Eternal Existence

Chapter 824: Refining the Seven-Aperture Delicate Heart

"What? You don't want to go back with us?" Daluo Tianzun looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

When everyone opened the void channel just now, Chen Feng actually refused to go back with the four people.

This surprised the four people.

"The starry sky is too dangerous. Let's return to the eternal world first. It won't be too late to come out and venture when you cultivate to the earthly immortal." Daluo Tianzun thought for a while and said.

"Yes, with your current strength, if you get lost in the starry sky, it will not be easy to find the way back." Sifang Tianzun also said so.

"Thank you for your concern, seniors, but I have some personal matters to deal with. Besides, I have a fairy weapon in my hand, so there is no problem in protecting myself. If there is a threat, I can leave in advance." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Alas! Young people nowadays are getting bolder and bolder. They don't know the dangers in the universe and the starry sky at all." Daluo Tianzun shook his head. No matter what, Chen Feng came from Daluo Academy, and it is a foregone conclusion that he will become the pillar of Daluo Academy in the future. It would be a pity if a genius of this level died in the starry sky.

But in the end, despite everyone's persuasion, Chen Feng was still determined to stay, and everyone had no choice but to leave.

After the four people left, only Chen Feng was left floating in the starry sky alone, looking at the deep universe and the twinkling stars, with a dreamlike and unreal feeling.

Of course, it is extremely rare for someone like Chen Feng to venture into the starry sky with the strength of a beginner human immortal. A true beginner human immortal cannot break free from the shackles of the earth by his own strength. Not to mention traveling in the dangerous starry sky, a void storm can even kill an immortal.

"Although the universe and the starry sky are full of dangers, most of the time it is still very peaceful. Some places have pure spiritual energy and various strange objects used for cultivation. If you can encounter the cave left by the ancient immortals, it would be even better, but this opportunity is still rare." Chen Feng said as he walked in the void.

Wrapped in the power of the Sky-piercing Spear, Chen Feng can walk in the starry sky just like on flat ground.


Chen Feng suddenly jumped and stood on a meteorite. This meteorite was the size of a house and weighed more than 10 million pounds. It was smooth and hard, and there were some pores on it. It was not destroyed in the void storm.

At this time, this meteorite was moving slowly in the starry sky in a special pattern. There were hundreds of large and small meteorites around it.

This is a group of meteorites.

At first, Chen Feng just stood on the meteorite, just like riding a chariot, admiring and browsing the beautiful scenery in the universe.

At first, there was some novelty, and even some excitement, but after a long time, it felt a little boring in the desolate universe.

So Chen Feng sat down and began to comprehend and practice. This time, watching a group of immortals fighting and killing each other, Chen Feng also gained a lot of insights. At this time, in the empty starry sky, some sealed insights emerged one after another, making Chen Feng unable to bear it and want to practice.

Then a strange scene appeared in the starry sky. A flying meteorite was traveling in the vast and boundless starry sky. No one knew where its destination was. A human monk sat quietly on the largest meteorite, motionless, like a sculpture.

In the boundless universe and time and space, the world seemed to have lost its concept. It was unknown how long it had been. Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes from his practice. Two dark streams of light flashed by, and the meteorites blocking Chen Feng were pierced one after another.

Then Chen Feng blinked his eyes, dark and bright, with a flash of spiritual light. He looked up at the stars and down to the underworld. There was actually a majestic aura growing out.

"The Dark Demon Pupil has finally advanced!" Chen Feng was a little surprised. The light in his eyes turned, and two dark energies began to rotate rapidly, like a black hole that could swallow all energy.

"It's just that it will take some time to reach the great success stage."

"It is said that most cultivators will choose to travel and explore in the starry sky after their cultivation is sufficient, but I haven't met anyone so far. It seems that the entire universe is too big, so big that there is no limit.

"Maybe there are no planets with life nearby. After all, there are too few places with life in the entire universe."

When Chen Feng said this, he let out a long roar, and a strong shock wave swept around. Hundreds of meteorites around him turned into fragments, and only a few of the hardest meteorites were left.


Chen Feng's whole body was full of energy, and he didn't even use the power of magic weapons. He traveled through the starry sky with the strength of his body.

Sure enough, Chen Feng felt a strong pressure. This pressure came from various energies in the starry sky, some of which were wandering ions, turbulent void, true energy airflow, various poisonous rays, and small meteorite blocks flying quickly. Each of them could kill a human immortal.

The power around Chen Feng kept rolling, and sometimes he would perform some moves, but after an hour, Chen Feng could not hold on any longer.

So Chen Feng waved his hand, and the power of the immortal weapon enveloped his body. With a powerful protective shield, Chen Feng began to quickly replenish his consumption.

After his strength recovered to the peak, Chen Feng began to move forward with his physical body again.

