Eternal Existence

Chapter 888: Confrontation

"No, no, we are not here to fight and kill." Ancestor Yan Mo smiled and waved his hands quickly.

"Then everyone, please make your intentions clear." Chen Feng said lightly. With a wave of his hand, the Eye of the Deep Sea began to rotate rapidly in his hand. The power of the Taoist weapon made these Earth Immortals secretly frightened.

"The best Taoist weapon!"

Although I knew that Chen Feng had a top-grade Taoist weapon, seeing it with my own eyes still had a strong impact.

"Peace talks." Ancestor Yan Mo composed himself.

"Peace talks!" Chen Feng laughed.

"Yes, peace talks. In fact, it is not easy for everyone to practice until now. There is no need to fight and kill and create an uncontrollable situation. Besides, the plane war is about to begin, and the entire cultivation world also needs our efforts." Ancestor Yan Mo said with a smile, his expression was calm and sincere, as if he really came for peace talks sincerely.

"Peace talks are okay, no problem at all. In fact, I don't like fighting and killing." Chen Feng nodded directly.

"In this case, we can find a quiet place to talk. It's not suitable here." Ancestor Yama suggested.

"No problem." Chen Feng nodded again.

"Elder Chen, be careful that the other party is cheating." Daqian Sword Immortal reminded secretly.

"I only care about it. I can go by myself, and you can do this next." Chen Feng explained the plan to the two sword immortals.

"Then we'll have to trouble the two seniors."

"Elder Chen is too polite. The master gave instructions before coming out. All actions must be obeyed by Elder Chen's command." Daqian Sword Immortal said with a smile.

Then Chen Feng left everyone where they were, and left alone with Ancestor Yan Mo and others. This move made Ancestor Yan Mo and others secretly surprised, and they didn't understand why Chen Feng would do this.

Originally, the ancestor of Yan Mo had prepared a set of rhetoric, but now it seems that it is no longer possible, because Chen Feng agreed too simply.

Isn't this guy afraid of others taking action, or is he confident?

Of course, Jiuxiao Palace did not take away all the people. Two of the six underground people were left behind, and all twenty immortals were left behind. Only four people left with Chen Feng, including the two middle-level earth immortals. It can be said to reassure the monks on Chen Feng's side.

"Listen to my order later. If I say take action, we will kill these people together. It is best not to let any of them go." Daqian Sword Immortal secretly sent a message to the human immortals on his side. He only dealt with two earth immortals and twenty They are just celebrities, and their own strength is enough.

"Since the other party has done this, there will definitely be some follow-up measures. We have to plan carefully and not let the other party escape." Gale Sword Immortal said with a smile.

"That's natural."

Chen Feng followed the four ancestors of Yan Mo forward and flew three hundred thousand miles in one breath before stopping.

"It seems like it's not easy to find a place." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Wouldn't it be disrespectful to use an ordinary place to entertain Island Master Chen?" Ancestor Yan Mo said with a smile.

"Island Master Chen, please."

"You're welcome," Chen Feng said with a smile.

Five people, four earth immortals and one human immortal, fell towards the mountains below, and finally landed in a relatively wide valley.

As soon as you enter the valley, you are immediately in another world. The freshness of the air is improved several times. Various spiritual trees are everywhere, small flowing water, spiritual springs are flowing, and various spiritual beasts are constantly running around.

A series of wooden houses are scattered in the valley, bringing a fresh vitality to the entire valley.

"What a paradise, a paradise in the cave."

Chen Feng smiled and said, the reason why Chen Feng said this is of course not because of the scenery here, but because of the concentration of spiritual energy here.

Chen Feng glanced around and saw that there were hundreds of kinds of spiritual trees, which could support the growth of so many spiritual trees. The quality and concentration of the spiritual energy here can be imagined.

However, while Chen Feng was smiling, something strange flashed through his eyes, and he sneered secretly in his heart, but did not show it.

"Island Master Chen has given you the award. I'm afraid it's far inferior to Donglong Island."

Seeing Chen Feng following him into the valley, the four Earth Immortals looked at each other secretly, and a glimmer of light flashed unnoticeably.

"Island Master Chen, please."

There was no one else in the valley, but one of the Earth Immortals waved his hand and set up a banquet in the pavilion in the valley.

Chen Feng did not refuse and directly sat in the top position. The four of them were secretly angry, but did not get angry.

After a few casual conversations, Chen Feng said with a smile: "Okay, let's get down to business. Since your Jiuxiao Palace wants to negotiate peace with me, then let's talk about your sincerity."

"Our sincerity is that once you stop, our Jiuxiao Palace will let you leave Beiyuan safely." Ancestor Yan Mo trembled, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"If this is the case, then there is no way to talk." Chen Feng waved his hand: "Don't you, Jiuxiao Palace, see the current situation clearly? Frankly speaking, you simply can't spare much power to deal with us now. "

"Hey, young man, I'm afraid you don't know Beiyuan, our Jiuxiao Palace, Lingxiao Palace and Lingxiao Palace." Another middle-level Earth Immortal Lei Ming Patriarch said.

