Eternal Existence

Chapter 798: Training on Donglong Island

Jian Xiaotian arrived when Chen Feng roared at the sea. In Jian Xiaotian's eyes, Chen Feng at this moment was a little different from before, even very strange. He looked the same, but the aura on his body was too violent, even very domineering. Every move he made had a kind of superior aura, and this aura was born with him.

Chen Feng at this time was no longer the Chen Feng he knew.

"What happened? Could Chen Feng be possessed?" Just as Jian Xiaotian was secretly guessing, Chen Feng calmed down.

"Brother Jian, why are you here?" Chen Feng strode towards Jian Xiaotian.

Although Chen Feng didn't seem to have changed much, Jian Xiaotian always felt a sense of awkwardness. He wanted to find out the details, but to no avail.

Seeing Jian Xiaotian's doubts, Chen Feng smiled faintly; "I just had some breakthroughs. If I accumulate for a while, I'm afraid I can advance to the intermediate human immortal realm. Brother Jian, you have to work hard."

"What, so fast!" Jian Xiaotian was really surprised. Cultivating to the human immortal realm is equivalent to stepping into the immortal path. It is even more difficult to break through again. However, he did not expect that Chen Feng would break through again in such a short time.

"Really abnormal!" In the end, Jian Xiaotian could only evaluate Chen Feng like this.

"By the way, Brother Jian came to me today, maybe there is something wrong, or Brother Jian is not comfortable living here." In fact, even Chen Feng himself did not realize that he had indeed changed after getting the memory. Although he did not change in general, there were some subtle differences in his speech and demeanor.

At first, Jian Xiaotian was just a little confused, but he quickly put this matter behind his mind. Anyway, Chen Feng was standing in front of him alive, and some changes were also due to the improvement of his cultivation.

"Hahaha, I live very well here, much more comfortable than in our Tianjian Mountains." Jian Xiao was telling the truth. Donglong Island is located overseas. Although its area is far from comparable to that of the Tianjian Mountains, the surrounding sea is indeed endless. In addition, there are some scattered small islands in the sea, and there are three islands, Youtian Island, Baili Island, and Bitian Island, and Donglong Island are watching from afar.

When Jian Xiaotian is not practicing, he travels between the islands. Sometimes he goes into the deep sea to fight with some monsters and water monsters, or goes into the seabed for exploration. During this period of time, Jian Xiaotian not only lives comfortably, but also has made some progress in his cultivation.

"Actually, I received some news about the Xu Family War." Jian Xiao said.

"Oh, is the war over?" Chen Feng asked with some curiosity.

"It is indeed over. The result is the same as I guessed before. The Xu family defeated the Sun Moon Sect and the Ghost King Sect. However, due to the intervention of the Black Water Sect, the Sun Moon Sect and the Ghost King Sect did not suffer a fatal blow. To be honest, both sides suffered losses. This time, the Xu family lost face. I heard that some first-class forces are ready to take advantage of this opportunity to annex the Xu family." Jian Xiaotian laughed when he said this.

"Black Water Sect, you said that the Black Water Sect intervened. It's strange. Hasn't the Black Water Sect always been in the North Plain? How come it came to the Central Plains again, and intervened in the war between sects so strongly." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Speaking of which, I am also very surprised. The power of the Black Water Sect seems to have emerged out of thin air. It has risen rapidly during this period of time and occupied a large area of ​​​​territory. Even the Xu family has occupied several medium and large cities."

"In this way, although the war is over, the Xu family may not necessarily take action against Donglong Island." This is what Chen Feng is most concerned about now.

"Unless the Xu family is stupid, if it were me, I would never make trouble in this extraordinary period." Jian Xiaotian shook his head repeatedly.

"If it could be delayed for a few years, the strength of Donglong Island would be greatly improved by then, and we would not be afraid of the Xu family coming to cause trouble." Chen Feng calculated secretly in his heart.

However, this time Jian Xiaotian and Chen Feng were wrong, because soon after, a cultivator from the Xu family found Donglong Island, and there was another fight for it.


The teleportation array on Donglong Island burst into light, and a group of cultivators came out one after another. Most of these people were injured, and some were so seriously injured that they were about to die at any time.

"Ye Ziming is here, and he has brought back some clansmen. Let's go and take a look."

When Chen Feng arrived, Ye Ziming was sweating profusely while treating the wounded. Seeing Chen Feng coming, Ye Ziming's face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"Brother Chen."

"Okay, don't say more, leave it to me." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, a ball of Yuanchen crystal water suddenly dispersed, turned into water vapor, and enveloped every wounded person.

Under the effect of Yuanchen Crystal Water, the injured souls of these wounded began to recover, their vitality began to increase, and their injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Huh!" Seeing this scene, Ye Ziming was relieved.

