Eternal Existence

Chapter 819: Battle between the Immortals

"You are just four little beginner immortals. If I can recover, I can kill you with one punch." The evil demon god sneered.

"Barbarian demon god! You are injured, but you are so arrogant." Yongheng Tianzun sneered.

"Now is not the time to fight with you. Let me get the Battle Soul Immortal Palace first." The evil demon god said, his body suddenly became larger, and the air flow in his body flowed. He pushed the crowd violently, and the air flow rolled, attacking the four immortals. Then the evil demon god rushed towards the palace.

In half a blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the palace and stretched out his hand to grab the palace.


The Battle Soul Immortal Palace shook violently, but it did not knock the evil demon god away.

Speaking of which, the owner of this Battle Soul Immortal Palace, Battle Soul Star Lord, was only at the level of a mid-level immortal when he was alive, and was in the same realm as the evil demon god. Under normal circumstances, the things left after death would be easily taken away by the evil demon god. It's a pity that the evil demon god was injured, and it was difficult to take over this palace in a blink of an eye.





The four immortals attacked at the same time, breaking the air waves in front of them, and then attacked the evil demon god at the same time.

The killing moves of the four immortals were about to attack the evil demon god, and the evil demon god's broad shoulders shook and disappeared on the spot.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The four attacks hit the immortal mansion at the same time, so the immortal mansion shook and crashed back quickly, breaking the ice layer wherever it passed, leaving a huge passage.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and do it." The evil demon god shouted at the Star Fire Immortal Lord, and then punched out, and the fierce fist force attacked the Tianjian Tianzun.

The Star Fire Immortal Lord hesitated for a moment, but still rushed up with the fire fork, and chose to target the Four Directions Tianzun.

In fact, according to the peak state of the Evil God and the Starfire Immortal Lord, they really did not take these four native monks seriously. Unfortunately, the Evil God's strength had not recovered, and the Starfire Immortal Lord was the most miserable. He was injured repeatedly and could not even exert half of his usual strength.

Boom! Boom!

As soon as they fought, the Wanli Icefield was completely destroyed. After a few breaths, the icefield disappeared, leaving only a huge deep pit.

"This level of battle is not something I can participate in." A pair of wings appeared faintly behind Chen Feng.

It was the Immortal Wings. Chen Feng could only achieve this step by relying on the power of the Immortal Tower. It was far from a small success, and he had not even really achieved the entry level.

But in this state, Chen Feng's mind moved, the shadow of the wings shook slightly, and Chen Feng was thousands of miles away. Two or three flashes, that is, in the blink of an eye, Chen Feng was thousands of miles away. Even so, Chen Feng still felt a strong gale blowing in his face. This gale was the aftermath of a battle between a group of immortals. Wherever the gale passed, the towering trees and the mountains formed by hard rocks turned into powder, fragile as if they were illusory.

The Void Soul Star was shaking, and some cultivators who were training on it were all panicked. As for the local creatures, they fled in panic.

"Students from the four holy places quickly go to the transmission channel and return to the eternal world. This planet is about to explode." The thoughts of the Eternal Heavenly Venerable spread throughout the planet.

At the same time, the thoughts of the Eternal Heavenly Venerable turned into energy, wrapped up the students of the Eternal Academy, and quickly transferred them to the front of the transmission array.

At the same time, the Four Directions Heavenly Venerable, the Daluo Heavenly Venerable, and the Heavenly Mirror Heavenly Venerable also separated their thoughts and transferred the cultivators in their own academies away.

Everyone was stunned by this great magical power. Some knowledgeable people immediately guessed that this was the method of the immortals, so they did not stay and quickly entered the void channel and returned to the eternal world.

Soon, almost all the cultivators left the Void Soul Star, only Chen Feng did not leave. Chen Feng had also been subjected to the thoughts of Daluo Tianzun before, but was shaken away by Chen Feng's strong force. With the immortal weapon of the Sky-piercing Spear in hand, Daluo Tianzun could not force Chen Feng's movements, not to mention that Daluo Tianzun was in the battle and could not spare any extra power.


The Battle Soul Immortal Palace boiled out and floated in the air. Its volume rapidly increased, exuding the power of the immortal weapon, as if it was accidentally attacked by everyone.


The Immortal Palace fell to the ground, just like a million-foot-high mountain falling to the ground. The whole planet seemed to be hit by a big iron hammer, shaking as a whole, and the orbit was affected, and even cracks began to appear.

Most of the creatures on the planet were killed or injured at this time, and they were all killed alive by the shock.

However, some powerful monsters struggled to fly out of the Void Soul Star and rushed into the vast starry sky, hoping to escape this disaster. Although the outer space is dangerous and it is a life-threatening situation to venture into it, it is much better than staying and waiting to die.

Many of these powerful beings are at the level of earthly immortals, which is also the object of training the four major academies. However, after feeling the breath of the upper immortals, these earthly immortals all ran away honestly.

Chen Feng is probably the only accident on the entire planet.

