Eternal Existence

Chapter 820: Collecting the Origin

This time, Xinghuo Xianjun was in a miserable state. His bones were broken, his flesh and blood flew everywhere, and his life force became chaotic.

Chen Feng was also unable to attack at this time, but the Changsheng Tower secretly dispatched him. A strong suction force enveloped Xinghuo Xianjun. The swallowing and absorbing technique performed by the Changsheng Tower was much stronger than Chen Feng.

In an instant, one third of the spirit in Xinghuo Xianjun's body was extracted.

Xinghuo Xianjun screamed, turned into a ball of fire, burned a big hole in the space, and disappeared into the void.

After losing one third of his spirit, Xinghuo Xianjun felt the threat of death, so he made a quick decision and fled.

"I will remember you, kid from the Changsheng clan. We are not done." But before leaving, Xinghuo Xianjun still left some harsh words.

"You ran away quickly this time." Chen Feng also sneered, but this time he extracted one-third of the opponent's spirit, which was enough for him to refine and absorb. This was the essence of the immortals. For Chen Feng, every bit was a rare good thing.

"Just ran away like that."

Everyone was surprised, but in this way, the evil demon god suffered a strong pressure. Facing the siege of four immortals, even the powerful evil demon god was a little overwhelmed. Not long after the fight, he was hit repeatedly. He shouted in anger.

"Damn it, damn it, it's really a tiger in the plain being bullied by a dog. If I recover all my strength, I can kill these little natives with one punch."

"Wild God Fist!"

At this time, the body of the evil god became bigger again, and the whole person seemed to be born to stand upright. The huge fist filled the sky and the earth, and actually shook the four immortals away in one fell swoop.


Next, the evil god stepped forward quickly, grabbed the battle soul palace with his palm that covered the sky and sun, and his whole body shook, breaking through the space and disappearing into the void.

"Where are you going!"

How could the treasure fly away? The four people of Daluo Tianzun broke through the space at the same time and chased after him. Before leaving, Daluo Tianzun wanted to take Chen Feng with him, but Chen Feng refused.

"Senior, don't worry about me. I have my own way to save my life." Chen Feng said.

Daluo Tianzun took a deep look, said nothing more, and disappeared into the void.

"I don't know if they can catch up with the evil god. If they can't catch up with him, it would be a big loss. Besides, there are things I need in that fairy palace." Chen Feng said secretly.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

After the battle just now, the virtual soul star is finally about to collapse. Countless huge cracks continue to spread, and powerful forces expand from the inside of the planet, making the virtual soul star bigger.

This is a sign of explosion.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The Sky-piercing Spear emitted a stream of immortal energy that wrapped up Chen Feng and quickly flew into the starry sky, but Chen Feng did not stop and continued to control the Sky-piercing Spear to fly.

It stopped after flying a million miles.

"It may not be safe here." Chen Feng said.

Sometimes a cultivator can blow up a planet, but the impact force generated by the explosion of this planet is not something that this cultivator can bear. If he gets close, he may be directly blown into serious injuries or even fragments by the impact force generated by the explosion.

There is of course an important reason why Chen Feng stayed here, that is, for the origin of the planet inside the Void Soul Star, which is the most important thing. In addition, Chen Feng thought that there should be some ancient relics and relics on such a large planet, but he didn't know how many could be left in the explosion.


Finally, when the Void Soul Star expanded to a certain extent, it suddenly shrank again, just like a beating heart, and powerful energy gushed out of the cracks. The chaotic energy storm then overwhelmed Chen Feng's sight, and the explosion that followed made Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness in a state of confusion.

When Chen Feng woke up, he had been pushed by the energy storm and flew hundreds of thousands of miles, and the momentum had not stopped.

In Chen Feng's perception, this was the destruction of the universe, and all life had been cut off.

This was also the first time Chen Feng saw a life planet explode.

"Can't delay any longer." Chen Feng shook his palm, and the Sky-piercing Spear burst into a dazzling light, the retreating momentum stopped, and the surrounding energy storm was also eliminated.


The shadow of the Longevity Tower enveloped Chen Feng, and Chen Feng broke through the energy with a spear in his hand and swept forward.

With the help of the power of the Longevity Tower and the Sky-piercing Spear, the light in Chen Feng's eyes pierced through the starry sky and continued to sweep across the energy storm.

Chen Feng was looking for the original power in it.

But the storm was so violent that even the nearby star fields were affected. Chen Feng's eyes were burning like fire, and his sea of ​​consciousness was damaged but he still couldn't find the original power.

"It couldn't have been blown to pieces."

"If it was shattered, it would be troublesome to collect it."

Just when Chen Feng wanted to rest for a while, the world's origin power hidden in his body that had not been fully refined suddenly vibrated, and it attracted and linked with the energy in the distant void.