"Thank you, Brother Chen."

"Why are you being polite to me?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Brother Chen, this time I brought more than 200 tribesmen, and I hope to be taken in by Brother Chen." Ye Ziming said with some embarrassment.

"No problem, as long as you don't mind the small place." Chen Feng agreed directly.

"This is Island Master Chen, right? I am Xu Lianping. Thank you for taking us in." At this time, a middle-aged cultivator came in front of Chen Feng and was about to bow down, but was quickly blocked by Chen Feng.

This Xu Lianping is a cultivator of the initial stage of human immortality. I think he is the leader of Ye Ziming's branch. Of course, cultivators of this level are actually nothing on Donglong Island.

"Everyone, please don't be polite. When you come here, just treat it as your home. I hope you can live here for a long time. Ye Ziming and I are good brothers. Ye Ziming's business is my business. Everyone can do whatever they want here." Chen Feng said loudly.

Chen Feng doesn't have to worry about it. There are naturally siren guards on the island to settle these Xu family members. In fact, most of the people on Donglong Island and several other islands are siren monsters. This time, some human cultivators came, which just met Chen Feng's intention.

The noise of the day soon passed, and it was quiet again at night. At least the courtyard where Chen Feng was was quiet.

"Tower, according to my memory, I left the Changsheng Heaven after I was six years old, and my own innate spiritual roots were destroyed in the aftermath of the battle. Later, my memory was sealed, and then I and you have been wandering in the universe without limit, and finally landed in the Eternal World, and the following things are connected."

"What I am curious about now is, how long have we been wandering in the universe?" Chen Feng thought about it and asked the question he wanted to ask during the day.

"This, you also know, in fact, I have been sleeping all the time, and I don't know the specific time. Later, after waking up, I calculated and I only got an approximate time." Tower thought about it and said.

"About how much?" Chen Feng asked.

"About one million years."

"What! One million years." Chen Feng sat on the ground with a plop, his eyes a little blank.

"You mean I am more than one million years old now?" Chen Feng asked this question after a long time.

"Theoretically, it is like this, but when you were wandering in the universe, you were completely deeply sealed and sleeping, so you can't be considered to be growing." Tower said with a smile.

Having said that, Chen Feng still couldn't accept it.

"Hey! I didn't expect that a million years have passed. I don't know how powerful my friends at that time are. The lowest is the immortal level." Chen Feng was a little emotional.

At that time, he was considered a genius among the immortals. He was born with spiritual roots and his cultivation speed was outstanding among his peers. A million years have passed, and he is relatively stagnant. His friends at that time had perfect cultivation conditions provided by the immortals, and he didn't know how much his cultivation had advanced.

"Immortal, hehe, this is more than that!" Ta laughed.

"What's so funny about you? Don't forget that you are not as good as me now. If your friends or enemies at that time knew your current state, I'm afraid they would laugh their teeth off." Chen Feng sneered.

"Shut up, kid!" Ta was a little angry.

"Okay, okay, after all, you were a divine weapon that shook the heavens back then, how come you have become so stingy." Chen Feng waved his hand, not wanting to argue with Ta.

"It's only a matter of time for me to improve my cultivation. But I don't know when you can recover to the strength of a Dao weapon? The opponents we are facing are getting stronger and stronger. If those people find out that we are still alive and send experts down, it will be very bad." Chen Feng continued.

"Don't worry about this! I know it in my heart." Ta seemed unwilling to say more.

"It's up to you. I want to practice."

After entering the realm of human immortals, Chen Feng's cultivation method has become somewhat special. At this time, Chen Feng sat cross-legged in the courtyard. The blood-gathering beads and thunder beads floated around Chen Feng on the left and right. A trace of the power of the Great Dao surged out and connected with Chen Feng in the middle. With Chen Feng's breathing, Chen Feng soon entered a deep state of cultivation.

As time passed, the hellhound and the phantom divine mink also successfully survived the heavenly tribulation and were promoted to the middle-level demon immortals. Chen Feng's heart was settled. Even if the Xu family attacked immediately, he could fight.

What made Chen Feng happy the most was the ancient flame beetle he collected. After completely refining and absorbing the five elements fire diamond that Chen Feng bought, it successfully advanced to the demon fairy level. However, after the advancement, the ancient flame beetle fell into a dormant state again, which made Chen Feng a little speechless.

The days of overseas cultivation were very leisurely. Two years passed in a hurry. Finally, one day, Lan Ling's arrival made Chen Feng embark on a journey to Daluo Academy.

Lan Ling did not come alone. As usual, she was accompanied by the two sisters Jian Qingwu. The lively Jian Qingwu exclaimed repeatedly when she saw Chen Feng, and her eyes were round like pearls.

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