"Oh! How to say it." Chen Feng had a look of surprise on his face.

"Actually, if we want to destroy Taiyi Sect, we only need Jiuxiao Palace to do it, and it's easy."

"But the reality is not like this."

"That's because we didn't do our best. Even in this war, our three factions didn't even dispatch one-third of their strength."

"So, young man, you are now leading people to rampage in our Jiuxiao Palace's territory. This is only temporary. Once we mobilize our forces, you people will never leave Beiyuan again." Yan Mo Laozu and others began to toughen up.

"You are sure that you can surround and kill us. I think you should investigate my current identity clearly. I can tell you for sure that this time it is only the first wave of forces coming to Beiyuan, and more reinforcements will arrive later."

"I am now in charge of millions of miles of sea, and I have millions of water monster monks under my command. Compared with the vast ocean, Beiyuan or Zhongyuan is still a little small."

"Also, I am now a student of Daluo Academy. This time, there are more than a hundred Daluo Academy students who followed me to Beiyuan to fight. They are all amazingly talented people, geniuses among geniuses, elites among elites. This shows that What, I think you should understand. "

"This shows that my status in Daluo Academy is very important. Hey, even if you three palaces are added together, they are far from being the opponent of Daluo Academy."

"By the way, there is one more point. Daluo, Tianjian, Sifang, Yongheng, the four holy places compete with each other on the surface, but in fact they are secretly connected. If you leave these students of Daluo Academy in Beiyuan, I can guarantee that within three days at most, thousands of cultivators will rush over from Zhongyuan, and they are all human immortals, earth immortals, and even immortals. "

Chen Feng said easily, looking at the other party wantonly, with a proud look on his face.

"Hey, what you said is just to scare a three-year-old child. Daluo Academy will come to Beiyuan to fight with us. This is simply a joke." Yan Mo Patriarch sneered.

"It's not a war, it's a stranglehold." Chen Feng corrected.

"Come on, let's talk about something practical. You still have time to withdraw now. Although you have swept through many of our strongholds and killed many of our cultivators, if you stop now, we, the Jiuxiao Palace, can forgive you for the past." The Yama Patriarch waved his hand and said.

"Will it be so good to forgive you for the past?" Chen Feng sneered.

"Just now you also said that you swept through all of us and killed many of your cultivators. If you let us retreat like this, I'm afraid that your Jiuxiao Palace will be discredited in the future."

"There is no way. You have the three forces of Donglong Island, Tianjian Sect, and Daluo Academy behind you. We really can't afford to offend you." At this time, the four Yama Patriarchs seemed to start to give in.

"Haha, but you are willing to forgive me for the past, but I am not willing to. Don't forget that I was chased all the way to the Central Plains by your Jiuxiao Palace. I was almost dead, almost dead." Chen Feng said with a gleam in his eyes, and a murderous aura flashed through his body.

"Chen Feng, I think you probably don't see the situation clearly now?" The Thunder Patriarch sneered.

"Oh! What's the situation?"

"You are right about the current situation. We in Jiuxiao Palace cannot afford to offend top forces like Daluo Academy, but I don't think they will choose to go to war with us for a dead man like you."

"Dead man, it means you are going to attack me." Chen Feng laughed, not nervous at all, not afraid of the other party attacking him.

"The power you brought is indeed good, but now there is only you, and you are now on our territory."

"Do you think I am not prepared? You can attack at will."

It seems that the negotiations have reached a deadlock and are about to fight.

"Hahaha!" Yan Mo Patriarch laughed.

"Chen Feng, we are here to negotiate with you with sincerity, and I hope you can treat us with sincerity."

Chen Feng sneered in his heart. In fact, before coming here, Chen Feng thought of the development of the matter later. The other party will definitely attack him, but he was surprised that he said so much nonsense before attacking.

Just now, Chen Feng thought that the other party was going to attack, and he was ready, but he didn't expect that the other party would hold back.

This really made Chen Feng wonder.

"Could it be that the other party hasn't arranged it yet?" Thinking of this, Chen Feng's spiritual sense suddenly spread out through the Longevity Tower, and instantly traveled hundreds of thousands of miles. He first looked at the news of his team, and then laughed.

"These guys are quick enough to act."

Then he retracted his spiritual sense and observed the mountains again. Chen Feng laughed again, but this time there was a hint of caution in his smile.

"No wonder these guys didn't take action. It turns out that the power is not yet in place." Chen Feng sneered in his heart.

With the help of the power of the Longevity Tower, Chen Feng urged his spiritual sense and had already checked the situation around him. The four earth immortals in front of him didn't notice it at all.

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