Eternal Existence

Chapter 800 Daluo Mountain City

After everything was arranged, Chen Feng, Lan Ling and others began to use the teleportation array to go directly to Daluo Academy.

This kind of long-distance teleportation array consumes a lot of top-grade spirit stones every time it is activated. Chen Feng doesn't care, but Jian Qingwu and her sister are secretly shocked.

"Chen Feng, did you find any treasure in the Tianchen battlefield? I think you are quite rich." Jian Qingwu asked in a low voice.

"Yes, I got a big treasure." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What's inside? Tell me quickly." Jian Qingwu asked curiously.

"Some immortal weapons." Chen Feng deliberately paused when he said this, and everyone's eyes were all looking over, and Jian Qingwu and her sister opened their eyes wide.

"Fragments!" Chen Feng continued to say the following words.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but still said: "It is enviable to get the fragments of the immortal weapon. Many earth immortals want to snatch them. Chen Feng, you have to be careful."

"Haha, thank you for your concern. There is nothing to be careful about. I sold all these fragments of the immortal weapon and exchanged them for spirit stones." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What! You sold them all. This is a fragment of the immortal weapon. No amount of spirit stones can buy it." Jian Qingwu looked at Chen Feng in disbelief, as if looking at a prodigal son.

"It is easier to practice if you change it into spirit stones. What's the point of keeping the fragments of the immortal weapon? You can't eat it or drink it." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Oh, you are such a big deal!" Jian Qingwu looked at Chen Feng and really didn't know what to say.

Although everyone doubted the authenticity of what Chen Feng said, Tieyuan and Fengjian asked Chen Feng if he had any fragments of the immortal weapon.

Fragments of the immortal weapon are good things. If you can get a piece and comprehend the immortal law on it, it is not impossible for your strength to advance by leaps and bounds.

"Haha, I've bought them all." Chen Feng shook his head. Everyone was a little disappointed, but Chen Feng laughed in his heart. Not to mention that he no longer had any fragments of immortal artifacts, even if he really had them, he would not take them out. There was the bottomless pit of the Longevity Tower waiting to be filled, and some good things had to be thrown into it.

This time, the teleportation did not go directly to the Daluo Academy, but to a place called Daluo Mountain City in the Daluo Mountains.

Daluo Mountain City is a large city with tens of millions of cultivators living in it. Although it was built by the Daluo Academy, the cultivators in it came from all directions.

Just like the Daluo Mountains, although there is the holy place of the Daluo Academy here, there are still a large number of forces and countless cultivators within the range of the Daluo Mountains.

Even so, Daluo Academy is still the supreme existence. If Daluo Academy wants to take action, it can easily clear the entire mountain range, but Daluo Academy did not do so. On the contrary, it encouraged more monks to settle here. Even every period of time, the high-level monks of Daluo Academy will communicate with the fairy world, absorb a large amount of fairy energy and spread it out, making the spiritual energy of Daluo Mountain more abundant.

Many people don’t understand why Daluo Academy does this, even most of the monks inside Daluo Academy don’t understand. After Chen Feng learned about these situations, he was also surprised.

So when he entered Daluo Mountain City and looked at the monks from all over, Chen Feng still asked this question.

"For the development of the academy!" Lan Ling gave Chen Feng a simple answer.

Chen Feng was a little confused at first, but after thinking for a while, a smile appeared on his face.

"This policy is good. It seems that if we want to develop Donglong Island, we also need some foreign monks." Chen Feng secretly calculated in his heart.

"The entire Daluo Mountain City has a population of 50 million. The lowest level of cultivation is the secret realm cultivator. The number of human immortals has exceeded 100,000, and the number of earth immortals is about 1,000 to 2,000. You can buy most of the things in the cultivation world here." Lan Ling proudly introduced the situation here to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng immediately took a breath of cold air after hearing this. Let alone other things, the number of earth immortals alone made Chen Feng doubt whether he had heard it wrong.

"More than a thousand earth immortals, this should be impossible, right?" Chen Feng asked in doubt. You know, some first-class sects are just a few earth immortals. If so, how strong would the holy places such as Daluo Academy be.

"It is true, but this is not the power of our Daluo Academy alone. Speaking of it, our Daluo Academy's power in this city only accounts for about 10%, and the rest are outsiders." Feng Jian said on the side.

"I wonder why so many cultivators choose to live here. It's okay for cultivators below human immortals, but even some earth immortals live in seclusion here. I think there must be some reasons."

Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"Brother Chen, you asked a good question. Of course, there is a reason." Lan Ling laughed.

"It's for the origin vein under our Daluo Mountains." Tie Yuan said with a sneer.

"Original vein!"

