Eternal Existence

Chapter 833: Thunder Pond

"Are you going to take action? Well, let me see what you are capable of." Chen Feng smiled, but in fact, his heart was already filled with anger.

However, just when the two sides wanted to take action, they were stopped by another top immortal.

"Okay, everyone is tired. I also agree to take a day off. We are all in the same class and there is no internal strife. Don't forget that we will still be competing for the Lei Gang Glazed Flower."

The person who spoke was Little Master Shuihuo, a top-notch immortal, very powerful. He rarely spoke along the way, but he didn't expect to speak now.

"Okay, then just rest here for a day. Don't blame the two of you if the Lei Gang Glazed Flower is snatched away by another school." Qingfeng Sword Immortal nodded and agreed.

Chen Feng and Chihuo Hou did not speak, but walked aside and closed their eyes to practice.

"The power of thunder and lightning here is already very powerful." Chen Feng silently sensed the surroundings in his mind, and at the same time extended his consciousness deep underground, not worrying that these people would take action against him.

"If a human immortal arrives here, he will definitely be torn into pieces by the power of thunder and lightning. Moreover, this has not yet entered the thunder pool. It is said that even earth immortals cannot enter the core area."

"I don't know what caused it. It could be an immortal weapon with lightning properties. If so, it should be taken away."

"It's enough for immortals to practice here." Chen Feng stretched out his palm, and the power of thunder and lightning flashed in Chen Feng's palm and gathered into a thunder ball. The thunder ball continued to rotate, and a large amount of thunder and lightning power could not be He entered it without stopping, and soon a vortex was formed with Chen Feng as the center. The scope expanded and stretched directly to several miles away.

A large amount of thunder and lightning power poured in and was continuously injected into it, but the thunder ball in Chen Feng's palm did not become larger, but kept shrinking.

At first, everyone didn't pay attention, but as the power of thunder and lightning continued to fluctuate, everyone began to notice something strange on Chen Feng's side. They saw that the power contained in the thunder beads in Chen Feng's palm became stronger and stronger, and in the end, even The four top immortals were a little shocked.

Shocked by Chen Feng's methods, he was still wondering what Chen Feng was going to do. It didn't seem like he was practicing some secret technique.

"Chen Feng, what are you doing?" In the end, even Chihuo Hou couldn't bear it anymore.

"It's nothing, I'm just bored." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Is Chen Feng bored? In fact, Chen Feng has secretly used the Taoist thunder bead at this time. The suction force is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of thunder and lightning from farther away is being pulled over.

Viewed from a high altitude, the power of thunder and lightning above Chen Feng has condensed into a huge hole.

The thunder ball in Chen Feng's palm rotated even faster. This rotation lasted for one day. Even Chen Feng himself did not know how much lightning power he had absorbed, but Chen Feng knew that if it was released, it would be enough to form a small Thunder and lightning ocean.

"The time has come, it's time to go in." Qingfeng Sword Immortal said as he looked at Chen Feng and Chihuo Hou.

Chen Feng and Chi Huohou stood up expressionlessly, and the thunder ball in Chen Feng's palm disappeared. This situation made even Chi Huohou break into a sweat, let alone others.

"You don't have a Lei Gang constitution, do you?" Chihuo Hou asked secretly.

"Of course not, I don't have a spiritual body like you, I just have an ordinary physique." Chen Feng laughed.

As soon as he entered the thunder pool, the surrounding thunder and lightning power changed with a rumble.

Although the power of thunder and lightning before was violent, it was relatively thin in quality and could only create some imagination for monks who were under human immortals. However, the power of thunder and lightning at this time has been increased ten times out of thin air. Thunder and lightning are like knives and spears. Everyone felt strong pressure as soon as they entered it.

Snap, snap, snap, snap!

The sound waves formed by the flashing thunder and lightning were enough to shake Chen Feng's soul away. At this time, everyone became uneasy and began to use some means to resist the surrounding thunder and lightning.

Of course, there are still some people who are very calm in the face of such violent volcanic thunder and lightning, such as the four top immortals and Chen Feng.

Seeing that Chen Feng did not use his true energy or magic weapon, but directly relied on his physical body to resist the surrounding thunder and lightning, Chihuo Hou's mouth opened wide in surprise.

As soon as the power of thunder and lightning that could destroy everything touched Chen Feng, clouds of thunder flowers flew up. However, Chen Feng was unharmed, and his expression did not even change at all.

"This guy." Marquis Chihuo could only say these three words.

"The physical body is actually stronger than mine. I wonder what kind of technique you are practicing?"

Chen Feng's actions shocked everyone, causing some people to communicate quickly in secret and began to discuss how to deal with Chen Feng.

"Isn't this guy hiding his strength? I don't think he is as simple as an intermediate human immortal."

"It doesn't look like it to me, but according to the news, Chen Feng usually relies on the magic weapon on his body to fight. This guy has a Taoist weapon on his body. Everyone should be careful when taking action."

"Hmph, Taoist weapon, this kid is lucky, but this time he is dead. Of course, it would be better if he can die in the hands of the thunder beast here."

"We can't let him die so easily. We have to act as a shield no matter what. Helping us get the Lei Gang Glazed Flower is the real thing."

