Eternal Existence

Chapter 889 Revealing the Face

"Since you don't take action, I want to see what tricks you play." Chen Feng secretly laughed in his heart.

However, just in case, Chen Feng did some tricks. Although Chen Feng did not bring other monks with him, there was still some power in the Tower of Eternal Life.

For example, the ancient flame beetle has been sleeping. Although this cosmic alien species often sleeps, its cultivation speed is not slow. As long as there is enough fire power, this alien species will advance faster.

At this time, the ancient flame beetle had reached the Earth Immortal level. At this time, it received Chen Feng's order and immediately woke up from its sleep. Then it turned into a little fire with the bone spear in its hand and flew out from the space broken by the Eternal Life Tower. Find a place to hide.

In Chen Feng's opinion, the ancient flame beetle plus an immortal-level magic weapon can kill even high-level earthly immortals.

With this power hidden and waiting outside, Chen Feng felt even more relieved.

"Okay, you want sincerity, right? Then I will express my sincerity." Chen Feng nodded, then stretched out his finger before the other party could speak: "First, when you Jiuxiao Palace chased me, this The matter cannot be settled like this. I want compensation. The compensation is very simple. I need the Nine Heavens Scripture from your Nine Heavens Palace."

"You have quite an appetite." Ancestor Yan Mo sneered, and the expressions of the other three people had completely cooled down.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, I haven't finished speaking yet. It was just the first one. The second one is that your Jiuxiao Palace will immediately withdraw its troops, return all the occupied territory to Taiyi Sect, and compensate Taiyi Sect for part of its military expenses. The specifics are You discuss it with Taiyimen."


"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, there's more. Thirdly, we have so many brothers here, we can't run away in vain. Let's do this. We can return to the Central Plains, but your Jiuxiao Palace has to pay us part of the spiritual stones. Let's do this, Xianjing One billion yuan, this is our bottom line.”

"That's all for now." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he looked at the other party with a smile.


The tyrannical power suddenly clashed from the four Earth Immortals. The four Earth Immortals were finally angered by Chen Feng, or in other words, they took off their masks and revealed their true purpose.

"Chen Feng, you are seeking death." Ancestor Lei Ming said murderously.

"Okay, let me tell you four, you are all immortals after all. It's okay to deceive me, a little human immortal, but now you are still talking nonsense and lies. Isn't this interesting?" Chen Feng said lazily. , eyes full of sarcasm.

"Yes, yes, I asked you why you haven't taken action. It turns out that you are not ready yet. Let's just say it clearly. I will wait for you here and wait for you to gather all your strength. Then take action, that’s it.”

"Chen Feng, I don't know what you are talking about." Ancestor Yan Mo still managed a smile.


Chen Feng struck suddenly, beyond the concept of speed, Chen Feng's palm had already landed on the neck of Ancestor Yan Mo.

At such a close distance, under normal circumstances, even a middle-level Earth Immortal would not be able to block Chen Feng's attack.

But Chen Feng's palm did not squeeze it. Because Chen Feng knew that there was no use in squeezing it.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four explosions were made into a string, and the four ancestors of Yan Mo exploded. The powerful impact bombarded Chen Feng. Although Chen Feng was prepared, he was forced out of the pavilion.

As for the pavilion, it was shattered by the force of the explosion.

"Hey, Xuying, the escape techniques of these four guys are quite good. I think they must be the secret techniques in the Nine Heavens Scripture. This is an immortal technique." Chen Feng landed lightly on the ground.

Although what was exploded just now was the phantom left by the four people through secret techniques, as if they were clones, the power was not small, and it exploded in a small area, which could usually kill an Earth Immortal.

But it's still not enough to deal with Chen Feng.

"Sure enough, it's not easy. I told you not to underestimate this kid."

"Hmph, I originally wanted to wait until I could gather the power I had, but now it seems I have to take the lead."

"It's not like we're the first. The time is almost up. Although this kid has an immortal weapon, we have made adequate preparations. Chen Feng cannot escape."

"You still have to be careful, but this kid is so arrogant, we can't kill him all at once."

The voices of the four ancestors of Yan Mo began to ring over the mountains, and at the same time, the space was distorted, and the faces of the four people emerged, and they all looked at Chen Feng with sneering eyes.

Chen Feng did not launch an attack because he knew that the portraits of the four people in front of him were just illusions.

"Hey! If you start taking action like this, are you afraid that the monks you left behind will be killed?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"We made arrangements before coming here. Now those people you left behind should have been surrounded or killed. It's hard to tell. What you said before is indeed nonsense. We at Jiuxiao Palace have no concerns about Da Luo Academy. He Tianjian Sect, as for the Donglong Island under your command, it is not small, but it is just some cannon fodder-like little demons, of no great use," said the ancestor of Yama Mo with a smile.

