Eternal Existence

Chapter 832: Difficulties

Both sides made fierce remarks and then entered the thunder area. Although the four holy places were fighting fiercely, now was not the time to fight.

Besides, the thunder and glass flower was born in the thunder pool this time. Not only the four universities got the news, but also the entire cultivation world would be attracted to it.

There would definitely be another fight at that time.

As soon as they entered the thunder area, the lightning power floating in the air attacked everyone on its own, crackling and flashing continuously, just like a living thing, wanting to tear everyone into pieces and burn them into charcoal.

However, everyone was a cultivator in the realm of human immortals, and this level of lightning power could not get close to Chen Feng and others.

"The thunder area was formed ten thousand years ago. It is said that a mysterious object fell from the sky at that time and fell to the ground, destroying countless lives. Later, this thunder area was formed. During this period, I don’t know how many cultivators wanted to enter it to find the reason, but they always returned in vain, because even earth immortals cannot enter the core area of ​​the thunder area." Chihuo Hou said with a smile beside Chen Feng.

Chen Feng nodded. He also knew something about this matter.

This time, Daluo Academy sent out sixteen people. Chen Feng and Chihuo Hou were on the same front. After all, both of them were mid-level human immortals, and no one else would try to win them over.

Chen Feng secretly observed and found that two of the top human immortals had a close relationship and kept exchanging some things in secret. They should be in the same group. More importantly, Chen Feng could feel the murderous intentions hidden by the other party towards him.

However, Chen Feng was not too worried. He had fought with the upper immortals before. Even if these people were too talented, there was nothing to worry about.

The other two top human immortals were on their own side and were very arrogant, but one of them was also hostile to Chen Feng.

Everyone was a genius among geniuses, and it was normal to be arrogant.

Half of the other ten high-level human immortals actually had murderous intentions towards him, which made Chen Feng feel a little bit amused.

It seems that the fact that he killed Jue Wushen and others still attracted the revenge of some people with ulterior motives, but Chen Feng was a little surprised that these people could wait until now to attack him.

"Just these tricks? I'm afraid they won't work on me. If a few earth immortals can come, it would be almost the same." Chen Feng laughed in his heart.

"Brother Chihuo, the academy sent out so many masters this time. If they all died, wouldn't it be a heavy loss?" Chen Feng and Chihuo Hou fell to the back. At this time, Chen Feng couldn't help but laugh and said.

"Hey, that's nothing. There are too many elite students in the four academies. Even if a few more die, it doesn't matter." Chihuo Hou laughed.

"That's right, it makes sense. After all, there are too many cultivators in the entire cultivation world." Chen Feng nodded.

"What are you talking about? Are you looking for death?" There was no secret communication between the two. What they said was heard clearly by everyone. Jinhunxian immediately scolded.

"Jinhunxian, don't worry, I will kill you later." Chihuo Hou smiled lightly, not taking the other party seriously.

Chen Feng still had some understanding of Chihuo Hou's strength. Through the observation of the dark magic pupil, Chen Feng knew that Chihuo Hou was very powerful and it was not impossible to defeat Jinhunxian.

In the Daluo Academy, cultivators who can kill people with their own strength are a bit against the sky. If Chen Feng does not use various magic weapons, it will take some effort to kill people with his own cultivation. It is not impossible to meet some opponents.

Jinhunxian was about to get angry, but he still held back, showing a sinister smile on his face: "Now I will allow you to be arrogant, maybe you won't survive without me doing anything later."

"Then let's see who dies first." Chihuo Hou sneered.

Everyone stopped talking and continued to move forward, but Chen Feng felt that there were murderous eyes watching him in secret.

"Brother Chihuo, actually you don't have to get involved with me." Chen Feng secretly transmitted the voice.

"Nothing, just a group of villains, they can't become great, Brother Chen, don't say more, I have my own reasons for doing this, not to mention that I have some conflicts with Jinhunxian."

Since this is the case, Chen Feng no longer said more, but carefully observed the lightning power around him.

The lightning power in the Thunder Domain is very active and powerful, but compared with the lightning power in other places, it is full of spirituality and more difficult to absorb, but the benefits after absorption and refining are huge.

As soon as Chen Feng entered the Thunder Domain, he swept his consciousness and found that there were many cultivators practicing here, either directly absorbing the lightning power, or using the lightning power to temper magic weapons, or directly using the lightning power to condense themselves.

However, these cultivators are all cultivators below the level of human immortals, and the cultivators with higher cultivation have gone deep into it, either practicing or exploring.

The Thunder Domain is vast and huge, full of rich lightning power. There are not only some various types of lightning beasts, but also some lightning attribute spiritual medicines and spiritual trees.

Chen Feng just absorbed some lightning power and stopped. The lightning power here has little effect on him. It seems that he has to go to the Thunder Pool.

