Eternal Existence

Chapter 830 Mission

"Backstage, what a big backstage." Chen Feng sneered in his heart. He was already a mid-level human immortal and the master of Donglong Island. He occupied a sea area of ​​one million miles in radius. He had many sea monsters under his command, and there were also demon immortals and demon kings in charge. There were countless first-class forces in the entire cultivation world who wanted to win him over.

"Jue Wushen, Gui Liubing, Dao Jun and others all came from some big families and sects. In order to enter the Daluo Academy for cultivation, they not only had great talents, but also had sufficient cultivation materials. Otherwise, even if they had great talents, they could not develop at all without a good cultivation environment and cultivation materials." Lan Hai said slowly.

"Let's not talk about these things. Let's talk about the backstage of these people first." Chen Feng waved his hand. In fact, thinking about the fact that he was only a mid-level human immortal, there should be people who would attack him.

"Jue Wushen is from Tianjue Sect, Daojun is from Daozong, Gui Liubing is from Tiangui Sect, Fengliu Shaojun is a killer from the Void Palace, and one of the other students we recruited is from Wujian Shura Dao."

"Tianjue Sect, Daozong, yes, although these sects are not as good as the Four Holy Lands, or even the Tianjian Sect, they are also first-class forces, with at least ten earth immortals in charge." Chen Feng nodded.

"As for the robbers and bandits found from the Daluo Mountains, it doesn't matter if there are powerful people who come out to avenge them after they die."

"In addition, these people also have some power in the school. Let's not talk about anything else. Although some elders in the upper echelons will not come out to deal with you, it is still okay to use some means in secret." Lan Hai said.

"For some dead guys, will anyone make things difficult for me?" Chen Feng laughed, "If that's the case, I'll kill as many as they come."

Lan Hai shook his head, feeling that Chen Feng's tone was a bit too big. After all, Chen Feng was just a human immortal. If an earth immortal took action, Chen Feng would still not be able to escape.

"Don't think too much. Since the academy hasn't investigated me yet, there is nothing wrong. As for the other people who took action in secret, they are all some scoundrels and there is no evidence." Chen Feng shook his head, then waved his hand, and a fist-sized ball of Yuanchen crystal water fell in front of Lan Hai.

"This is Yuanchen crystal water." Lan Hai opened his eyes wide.

"You are practicing the way of water. These Yuanchen crystal waters will help you. As long as you are someone who truly follows me, I will never be stingy. If you can do things that satisfy me, there are many better things than this." Chen Feng said lightly. If you want to control some subordinates, it is not enough to suppress them with force. Sometimes you also need to give some benefits to combine kindness and power.

Sure enough, after getting the Yuanchen Crystal Water, Lan Hai was extremely happy. For Lan Hai, a drop of Yuanchen Crystal Water can play a big role after refining and absorbing it. This ball of Yuanchen Crystal Water may have hundreds of drops.

For all the cultivators on the path of cultivation, it is normal to pay some price as long as they can make progress.

"I also have some connections in Daluo Academy. If anything happens, I will get the news quickly." After saying a few more words, Lan Hai went to practice excitedly. After getting these Yuanchen Crystal Water, Lan Hai is sure to improve his cultivation to a higher level in a short time.

"I want to see who is blind and dares to trouble me." After Chen Feng refined the Seven Apertures Linglong Heart and was promoted to the Intermediate Human Immortal, his cultivation soared and his confidence was surging. He wished someone would come to trouble him and then kill everyone.

However, what happened next was beyond Chen Feng's expectations. Daluo Academy was as usual. Nothing special happened, and no one came to trouble Chen Feng. The calmness made Chen Feng feel something was wrong. This situation seemed to have a sense of depression that was about to come.

However, Chen Feng did not care about these things, but concentrated on practicing in the Daluo Academy. He could absorb the original power from the deep earth veins by practicing in the cave on weekdays. During this period, he could also go to the Transmission Hall to listen to the great Dao. After practicing, he would visit some friends and talk about the scriptures. His life was very leisurely and free, just like the life of the legendary immortals.

The days passed quickly, and soon another year had passed.

During this year, Chen Feng stabilized his realm and grew, but the biggest gain was the change in his physical body.

After refining and fusing the Seven Apertures Delicate Heart, Chen Feng's energy throughput increased sevenfold. Coupled with the Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique and the Heaven-Swallowing Magic Skill, Chen Feng would continuously absorb a large amount of original power from the deep earth veins every day.

Fortunately, the source power under the Daluo Mountains is connected to the entire Eternal World, and it is full of innate activity. If the Eternal World is not destroyed, the source power will not dissipate. With Chen Feng's absorption speed, even if it increases tenfold, it will not have a big impact on the Daluo Mountains, because Chen Feng's daily swallowing amount can be replenished quickly after the world's swallowing and brewing.

