Eternal Existence

Chapter 831: Marquis of Red Fire

"What did you say?" Before Chen Feng could speak, another student of the middle-level human immortal immediately became furious, his whole body was raging with flames, and he looked like the god of fire.

"Hey! Born with a fire attribute physique, it is even better than Jian Xiaotian's Daluo battle body, and comparable to the ice-like jade bones of Bishuidie, but it is obvious that this person has a hot temper. After hearing what the man just said, he immediately stood up.

"Golden Soul Immortal, you are a high-level human immortal, and I am a middle-level human immortal. Come out, come out, let's fight a few moves, and the loser kneels down and kowtows to admit his mistake. What do you think? Do you dare? Those who don't dare are cowards." The human immortal with a fire attribute physique is called Chihuo Hou. He looks like a young man with red hair, but his words are aggressive and extremely unpleasant.

"Then I will beat you to your knees and beg for mercy." Being provoked by Chihuo Hou, even people with a good temper could not stand it, so Jinhunxian also stood up, with golden light shining on his body, and the two were about to fight.

"How dare you, sit down, what do you think this place is. "Elder Shi said with a change of color.


Elder Shi got angry, and the two of them immediately quieted down. Chihuo Hou also put away the flames on his body, but he said to Chen Feng with dissatisfaction: "Brother, if you don't want to participate, withdraw immediately, so as not to let some people complain here."

Chihuo Hou spoke very rudely, and Chen Feng almost laughed out loud.

"Yes, everyone is a master, my cultivation is too low, so I'd better not participate."

"Elders, I'll take my leave first." Chen Feng stood up and was about to leave the mission hall.

"Wait." At this time, another elder spoke up. This elder was also a top-level human immortal. At this time, he looked at Chen Feng with a gloomy face.

"This mission is very important. We called you all here because we hope that you can all participate. If someone is unwilling to participate, we will not force it, but in order to leak the news, you have to stay in the place we arranged for a while. We will release you after these students come back from the thunder pool. Chen Feng, what do you think? ”

“Haha, this is to detain me. I don’t know what I did wrong, or what this elder has in mind. He is detaining me. Is there any unspeakable secret?”

“This situation is clearly in front of us.” Chen Feng’s face was full of sneers.

“Sunset Fairy, what are you doing?” At this time, Elder Shi’s face changed, and he secretly sent a message to Sunset Fairy, not understanding why Sunset Fairy would target Chen Feng.

“Elder Shi, don’t ask, I know my limits.”

“What do you think, Chen Feng, do you want to participate or not?” Sunset Fairy asked Chen Feng again.

“I will participate.” Chen Feng smiled faintly.

“Well, since everyone agrees, let me talk about the specific details of this mission. "At this time, Elder Shi Benlei spoke, and at the same time, he looked deeply at Chen Feng.

"In fact, the task is very simple, that is to enter the Thunder Pool to obtain the Thunder Gang Glazed Flower and the Thunder Pearl. After you get these two things, you can use them yourself, or you can sell them to the school. Of course, whether you use them yourself or hand them over to the school, there will be generous rewards." Elder Shi said in a deep voice.

"Thunder Gang Glazed Flower, it turned out to be this kind of thing." Everyone was a little surprised. Obviously, they didn't expect that this thing would start to erupt in the Thunder Pool again.

"Then what if you meet cultivators from other schools?" Someone asked again at this time.

"This is even simpler. How do you usually do it? How do you do it now?"

"When will you set off?"

"One month later."

"There is time to prepare."

"Finally, since everyone has agreed, don't regret it. In addition, you have one month to prepare well, because this mission is really dangerous. In the past, even earth immortals have fallen in the Thunder Pool."

When everyone left, the voice of the Sunset Immortal came to their ears again.

"Brother Chen, take care. "When Chen Feng was about to leave and return to the cave, he received a secret message from Chihuo Hou.

"Brother Chihuo, there must be something." Chen Feng also responded secretly.

"Nothing, but I have long heard of Brother Chen's name, and I want to invite Brother Chen to the cave to chat." Chihuo Hou said with a smile.

"Then I'd rather obey than be respectful." Chen Feng agreed with a smile.

Then Chen Feng went to Chihuo Hou's cave.

The location of Chihuo Hou's cave is much better than Chen Feng's. The geographical environment and the concentration of spiritual energy are not comparable to Chen Feng, a student who has just come in.

"It's not bad here." Chen Feng looked around casually.

"According to your strength, I'm afraid you live in a better place than me." Chihuo Hou said meaningfully.

"Brother Chihuo, you are too kind. "Chen Feng shook his head.

Chihuo Hou's hospitality was very warm. He took out some fine wine and some rare spiritual fruits. Even Chen Feng had never seen or heard of some of these spiritual fruits. Chen Feng could not help but secretly feel the generosity of the other party.

"Brother Chihuo, is there something wrong?" Chen Feng asked directly after a brief greeting.

