Eternal Existence

Chapter 890: Confrontation

"Is it different from the previous plan?" Daqian Sword Immortal sneered.


Dafeng Sword Immortal waved his hand, and all the immortals behind him surrounded him. Hundreds of immortals and thousands of heavenly cultivators strangled two earthly immortals and twenty immortals. This was simply too bullying.

The result was obvious. Daqian Sword Immortal Dafeng Sword Immortal killed two earthly immortals from Jiuxiao Palace, and the remaining twenty immortals were drowned in the crowd, without even a splash.

"Hey, the cultivators of Beiyuan are too weak. At the same level, I can kill two or three by myself." A cultivator of Tianjian Sect said disdainfully.

"For immortals of this level, I can easily deal with ten people." A student of Daluo Academy said lightly.

Tianjian Sect disciples, silent, although Tianjian Sect disciples are very arrogant and have strong combat power, they are still not comparable to students of Daluo Academy, unless they are the top geniuses in the sect.

Generally speaking, the top geniuses of these sects will enter Daluo Academy for cultivation.

"Two seniors, are we waiting for Chen Feng here? I think the other party may have bad intentions." A student from Daluo Academy stepped forward and said.

"What if they have bad intentions? The people left by the other party are all dead. Chen Feng had made arrangements before he left. We don't need to wait for Chen Feng. Now we will change the route immediately, join the other three forces, and then go directly to Yiyuan City." Daqian Sword Immortal said.

"Yiyuan City is the closest to Taiyi Immortal Mountain. The situation there should be bad."

"Chen Feng's master and friends are there. This is a warning we just got. Don't be careless. After all, this is not our Central Plains. The three factions of Jiuxiao Palace are first-class forces. If the other party suddenly has several earth immortals, we will be injured even if we can stop them. This time we are just to help Chen Feng. There is no need for casualties. We should avoid a life-and-death situation if possible." Daqian Sword Immortal said.

"Senior, is this your own idea?" The student from Daluo Academy asked.

"That's what Chen Feng meant."

"In that case, let's take action. If we encounter someone intercepting us on the road again."

"Then we have no choice but to kill them."

Chen Feng was relieved about the manpower along the way, but he was trapped in the siege.

At this time, Chen Feng had already regretted not taking action in advance, because what the four Yan Mo ancestors said just now was correct, that is, they knew that Chen Feng had a fairy weapon, but they still ambushed Chen Feng, which means that Jiuxiao Palace is sure to deal with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng has put away the Eye of the Deep Sea. Just before, Chen Feng used the Eye of the Deep Sea to shatter all the mountains and rivers within a radius of 100,000 miles.

But then Chen Feng had to put away the Eye of the Deep Sea, because Jiuxiao Palace sent out fairy weapons, or two fairy weapons.

Under the strong pressure, Chen Feng had no choice but to take out the Sky-piercing Spear to deal with it.

The place where Chen Feng was was inside the fairy weapon, but this fairy weapon was just like the Tianju Fairy Mansion on Chen Feng's body. It was not a weapon-type fairy weapon, but a fairy mansion of the fairy weapon level.

In fact, this kind of cave also has a strong attack power, but it is no problem to use it to trap Chen Feng at this time.

The other immortal weapon is an immortal weapon, and it is also a sword of killing. The aura it exudes almost makes Chen Feng fall into a killing state.

"In order to deal with me, Jiuxiao Palace has mobilized its capital. If other first-class sects in Beiyuan go all out to attack Jiuxiao Palace at this time, they will definitely succeed. Unfortunately, no one dares to do so. Besides, there are Zixiao Palace and Lingxiao Palace. Hey! The strength of these three sects is too strong. If the three sects join forces, they can really become the top forces in the cultivation world. But what these guys said before seems to have a hidden meaning?"

Chen Feng was puzzled by the attitude of the four earthly immortals just now, such as unifying Beiyuan and sweeping the cultivation world. At first, Chen Feng just thought that the other party was an idiot and a lunatic, but thinking about it carefully, it was not like that. These four people were earth immortals. They had practiced for many years. They must be talented to have come to this point. Unless they were possessed by the devil, they would not say crazy things. Then what they said just now was for a reason.

In the end, Chen Feng could only attribute it to the fact that Jiuxiao Palace must have obtained something to greatly increase its strength, which is why it has the ambition to dominate the cultivation world.

To dominate the entire cultivation world, how powerful a force is needed. There must be at least ten or more immortals sitting in the seat. It would be difficult to enter the Central Plains without dozens of immortal weapons.

"Could it be that Jiuxiao Palace has discovered a super treasure." Chen Feng guessed secretly in his heart.


The sword broke through the air and collided with the spear in Chen Feng's hand. The spear in Chen Feng's hand vibrated rapidly, vibrating tens of thousands of times in an instant, quickly dissolving the opponent's power.

This level of power attack, unless Chen Feng surpassed the immortal in the application of the law, he could only think of ways to dissolve and consume the opponent's attack.

"Chen Feng, you still have time to be distracted until now, do you still think you can escape?" Thunderous sound came, it was other cultivators talking, not the four Yan Mo ancestors.