Of course, if Chen Feng's swallowing speed increases by a thousand times or ten thousand times, it will be different.

"In the war that year, my spiritual roots were destroyed. I didn't expect that there would be a day to recover." Chen Feng sneered. In the war that year, the Longevity Tower was damaged, and his own spiritual roots were broken. With the Longevity Tower floating in the universe for millions of years, all this was caused not only by hostile enemies, but also by reasons within the Changsheng Heaven.

After all, Chen Feng's spiritual roots were so scary back then that some people with ulterior motives could not help but be jealous and secretly harm him.

"It's too early to recover. If you want to refine a chaotic body, absorbing a large amount of original power is one thing, but more importantly, you also need great opportunity, great perseverance, great courage, and a fearless state of mind." Ta laughed.

"You don't need to tell me this. I know how to condense it into a chaotic body."

"You understand it yourself. In this case, don't ask me if you don't understand anything in the future."

Just when Chen Feng and Ta were arguing, an elder from Daluo Academy came to Chen Feng's cave.

"Hey! Someone is coming." Chen Feng suddenly appeared outside the cave.

"It turns out it's Elder Mo. Why did he come to me? Chen Feng was a little confused after seeing who he was.

The person who came was Mo Qingsong, an elder deacon in Daluo Academy. He was in the realm of intermediate human immortals and had a very high status. However, Chen Feng was already an intermediate human immortal at this time and could already sit on an equal footing with the other party. Even because of Chen Feng Feng is a student, young and has potential, and is more important to Daluo Academy than the other party.

So as soon as Chen Feng came out, Mo Qingsong was the first to speak: "Haha, I'm disturbing Brother Dao's practice."

"I don't dare. I don't know why Elder Mo is here?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"The specific matters will have to be discussed in the mission hall."

"Oh, couldn't Elder Mo reveal it in advance?"

"Sorry, we can't do this, but you will know after you get to the mission hall. This is a good thing."

"Good thing." Chen Feng's heart moved and he didn't know what to say. He followed Mo Qingsong to the mission hall.

The mission hall is a special place where Daluo Academy distributes missions. When Chen Feng arrived, several monks were already waiting.

Except for a few elders who often show up, these monks don't know anyone else. However, the monks present are all advanced and powerful people. The lowest realms are all mid-level human immortals. A few of them are actually The top human immortal is only one step away from the earthly immortal.

"These people should be the elite of the elite among the students of Da Luo Academy. Hey, once promoted to Earth Immortal, it will be even more amazing. I just don't know what's going on. Could it be that they have to participate in some missions?" Chen Feng thought in his mind. With.

Seeing Chen Feng's arrival, everyone glanced over one after another, and Chen Feng felt a chill in his heart, because Chen Feng felt a hint of unkindness in these glances, even though everyone had smiles on their faces.

"Chen Feng, you're here, take a seat." One of the dignified-looking middle-aged men said with a smile.

"I've met Elder Shi." Chen Feng bowed respectfully and then found a place to sit down.

The name of this elder stone is Shi Benlei, also known as Benlei Immortal. He is a top human immortal. He has attacked the Earth Immortal before without success. He is the person closest to the Earth Immortal.

After Chen Feng sat down, two more monks arrived. Chen Feng looked at it and found that, including himself, there were a total of sixteen students besides the elders.

There are four top-level immortals, ten high-level immortals, and only two middle-level immortals.

"I came to you for a mission." Elder Shi said with a steady and loud voice. He looked at everyone with a smile on his face.

"This task is very difficult and cannot be completed by a single person. This is why I brought you here."

"Everyone here is the best in the academy, and you were carefully selected by some of our elders to participate in this mission."

"The specific mission will not be explained in detail until you agree, but what can be revealed is that the destination this time is Thunder Pond, and the other three families will also send people there." Elder Shi said slowly.

"Thunder Pool!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, this was a dangerous place.

"Now everyone can express their stance. If they don't want to participate, they won't be forced to do so."

"I agree."

"I do."

Everyone expressed their opinions very simply, and soon only Chen Feng was left.

"Chen Feng, what do you think, should I go or not?" A black-clothed monk sitting next to Shi Benlei asked coldly, his eyes like lightning as he looked at Chen Feng.

"This is the Heaven-Slaying Sword. It is considered a godless master and a top human immortal. Hey, you really have bad intentions. I want to see what you want to do." Chen Feng sneered in his heart.

"I really need to consider this." Chen Feng deliberately looked embarrassed.

"What's there to think about? I came to you because I think highly of you. Mother-in-law and mother-in-law are like indecisive and useless." The Heaven-Slaying Sword shouted coldly, and then ignored Chen Feng.

"Let me just say, this mission is very intense, and even some high-level human immortals may not be able to complete it. Should these two juniors in the middle-level human immortal realm quit?" At this time, a strange voice sounded, The voice came from a high-level immortal, who was looking at Chen Feng with a mocking look.

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