Eternal Life

Chapter 1047

The first thousand and forty-seven chapters

“Xue Lie” and “Xiao Shaoyun” are all retreating. They feel that the “Dust Heart” Sword Intent is open, unstoppable, inevitable, and flashing. However, after all, they are the genius of the world, and they are quick to react. They are expected to kill the enemy in a flash, and prevent it from happening.

The “old 巽” is miserable, and the sword of the dust heart is obviously directed at him.

He couldn’t dod it at all, because at the moment when the sword came out of the sheath, he felt that the huge fear filled his own soul, which made him unable to display any means to counterbalance. The style of the sword completely controlled him. The emotions, the will of the enemy, completely suppressed his will.

This is the vision of Martial Dao, Dao technique Spirit, a complete defeat.

Cultivation has reached this realm and become Immortal, a half-step golden fairy power, which Expert is not a smasher? Even if the meat is dead, the will cannot be defeated.

But now, Mortal Body is not dead, the will is broken first, and this is a thousand miles.

It’s just a sword, a trick that is unpredictable for ghosts and gods. The face of “古巽” is cut through, and blood is flowing out. Obviously, it’s still “dusty heart”, otherwise it’s going to be cut into two Half, badly hurt. He can even smash his own law of life, the life of the universe, let him die.

Sword light is out, blood is full, Sword light converges, as if it has never been a sword.

“Dust heart” smiles lightly, the sword is still in the hand, no one can see clearly what is hidden in the scabbard.

“Gui, you can’t resist even a sword? I still want to be my opponent? There is no hope for 30,000 days of hard work.” He spoke faintly, but it was an unusual blow to his opponent’s self-confidence.

“Okay, very good. Dust heart, I remember you.” At this time, Gu Yu calmed down, with a touch of his hands, the blood on his face gradually steamed, and the broken mouth began to repair.

However, he did not hysterically move to the dust, but suddenly turned around and quickly left here, not knowing whether to go back to cultivation, or to rescue the soldiers.

From this point, it shows that the ancients can bear it. If they can’t bear it today, they will be killed. It is said that no one will sympathize with him.

“Wind brother, how do you feel about this sword?”

The dust heart turned and faced Fang Han again.

Fang Han immediately felt that a deep fear in the heart deepened. This is the other party’s technique of exerting psychic oppression, and it is not known what cultivation is Divine Ability.

“Strong, very strong. Sword Intent is unparalleled.” Fang Han indulged for a while, and said, deep inside, a little move, he expelled the fear.

“I don’t know if the wind brother can get it?” The tone of the dust suddenly changed, and some killings were contained in it.

Oh! All the disciples were scattered, thinking that Fang Han and Dust had a duel. Because of the dusty heart, it is full of aggressiveness. If you don’t agree, you have to kill.

“Of course I can get it.”

Fang Han ignored the threat of dust and dust, and seemed to be stating a simple thing: “Sword Intent is powerful, but there is a lack of power. If this is a loophole, I will pick up the sword.” If you don’t come down, then simply go home and take your child.”


The dusty face was cold, then he laughed three times, and the tone gradually closed. The frost was generally chilled: “I was the first time I heard someone commenting on my swordsmanship, saying that it is a loophole. These are very good. There are a lot of loopholes……. Once there was a presence of Jinxian, I evaluated my swordsmanship, but it was a ghostly and unpredictable word. Is your vision more golden?”

“The more I don’t know Jin Xian, but you are full of loopholes!” Fang Han shook his head. “Maybe the predecessor is giving you confidence, but your enemy will not give you confidence. If you don’t believe, take yours.” How about the sword? How about I can see if I can get it?”


When Fang Han said this, he immediately caused a sensation in the audience.

This sentence is undoubtedly a challenge, challenged in front of everyone.

“This wind is very powerful. I have seen the dusty swords and so unpredictable swordsmanship. He dared to say that there are many loopholes and even direct challenges. It is simply mad and has no side. It is more arrogant than us.” Xiao Shaoyun praised: “Xue Lie Now you don’t say that he can’t control his strength.”

“I admit that this person is probably our biggest enemy and the enemy that is hardest to overcome.” Xue Lie calmly said.

“I don’t know him and the dust, who is more powerful?”

“I just saw a dusty sword. I feel that there is a kind of sprout in my own Culture Base. It really has to be under pressure to have motivation.”

“Silence, dust and wind are completely opposite.”

At the center of the site, a formless murder is filled, the air is almost solidified, and everyone has a feeling of suffocation. Fang Han and the dusty eyes look at each other, it seems that it will soon be a terrible war.