And when his strength was exhausted, Chen Feng mobilized the power of the immortal weapon. This continued to rotate.

After a long time, although Chen Feng felt that the strength of his physical body had increased, he was a little tired mentally.

"Ah! No wonder you have to cultivate to the level of an earthly immortal before you can venture into the outer space. The power of a human immortal is still too weak. Although I now have an immortal weapon to replenish my power, my speed of advancement is too slow."

Chen Feng finally stepped on the Sky-piercing Spear and flew quickly in the starry sky.

Chen Feng's goal was to find a quiet place to refine the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Heart he had obtained. Once the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Heart was refined, Chen Feng's heart would be advanced and changed, and the Sufu that inhaled and exhaled spiritual energy would be enhanced seven times.

With the power of the immortal weapon, Chen Feng's speed began to increase. He flew hundreds of millions of miles and finally found a lonely planet.

This is a small planet with almost no life on it. It is bare, without trees, and only desolate rocks that can't be seen at the end.

After feeling the power law of the planet a little, Chen Feng quickly circled the planet and carefully checked it. Finally, he confirmed that there was nothing else. Then he inserted the Sky-piercing Spear into the ground and took out the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Heart.

The Seven-Aperture Heart is a spiritual object that takes tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of years to be born in the universe. It is far from being comparable to the spiritual medicine of ten thousand years of age.

It is fiery red, the size of a walnut, and the seven orifices on it are breathing in and out air, floating in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng stretched out his finger to the heart, and a blood hole appeared with a puff. The blood hole went straight to the heart, and the Seven-Aperture Heart went straight into the heart through the blood hole.

Next, Chen Feng began to practice, the blood hole disappeared, and the heart wrapped up the Seven-Aperture Heart.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The heart beat violently, and the power it emitted shook the internal organs. At this time, the heart beat ten times more strongly than usual, and it was still increasing.

Seeing that the heart was about to break, the seven orifices in the body began to operate, emitting seven energies and connecting with the seven holes on the Seven-Aperture Heart. Chen Feng was shocked, and a wonderful feeling spread throughout his body.

The heart was still beating violently, and every time it was like thunder beating a drum, it generated a strong force to stimulate the circulation of qi and blood in the body.

However, Chen Feng did not feel uncomfortable at all, but felt that the powerful force was constantly growing, surging, and roaring, and the skin and flesh of his body were about to explode.

Pah pah pah pah pah!

Pieces of immortal crystals exploded and turned into immortal energy and entered Chen Feng's body. The power required more energy. A total of one hundred immortal crystals were absorbed by Chen Feng.

Not enough, still not enough, another one hundred immortal crystals exploded, Chen Feng opened his mouth and sucked it into his mouth, and then all the immortal energy gathered around the heart. It was refined bit by bit as the heart beat.

Finally, it took Chen Feng three months to completely integrate the Seven-Aperture Heart into his heart. At this time, the heart became different from before. Although the whole heart was bright red, it was full of crystal luster, just like crystal. However, the power contained in each beat scared Chen Feng. In Chen Feng's opinion, if his heart was taken to the outside world, a single beat might be able to shake a thousand-foot mountain into pieces.

The heart is connected to the Seven-Aperture Points. With each beat, there are seven energies inhaling and exhaling. When Chen Feng used his power, the spiritual energy rolled, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy was seven times faster than before.

This is the effect of the Seven-Aperture Heart.


Chen Feng punched the ground, and the heart beat, stimulating a powerful force. The whole planet shook, as if there was a sign of being blown up by a punch.

"My power is too much stronger, more than ten times stronger than before." Chen Feng looked at his fist in shock. Chen Feng had a feeling that even a terrestrial immortal in front of him could be blown up by a punch.


Chen Feng opened his mouth and exhaled. The airflow was like a sword and sword energy, and it flew thousands of miles in one breath before stopping.

In other words, Chen Feng could kill people thousands of miles away by just exhaling casually.

"My power is too strong, and my breath can't be suppressed. It seems that my heavenly tribulation is coming. Well, in this case, I won't suppress it anymore." When Chen Feng said this, he was full of passion and let out a long roar. Something in his sea of ​​consciousness was breaking, and the breath of his whole body twisted into a stream and rushed up to the sky, piercing the sky.


The power of heaven descended, and the black tribulation cloud began to brew. There were lightning and thunder, water and fire, the five elements rolling, the Zhoutian evolution, and various energies were growing. Under the tribulation cloud, Chen Feng felt that the planet under his feet seemed to tremble.

"This is the first time I have survived the tribulation in this situation. I don't know what the next heavenly tribulation will be like." Chen Feng whispered, his muscles trembling, his eyes bright, and he was ready to survive the tribulation.

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