The people are very fast, almost without stopping along the way, and soon advanced tens of thousands of miles. This is because the four major universities are competing with each other.

"You two, go and get rid of those thunder beasts." At this time, a top-level human immortal who was leading the group spoke.

At this time, it was called Qingfeng Sword Immortal, who was one of the people who had murderous intentions towards Chen Feng. His cultivation was extremely strong, enough to compete with ordinary earth immortals.

"Let us go." Chihuo Hou immediately shouted.

"I told you to go, so you go. What else are you talking about? The four of us are the captains this time. If anyone disobeys orders, the four of us will immediately suppress them. What, are you two going to disobey orders?" Qingfeng Sword Immortal's eyes turned cold.

When Qingfeng Sword Immortal spoke, some of the others sneered, and the rest watched the development of the disorder expressionlessly.

Chihuo Hou wanted to speak but was secretly stopped by Chen Feng.

"The word disobey is not used correctly. We are all teammates. You have no right to command us. However, it is not a big deal for us to deal with these small thunder beasts." Chen Feng said that he could not fight. When he arrived in front of everyone, Chihuo Hou saw Chen Feng's actions and followed him helplessly.

"Humph, you are just a small middle-level human immortal. Do you think you can be arrogant because of some backers? Daluo Academy is not a place for you to be arrogant." Qingfeng Sword Immortal sneered.

A group of thunder beasts have already rushed towards everyone.

These thunder beasts are not creatures, but they all contain the power of thunder and lightning. There are many thunder beasts, more than one thousand. In this environment, it is considered a lot to gather a thousand thunder beasts, except for the three demon kings who are in the lead, the rest are all big demons.

Except for Chen Feng and Chihuo Hou, any cultivator present can deal with all these thunder beasts. It seems that Qingfeng Sword Immortal treats Chen Feng and the others as coolies.

"Let's do it." Chen Feng took the lead and directly performed the Changsheng Great Handprint. The huge palm print was like a mountain and hit the thunder beasts.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Wherever the handprint passed, a large number of thunder beasts were knocked away, screaming and flashing.

Boom! Boom!

The thunder beast at the demon king level took action, and the thunder and lightning changed into various shapes. After compression again and again, it turned out to be a strange thunder and lightning secret technique.

"These thunder beasts are born with the ability to comprehend some magical skills. Humans are not their opponents at the same level." Chihuo Hou also took action. As soon as he made a move, a volcanic eruption, flames rolled, and the might was violent and irresistible.

Chen Feng's move was simple, and then there were several longevity handprints.

Finally, several thunder beasts at the demon king level were killed. The other thunder beasts knew how powerful they were and scattered. Chen Feng and Chihuo Hou did not chase them.

Although everyone was a little surprised at the speed of Chen Feng and Chihuo Hou, they did not say much, so they continued to move forward.

In the following process, thunder beasts continued to appear, and naturally Chen Feng and Chihuo Hou dealt with them.

"Chen Feng, I think we should leave and act alone. I don't think these guys can stop us." Chihuo Hou secretly sent a message to Chen Feng with some dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry, just treat it as a training. At least there are some gains." Chen Feng said with a smile while holding a demon core.

"Hey, I don't know what you are thinking about?" Chihuo Hou sighed.

"The other party wants to plot against me, but they don't know that I am also looking for an opportunity to plot against them. Besides, this is my first time here, and I am not very clear about the situation in the Thunder Pool. It is good to have these people to explore the way." Chen Feng laughed.

"You are quite insidious, but these guys are not simple, so you should be careful."

"If you anger me, I will kill these people directly." Chen Feng suddenly became murderous.

"In fact, there are no powerful thunder beasts here. Only when you enter the Thunder Pool will you encounter powerful thunder beasts. The power of thunder and lightning in the Thunder Pool is very strong. At that time, you have to resist the thunder and lightning around while dealing with thunder beasts. Hey, don't think that all the people who come this time are masters. I don't know how many will die at that time." Chihuo Hou laughed.

The two have been leading the charge. Qingfeng Jianxian and others are also secretly watching the strength of Chen Feng and the others. As a result, these people have changed from contempt to solemnity towards the two, and at the same time, they are also secretly discussing how to deal with the two.

"The Thunder Pool is ahead, let's take a day off." Chihuo Hou sat on a rock. The constant fighting along the way made even an iron man a little tired.

"No rest, go directly into the Thunder Pool." Qingfeng Sword Immortal shouted coldly.

"Well, you go in, we two brothers need to rest." Chihuo Hou said lazily.

Chen Feng also smiled, stopped and stopped walking.

"It seems that you two are going to disobey orders, Jinhunxian, Tudunxian, you two go forward and capture Chen Feng and Chihuo Hou." Qingfeng Sword Immortal said.

"No problem." Jinhunxian and Tudunxian flashed a grim smile on their faces, and their aura suddenly burst out, and they were about to attack Chen Feng and the others.

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