"Hehe, what's the matter? I just want to make friends, isn't it okay?" Chihuo Hou said with a smile. At this time, Chihuo Hou's aura was restrained, which was somewhat different from his previous irritable temper.

"Of course, I have heard that Brother Chihuo was born with a fire body and has extraordinary cultivation. Although he is a mid-level human immortal, he has killed high-level human immortals. I have never had the chance to meet him, but this time I got my wish. "Chen Feng spoke beautifully.

"Hahahaha, Brother Chen, you are really flattering me. I am far from what Brother Chen has achieved. The sea area of ​​​​a million miles in radius of Donglong Island is guarded by several demon immortals. This kind of power and confidence has surpassed some first-class sects. Although Daluo Academy is a holy place, I don't know how many people among them want to marry Brother Chen." Chihuo Hou laughed.

"There are also many people who are jealous." Chen Feng continued.

"If you are not envied, you are a mediocre person. Brother Chen, don't be modest." Chihuo Hou waved his hand and continued: "This time going to the Thunder Pond, there are many dangers. The two of us are at the lowest level. I hope we can join hands and face some troubles together."

"This is as it should be, but I will definitely have a lot of troubles at that time, and I am afraid that I will implicate Brother Chihuo." Chen Feng smiled faintly.

"If I was afraid of trouble, I would not invite Brother Chen. Everyone knows that this time going to the Thunder Pond, there will definitely be people who will harm you, but I believe that those people will not be able to achieve great things. In contrast, I believe that Brother Chen will become a world-shaking figure in the future." Chihuo Hou stared at Chen Feng.

"Haha, Brother Chihuo really thinks too highly of me. I'm just an ordinary cultivator." Chen Feng laughed repeatedly.

Chihuo Hou smiled and stopped talking about this topic. Everyone is smart, so it's better to stop talking.

Chihuo Hou is generous and sincere in making friends with Chen Feng. The atmosphere of the two people's conversation was very hot, which made Chen Feng feel a little good about Chihuo Hou. He felt that this person was also a person worth making friends with. As for whether they can become partners, it depends on the development of future things.

Then Chen Feng returned to his cave, and continued to practice. During this period, he returned to Donglong Island and Xingchen Islands. With the presence of demons and demons such as hell dogs, the territory in the sea has been stabilized. Among them, the deep sea monsters launched several attacks, but were repelled by demons such as hell dogs. A large number of water monsters were killed, and the blood dyed the surrounding sea red.

The reputation of Donglong Island became more and more famous, shocking the four seas, and temporarily calmed down the deep sea forces.

Chen Feng was also very generous. In order to develop his own power, he took out a large amount of cultivation materials, including some immortal crystals and Yuanchen crystal water.

With these things, not to mention ordinary sea monster guards, even the Nine Nether Earth Python will have a surge in strength. As for whether they can break through to the level of the demon god, it depends on their luck.

Chen Feng hopes that this time when he comes back, the power of his subordinates will be greatly improved. Sometimes the power of an individual is important, and the power of a group is even more important.

What's more, Chen Feng also has his own ideas and plans, that is, one day he will bring a large number of cultivators back to Beiyuan and settle accounts with Jiuxiao Palace.

After the arrangements were made, the time finally came. Chen Feng and other students gathered together and waited for the elders to explain before starting the space teleportation.

It is a total of 30 million miles from Daluo Academy to Lei Chi, but it only takes one stick of incense to get there through the teleportation array.

Lei Chi is very famous in the cultivation world because it gathers abundant and powerful thunder and lightning power, which is so powerful that it is unique in the entire cultivation world.

If you want to find the Thunder Pond, you must first enter the Thunder Domain.

The Thunder Domain is very large, with a radius of over a million miles. There is no normal place within the million miles. There are thunder and lightning everywhere, but some are strong and some are weak. The Thunder Pond is the place where the thunder and lightning power is the most concentrated and powerful in the Thunder Domain.

Compared with the entire Thunder Domain, the Thunder Pond is actually not that big.

However, before entering the Thunder Domain, I met students from the other three universities.

The number and quality of students sent by the four universities this time are almost the same, which also shows the importance of this mission to all parties.

"Hahaha, everyone, what a coincidence, this time our Tianjian Academy is determined to get the Lei Gang Liuli Flower."

"Hey, with our Sifang Academy here, I think you should go back."

"You are so arrogant, I will let you all go back empty-handed."

"It's okay to go back empty-handed, but I'm afraid that you can't get out of it and leave your life in the Thunder Pond."

Before really entering the Thunder Domain, the students of the four universities have already begun to sneer and fight with words.

Chen Feng secretly laughed after seeing this. You know, Chen Feng had met the founders of the four holy places. The four of them, including Daluo Tianzun, were all immortals. They fought side by side, experienced life and death, and ventured into the outer space together. They had a very close relationship, but the students in the schools they founded fought fiercely.

If the students of the four schools knew what kind of relationship the founders had, I wonder what their expressions would be.

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