Chen Feng was surprised. Of course, he knew about this origin vein because he had absorbed it. In other words, it is the origin of the world.

"It's incredible that there is an origin vein here." Chen Feng was really surprised. In this way, he could understand why so many earth immortals practiced here.

Chen Feng deeply understood the benefits of the world's origin power, but until now, Chen Feng's understanding of the world's origin power was only a small part.

"The Earth Immortal cultivates the laws of the great road and the power of the world. Absorbing and understanding the origin of the world is the most helpful for cultivation."

"Hey, in this way, Da Luo Academy can be passed down for hundreds of millions of years. Of course, unless someone snatches away the original earth line, or something happens to the original earth line."

"No wonder I felt a strange and familiar feeling as soon as I entered Daluo Mountain City. I guess it's because of the source power underground. In this way, I made the right choice to come to Daluo Academy. The source power here is just right. Give me some strength to practice the Chaos Body."

"If this was not the Cave Heaven Paradise, the founder of Da Luo Academy would not have chosen this place. Of course, the environment of the other three holy places is also good, but it is still slightly inferior to our Da Luo Academy." Tie Yuan said proudly. .

"It turns out to be Senior Brother Tie and Senior Brother Feng."

"I've met a few."

"I've seen Brother Tie." "I've seen Brother Feng."

"I've met Senior Sister Lan Ling."

Along the way, Chen Feng discovered that students from Da Luo Academy were very popular with everyone. Most of this welcome was sincere and friendly. From this aspect, the influence of Da Luo Academy could also be seen.

However, there are annoying people everywhere, and some people even come out to cause trouble from time to time, even though they have been frustrated before.

"Hahahahahaha!" First there was a burst of laughter, and then a group of about ten monks charged towards Chen Feng and his group.

Without taking any action, just the auras of these people gathered together and rushed out all the monks on the street. Some people wanted to shout and curse, but after seeing who the other party was, they immediately calmed down and left quickly one by one, reaching a distance. Then he watched secretly.

"They are all students from Da Luo Academy. It seems they can watch the fun today."

"It's not fun to watch. It's better to stay away. These guys can be very ruthless on weekdays."

"Tsk, tsk, last time a group of secret realm monks fought in a melee and left this place in a mess. I don't know how many buildings were destroyed. This time they are all immortals. They won't destroy the whole street."

"I'm afraid the whole street isn't enough. It's safer to stay farther away."

"It's Jue Wushen. This guy recovered very quickly." Chen Feng laughed.

"Jue Wushen is very powerful. I think the other party is coming with bad intentions. Junior Sister Lan, be careful." After Fengjian and Tieyuan saw each other, the arrogance on their faces disappeared, replaced by dignified and wary looks.

In fact, the more powerful the sect, the more intense the competition. In a holy place like Da Luo Academy, countless monks in the entire cultivation world want to break their scalps and squeeze in. The intensity of competition is of course top-notch.

Among the students, fights, chaotic fights, and challenges to fight alone often occur. Regarding these things, the school's opinion is to indulge. As long as it does not violate some of the most important laws and regulations of the school, it is okay to kill people. As long as you have the ability and strength. .

"Last time Jue Wushen's dark guards were killed and he was beaten to disintegration. Bringing so many people here this time is definitely looking for trouble." Lan Ling said in a deep voice and glanced at Chen Feng.

"What! Juewu Shen was beaten until he disintegrated. This is impossible. Who did it? Junior Sister Lan, it couldn't be you." Of course Tie Yuan didn't believe it was Lan Ling, not to mention that Lan Ling was just a first-level human immortal. It is difficult for both himself and Kazama to reach this point together.

"They are here to cause trouble for me. You should disperse and let me deal with it." Chen Feng said with a faint smile.

"What are you talking about? Since we are partners, of course we, what! It's not you who is looking for you." Tie Yuan said and looked at Chen Feng with wide eyes. Although he already had a guess in his heart, But still can't believe it.

"Junior sister Lan, if you are okay, you can give way. We have some things to deal with." A young man standing next to Jue Wushen said sinisterly.

"Ghost Liu Bing, what nonsense are you talking about? I think it's you who have to get out of the way." Tie Yuan sneered.

"Hey! Who did I think it was? It turned out to be you two. Okay, if you don't want to get beaten, get out of here. You have nothing to do here." Ghost Liubing waved his hands, a little impatient.

Tie Liu and Feng Jian suddenly became angry and held back not to take action.

"These junior sisters must have just been promoted to human immortals recently, eh, eh, not bad, not bad, but they are a bit pretty. Some junior sisters, when they see the senior brother, they still come over to salute." A male cultivator with peach blossom eyes said hey Laughing, his eyes swept over the two sisters Jian Qingwu.

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