Chen Feng could determine that the other party's cultivation was above the middle-level earth immortal just by listening to the sound.

"Although the other party dispatched two immortal weapons, there are not many truly powerful masters, there should be only one high-level earth immortal. I think those masters should be concerned about their status and not attack a small human immortal like me."

Chen Feng fell heavily to the ground, and then the ground cracked, and two khaki air waves swept towards Chen Feng. This was the immortal palace taking action.


Chen Feng thrust out the spear in his hand, breaking the air wave, but at this time the sword energy came again, and chopped Chen Feng away heavily. Although there was the shadow of the Longevity Tower to resist, Chen Feng was not feeling well, and felt that his head was about to explode.

"This is not a solution, and it is not the right time to let the ancient flame beetle take action. I have to wait for a while until the opponent's means are fully deployed, so that I can use the Longevity Tower to catch the opponent in one fell swoop."

"But speaking of it, this killing sword of Jiuxiao Palace is really good. It has pure power and high grade. It can be regarded as a fine product among weapons of the same level. I can snatch it, but I can't suppress it alone without the help of the tower."

Chen Feng also has his own plan in mind.

Chen Feng is not afraid that he will encounter danger this time. At worst, he can hide in Tianju Immortal Mansion or Longevity Tower, but in this way, he will be passive. He came to Beiyuan to help Taiyi Sect, and he doesn't have so much time to waste with the opponent.

"No one showed up to fight me? A group of people like this hid in the dark and bullied a junior. Hey, if this kind of thing gets out, you Jiuxiao Palace will be embarrassed. You still want to dominate the cultivation world. This is simply crazy talk." Chen Feng said loudly, and the longevity wings flashed. Chen Feng held the sky-piercing spear in his hand and quickly dodged the attacks from all around.

However, no one paid attention to Chen Feng, and the attack became more fierce.

"Why don't you talk? Did I say it right? You feel embarrassed and just want to kill me."

"You Jiuxiao Palace still call yourself a famous and upright sect. Bah, you still want to unify Beiyuan and sweep the cultivation world. You can even say this. You really don't know the word shame."

"If you have the ability, rescue him and fight alone. As a human immortal, I challenge you, the earth immortal seniors."

"Yes, you have practiced for tens of thousands of years, and you have long been thick-skinned and black-hearted."

However, no matter how Chen Feng stimulated the other party, the Jiuxiao Palace still had no response. It was unusually quiet, with only strong attacks.

Chen Feng stopped talking and focused on dealing with the opponent's attack methods. In fact, Chen Feng was not worried about the opponent's delay. He could hold off so many people by himself, which could also reduce a lot of pressure on Taiyi Sect. To be honest, Jiuxiao Palace wanted to snatch the immortal weapon from Chen Feng, but also wanted to get rid of Chen Feng as soon as possible.

"I don't know when the tower will wake up."

"I can't wait, I'd better do it myself. If it doesn't work, I can rush out directly. If I keep wasting time like this, the other party will be anxious, and I will be anxious too."

Chen Feng was in a very embarrassed state at this time, but he secretly and quickly activated Tianju Immortal Mansion. Two immortal weapons against two immortal weapons, Chen Feng is definitely not the opponent of the opponent, unless Chen Feng can be promoted to the level of earth immortal.

However, it is different if three or four immortal weapons are deployed together. As long as Chen Feng has the ability to activate them, sweeping the opponent is not a problem.

With Chen Feng's current strength, he can't even fully activate the power of one immortal weapon, let alone activate several immortal weapons at the same time.

So this requires some means and some secret techniques. The result of doing so is that a lot of energy is consumed. Chen Feng will be attacked by a powerful force. If he is not careful, his body will collapse and even his life force will be overdrawn in advance.

However, Chen Feng doesn't care about these. The longevity scripture he practices is not afraid of overdrawing his life force. If he can collect an immortal weapon from the other party, then all the efforts can be made up.

However, whether it will succeed or what the situation will develop into, Chen Feng can't guess, because this level of fighting is ever-changing, and any factor can change the situation.

Compared with attack-type weapons such as the Sky-piercing Spear, the existence of the Tianju Immortal Mansion is a bit troublesome to activate, but as long as the energy is sufficient, everything is not a problem.

In order to activate the Tianju Immortal Mansion, Chen Feng used a lot of immortal crystals. Seeing the immortal crystals being consumed quickly, Chen Feng was secretly in pain.

"Hey, these guys, they made me waste so many immortal crystals, I must compensate them later." Chen Feng gritted his teeth secretly. Chen Feng has also suffered serious injuries since the battle.

Another sword energy fell on Chen Feng. The shadow of the Longevity Tower around Chen Feng vibrated, and the sword energy was bounced away. Chen Feng did not chase after it, because Chen Feng was restrained by the power of the Immortal Palace, his speed and strength dropped sharply, and he could hardly block the opponent's attack with the Sky-piercing Spear in his hand. It can be said that if Chen Feng did not take action, he would have to fight back.

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