Eternal Existence

Chapter 829: Ending

"The island owner is here." The ancestor of the Golden Turtle shouted loudly. Although only Chen Feng and Phantom Divine Diao arrived, the momentum of his side still improved a lot.

After Chen Feng killed a demon king again, he quickly flew high into the sky. With a wave of his hand, a huge water polo appeared. It kept circling and compressing in Chen Feng's hands, and finally became the size of a fist.

This water ball is Yuanchen Crystal Water. The function of Yuanchen Crystal Water can wash the soul, increase vitality, and repair injuries. The effect is somewhat similar to the life spring liquid, but it is higher than the ordinary life spring liquid.


The water ball exploded and turned into water droplets, scattering in all directions, and falling drop by drop on the monks on Donglong Island.

With the blessing of Yuanchen Crystal Water, the injuries on these monks healed one after another, and their energy and spirit recovered quickly. Some of those with minor injuries even returned to their peak condition in a short period of time.


Another water ball exploded, this time it turned into streams of water, and penetrated into the bodies of Jiuyou Earth Python and a group of immortal-level monks.

Just when Chen Feng was taking out the third ball of Yuanchen Crystal Water, a huge sea snake emerged from the water and opened its mouth to swallow Chen Feng.

"Fairy Fairy!"

With this swallow, Chen Feng immediately felt like the world was spinning, his sense of direction disappeared, and the power of space twisted into bundles, wrapping Chen Feng.

This mouthful of snake swallowing the sky when used by the demon immortal actually has the power to swallow the sky. Ordinary human immortals would probably swallow it directly.


Chen Feng's heart beat suddenly, his Qiqiao acupoints vibrated at the same time, and an unparalleled force surged throughout his body.

There was just a slight shock, the suction around him disappeared, and then Chen Feng waved his hand and made a big hand seal of longevity.


This huge sea snake was discharged back into the sea water by Chen Feng, causing a tsunami to hit the sky.

When the sea snake came out for the second time, Chen Feng could see the other party's whole face clearly.

The body of a thousand feet was enough to wrap around a small island. A red light shot out from the mouth and swept towards Chen Feng again.

Chen Feng used the Immortal Step to dodge, and then waved his hand, the hell dog appeared in the air. As soon as the hell dog appeared, the ghost eyes on his forehead shot out a blue and faint divine light. The divine light flashed past and penetrated the sea snake's head. .

Then the huge body of the sea snake crashed onto the sea surface again.

Chen Feng put away the body of the sea snake with a wave of his hand. This was a demon immortal with a powerful body and plenty of blood and essence. The whole body was made of excellent materials, so of course it couldn't be wasted.

Next, the Cerberus floated in mid-air, its Netherworld Eyes flashed continuously, and began to perform large-scale illusions. The Netherworld Eyes, the illusion itself was the Cerberus Dog's innate magical power. At this time, it was displayed with the strength of the demon fairy, and large numbers of water demons appeared in it. The illusion became crazy and chaotic, and the companions attacked each other, and even committed suicide directly.

Just when Cerberus was killing people, another demon fairy appeared on the other side, and there were two more demon immortals, two demon immortals of the same level as Cerberus.

One is a blue dragon, and the other is a huge squid-like water monster.

"Two demon immortals are not simple." Chen Feng was stunned.

"Leave these two to me." Cerberus said, his eyes flashing, and his Nether Eyes attacked again.

The two sides fought together and quickly disappeared into the depths of the sea.

Chen Feng thought for a while and waved his hand, and the ancient flame beetle appeared in mid-air. Although the ancient flame beetle had been sleeping, it was a real first-level earth immortal. At this time, its body continued to grow in the air, until it reached the size of one thousand meters. Just stopped.

The whole body was fiery red and hard, flashing with sparks and light like red crystal. The power of fire began to emanate from the body, and even the surrounding space could be burned.


Chen Feng shouted loudly, and the ancient flame beetle began to spit fire. The fierce and powerful flames spread on the sea. The surrounding sea water began to drop, and the air waves rose into the sky. The number of burned water monsters could not be counted. .

Moreover, there was no pause when the ancient flame beetle sprayed and swept. The flames continued and seemed to have no end. It was like the end of the world. The sky fire was rampant, sweeping across the earth, constantly harvesting lives.

Chen Feng was also a little surprised. It was the first time he used the ancient flame beetle, but he didn't expect it to have such a powerful attack power.

However, the consequence of this is that the power of fire in the ancient flame beetle's body is rapidly consumed.

Chen Feng's move caused the entire battlefield to be in a sea of ​​fire, and the large-scale attack caused the entire battlefield to change.

The Donglong Island side, which was already about to be defeated, began to breathe.

Of course, Chen Feng also knew that although this fire was powerful, the real damage caused was not as great as it looked on the surface.

After all, this is the ocean, which has some restraint on flames. Some water monsters seemed to be enveloped in flames, but they quickly got into the seawater to avoid the attack of the flames.

In other words, the biggest effect of this flame was to cause chaos on the entire battlefield, and less than one percent of the water monsters were actually burned to death.

