Eternal Existence

Chapter 823: Seven-aperture exquisite heart

"That makes sense, that makes sense." Seeing the War Soul Star Lord being hit, the fear in everyone's heart also subsided a little.

"Hey, it turns out to be just a broken immortal weapon, look how I smashed it." The body of the evil demon god became smaller, but the attack power did not weaken, and the momentum on his body became stronger and stronger.


After the War Soul Star Lord stood firm, he shouted loudly, and the sky around him shook. Countless starlight was swallowed and quickly melted into a word "war". After the word "war" was melted into the body of the War Soul Star Lord, the body condensed by the power of starlight became more condensed, and then he punched out and collided with the fist of the evil demon god. The evil demon god was knocked out, but the War Soul Star Lord also shook a little.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The attack of the four Daluo Tianzun came again. The War Soul Star Lord acted quickly and wielded his moves freely, and he did not lose to the four people.

"So stupid."

At this time, the Changsheng Tower was broadcasting the situation of the fight between the crowd, and the audience was the tower and several demon fairies. As for Chen Feng, he also noticed this place with his consciousness.

"Tower, do you have a way?" Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

"The cooperation between these people is really too bad, and the little guy who practices the secret art of the starry sky has rich combat experience and can also absorb starlight energy to replenish physical strength. Hey, if the fight continues at this level, these people will be defeated one by one." Tower said with a smile.

"What should we do?" Chen Feng asked humbly.

"Come on, can you see something from this picture?" At this time, Tower had an unfathomable expression on his face.

"I can't see it, I can only see that this person is very powerful and difficult to deal with."

"Stupid, don't you see that the War Soul Immortal Palace in this guy's hand has never left, and he has always been holding it honestly in his hand."

After Tower's reminder, Chen Feng felt that this was indeed the case. When the War Soul Star Lord was fighting, the Immortal Palace in his hand was indeed rarely out of his hand. Even after launching an attack, it was quickly retracted, and it would not even be too far away.

You know, when cultivators fight each other, magic weapons are flying everywhere. If the immortal weapon in the hands of the War Soul Star Lord was actually held in his hands, it means something.

"Senior, find a way to separate the other party from the Immortal Palace." Chen Feng shouted loudly.

Daluo Tianzun, who was fighting, was stunned at first, and then quickly understood what Chen Feng meant. His eyes lit up, and at the same time he secretly wondered why he had become stupid.

So Daluo Tianzun told the other partners about this situation, and everyone quickly discussed the next battle route.

So the fighting style of everyone suddenly changed, becoming a little cowardly, retreating, and getting a little injured from time to time, which made the power of the War Soul Star Lord surge even more.

"Can you stop and solve it peacefully." Sifang Tianzun shouted even more.

"Peaceful solution, it's also okay, as long as you let me devour you honestly." The War Soul Star Lord was sure of victory, and gradually looked down on everyone.

"Waiting for you to devour, you are thinking too well. If we fight to the death, it will be a situation where both sides will be destroyed."

"Both sides will be destroyed, hahahaha. Just relying on you few, you don't have that ability."


Eternal Tianzun was knocked out, and the War Soul Star Lord laughed and stepped forward to take the opportunity to get rid of the Eternal Tianzun.

"Do it!"


"Western Void Sword!"

"Heavenly Mirror Treasure Book."

The golden light attacked the War Soul Star Lord again, but this time the War Soul Star Lord was a little prepared and actually dodged the golden light.

"Help me quickly!"

Tianjian Tianzun shouted loudly, and the other three people simultaneously sent three forces into Tianjian Tianzun's body.

So the power of Tianjian Tianzun began to rise straight up, and the Heavenly Mirror Treasure Book in his hand also flew out, becoming larger out of thin air, and the book unfolded, still with two sides of the world, trying to sandwich the War Soul Star Lord in it.

"Barbarian God is broken!"

The punch thrown by the evil barbarian god actually exploded in the air, and the blood condensed and burned, just like a burning meteor, and hit the body of the War Soul Star Lord with a bang.

Tianjian Tianzun's whole body began to tremble violently. In order to open the true power of the Tianjian Treasure Book, Tianjian Tianzun had overdrawn his vitality.

Sure enough, the War Soul Star Lord was fixed again. At this time, the War Soul Star Lord instinctively felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't struggle free.


Daluo Tianzun stepped forward, and the wooden stick in his hand flew out, directly hitting the War Soul Immortal Mansion, and the War Soul Immortal Mansion rotated and flew away.

At this time, the War Soul Star Lord's face changed a little, and he wanted to summon the War Soul Immortal Mansion back, but it was too late, because a phantom of a spear suddenly flashed and picked up the War Soul Immortal Mansion.

Finally, the War Soul Immortal Mansion was thousands of miles away, and it was still flying farther away.

The War Soul Star Lord roared, and the starlight on his body flashed. The powerful force that burst out pushed everyone out, and then he chased after the War Soul Immortal Palace.


