Eternal Existence

Chapter 822: Fighting Spirit Star Lord

"It should be safe now." Daluo Tianzun breathed a sigh of relief, and he completely lost his demeanor as an immortal.

Chen Feng had originally thought about coming out, but after thinking about it, he didn't know why he stayed in Daluo Tianzun's inner world and didn't come out immediately.

"I don't know how the other people are doing. They should be able to escape, right?"

"But I barely managed it. If it weren't for Chen Feng's support, I would have been in a life-or-death situation. The others shouldn't be much better than me."

"It's true that it's not much better. I almost died in there." At this time, Yongheng Tianzun took Sifang Tianzun and Tianjian Tianzun in one hand and stepped into the void and quickly came to Daluo Tianzun.

"You three are lucky. I didn't expect you to come out alive." Daluo Tianzun said with a smile, and he was really surprised.

"I didn't expect you to run so fast, and you look safe and sound." Yongheng Tianzun and the other two were even more surprised.

Among the four, Yongheng Tianzun had the strongest cultivation, but he was also seriously injured at this time. As for Sifang and Tianjian, the two Tianzuns were a little weak. They had to be treated and recuperated as soon as possible, otherwise they would be left with sequelae.

"Haha, I didn't escape by my own strength." Daluo Tianzun laughed with some pride. Compared with the three people, Daluo Tianzun has been much better. At this time, he absorbed some immortal crystals and his strength was recovering rapidly.

"Those two guys should have died here, right?"

Roar! Roar!

As soon as Daluo Tianzun finished speaking, the evil demon god and the dark dragon flew over from the left and right. At this time, these two looked even worse than the four people. The evil demon god's arm was shredded, and even the recovery speed was very slow. As for the dark dragon, only half of its body was left.

It can be said that these two were unlucky. Compared with the four immortals, the evil demon god and the dark dragon were stronger, but they fell into a powerful void storm. The strength of the void storm they encountered was several times that of the four immortals. They were able to escape with only half their lives.

Both sides finally escaped, and they were very miserable. Their combat effectiveness was less than 10%. If they did not dare to go in for healing, they would die in the void if they encountered some changes.

Under such circumstances, of course, they would not continue to fight. The two sides looked at each other and left without saying a word.

But at this time, the Battle Soul Immortal Mansion suddenly flew over and stopped not far from the crowd, emitting waves of power.


Everyone was stunned. In the previous situation, everyone was trying to escape, so how could they pay attention to the object they had robbed before.

In everyone's opinion, the Battle Soul Immortal Mansion had probably disappeared in the void storm. It suddenly appeared at this time, which really made everyone a little stunned.


The nearest dark dragon rushed up suddenly, opened its mouth and was about to swallow the immortal mansion.

The evil demon god and the four great immortals were a step late, and they all shouted and rushed forward.

But at this time, a starlight hand suddenly emerged from the Battle Soul Immortal Mansion, and grabbed the dark dragon in its hand with just one grab, and at the same time, there were strong suction forces devouring the vitality and flesh of the dark dragon.

Feeling the threat of death, the Dark Dragon struggled violently, but at this time, after a great battle and the torture of the void storm, the Dark Dragon's remaining strength was not enough to escape, and it could only let out a series of mournful cries in fear.

"Not good!"

"Sure enough, there is a problem. There is still someone in the Battle Soul Immortal Mansion."

"Could it be the Battle Soul Star Lord?"

"It turned out to be a conspiracy."

"Let's go!"

The four great immortals looked at each other and planned to retreat. The situation in front of them was too weird. Of course, more importantly, everyone had no strength to fight now.

"Can't leave, don't leave." At this time, the evil demon god suddenly spoke.

"Everyone, this is a trap in itself. In the current situation, if everyone joins forces and fights to the death, there is still a glimmer of hope. If you retreat, the final result will be that you will be defeated one by one by the other party." The evil demon god said in a deep voice, and at the same time opened his mouth to take a breath. What was shocking was that with the sound of inhalation, the huge body of the evil demon god began to shrink, but the broken arm grew out.

"Fighting to the death is a fight that will not save us. Forget it. Since we can't leave, we should stay. If you want our lives, you have to pay a price." After hearing the words of the evil demon god, the four great immortals suddenly woke up and realized that the four of them had lost their composure before.


Yongheng Tianzun took the lead, and the immortal weapon Canglong Sword in his hand stimulated a sword aura of thousands of feet and slashed at the Battle Soul Immortal Mansion.

"Hurry up and recover your strength." Yongheng Tianzun's purpose was very clear, that is, to rescue the dark dragon first.

After all, the dark dragon is also very powerful, and the most important thing at the moment is to unite.


The Canglong Sword turned into a dragon with bared fangs and claws and crashed into the Battle Soul Immortal Mansion, making a strong crash and shock wave. Then the dragon transformed by the sword aura was knocked away, and the Battle Soul Immortal Mansion was safe and sound. The huge palm just shook, and then directly dragged the dark dragon into the immortal mansion.

"This dragon is finished."

"Hmph, it's what it deserves. If this guy hadn't come out to make trouble, we would have decided the winner long ago."

