Eternal Existence

Chapter 799: Building a Teleportation Array

"Wow! Chen Feng, I haven't seen you for a few days, and your cultivation level has made another breakthrough. This is so unbelievable. I think even the geniuses in our school can't compare to you." Jian Qingwu exclaimed.

"Huh!" Jian Qingwu said nothing, and a cold snort suddenly sounded. It turned out that there were two young male cultivators behind Lan Ling, but Chen Feng had never seen these two people, but judging from the arrogance on their faces, , Chen Feng also knew that the other party must be an elite in Da Luo Academy.

"I heard that Donglong Island was occupied by someone, but I didn't expect it to be a little unknown monk who is not even a mid-level immortal."

The person who spoke was very arrogant and obviously did not take Chen Feng seriously.

"Who are these two?" Chen Feng would have been angry before, but now Chen Feng's expression is calm and he is not angry at all because of what he just said, at least that's what it looks like on the surface.

Lan Ling also felt the same way when she met Lan Ling this time. She felt that Chen Feng had changed a lot and seemed to be more stable and mature. In addition, there was an indescribable feeling.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Senior Brother Tie Yuan Tie, and this is Senior Brother Feng Jian Feng. They are both talented monks in our Da Luo Academy." Lan Ling introduced quickly.

"I've met you two." Chen Feng greeted with a smile.

"I've met Island Master Chen!" Chen Feng was very polite, and the two of them didn't want to go too far.

"It seems that the two senior brothers have been in the middle-level human immortal world for a while. They must have cultivated their secret skills very deeply." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's hard to say that you have advanced cultivation, but ordinary monks haven't taken it seriously yet." Tie Yuan sneered, looking at the sky and ignoring Chen Feng's existence.

Chen Feng nodded, stopped talking, and then turned to Lan Ling and asked, "Senior Sister Lan, what's the reason for coming here this time?"

"Haha, why, it's okay, can't we come?" Lan Ling said with a smile.

"That's not true. You are welcome to come and play at any time." Chen Feng smiled casually.

"Junior brother Chen has been very popular in the cultivation world recently. He even dares to provoke the Xu family. Are you not afraid of trouble?" Lan Ling rolled her eyes and asked with a smile.

"There will be some trouble, but I don't think the Xu family will come looking for trouble in a short time. Even if trouble comes, I can handle it."


After hearing Chen Feng's words, Tie Yuan and Feng Jian laughed at the same time.

"You can handle it. Hey, the Xu family is a first-class sect. It's not something a small island like yours can handle. I really thought that by occupying a few small islands, I could dominate. For those first-class sects, destroying you, Donglong The island is simply a piece of cake." Tie Yuan said with a smile.

"Senior Brother Tie makes sense, but I haven't thought about such a long-term matter. If the Xu family comes to seek revenge, at worst, I will abandon Donglong Island and find a place to hide." Chen Feng chuckled.

"You are such a coward." Tie Yuan was speechless and could only say this sentence. Of course, Chen Feng can enter Xu City to cause trouble for his friends, which in itself shows that he is not a coward. generation.

"It's better to be timid than to die." Chen Feng laughed again.

"This guy!"

Lan Ling felt even more strange. In Lan Ling's opinion, Chen Feng was not such a good-tempered person. At this time, the light in Chen Feng's eyes simply did not take Tie Yuan into consideration.

You must know that Tie Yuan and Feng Jian are middle-level immortals, and they have great names in the entire Da Luo Academy.

"Junior brother Chen, I came here this time on the one hand to go out to sea to find some elixirs, and on the way here to take a look. On the other hand, I wanted to ask junior brother when he will report to Da Luo Academy." Lan Ling changed the topic.

"According to what you said last time, I am now a student of Da Luo Academy, but I have never gone there. This is all because I have too many things recently. It just so happens that I have almost handled the things now, and it is time for Da Luo Academy Take a look, Daluo Academy is one of the four holy places in the Central Plains. You should be able to learn something by entering it. "

Not only Tie Yuan and Feng Jian, but also sisters Lan Ling and Jian Qingwu couldn't stand what Chen Feng said. They felt that Chen Feng's words were too arrogant.

"Arrogant! I want to see what you are capable of?" Tie Yuan couldn't bear it anymore and raised his hand to attack Chen Feng.

Tie Yuan practiced the Avenue of Gold, and his attack power was unparalleled. Everyone felt the golden light shining as a metal avenue hit Chen Feng.

"To be able to turn the path of the Dao into an attack, the monks from Daluo Academy are indeed not simple. Although they are not the real power of the Dao, they are not simple either." Chen Feng chuckled, but he was not worried. If the other party's cultivation level It was an Earth Immortal who had condensed the truly complete Golden Dao. Chen Feng would be promoted a little further. At this time, facing this kind of attack, Chen Feng directly grabbed it with his bare hands.

"Catching my Golden Light Avenue with bare hands is really asking for death." Tie Yuan sneered, and the Golden Light Avenue that struck out suddenly burst out with more dazzling light, and various iron thorns and steel flowers grew out, attacking Chen Feng densely.

