Eternal Existence

Chapter 834: Under siege

"Hmph, I felt something was wrong along the way. It seems that you just want to assassinate Chen Feng." The cultivator who spoke before continued to sneer.

"Lord Dark Night, don't bother yourself with this matter." Qingfeng Sword Immortal was still a little afraid of this cultivator.

"Chen Feng is just a mid-level human immortal. It's not easy for you to kill him. I really don't understand what you are doing." Lord Dark Night shook his head.

"Lord Dark Night, you have been practicing in seclusion in recent years. I'm afraid you are not clear about the trends in the cultivation world. This Chen Feng is not simple. Although he is only a mid-level human immortal, he has a great reputation in the cultivation world. There are very few people in the entire cultivation world who don't know the name Chen Feng." The little water and fire immortal on the side interrupted.

"Oh, there is such a thing." Lord Dark Night was a little surprised.

"Let's not talk about Chen Feng's matter first. The main reason we came to the Thunder Region this time is for the Lei Gang Liuli Flower here. Solving Chen Feng is just a matter of convenience, and this is the arrangement from above. Since Brother Dark Night doesn't know, it's better not to ask more." Tianhuoxian also spoke.

"So that's how it is. The main reason I came out of retreat this time is to get the Lei Gang Liuli Flower. I don't care about other things." Lord Dark Night said and glanced at Chen Feng.

"But I heard from you that this kid is not simple. He won't be killed so easily."

"Hey, so what if he is powerful? He will still die in the face of powerful forces."

While the few people were talking, Chen Feng and Chihuo Hou were surrounded by a group of cultivators and assassins.

Although Chihuo Hou was powerful, he was a little flustered in order to take care of Chen Feng. If it weren't for his strong physique, he would probably have been seriously injured.

"Fight with them." Chen Feng struggled to fly up, and with a wave of his hand, the Taoist weapon Thunder Pearl appeared in his hand.

As soon as the Thunder Pearl came out, it immediately burst into a dazzling light. Here, the Thunder Pearl can exert a more powerful attack power.

Sure enough, Chen Feng's explosion immediately killed two cultivators, and a killer who attempted to assassinate Chen Feng was also turned into charcoal under the thunder and lightning.

"It's a Taoist weapon. I heard that Chen Feng has several Taoist weapons on him. It seems to be true."

"Hmph, relying on the power of a Taoist weapon is not a big deal."

"It's a mid-grade Taoist weapon, which is pretty good, and it has a thunder attribute. I want to grab it."

"Don't worry, let's see what happens first. I don't believe that Chen Feng has only this ability."

There was a fight on Chen Feng's side. Qingfeng Jianxian and others were all watching from a distance. They had no intention of coming forward to help. Some of them even wanted to take advantage of the situation and snatch Chen Feng's thunder beads.

"Good stuff!" Chihuo Hou exclaimed, and with a wave of his hand, a flaming spear appeared in his hand. The spear was dark red, the flames jumped, and the power of the Great Dao extended. It turned out to be a Taoist weapon.


With a flash of fire, a killer who wanted to launch an attack in the hidden space was directly pierced, and the whole person turned into a fireball.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The flame spears kept swinging and stabbing, red lights flashed, and several more cultivators were killed. Under the power of fire, every cultivator attacked turned into a fireball and finally burned to ashes.

Although Chen Feng had the Thunder Pearl in his hand, the Red Fire Marquis's method seemed even more overbearing.

Chen Feng threw the Thunder Pearl in his hand, and then it floated up and expanded into a lightning barrier to wrap himself up. Chen Feng's face was very pale at this time, and his whole body was trembling. It seemed that he could not support the operation of the Thunder Pearl.

More cultivators appeared, and there were even mid-level human immortals hiding in it. Moreover, there were roars in the depths of the Thunder Pool. It was the roar of thunder beasts. The powerful breath pressure stirred the surrounding thunder and lightning power even more chaotically.

"We are cultivators from the Daluo Academy. You dare to attack us. You are looking for death." Although the Red Fire Marquis had a Taoist weapon in his hand and had a strong attack power, he faced too many cultivators. After a long time, the Red Fire Marquis also began to get hurt. In fact, for a cultivator of Chihuohou's level, getting injured is nothing. The most serious thing is that the physical strength is consumed. Once there is no time to replenish, it will be overwhelmed by the continuous attacks.

"I want to kill you." One of the middle-level human immortals finally made a move. At this time, the wind was rolling, ghosts were crying, and the lightning power around was stirred out.

"You are the Ghost Shadow Venerable, you are looking for death, do you know that?" Chihuohou's anger rose.

Ghost Shadow Venerable is a casual cultivator who lives in seclusion in the Daluo Mountains. He has a strong cultivation level, but he is very polite when he sees the students of Daluo Academy on weekdays. I didn't expect that he would dare to attack Chihuohou at this time.

If Chihuohou didn't care about this kind of person at ordinary times, he would just kill him, but it's different now, because there are other human immortal cultivators around, and even a few demon kings are involved.