Despite this, the ancient flame beetles were still launching attacks. In Chen Feng's opinion, they could burn several to death.

When Chen Feng commanded the ancient flame beetle to spray flames, the reinforcements from Daluo Academy and Jian Xiaotian had already felt that the battle situation had completely tilted towards Donglong Island.

However, Chen Feng also knew that victory in the war would be no problem, but it would still be difficult to occupy the entire Star Islands.

After all, the Xingchen Islands are composed of countless islands, with vast territory and rich resources, which are more than a hundred times that of Donglong Island.

More importantly, this island is also a buffer zone and a barrier. The Xingchen Islands are further into the deep sea. Occupying this island can be used for defense and attack, and as a springboard to attack the deep sea. This is why everyone still launched an attack when Chen Feng was not there.

"Although there are some big killers, there are not enough people after all. It seems that we have to speed up the absorption of some members." Thinking of this, Chen Feng took out the Deep Sea Eye, a top-grade Taoist weapon.

In fact, Chen Feng's behavior is already very bullying. The Deep Sea Eye flew out of his palm and began to rush around. No matter how powerful these water monsters are, once they are touched by the huge sea eye of the Deep Sea Eye, they will die immediately.

This is not at the same level at all, but a naked massacre.

Watching Chen Feng's wanton killing, a demon fairy couldn't bear it and drilled out from the bottom of the sea, but after being involved in the Deep Sea Eye, he never came out again.

"The winner is determined."

"A top-grade Taoist weapon, so enviable."

"This time, the territory of Donglong Island has expanded by more than a hundred times."

"That's really ruthless."

As soon as Chen Feng took out the Eye of the Deep Sea, he immediately established his position of victory. The cultivators from all sides looked at the Taoist weapon that was constantly attacking and couldn't help but start to discuss.

"Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon! Go help the Hellhound and the Phantom Divine Marten, and get rid of the other demon fairies as soon as possible." Chen Feng released the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon again at this time.

Although somewhat reluctant, the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon still transformed into its original form and rushed out.

"Another demon fairy!" Everyone exclaimed again.

"How many cards does Chen Feng have?"

"I really can't tell. Usually Chen Feng is very low-key in the academy, but I didn't expect him to have such a powerful energy. It seems that we should make friends with him in the future."

"Now that we have helped each other, we have already established a friendship."

"Hey! He can easily take out the best Taoist tools, which is far better than you and me."

This time, because of the appearance of Chen Feng, the Star Islands became Chen Feng's territory. Not long after the hellhound, the phantom marten and the wind and thunder double-headed dragon returned, the opponent had been killed.

The three demon fairies sat on the Star Islands, and the situation quickly stabilized. In the following days, the monks from all sides came to surrender, which made the Star Islands become more and more powerful. Of course, this is a later story.

The most important thing at the moment is to clean up the battlefield. There were too many casualties in this fight. Fortunately, Chen Feng took out a lot of Yuanchen Crystal Water, otherwise these wounded would have to go back and recuperate for a while.

It took a month to stabilize the construction of the Star Islands. The reinforcements from the Tianjian Sect and the Daluo Academy have returned. Chen Feng left the Hellhound and the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon to guard the Star Islands. As for the tree demon and the tiger demon, they were unwilling to come out and continued to practice in the Changsheng Tower.

For these demon immortals, there is no place that can compare to the practice environment in the Changsheng Tower.

Of course, Chen Feng didn't want these guys to stay in the Changsheng Tower all the time. In order to stabilize the situation, the most important thing now is to use powerful forces to deter the four directions, so that powerful enemies dare not invade, and the cultivators continue to surrender.

So Chen Feng forcefully transferred the tiger demon and the tree demon out of the Changsheng Tower, and together with the Phantom Divine Marten, these three demon immortals also guarded Chen Feng's territory.

As for whether these guys practiced honestly or went to the deep sea for adventure, Chen Feng didn't care so much.

Another month later, Chen Feng dealt with all the things and returned to the Daluo Academy.

Chen Feng killed Jue Wushen and others. Although he left Lan Hai to go back and make up a lie, Chen Feng knew that this matter could not be covered up. Daluo Academy must have known that he killed Jue Wushen and others.

"I wonder how Daluo Academy will punish me?" Chen Feng was not worried, but just curious.

According to Chen Feng's own guess, Daluo Academy would not punish him severely for this matter. After all, the winners are the losers. After Jue Wushen and others died, his territory was rapidly expanding. Chen Feng would not believe anything if they were to embarrass him for some dead people.

After returning to his cave, Lan Hai came first. Sure enough, after a conversation with Lan Hai, Chen Feng knew that he had killed Jue Wushen and others. Daluo Academy still knew about it.

"This matter can be big or small. Students in the academy fight and kill each other privately, and people often die. For such things, the academy usually turns a blind eye. Jue Wushen and others are nothing, but they have some backers." Lan Hai seemed to be truly attached to Chen Feng, and was explaining it to Chen Feng in detail.

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