"Now is not the time to talk about this. I have a secret technique that can restore strength in a short period of time. I can teach you." The evil demon god took the initiative to suggest.

"No need, we also have this secret technique." Daluo Tianzun coldly refused.

After swallowing the dark dragon, the starlight hand appeared again, slapped the blue dragon knife away and grabbed it towards Yongheng Tianzun.

"Come on!"

Eternal Heavenly Venerable let out a long roar, pulled and closed his hands, and a barrier was formed, quickly covering the big hand.


The barrier was broken, and continued to grab at Eternal Heavenly Venerable.

"Eternal, I'll help you."

Among the four people, Daluo Heavenly Venerable was the least injured, and he had almost recovered at this time. He took the Daluo wooden staff and hit the big hand.

The big hand that was hit paused for a moment.

"The Seven Stars of the Azure Dragon!"

Eternal Heavenly Venerable grabbed the long sword, and the sword light flashed continuously, containing the ultimate truth of the universe. With the cooperation of Daluo Heavenly Venerable, he actually broke the palm.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The strange suction came from Daluo Heavenly Venerable, and the energy of the broken palm was actually absorbed cleanly.


Daluo Heavenly Venerable just exclaimed in surprise, and soon regained his calm.

"Okay, this is a great tonic."

At this time, Chen Feng laughed loudly in the world inside the body of Daluo Tianzun. The big hand just now was formed by the fusion of the spirit, energy and spirit of the immortals. At this time, Chen Feng used his means to absorb it, and all of them were sealed in the body by Chen Feng with the power of the Sky-piercing Spear.

The energy of these immortals has many benefits. Not only can it increase Chen Feng's cultivation, but it can also be added when refining magic weapons, so that the magic weapons can be quickly advanced, and at the same time, it can lay a good foundation.

"Who is it! Looking for death." When Chen Feng devoured the opponent's spirit, he was also attacked by the divine thoughts contained in it, and wanted to disperse Chen Feng's soul right away, but was shattered and wiped out by Chen Feng.

"It seems that the opponent is not too powerful, otherwise he would not have waited until Daluo Tianzun and the others were both injured before taking action."

"But the immortals are not something I can deal with. It's safer to hide in here."

After Chen Feng dealt with these energies, the outside was already in chaos, and there was another melee.

A cultivator condensed from star energy was fighting with the Battle Soul Palace in his hand. The four great immortals and the evil demon god were constantly injured. The five of them were no match for the mysterious man.

"You are the Battle Soul Star Lord, it's impossible, this is not the real flesh." The Four Directions Heavenly Lord shouted.

"It is indeed not the flesh, but after devouring you, my flesh can be condensed again. After so many years, I finally got the chance." The Battle Soul Star Lord threw a punch and the stars flashed, and a wave of his hand was a galaxy.

The Battle Soul Star Lord practiced the secret art of the starry sky, smelting the power of the stars, which was extremely powerful. In addition, he had just devoured the dark dragon of the immortal level, and his attack power was even more violent, hitting everyone back.

"Damn it, if my strength was at its peak, why would I be afraid of this guy who has already been lost." The evil demon god was very angry and a little aggrieved.

"The blue dragon is reborn!"

"Flying sword from outside the domain!"

Sifang Tianzun and Yongheng Tianzun used their special moves at the same time, but they were smashed by Zhanhun Xingjun before they could get close to each other.

"Now!" At this time, Tianjian Tianzun took out a book. The book was square and covered with the texture of heaven and earth and the runes of the universe. It emitted a soft light in Tianjian Tianzun's hand.

This book is Tianjian Tianzun's magic weapon and the method of cultivation. Tianjian Baodian is also a fairy book.

When Tianjian Baodian was opened, golden light was generated, penetrating the void, reflecting that the universe turned golden.

The golden light condensed into a bundle, and it actually entangled Zhanhun Xingjun.

"Good opportunity."

Daluo Tianzun took the Daluo wooden staff and smashed it at Zhanhun Xingjun. Although the wooden staff in Daluo Tianzun's hand was inconspicuous, it was made of Daluo wood. Its hardness was comparable to the hardest metal, and it also had toughness. Although the fairy weapon level was not high, it had great potential.


When the Daluo wooden staff was about to hit the War Soul Star Lord, it was blocked by a starlight hand, and the War Soul Star Lord still did not break free from the restraints of the Heavenly Mirror Treasure Book.


Another wave of tyrannical power erupted from the Daluo wooden staff, directly shattering the starlight hand and hitting the War Soul Star Lord heavily.

At the same time, the evil demon god's fist also hit the War Soul Immortal Mansion.

After fighting until now, the War Soul Star Lord was finally hit. The reason for the success was the cooperation between everyone. Of course, in addition to the Daluo Tianzun, what everyone didn't know was that Chen Feng was secretly doing it. This is also the reason why the Daluo wooden staff burst out with attack power again.

Chen Feng tried his best to exert his attack power, and the benefit he could get was the shattered starlight hand, which was a high-level energy that could not be snatched at ordinary times.

"Daluo, good job." Sifang Tianzun praised.

"Okay, just a few more hits, this War Soul Star Lord I think is just so-so, otherwise he wouldn't have been hiding from Yin people." Daluo Tianzun laughed.

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