The Evil Demon God blocked the War Soul Star Lord, and another ball of blood exploded, blocking the War Soul Star Lord's way.

The War Soul Star Lord roared continuously, but he could not rush through. Soon the aura of the War Soul Star Lord began to weaken, and in the end he could not even match a single person.

"Sure enough, this guy is not a real flesh body, and he can't be too far away from the War Soul Immortal Palace. Now that his strength is weak, it's time to take the opportunity to kill him." The Evil Demon God smiled, ignoring the injuries on his body.

So the situation went smoothly. Everyone cheered up and rushed forward. Soon, they killed the War Soul Star Lord, leaving only the broken and dissipated energy.

And these energies were naturally taken away by Chen Feng.

Seeing Daluo Tianzun collecting these energies, everyone was surprised and didn't understand the real reason. Daluo Tianzun didn't say much.

"Let's go. It should be no problem to collect the War Soul Immortal Mansion at this time."

Sure enough, there was no other movement in the War Soul Immortal Mansion this time, and it was caught by Daluo Tianzun.

"Let's see what good things are inside first, and then talk about dividing it up."

"What do you think?"

"I have no opinion."

The four great immortals looked at the evil demon god at the same time, and after a flash in their eyes, they decided not to take action.

"Five people divide it, so we should be able to get some good things."

"Not five people, but six people." Daluo released Chen Feng from the world.

"Hello, seniors." Chen Feng saluted respectfully.

"Six people, Daluo, although this little guy is a student of your Daluo Academy, you can't do this." Sifang Tianzun said with some dissatisfaction.

"Humph, Chen Feng is the most powerful one. If it weren't for Chen Feng, I'm afraid we wouldn't have ended up like this." Daluo Tianzun said unhappily, and at the same time repeated what happened just now.

Looking at the immortal spear in Chen Feng's hand, everyone nodded in agreement. After all, the immortal weapon in Chen Feng's hand is not a decoration.

"Okay, let's see what's inside first."

Everyone took action and almost dismantled the Battle Soul Immortal Mansion. All the things in the Immortal Mansion were taken out and floated in the void waiting for everyone to divide.

"It's this thing." At this time, Chen Feng suddenly strode forward and walked towards a round box.

"Hey, this little guy can't bear it anymore." Several people couldn't help laughing when they saw Chen Feng's actions. But they didn't stop it. In front of Chen Feng, everyone was an elder, and their status and shelf still had to be held.

"Seniors, I want this thing." Chen Feng picked up the box directly. When he put it in his hand, he felt that the blood in his body was more vigorous, and his heart beat more and more vigorously.

"Whatever is inside, as long as it is not a fairy weapon, it is yours." Yongheng Tianzun said with a smile.

"It should not be a fairy weapon!" Chen Feng opened the box, and a heart that looked like a crystal sculpture actually beat out. Chen Feng was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and grabbed it in his hand.

This heart is not big, only the size of a peach pit, fiery red, as if there is a flame beating, crystal clear, like the most noble gem in the universe.

However, there are seven small holes on it, and each small hole is different. Chen Feng clearly feels that these seven small holes are constantly swallowing and spitting out energy essence. The stimulation of Chen Feng's palms became hot.

"It's the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Heart!" Chen Feng exclaimed, and then laughed.

It's really easy to find it after searching for a long time. Chen Feng has always wanted to get the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Heart since he opened up the Seven-Aperture Acupoint.

It's just that this kind of spiritual object is so rare that if it doesn't come out, it's useless to take out more spiritual stones, because there is no place to buy it.

"It turned out to be the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Heart. This little guy is lucky, but don't worry, we still don't bother to compete with you for this level of spiritual objects." The Four-Direction Heavenly Venerable laughed.

"Humph, although it's good, it's not of enough level and it doesn't have much effect on me." The evil demon god also said so.

Chen Feng smiled and put away the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Heart. Now is not the time to refine it.

Next, everyone began to divide the spoils. There are indeed some cultivation materials in the Battle Soul Immortal Mansion. If you get it alone, it is indeed a considerable fortune, but it seems a little less when so many people share it. Even Chen Feng doesn't like it.

However, looking at the pile of spiritual stones he got, Chen Feng still smiled and put them away. After all, this is also immortal crystal, but the number is a little less.

"Alas! After a lot of fighting, I only got some spiritual stones. I don't know when I can fully recover from the injuries this time. This time I really lost a lot."

"It's not too bad. Isn't there a fairy weapon here?"

"It is indeed a fairy weapon, but it is also damaged."

The most precious thing is this fairy mansion. It's a pity that even the Battle Soul Fairy Mansion is damaged. In the end, everyone discussed and simply dismantled this fairy mansion. Chen Feng also got a few precious materials.

Looking at the fairy weapon materials in his hand, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Everyone, goodbye." The evil god nodded, then turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared into the starry sky.

"We should go back too."

"Yes, go back and take good care of your injuries."

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