into a hand of the ruined dragon. Hard punch, the two palms collided in the air. When it was fried into powder, the dark clouds began to dissipate.

Fang Han sees this situation. When the body moves, the wing of freedom looms behind the scenes. Suddenly, through the void, it disappears without a trace.

In the next moment, a whole body with a fascinating luster of the evil lord Jinxian descended to the desert. This evil golden sacred, skinny, is a living raft, but as soon as it landed on the ground, the blood began to plump and change into a The evil old man: “Kill my son! Just under my eyes, kill my son! Who is it? I want your blood to pay for it!”

Bang! It was a desert, began to melt, and was burned by his anger, turning into a pale white flame.

These flames went deep into the void and searched everywhere, but they couldn’t find a little movement. It seems that Fang Han has never appeared.

“This old monster, still want to track me?”

Fang Han The next moment, there is a tall mountain peak, the white clouds floating, looking far away, the mountains are everywhere, Aura is far away.

“First return to Ascension Sect to receive the mission reward.” Fang Han saw the white bones and the old demon never caught up and left. However, just as he turned around, suddenly his body shook: “Girl, you should also come out, you lurk in the Bone City, followed me for so long. Do you really think I don’t know?”

His voice has not yet fallen, a golden light burst, a woman appeared in the air, this woman, with a red crown on his head, wearing a golden cloak, the Aura scattered on his body, like the vastness of the sea, actually A perfect golden fairy!

“Girl?” This woman appeared, looked at Fang Han and said: “You are a half-step Jinxian. Actually call me a girl?”

“Oh? Don’t call the girl, can you call your predecessor?” Fang Han shook his head.

“Not bad.” The woman said: “I lurked for three days and three nights, to assassinate the white-bone son, but you suddenly shot and disturbed my plan. How do you say this? Call the body of the white bone son. In front of the predecessors, Respect some, the white bones old demon in the cultivation of the ancestors, can only be divided into a small part of Magic Force to chase you, you do not think, really can deal with him. I am now full strength, you can not escape. ”

“Shit predecessors!”

Fang Han suddenly, rising from the ground, his body flashed, actually turned into thirty-three, full of shadows, surrounded by this woman.

“What is this?” The woman was shocked, and the whole body blasted.

But the next moment, boom! Fang Han’s Fist Arts bombarded, the woman’s golden light split, and the whole person rushed back, and the first layer’s heavy country was arranged in the body.


Although he protected himself and resisted Fang Han’s move, he was shot by Fang Han’s golden blood.

“Haha, also claiming to be a predecessor, what Jinxian? So I was beaten by blood! Remember, even Jinxian, don’t be so arrogant next time.” Fang Han smiled coldly and his body disappeared again.

“You!” The woman was so angry that she couldn’t catch up with Fang Han, and she didn’t even know where he was running.

“Is this still a half-step Jinxian? I can’t think of it, I will think that it will suffer in the hands of a half-step Jinxian!” This woman slammed her feet and hovered for a while without catching any of Fang Han’s Aura. “I will know who you are! We spend the power of the shrine, there is nothing we can’t find, so Cultivation Base, so genius……. is really horrible.”

She vented for a while, calmed down and felt that Fang Han was terrifying.

“This kind of character, after being promoted to the golden genius of the dynasty, I still have it? I have just been promoted to the golden celestial being, and the law of Jinxian is still not stable. It is no wonder that it will suffer, and go back and practice it for a while.”

This woman flower wants Rong to flash, disappearing without a trace.

“This woman is a flower god palace? I have never heard of the Flower God Palace, and even the memory of Shangzi Luo is not. But it is obviously a mysterious martial art. But this flower is really a newly promoted Jinxian. It is far better than the old Jinxian who is not the master of Tianquan. It can kill. But my current identity is still not good for extra-budgeting.”

After the flower disappeared, Fang Han appeared again from the void.

Obviously, he just did not leave.

He wants to kill this woman, but if you think about it, the two sides have no deep hatred. After killing, they will offend the mysterious flower god palace, and the other party is a golden fairy. It is not necessarily killing. In case of being countered, the old-fashioned old demon will be buried here.

After thinking about it, he moved to a nearby big state, arrived at the transfer array, and returned to Ascension Sect.

Ascension Sect, Sky Trading Courtyard.

Fang Han’s aftermath to kill the seventy-two comets to complete the mission has not disappeared, everyone has been talking, and now many disciples, Elder are talking about the second person that Fang Han took, assassinating the son of the white bones, this is almost impossible Completed, the difficult task of nine deaths.

“The next task of Feng Yuan is to assassinate the son of the Bone Master, and burn it? This is probably impossible. The Bone Lord is the leader of Jin Xian. Many of the same realms are defeated by him. To assassinate his son, Not looking for death?”

“Well, I am afraid that this wind will not come back.”

“This task is perverted.”

“Xiao Shaoyun, do you think that Fang Han can accomplish this task?” Xue Lie, after learning the news, asked Xiao Shaoyun next to him.

“This task, basically no one dares to do it, even if it is the dusty heart, there is no way to face the anger of the white bones old demon. It has never been known how many people hate the bones, but no one can kill him. Xiao Shaoyun shook his head.

“If the wind really kills the white-bone son, and the whole body comes back, it is really enchanting.”

“Hey, how is it possible?” That Shifeng sneered: “I can’t do this task. The old bone demon can be different from the ordinary Jinxian. It is in the way of Insight Ancestral Immortal. It is rumored that he has already realized a trace. The law of the ancestors. Usually two or three Jinxian join hands, and may not win over him.”

“Maybe, it is the critical moment of his Closed door meditation, the assassination succeeded?”

“Who dares to go gambling like this? Take your own life to gamble?”

“The wind is 100% dead this time.”…

A group of people, whispering.

However, at this time, suddenly Golden Light flashed, Fang Han had already landed in the main hall, carrying a head in his hand: “Handed over the task, this is the bones of the Bone Master, and I brought his head.”

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