"These people are all coming for Chen Feng. They must be working together. It seems that they are going to kill Chen Feng this time."

"Hey, if I stay out of it now, these people shouldn't attack me."

At this time, Chihuo Hou received Chen Feng's secret message: "Brother Chihuo, stop and leave now. These people are coming for me."

"What!" Chihuo Hou got even angrier after hearing what Chen Feng said.

"Chen Feng, are you looking down on me? We are partners. I will never abandon my partners even if I die." Chihuo Hou shouted. At the same time, the flaming spear in his hand stabbed another person, but was also hit by a Yinfeng knife, his skin was torn and the Yinsha Qi drilled into his body.

"That's not the case. Listen to me." Chen Feng's voice came again: "Stop now and return to the team. I will lead these people away, then hide in the dark, and snatch the Lei Gang Liuli Flower with you. If there is a chance, I will kill these guys again."

"But you are seriously injured now." Chihuo Hou said hurriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm just pretending. These cultivators can't do anything to me. I will kill all these people when I get to a place where no one is." Chen Feng sneered.

"Okay, since you have a plan, I won't say much. Be careful. If it doesn't work, notify me. At worst, we can join forces to kill it." Chihuo Hou said this, and his figure suddenly shook and turned into a ray of fire and retreated, appearing in front of Qingfeng Jianxian and others.

Seeing Chihuo Hou push away, those cultivators did not chase, but instead besieged Chen Feng. It seems that these people's eyes are indeed on Chen Feng.

"Why are you back? Weren't you very brave just now? I was just about to help." Jinhunxian laughed.

"Hmph, I will report you when we return to the academy. You colluded with outsiders to frame your teammates. Hey, I am not easy to mess with. I have the support of earth immortals behind me. If you want to touch me, I will kill a few of them." Chihuo Hou sneered while healing his wounds, not taking Jinhunxian seriously at all.

"I'm afraid you can't get out alive this time." Jinhunxian sneered.

"Really? Then let's see. I will drag a few people down with me even if I die." Chihuo Hou said lightly, shaking the spear in his hand, the flames burst, and the power of the avenue fluctuated.

"Chihuo Hou, as long as you don't care about Chen Feng's affairs, we are still partners. Now let's go deep into the thunder pool. There are thunder beasts ahead. Jinhunxian, you guys go up." At this time, Qingfeng Sword Immortal spoke. Chihuo Hou has some backers and is also a genius in the academy. It is the best choice to not fight.

"Yes!" Jinhunxian rushed up with three cultivators, and then there was a fierce battle. The thunder beasts here are already very powerful. It is very dangerous for a single immortal to come here, and he may die here.

"Let's go, enter the depths of the Thunder Pond. The Lei Gang Liuli Flower will soon appear according to the time."

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Qingfeng Jianxian and others set off and soon disappeared in the depths of the Thunder Pond.

At this time, Chen Feng had been surrounded by the cultivators. Although he had the Thunder Beads to protect him, it seemed that he could not hold on for much longer.


Chen Feng roared, and the Thunder Beads emitted waves of powerful lightning, which rushed everyone out, while Chen Feng quickly fled away in the Thunder Beads.

"Chase him quickly, this guy is dying."

"Yes, this guy has a Taoist weapon and other treasures on him, so he can't escape no matter what."

Nearly a hundred cultivators and monsters joined together and chased Chen Feng, and soon they all disappeared in the thunder and lightning.

Chen Feng shuttled through the thunder and lightning while releasing his spiritual sense to observe the situation around him, and at the same time, a slight sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

After escaping for tens of thousands of miles, Chen Feng finally stopped and stood on the top of a mountain waiting for everyone. The mountain was wrapped in lightning and was bare without even a single spiritual medicine.

"Finally, he stopped running."

"This kid is really good at running. He can run so far even with such a serious injury."

"Chen Feng, you are also well-known in the cultivation world. I didn't expect to end up in this situation today. Let me make the decision. As long as you hand over the Taoist weapon in your hand and the space magic weapon on your body, we will spare your life today." One of the cultivators in the middle-level human immortal realm said loudly.

"I would rather die than compromise. Just do it if you want to." Chen Feng said as he waved his hand and blood fell to the ground. With a bang, a sea of ​​blood rushed to the sky and spread out in the sea of ​​thunder. The cultivators submerged in it exploded one after another, turning into blood energy and being swallowed by the blood beads.

"Be careful, this is the Blood Gathering Bead, another Taoist weapon in Chen Feng's hand."

"Don't be afraid, we also have Taoist weapons, let's do it together."

The battle started again, Chen Feng was besieged and retreated again and again, but there were also cultivators on the other side who were constantly killed.

This situation made everyone more and more frightened, Chen Feng's performance at this time was really too brave.

"If you want to kill me, you will also pay the price." Chen Feng shouted, the Blood Gathering Bead and the Thunder Bead kept spinning above his head, the Thunder Bead absorbed the power of lightning around him and wrapped Chen Feng up, and the Blood Gathering Bead continuously released dazzling bloody attacks.

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