"Found it!"

Chen Feng was extremely surprised. With a wave of his hand, the Longevity Tower flew out and turned into a yellow stream of light and disappeared into the void. Chen Feng's mind was connected to the Longevity Tower, so he could naturally see everything that the Longevity Tower encountered.

A ball of star-lit energy appeared in Chen Feng's sight. This ball of energy seemed to be composed of countless stars. At first glance, it looked like a dazzling gem, but the energy on this gem was constantly emitting.

It was the original power inside the Void Soul Star, but it was different from the original fragments that Chen Feng had encountered before. Although the original power in front of him looked very powerful, it had not condensed into a solid state after all.

The Longevity Tower quickly stepped forward and easily collected this group of original power.

Then the Longevity Tower did not return to Chen Feng's body, and its size increased rapidly, standing in the universe and swallowing up the energy storms around it.

The breath of the Great Dao spread from the Longevity Tower, and Chen Feng's mind began to shake. With the help of the advancement of the Longevity Tower, Chen Feng also gained a lot of benefits, and his spiritual realm was greatly improved.

"Finally, the power of the Tao instrument has been restored." Chen Feng and the tower sighed at the same time. Then the Longevity Tower shook in the air, and the four-sided starry sky solidified, as if it had become another world.


The Longevity Tower quickly shrank, and finally turned into a stream of light and drilled into Chen Feng's body.

"Tower, how do you feel?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"It feels good, but the energy is not enough. However, I still left you a part of the original power just now, which is enough for you to practice." Ta said with a smile.

"The Void Soul Star has been broken, and even the original power has been taken by us. Now it's time to find the Battle Soul Immortal Mansion."

"Don't worry, I have locked the Battle Soul Immortal Mansion, but whether I can take it at that time is still another question."

"It doesn't matter whether I take it or not, I just want to get the things that are attractive to me."

Next, Chen Feng was wrapped in a ball of energy and began to travel through the starry sky. According to Chen Feng's own strength, of course, he couldn't do this. Fortunately, Chen Feng had several high-level magic weapons on him, which were enough to deal with what would happen in the void next.

This was the first time that Chen Feng traveled in the starry sky, and he didn't know his specific speed, but he encountered some flying meteorites during the period, which made Chen Feng secretly surprised at the result of his speculation.


The meteorite, which didn't look big at first, hit him head-on and was smashed into pieces by Chen Feng's punch, but Chen Feng was shocked and his forward speed was full.

The impact just now was more than 500 million pounds of force.

"It's been three days and three nights, and we should have flown 100 million miles. There is no trace of the Battle Soul Immortal Mansion until now. Could it be that we are looking in the wrong direction?" Chen Feng asked.

"It must be this direction." Ta said lightly.

"Hey! There is movement in front, it is a life planet." At this time, there was a power fluctuation in front. When Chen Feng came to the front, he found that it was a small planet. At this time, the planet was covered with cracks and was about to explode and destroy. The creatures on it were running in fear.

Chen Feng's spiritual sense swept the situation on the planet clearly. This is a low-level life planet. Although there are many cultivators on it, the strongest one is not even a human immortal.

Under this disaster, all life on the planet can't escape.

Chen Feng sighed and flew over. Not long after, a dull explosion came from behind. Chen Feng knew that the planet was over.

"When immortals fight, mortals suffer. It can be regarded as bad luck for the creatures on this planet." Chen Feng shook his head and began to move forward.

At this time, the traces left by the battle of Daluo Tianzun and others were already very obvious. There were constantly destroyed meteorites or planets, but the life planet did not appear, which also made Chen Feng secretly relieved. At the same time, he also knew that his state of mind was not strong enough, and he was inevitably soft-hearted in the face of this situation.

Dense meteorites flew from the front, some of which were only the size of a fist, and some were as big as a mountain. These meteorites carried powerful power. Wherever they passed, a small planet was beaten into a hornet's nest, and then exploded, and then more meteorite smoke and dust impacted and floated in the universe.

Chen Feng could no longer dodge, so he could only open a path with a spear in his hand. After this wave of meteorites passed, Chen Feng's face was a little pale.

"These guys made too much noise. I wonder who has the Battle Soul Immortal Mansion now?" Chen Feng smashed the last meteorite.

The starry sky in front of him suddenly became bright and vast, and the stars flickered in the deep starry sky. As far as Chen Feng could see, he could see desolate and lifeless planets.

A wave of energy was transmitted to Chen Feng, which made Chen Feng's eyes light up, knowing that he had caught up with the opponent.

A melee, still a melee, Chen Feng frowned after just one look.

I thought it was the four great immortals besieging the evil demon god, but at this time there was a huge dark dragon involved. This dark dragon was very powerful, and Chen Feng clearly saw Daluo Tianzun being whipped away by its tail.

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