"Chen Feng, these people are secretly discussing and it seems they are going to take action against you." Chihuo Hou reminded secretly.

"Don't worry, I'm afraid it's not that simple." Chen Feng shook his head.

As they advanced, the surrounding thunder and lightning became more intense, and both humans and immortals felt the pressure.

"This is not the real thunder pool. I heard that the real thunder pool is where the power of thunder and lightning has condensed into liquid, becoming thunder and lightning spirit liquid, just like a lake. Unfortunately, I have never seen such a scene." Chihuo Hou whispered.

"Thunder and lightning become liquid." Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

The Longevity Tower requires high-level energy, so the power of thunder and lightning here is naturally the stronger the better.


A thunder beast as big as a mountain suddenly appeared, making a wild roar, rolling up thick thunder and lightning to attack everyone.

"It's a mid-level demon king." Qingfeng Sword Immortal raised his hand, and the sword energy surged, cutting the thunder and lightning in front of him into pieces.

"Chen Feng, Chihuo Hou, it's your turn to do it." Qingfeng Sword Immortal said.

"I'm afraid the two of us can't resist it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This is a good opportunity to hone you. Why can't you two understand our painstaking efforts." Another top human immortal named Tianhuoxian said with a smile.

"Let me do it, Brother Chihuo, you don't have to do anything, just hold the line for me." Chen Feng said as he leaped up and quickly cast the Great Handprint of Longevity.


The lightning struck, the Great Handprint was broken, and the mountain-like Thunder Beast crashed into Chen Feng. Chihuo Hou stepped forward to catch Chen Feng. Blood kept gushing out of Chen Feng's mouth, his pupils were scattered, and his breath was weakening. He was actually on the verge of death.


Everyone was shocked again. They didn't expect Chen Feng to be injured so easily, and it didn't look like he was hit.

Chihuo Hou held Chen Feng and retreated to a distance. The huge Thunder Beast turned around and rushed towards other cultivators again. This time the Thunder Beast was unlucky. The sword light flashed, and the Thunder Beast was split in half.


Qingfeng Sword Immortal came in front of Chen Feng and stretched out his hand to grab Chen Feng.

"What are you doing?" Chihuo Hou shouted and stretched out his hand to block Qingfeng Sword Immortal.

"I just want to see his injuries." Qingfeng Sword Immortal grabbed Chen Feng's palm at an incredibly fast speed.


Invisible waves surged into Chen Feng's body, and then retracted at once.

"The injury is indeed serious, but he won't die." Qingfeng Sword Immortal said lightly, then stood up and walked aside, no longer paying attention to Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng, are you okay? You are not really injured, are you?" Chihuo Hou asked secretly. In Chihuo Hou's opinion, Chen Feng's cultivation is not inferior to his own, so how could he be injured by a demon king as soon as he met him.

"I'm pretending. Hey, this Qingfeng Sword Immortal is so insidious that he actually left a sword energy in my body. This sword energy cannot be refined, otherwise it will be noticed by the other party, and I don't know when it will explode." Chen Feng secretly transmitted the voice.

"What, there is such a thing."

"Don't worry, I have a way."

Chen Feng was injured and seriously injured, so he naturally couldn't go up. Chihuo Hou took care of him and walked at the back. The other cultivators finally started to take action, using various means to continuously kill powerful thunder beasts.

"These people have good cultivation and good talent, what a pity." Chen Feng sighed.

"What's a pity?"

"Because these people are about to die."

"Haha, that makes sense, be careful."

At this time, Chihuo Hou exclaimed, and flames burst out of his body, forming a flame barrier that wrapped Chen Feng and himself.

Two cultivators emerged from the thunder and lightning, holding long swords and stabbing at Chen Feng, but they were blocked by Chihuo Hou's flame barrier, and both of them began to burn.

"It's a killer." Chihuo Hou said in a serious tone.

"It's coming for me, but I don't know which side the killer is from. By the way, it doesn't matter which side the killer is from, what matters is who found it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

At this time, Chen Feng was still extremely weak and relied on Chihuo Hou for support, but his eyes were still calm, and there was even a hint of smile.

"The killer is a primary human immortal." Chihuo Hou waved his hand, and the two burning people exploded at the same time and turned into ashes.

"You are really looking for death."

Killers of this level are not much of a threat in front of Chihuo Hou.

"Chen Feng, you should quickly recover your strength. I'm afraid there are more powerful assassins." Chihuo Hou suggested.

"If I die, these people will get what they want." Chen Feng rolled his eyes and said.

"What do you mean?"

"Yes, pretend to be dead, then hide in the dark, and snatch the Lei Gang Liuli Flower from you in the open and in the dark."

"Good idea."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Another assassin appeared, this time it was still three beginner human immortals, and at the same time, a large number of cultivators began to appear in the distance, a total of more than a dozen people, all human immortals, actually naked and openly killing Chen Feng.

"What's going on?" At this time, a cultivator in Daluo Academy spoke, and the person who spoke was not looking for Chen Feng.

"It's none of your business, don't bother." Qingfeng Sword Immortal said in a deep voice.

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