Eternal Existence

Chapter 818 The Four Great Celestial Lords

"This evil god is really powerful. Fortunately, he is injured, otherwise the Starfire Immortal Lord of the Skyfire Clan would have been blown up by a punch. But now it seems that the Starfire Immortal Lord can't hold on for much longer." Chen Feng sat on the ground, holding the Sky-piercing Spear in his hand, brewing and watching the battle under the ice.


The ice layer of thousands of miles in radius was thrown up suddenly, then shattered with a bang, and finally evaporated completely.

This is the power of the fight between the immortals. As for Chen Feng, he has already flown in the sky, his eyes are still fixed on the battle below. Watching the battle of high-level cultivators is also beneficial to himself. Chen Feng has already had some enlightenment at this time. Many of the things he didn't understand in the past practice process have been solved. If it weren't for the wrong time, Chen Feng would even have to practice.

However, Chen Feng was also constantly practicing in his mind at this time. In the end, he couldn't control it, and the breath of his whole body began to surge.


The ice layer within a radius of ten thousand miles was shaking. The evil barbarian god punched the Star Fire Immortal Lord and sent him flying. At the same time, he sneered: "The little immortal of the Sky Fire Clan can resist me for such a long time. You are capable. Anyway, I will kill you with one punch now."

The Star Fire Immortal Lord was vomiting blood at this time. The fire fork in his hand was flashing with flames. The previous fight was almost interrupted. At this time, the Star Fire Immortal Lord secretly regretted that if he had known that the other party was so powerful, he would never fight head-on.

The ancient barbarians themselves are as powerful as the Sky Fire Clan, not to mention that the cultivation level of the evil barbarian god in front of him is higher than his own.

Seeing that the evil barbarian god was about to punch again, the Star Fire Immortal Lord let out a long roar and actually rushed directly to the Battle Soul Immortal Mansion. Knowing that he could not escape, the Star Fire Immortal Lord also wanted to fight desperately.

"Looking for death!" The evil demon god was about to step forward.

But at this time, a sword light fell from the sky and pierced the Star Fire Immortal Lord directly and nailed him on the ice layer.

"What!" This change surprised not only Chen Feng who was watching, but also the evil god. At the same time, anger appeared on his face, and he punched the sky. With this punch, even the sky was broken, and the whole Xuhun Star trembled.

A monk in white clothes appeared from the space. His face was ethereal, and his gestures had the temperament of a scholar, but there were starlight flashing between his eyes, full of wisdom.


The man waved his hand, and the long sword inserted in the body of the Star Fire Immortal Lord turned into a stream of light and fell into his hand. At this time, his whole body shook violently, and the whole person turned into a sword that soared into the sky. At this time, the aura was that of a wandering sword immortal.

"Another immortal has come. Hey, this time Xuhun Star is probably going to be blown up." Chen Feng laughed.

The situation was a bit out of balance. If the Starfire Immortal Lord was killed, then the Xieman God would be the only one left. With his current strength, he was not the last of the Xieman God. For Chen Feng, he would rather face the Starfire Immortal Lord. After all, he was only an upper immortal. Moreover, Chen Feng had some understanding of the situation of the Skyfire Clan. The violent barbarian god of the middle-level upper immortal was not something he could contend with, even if he used all his strength.

"Another sword immortal has come." The arrogant aura of the Xieman God suddenly withdrew, and he became a little alert. The attack power of the sword immortal was the strongest among all the cultivation methods. Although the man in front of him was only an initial upper immortal, he was stronger than the guy from the Skyfire Clan just now, and at least he could bring a sense of threat to himself.

"Who are you? You dare to attack me. You know who I am, right? You are causing trouble for your family and sect again." The face of the Starfire Immortal Lord was red at this time, and there was a flame burning on his body. The wound on his body that was pierced by the long sword just now had healed, but it also consumed a lot of original energy.

If the Starfire Immortal Lord fought with the Evil God again at this time, he would probably be knocked away with one punch without fighting for many rounds.

The Starfire Immortal Lord was very angry that he was attacked by someone, but he was not strong enough at this time, so he could only use his backstage to scare the other party.

Indeed, there are not many forces in the entire universe that can provoke the Skyfire Clan, not even the Immortal Realm. The major heavens are beyond the Immortal Realm and can easily conquer and rule a star field.

"I don't care who you are, but you are making trouble on my territory now, I should kill you." The Sword Immortal said lightly, and there was a shadow of a long sword circling in his pupils.

"Immortal! But he has not passed the tribulation and ascended to heaven. He has the breath of the eternal world on his body. I think he should be from the four major universities." At this time, the Evil God suddenly spoke.

After hearing the words of the Evil God, the Sword Immortal was shocked. He didn't expect that this Barbarian God was so powerful and saw through his true and false origins at a glance.

"So you are the natives of the Eternal World, you don't know how to live or die. I just need to report to my family and I can destroy your Eternal World immediately." Starfire Immortal Lord sneered.

