Eternal Existence

Chapter 891: Madness

"It's almost done. It's time to start." After resisting two more attacks, Chen Feng no longer hesitated. He made a decisive move and attacked immediately.


The reddish sword energy slashed towards Chen Feng's head. Chen Feng smiled slightly, and the sword energy flashed and disappeared.

Entered the Longevity Tower.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After entering the Longevity Tower, this sword energy kept cutting and colliding around, but it hit the tower wall and didn't leave even a trace.

Even so, Chen Feng still felt the strong vibration transmitted by the Longevity Tower.

This sword energy contained 30% of the power of the immortal sword. It was part of the immortal sword, not the ordinary sword energy that was consumed at will.

"Okay, I have gained some sword energy and sword intent before, but this time the sword energy is the best and of the highest grade. If I can tame and refine it, the time it takes for my Jinxuan Sword to advance to an immortal weapon can be shortened several times."

Jinxuan Sword, a mid-grade Taoist weapon, a long sword of golden power, Chen Feng rarely uses it and has been suppressing it in his body.


Chen Feng shouted softly, and the 100,000 formations in the Changsheng Tower began to rotate. The powerful force roared out, and a talisman was condensed. The light talisman seemed as heavy as a million-foot mountain, suppressing the sword energy, and the sword energy immediately calmed down.

"Okay!" Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, it seems that I can still do it alone without the tower." Chen Feng was a little proud.

"It's not that easy to collect the sword energy of the Jigang Immortal Sword." A voice sounded again in the dark. Chen Feng's actions did not surprise the other party, as if the other party had already thought that Chen Feng would have such a method.

However, the Jiuxiao Palace monks repeatedly communicated and urged, but there was no effect, and then they felt something was wrong.


Another sword aura broke through the air. This time, the sword aura was green with red, three times more fierce than the light red sword aura that Chen Feng had collected just now.

"Hey! Another sword aura."

Although Chen Feng was a little surprised, he still used the Longevity Tower to collect the other party.

"This time, the sword aura is more fierce, but it is basically adding benefits to me. The other party will not kill me, right?" Chen Feng said secretly.

But soon Chen Feng knew the other party's intention.

With a bang, the sword aura exploded, and the chaotic sword energy swept around, trying to destroy everything in the Longevity Tower. In fact, if this level of sword energy is taken outside, it can easily destroy everything within a radius of ten thousand miles.

However, in the chaotic sword energy, there was also a flash of green light, which slashed on the talisman that suppressed the previous sword aura.

The talisman was broken under the sword aura, and then the light red sword aura that was suppressed just now rushed out, and the previously scattered sword energy also began to quickly close, and once again became a sword aura with green and red.

Two sword energies began to strangle each other in the Changsheng Tower from the left and right.

"So this is the trick." Chen Feng laughed secretly, urging the Changsheng Tower's magic circle to condense two talismans again.

So the two sword energies were all suppressed.

"Tsk tsk, there is such a good thing, but the opponent seems to be some Jigang Immortal Sword. It won't just keep sending out sword energies to attack, if so, how can we fight."

As expected by Chen Feng, two more sword energies were slashed out, and one was stronger than the other, but they were all suppressed by Chen Feng in the Changsheng Tower.

However, in order to suppress these four talismans, Chen Feng also consumed a lot of power. If there were two more, Chen Feng felt that he might not be able to control the Changsheng Tower easily.

"Tianju Immortal Mansion, come out."

Chen Feng waved his hand, and Tianju Immortal Mansion suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng, and then slammed towards the ground, and at the same time it suddenly became larger, and only a huge palace fell heavily on the ground.

The powerful wave impacted all around, and the situation created by the immortal mansion of Jiuxiao Palace began to change. As both were immortal mansions of the same level, it was unrealistic for the immortal mansion of Jiuxiao Palace to wrap up Chen Feng. Moreover, Chen Feng had just consumed a large amount of immortal crystals, causing the Tianju Immortal Mansion to burst out with powerful power right away.

Pah pah pah pah!

The name of the immortal mansion of Jiuxiao Palace was Mingxiao Immortal Mansion, which had existed for who knows how many tens of thousands of years. At this time, it felt the threat of Tianju Immortal Mansion, and it did not pass through the Jiuxiao Palace cultivators, but automatically cracked a space crack to teleport Chen Feng and Tianju Immortal Mansion out.

"No, the third immortal weapon, this guy actually has another immortal weapon."

"Three immortal weapons, the plan is wrong, leave quickly."

"Hmph, what are you afraid of, this kid has three immortal weapons, so what, can he exert all his strength?"

"Yes, Chen Feng is only in the human immortal realm. If he wants to activate three immortal weapons, he can't do it even if he overdraws all his life."

"But the current situation shows that Chen Feng has clearly rushed out of Mingxiao Immortal Mansion."

"That's only temporary. This guy's strength can't last. Can't we deal with a little guy with so many people? Three immortal weapons, you have to think clearly. If our sect has three more immortal weapons, it's just a matter of time to agree to Beiyuan."

"Fight, capture Chen Feng, and collect the immortal weapons."