"Really? Maybe you can get in touch and see what the specific situation is like." Chen Feng said as he took out the Eye of the Deep Sea. This top-quality Taoist tool was rotating rapidly in Chen Feng's palm. It looks very small, but it can easily kill an earthly immortal monk.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, the four of them were stunned for a moment. Although they were still disdainful on the surface, they secretly contacted him. Soon their expressions changed and became ugly.

"How is it?" Chen Feng chuckled.

"Have you already made preparations?" Ancestor Yan Mo asked through gritted teeth.

"Of course, you don't think I'm such an idiot to follow you here."

"You are indeed an idiot, because you still came here. To tell you the truth, even if you have an immortal weapon on your body, you can't even think about going out again when you get here."

"Chen Feng, Chen Feng, speaking of which, you are also a genius. It is your ability to create such a situation in the Central Plains. But do you think that with this little strength, you can go against our Jiuxiao Palace? Wrong, big mistake , in fact, all your actions are under our control. If you had stayed in the Central Plains and never come, you could have lived a little longer, but now you have thrown yourself into a trap. No one can save you today. Your The end is death," the ancestor of Yan Mo said in a deep voice.

"If I guess correctly, the assassination I encountered on Donglong Island before was probably caused by your Jiuxiao Palace behind the scenes. You didn't take any action yourself, but hired assassins from the assassin organization." Chen Feng's eyes flashed.

"Yes, that's the case. Let me make it clear to you today. This time Taiyi Sect is over. Even if all the monks from Daluo Academy come over, they can't stop us from Jiuxiao Palace. Next, our Jiuxiao Palace will unify the entire Beiyuan. It will become the largest force in the entire cultivation world, and then sweep across the entire eternal world, becoming the unique and supreme overlord of this world," Patriarch Lei Ming said loudly.

"I'm really dreaming. I'm talking crazy words." Chen Feng shook his head and sneered. The Eye of the Deep Sea in his hand suddenly grew in size and began to sweep across. In just a blink of an eye, the mountains in front of him disappeared and they were all swept into the Eye of the Deep Sea.

"This is not a dream, this is what will happen in the future. Chen Feng, I think you are a talented person who can take refuge in our Jiuxiao Palace. How about it? As long as you join us in Jiuxiao Palace, the past grudges will be wiped out. Then you will follow us in Jiuxiao Palace." I know you are much better than following Daluo Academy, and we can even ask you to manage the entire sea area when the time comes," Patriarch Lei Ming said again.

Chen Feng stopped talking, and just activated the Eye of the Deep Sea to attack continuously, because in Chen Feng's opinion, these guys were simply crazy. Unifying Beiyuan was an unreachable goal, and now they actually want to unify the entire country. The Eternal World is ridiculous. Even Chen Feng has not fully understood how big the Eternal World is.


The heads of the four people were shattered into pieces by the power of the Eye of the Deep Sea.

"You don't know where you are, do you know where you are? This is the Xiaoqian Secret Realm. Even if you have an immortal weapon, you can't even think about getting out." The voice of Ancestor Yan Mo sounded again.

"Isn't it the Xiaoqian Secret Realm?" Chen Feng whispered, flew up, and activated the Eye of the Deep Sea to sweep all the way, without any tricks, destruction, destruction.

Go forward in time.

Not long after Chen Feng left, Daqian Sword Immortal and a group of human immortals launched an attack on the monks of Jiuxiao Palace not far away.

This was what Chen Feng had explained before he left.

The Jiuxiao Palace monks did not panic when they were attacked, but sneered in their eyes, and then runes flashed on everyone's body.

These people have been prepared for a long time. Each of them has a void-breaking talisman on his body, which can break open the space and leave this place in the shortest time.

"Hahahaha, a bunch of idiots, Chen Feng is dead, you guys are dead too, and you have been waiting here stupidly." Feeling proud, some monks from Jiuxiao Palace couldn't help laughing loudly.

The faces of Dagan Sword Immortal and others were very strange, and their eyes seemed to be looking at some dead people. The most important thing was that in the face of the actions of the monks from Jiuxiao Palace, Dagan Sword Immortal and others did not intercept them, and allowed the other party to open the void.

The energy emitted by the Void-Breaking Talisman on Jiuxiao Palace and others completely enveloped everyone, and then the space channel would be opened, and after entering it, they would leave this place.

The Jiuxiao Palace monks had sarcastic smiles on their faces.

The faces of the monks on the Daqian Sword Immortal side also had sarcastic smiles.

Then, the smile on the Jiuxiao Palace monk's face disappeared, and he even started to panic.

The Void-Breaking Talismans on everyone's bodies were still flickering, constantly impacting the space, but the space was very stable, unprecedentedly stable, with not even a trace of fluctuation, let alone the opening of a space channel.

"How is this going?"

The Jiuxiao Palace monks were completely panicked. Some people began to flee quickly, but they were quickly blocked by invisible forces. No matter how crazy these monks launched attacks, it was of no avail.

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