"What a big tone, let's see how you destroy our Eternal World." At this time, another person arrived, still an immortal.

A cultivator who looked like a middle-aged man, holding a wooden stick, stepped through the space and came to the crowd. He wore a high crown and starlight armor. His aura was only higher than that of the sword immortal.

"Daluo, you are here." The sword immortal greeted.

"Haha, Sifang, you came quickly. If I didn't come, it seems that you would suffer." The middle-aged cultivator who was later called Daluo laughed.

"The other party is not simple. One is an ancient barbarian god, and the other seems to be from a strange race. But there is also a little guy over there. It seems that he should be a student of your Daluo Academy." Sword Immortal Sifang said, and finally glanced at Chen Feng.

"Daluo, Sifang, interesting, it seems that these two should be the founders of Daluo Academy and Sifang Academy. I just don't know why these two people have reached the upper immortal realm but have not ascended." Chen Feng thought to himself.

After listening to Sifang Tianzun's words, Daluo Tianzun looked at Chen Feng. The first thing he noticed was the immortal spear in Chen Feng's hand. His eyes suddenly lit up and blurted out: "Immortal weapon!"

"Meet the dean." Chen Feng stepped forward and saluted.

"No need to be polite. I am not the dean of the academy now. The little guy is not bad, not bad." Daluo Tianzun looked up and down at Chen Feng, then nodded: "I didn't expect that there is such a person in my Daluo Academy. Sifang, I wonder if there are such students in your Sifang Academy?"

Looking at Daluo Tianzun's proud look, Sifang Tianzun said lightly: "There should be."

"Hey!" Daluo Academy curled its lips and said no more, but said to Chen Feng: "What's your name, little guy?"

"Student Chen Feng, meet the senior." Chen Feng said loudly.

"Not bad, not bad!" Since Daluo Tianzun knew that Chen Feng was a student of Daluo Academy, he liked him more and more, and his eyes gradually brightened.

"You two don't seem to take me seriously." At this time, Xie Manshen finally couldn't bear to speak.

"Don't dare, Lord Manshen is a senior. I don't know why he appeared here. Xuhun Star is jointly developed by our four academies and is specially used for the trials of our students. Such a small place should not be favored by a mid-level immortal." Daluo Tianzun said with a smile.

"You are lying with your eyes open. It's simple. If you let me take this palace away, I will leave this planet. Otherwise, if we fight, I'm afraid this planet will be broken." The evil god laughed.

"Everything here belongs to the Void Soul Star." The Four-sided Heavenly Venerable said.

"That's not negotiable."

"Of course, there is no negotiation. If the Void Soul Star is broken, we can just open up a new one. If you want to snatch something from us, you have to fight desperately." Daluo raised the wooden stick in his hand. The wooden stick was round and shiny. It looked inconspicuous, but the aura it exuded showed that it was an immortal weapon.

"It's just a small native, evil god, let's talk about our business later. Let's deal with these two natives first." At this time, the Star Fire Immortal Lord spoke. As the flames on his body burned, the aura on the Star Fire Immortal Lord slowly stabilized.

"This should be the secret technique of the Sky Fire Clan. This guy is really unlucky." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

"Old man, why are you joining in the fun here instead of going back to the Skyfire Realm? I think you should go back quickly, or you will lose your life here. That would be a big loss." Chen Feng pointed at the Starfire Immortal Lord and laughed, not caring about the strength of the other party's immortal.

"Well said!"

Two cultivators fell from the sky, one on the left and one on the back. They rushed towards the Starfire Immortal Lord and the Evil God with a strong aura, and the air waves were rolling and invincible.

"Looking for death!"

The Starfire Immortal Lord was really angry to the extreme. He was from the Skyfire Clan and was an immortal. When had he ever been so humiliated? He really didn't expect these little natives to not take him seriously.

"When this matter is over, I will mobilize my strength to destroy the Eternal World." The Starfire Immortal Lord thought fiercely in his heart.

"Tianjian, Eternal, you are here too." Daluo Tianzun said with a smile.

The man and woman who came later were Eternal Tianzun and Tianjian Tianzun, both of whom were in the realm of immortals and the founders of Tianjian Academy and Eternal Academy.

The founders of the four holy places gathered together, and the impact of the four immortals made Chen Feng secretly stunned.

"It was just a casual experience, but I actually met these four bosses. I have to stay away from the battle later. I am afraid that the Void Soul Star will not be saved. However, there are things I need in this palace. I don’t know how to get them." Chen Feng’s eyes kept flashing.

"I had already calculated that there would be treasures here. I came back from the outside world a hundred years ago." Yongheng Tianzun is a cultivator with a resolute face and the strongest among the four.

"The other side only has two people, it should be easy to deal with." Although Tianjian Tianzun is a female cultivator, her domineering aura is no less than the other three.

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