"Hey! This is the treasure I found, but I didn't expect it to be fought over by these people. Tower, can you put this palace away?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"You can put it away, but you can't escape the pursuit of these people." Tower said simply.

"Forget it, let's just watch the excitement. If we can get some gains, we will be satisfied, and forget about this immortal palace." Chen Feng shook his head, his eyes bright, and watched the fight between the people through the chaotic energy storm.

After cultivating to the realm of immortals, you can completely break free from the shackles of heaven and earth, ascend to the immortal world, and have the power to protect yourself while wandering in the outer stars. Your life span will exceed one million years, your true spirit will be immortal, you can open up the world within your body, and refine the power of the world. , the essence of life far exceeds the level of earthly immortals.

A monk of this level cannot be described as overwhelming at all. Every move he makes can destroy a small planet. With six immortals fighting in front of him, the medium-sized life planet of Void Soul Star is about to burst.

"Boy, the broken planet is also a good opportunity for you." At this time, Ta suddenly spoke.

"I understand, you are talking about the original power of the universe. I have sensed it before. There is indeed the original power, but it is at the core of the planet. I am waiting for the other party to blow up the planet." Chen Feng laughed.

“I just don’t know what is that thing that appeals to me?”

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The fighting became more and more intense, and the fighting souls of the Immortal Mansion were also beaten up and down. If this Immortal Mansion had not been tough enough, it would have been destroyed by everyone.


The Skyfire Clan's Starfire Immortal Lord was the first to be knocked out. He was seriously injured and flew thousands of miles away, landing right in front of Chen Feng.

"good chance!"

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and without saying a word, he inserted the sky-piercing spear in his hand into the body of Immortal Star Fire. At the same time, Chen Feng used the sky-swallowing absorption technique to quickly swallow the essence in the opponent's body.

"court death!"

Xinghuo Immortal Lord slapped Chen Feng away, turned around and rushed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng laughed. Although the time just now was short, he had gained a lot. Even just a trace of the essence of the immortal was enough for Chen Feng to refine for a period of time. Such high-grade things could make Chen Feng's Strength itself undergoes a sea change.


At this time, a wooden staff emerged from the void and smashed it down on Xinghuo Immortal Lord's head. Da Luo Tianzun's voice came from above: "Dignified Immortal, it is a bit shameless to attack a human immortal."

Xinghuo Immortal Lord at least took action to resist Daluo Tianzun's attack, and had no time to attack Chen Feng.

But Chen Feng took advantage and did not leave immediately. Instead, he rushed forward again with a spear, and the spear shadows in the sky kept piercing through the Star Fire Immortal Lord.

Xinghuo Immortal Lord was constantly provoked by Chen Feng, and he was extremely angry. He was inadvertently hit by Daluo Tianzun's wooden staff. Chen Feng took the opportunity to step forward and once again used the sky-swallowing absorption technique to extract some energy.

"Hahahahaha. It's so enjoyable!" Chen Feng laughed.

Hearing this, the four great immortals Daluo Tianzun also laughed, and only the Evil God cursed "idiot".

As for Xinghuo Immortal Lord, his face has turned blue, he is no longer talking, let alone furious, and his expression is becoming calmer and calmer.

An unpleasant feeling surged in Chen Feng's heart, and he was about to retreat, but he felt that there were fires in front of him, and the wild heat wave enveloped him. Chen Feng didn't have time to think too much, and immediately blocked the sky-piercing spear in front of him.


An unstoppable force was transmitted along the Sky-piercing Spear. This was the power of the Immortal. Chen Feng knew that he could not resist it at all, so he communicated with the Eternal Life Tower. The Eternal Life Tower shook violently, and the powerful power was continuously transmitted. To Chen Feng, at the same time, the 100,000 formation in the Eternal Life Tower also began to activate.

The current power of the Eternal Life Tower alone is naturally not enough, but the Eternal Life Tower has mobilized the power of another immortal weapon, the bone spear.

As a result, Chen Feng suffered some injuries, but he blocked the attack of Immortal Star Fire.


No matter whether Xinghuo Immortal Lord was stunned, even the other fighting immortals were also shocked. Even the Evil God had a look of surprise in his eyes.

Although Chen Feng holds an immortal weapon in his hand, he is only a human immortal in any case, but he can block the attack of an immortal. This in itself is incredible.

"There is something strange about this kid. I'm afraid there are other things. If there is a chance, I can catch this kid and investigate." This is what the Evil God thought in his heart.

"Da Luo, there is an amazing student in your academy, but he will be destroyed by Lin Feng. This little guy is too popular." Yongheng said.

"The limelight is strong, hahahaha, think about which one of us was not in the limelight back then. This kid is a talent and has potential. If I have the opportunity, I want to cultivate him well." Daluo Tianzun burst into laughter.


Xinghuo Immortal was stunned for a moment, and Daluo Tianzun's wooden stick, the immortal weapon, struck again, knocking Xinghuo Immortal back.

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