"You are really crazy, this is different from the previous plan."

"The battlefield is unpredictable, and the plan can change at any time."

Seeing that Chen Feng suddenly took out the Tianju Immortal Mansion, the cultivators of Jiuxiao Palace actually became a little confused, and their opinions began to disagree.

Chen Feng ignored the other party. After coming out, he controlled Tianju Immortal Mansion to rush forward again. For this explosion, Chen Feng had just consumed millions of immortal crystals, and every time Tianju Immortal Mansion showed its power and every collision, it would consume millions again.

Chen Feng also gritted his teeth and fought hard.


Tianju Immortal Mansion and Mingxiao Immortal Mansion collided heavily.

The earth shook, the real earth shook.

Space was broken, time and space were reversed, the starry sky was in chaos, and the earth was reversed.

These were two real immortal artifacts colliding. Chen Feng had already prepared for it. With the protection of the Changsheng Tower, he was not affected much.

But the cultivators of Jiuxiao Palace hiding around were miserable. Some of them showed their bodies, and then vomited blood, and some people began to crack all over their bodies, and energy gushed out.

"Hahahaha! Okay, come again." Chen Feng laughed.


Another million immortal crystals were consumed, and Tianju Immortal Mansion rushed forward again.

Another fierce collision, this time Mingxiao Immortal Palace could not withstand it, and was knocked over and rolled a million miles away.

Two earth immortals from Jiuxiao Palace exploded on the spot, turning into blood mist all over the sky. These people were controlling Mingxiao Immortal Palace, so of course they were affected.

Chen Feng had already hidden in the Longevity Tower during the collision between the two immortal palaces, but even so, Chen Feng felt as if his head was about to explode.

"Hahaha!" Chen Feng suddenly became violent.

The unlucky one in the fight here was Jiuxiao Palace, which was the territory of Jiuxiao Palace. I don't know how many mountains were broken and how many cities were affected by the collision just now.

Chen Feng's spiritual consciousness swept across, investigating the situation within a million miles.



Another million immortal crystals burned, and Tianju Immortal Palace turned into a stream of light, like a meteorite from outer space, and hit Mingxiao Immortal Palace again heavily.

The collision happened at a very coincidental location. There were a large number of cultivators on their way. They were the reinforcements sent by Jiuxiao Palace to the front line. There were a total of 100,000 people. Then they were inexplicably swept into the range of the battle between immortal weapons.

None of the 100,000 cultivators survived.

This time, three more earth immortals exploded and died, including the Leiming Patriarch.

"Chen Feng, you are crazy. Do you know how many lives will be destroyed by this? Aren't you afraid of the heavenly tribulation?" The Yan Mo Patriarch's face turned pale, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Heavenly tribulation, haha, if you are afraid of heavenly tribulation, then the road of cultivators will end. I hope my heavenly tribulation can be a hundred times more fierce." Chen Feng appeared in the sky.

With a wave of his hand, the spirit stone floated in the air.

"This is!"

All the earth immortals in Jiuxiao Palace were terrified.

"This is Xuanhuang Jade Crystal, a spirit stone of higher quality than the immortal crystal."



A full one million pieces of Xuanhuang jade crystals burned up, turning into a stream of yellow air that drilled into the Tianju Immortal Mansion, and then all the restrictions inside the Tianju Immortal Mansion were activated, and the power of the immortal weapon filled the world.

At this time, the entire territory of Jiuxiao Palace felt a strong power fluctuation, as if the end of the world was coming.

"Such a big commotion."

"Not good, what are these guys doing, why are they making such a big commotion."

"Go and see what's going on."

"Chen Feng took out three immortal weapons, collected the sword energy of the Jigang Immortal Sword, and almost smashed the Mingxiao Immortal Mansion."

"Impossible, this guy is not that powerful, unless he is an immortal."

"Because he is burning a lot of immortal crystals."

"Crazy, this guy is a lunatic, quickly find those old guys, use the immortal weapons, use the immortal weapons, and kill Chen Feng."


Finally, Tianju Immortal Palace rushed over again, and the Jigang Immortal Sword was knocked away when it tried to stop it. The sword even wailed, and serious cracks appeared on the sword.

This time, Mingxiao Immortal Palace also reached a limit. After repeated collisions with Tianju Immortal Palace, the palace began to collapse, and most of the restrictions in it were broken, and even the core was affected.


This immortal weapon felt unprecedented fear and broke through the space to escape.

At this time, the ancient flame beetle that had been hiding in the dark finally made a move, and stabbed out with a spear, piercing Mingxiao Immortal Palace through.

Swish, swish, swish!

After three consecutive spears, Mingxiao Immortal Palace was almost dismembered.

"Come here!"

Chains extended from the Changsheng Tower, quickly entangled Mingxiao Immortal Palace, and then pulled it into the Changsheng Tower.


Swish, swish, swish!

Next, the ancient flame beetle continued to attack, the bone spears kept stabbing and provoking, and each attack killed an earth immortal.

In less than a breath, including the Yama ancestor, a total of ten earth immortals were killed, including a high-level earth immortal.

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