"Broken!" Chen Feng suddenly grabbed his hand, and golden flowers splashed out. The golden light emitted by Tie Yuan was shattered, and the indestructible golden power was as fragile as water splashes in Chen Feng's hands.

Thump thump thump thump!

Tie Yuan backed away continuously, looking at Chen Feng with a horrified expression, not believing that his attack was so easily broken.

Chen Feng did not continue to attack, but smiled: "The attack is good, but the power is not enough."

These words naturally give people a domineering and domineering feeling, making people feel that Chen Feng is so arrogant and that what he says is the truth.

"This guy, did I just have an illusion?" Jian Qingwu rubbed his eyes and muttered.

Chen Feng's body at this time can resist the seventh-grade holy weapon. If he activates the skills to fight the enemy, even the ninth-grade holy weapon, or even the Taoist weapon with weak attack power can block it.

Tie Yuan in front of him is just a mid-level human immortal. In Chen Feng's eyes, this level of cultivator is really a bit despised.

Tie Yuan's face turned red and white, and he felt a little angry. He wanted to take action but was stopped by Feng Jian on the side.

"Don't do it again, this guy is really powerful, unless the two of us join forces." Feng Jian secretly transmitted the voice.

"Join hands!" Tie Yuan was stunned, then honest, and stopped talking. If the two of them joined forces to deal with Chen Feng, if this matter was spread out, I don't know how much ridicule would be met.

"Everyone will practice together in the future, and the competition in Daluo Academy is also very fierce. Now that you two have seen Chen Feng's strength, I think the things mentioned before should be no problem." At this time, Lan Ling said with a smile.

"I have no objection. Junior Brother Chen is very strong." Feng Jian said with a smile.

Tie Yuan just nodded, but didn't say anything.

"What are you doing?" Chen Feng smiled and understood a little: "You are testing me."

"Yes, the competition in Daluo Academy is very fierce. I want to pull you to our group. I don't know if Junior Brother Chen agrees." Lan Ling said with a smile.

"So it's this matter. I really need your care." Chen Feng nodded, but didn't refuse.

Seeing Chen Feng agreed, Lan Ling's eyes immediately flashed with surprise. Not to mention Chen Feng's strength, it is not something that ordinary human immortals can do to conquer such a large territory as Donglong Island. Even some earth immortals suffered losses here. Of course, Lan Ling values ​​Chen Feng's potential more.

When she first met Chen Feng, Chen Feng was far from being so powerful. In a short period of time, Chen Feng was able to turn Xucheng upside down. As I said, this is something that many earth immortals can't do.

"I wonder when Junior Brother Chen plans to leave?"

"You all finally came to our Donglong Island, so you have to stay for a while. Let me entertain you well, and I also have to make some arrangements."

"By the way, I plan to build another teleportation array on Donglong Island recently, and I hope to get your help." Chen Feng changed the subject.

"I don't know much about building a teleportation array. I can help, but not other things. By the way, isn't there a teleportation array on this island?" Lan Ling asked curiously.

"There is indeed a teleportation array on the island, but the level is not high enough. I plan to build a large teleportation array that can teleport millions or tens of millions of miles."

"This is a big project, and it can't be built in a short time." Fengjian said after thinking for a while.

"A large amount of precious materials are needed, and of course the most important thing is the engraving of the array diagram."

"I have a lot of materials for building a teleportation array, the array diagram is also ready, and I have some human immortals to help, I think it will be quick."

Facts have proved that what Chen Feng said is right, because after Chen Feng said this, a large teleportation array was built in a month. This is the first time Chen Feng has done it. If he builds it again, the time will be greatly shortened.

The array diagram of the teleportation array was obtained by Chen Feng from the tower. Speaking of it, there are no less than ten large teleportation array drawings in the materials stored in the Changsheng Tower, but Chen Feng still chooses to believe the tower. The tower is helpless and just draws a teleportation array diagram from memory.

As for materials, Chen Feng has no shortage of void stones, void-breaking stones, and various spirit stones containing powerful energy required to build a teleportation array. According to Chen Feng, with the materials on him, it is no problem to build one hundred or one thousand large teleportation arrays.

There were also many cultivators who started to carve and construct the teleportation array. Chen Feng alone could easily mobilize dozens of immortal-level cultivators. In addition to Chen Feng himself, Lan Ling and other cultivators from the Daluo Academy, and several immortals from the Xu family, the construction speed was of course very fast.

"It is true that there is strength in numbers!" Looking at the huge teleportation array in front of him, Chen Feng said with some emotion.

After staying in Donglong Island for another month, Chen Feng finally set off after explaining everything clearly.

As for Jian Xiaotian, he had already gone overseas to venture out. Chen Feng temporarily handed Donglong Island to Ye Ziming for care. Anyway, there were eight top demon kings guarding it, so Chen Feng had nothing to worry about.

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