“Okay, very good. Since you want to see my swordsmanship, it is fine. I will give you a sword today. Please appreciate it. See if I am full of loopholes, or your eyes are not working. Originally, I am recharged and ready to go on the seed selection, and fight with people, but if you do, then I will not be embarrassed, but I will only give you a sword, just a sword, this sword you If you can get it, let’s fight again in the future. If you can’t get it, you can’t get rid of it. Don’t blame me for being mad, this is what you find yourself.”

The dusty heart suddenly changed the left hand of the sword to the right hand, and the whole body’s clothes were windless and automatic, and the hunting sounded.

The top of the sky above his head was slightly dark and it seemed to be accumulating momentum. The next sword must be earth-shattering, killing the ages, and the past and the future are all in the reach of a sword.

“Let’s talk nonsense, get out of the sword. After picking up your sword, I have to take on a task and earn the qi and spirit of the beginning of the Yuan, which is used to promote the golden sage.”

Fang Han waved his hand, although his voice was impatient, but his heart was already guarded. This dusty momentum was even more terrifying than some of the most precious Jinxian, and it also had deterrence.

“We all understand people, and you should not use these little tricks to irritate me. It is useless.” The dusty heart has a large amount of power, and there are countless kingdoms behind it, born and destroyed, destroyed and born, those countries, There have been countless Sword light, Huanghuang Zhengzheng, the fierce sword wind has been passed over, the surrounding ground, there have been numerous cracks that have been cut.

Dust heart the whole person, seems to be a bit of a sword, and the integration of heaven and earth, and the integration of heaven, itself is the heaven, is God.


Suddenly, the whole world is dark.

Even Fang Han felt that there were blurs on all sides, nothing could be seen, nothing could be imagined, and even the mind was blocked.

“not good!”

He immediately knew that this was not the darkness of the heavens and the earth, but the swordsmanship of the other side, blinding all his senses, mouth, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and meaning.

I don’t know where I am, I don’t even know where my body is, I seem to be exiled to the eternal emptiness.

“Wind, my sword, called the sword of Alaya, Alaya, is the combination of nature and mourning, the sustenance of all good and evil seeds, the formation of all things in the universe, the first moment of understanding. This is Alaya. Wind, if you can get it, then at the seed conference a few months later, I really qualify to be my opponent.”

The boundless darkness, the sound of the dusty heart sounded.

Aura, who is without me, no one, no one, is coming from the darkness. Fang Han is shaking and he can’t get rid of the boundless darkness. The Sword Intent of the sword of Alaya is shrouded.

Indeed, this is a sword that can never be sacrificed by the Golden Immortals. This is a mystery, and it is the same as the 33 Skies of Fang Han.

A Sword light, from the dark, time does not exist, Space does not exist. All the ideas did not exist. Only the Sword light became the eternal Alaya. Fang Han even had a feeling of welcoming this Sword light and pinning it in his heart.

This is an extremely dangerous sign.

“The world is free, the origin of creation. The fate of the fate, Gate to Eternity?” In an instant, Fang Han’s whole idea, suddenly sitting, the Lesser Karma Technique evolved, and the idea of ​​Gate to Eternity flashed.


The boundless darkness, an invincible portal appeared on the spot, directly shocked, millions of universes, chaos, countless eras, were shattered, broke the prison, and returned to reality.

Fang Han is now, a Sword light, has reached his own eyebrows.

A few hairs on his forehead were all degraded.


At the last zero moment, Fang Han’s fingers, the rhinoceros, appeared on his forehead and collided with the other’s sword. The extremely strong Sword Qi, enough to bombard a giant mountain, Sword Qi, all bombarded into the body of Fang Han.

At this moment, the dusty sword has already gone out. His sword is a dark long Sword. The sword is not iron, nor gold, wood, jade, does not belong to any substance. It seems to be a kind of no. Awareness, entity and manifestation.

This is the sword of the Alaya, forged.

The sword refers to the collision. A series of cosmic kingdoms are produced around the body of the two, and then the explosion, the forbidden art of the ground, the first layer of heavy explosion, the whole hall suffered a devastating destruction, and several Grand Elder slammed and was shocked. Flying out, many of the same half-step golden fairy disciples, but also shocked to fly in the air, wow spit out blood.

Xue Lie and Xiao Shaoyun also retreated.

“Ha ha ha ha, good! Very good, windy, you can take my sword, wake up from Alaya, it is rare, but my sword of Alaya, did not cultivation to reach the perfection Realm. After a few months, it will be complete, and then fight again.”


The swordsmanship is collected, and the whole heart of the dust is gone.

Fang Han’s eyes twitched*, and a crack appeared at the fingertips, which drenched a drop of blood, but then concentrated back, and the cracks were repaired and flawless.


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