Eternal Existence

Chapter 797: Sealed Memory

"That's what I said, and I think so too, but it's not easy to snatch the Void Compass of the Xu Family. The most important thing now is how to deal with the pursuit of the Xu Family." Ye Ziming shook his head, with a bitter smile on his face.

"Let's go to my territory first." Chen Feng comforted.

"Your territory, by the way, it seems that someone called you the island master Chen before, what's going on?" Ye Ziming actually had more questions in his heart.

"It's a long story, let's talk while walking."

When Chen Feng and Ye Ziming returned to Donglong Island, the surprise on Ye Ziming's face had not disappeared, and he was obviously shocked by Chen Feng's description.

"I didn't expect that after several years of separation, the changes were so great. Brother Chen not only got rid of the pursuit of the first-class sect in Beiyuan, but also had his own power." Ye Ziming said while looking at the surrounding scenery.

"I was hunted down at that time. One day I will have to fight back. This day will not be far away, but the most important thing at present is to improve my strength. Although this is overseas and tens of millions of miles away from the Xu family, I think the Xu family will definitely send people to cause trouble, and they will arrive soon." Chen Feng's expression was very calm, but the words he said were very heavy.

If the Xu family really sent several earth immortals above the middle level, then I am afraid I will have to give up the territory of Donglong Island. I am not afraid of the Xu family, but the territory and power I have built with great difficulty will collapse.

"It would be great if the four demon immortals of the hellhound can successfully pass the tribulation. At that time, they will be promoted to the middle level demon immortals and can compete with the middle level earth immortals of the Xu family." Chen Feng calculated in his heart.

However, Chen Feng and Ye Ziming's worries were unnecessary. Chen Feng had been actively preparing for the battle, but what happened next was beyond their expectations.

Time passed day by day, and a month had passed, but not even one Xu family cultivator had arrived.

That day, Chen Feng finally got a piece of news about why the Xu family didn't come to cause trouble. The one who sent the news was Jian Xiaotian, who was a little bit tired of being held back in the Tianjian Sect.

"Do you mean that the Xu family is in trouble?"

Jian Xiaotian came to Donglong Island and exchanged a few words with Chen Feng before he took the initiative to tell Chen Feng about the Xu family.

"It's more than trouble, it's a big trouble. The Xu family is currently under joint attack by the Sun Moon Sect and the Ghost King Sect. They can't take care of themselves, so how could they spare the strength to cause trouble for you?" Jian Xiao said.

The news that Chen Feng went to Xucheng to cause damage and rescue Ye Ziming had spread throughout the entire Central Plains cultivation world. Jian Xiaotian came as soon as he heard about it.

"Sun Moon Sect and Ghost King Sect?" Chen Feng was a little confused: "The other party should not be a first-class sect."

It has been a while since he came to the Central Plains, and Chen Feng still has some understanding of the division of forces in the Central Plains. He knows these two forces, but he also knows that they are not as good as the Xu family, and even if they are added together, they are not the opponent of the Xu family.

"These two sects are not first-rate forces, but they are not weak either. They have a long history and profound background. They also have some powerful earth immortals. Their overall strength is close to first-rate. In the past, these two forces certainly did not dare to provoke the Xu family, but now it is different." Jian Xiao smiled and looked at Chen Feng.

"It's because of me." Chen Feng also laughed.

"Yes, Xu City has been destroyed beyond recognition, and a large number of cultivators of the Xu family have been killed and injured. There is no reason for the Sun and Moon Sect and the Ghost King Sect not to take action. Once they succeed, they can not only divide the territory of the Xu family, but also rob the wealth accumulated by the Xu family through generations of inheritance."

"This is a large-scale war." Chen Feng sighed. Speaking of this, this matter was caused by himself. As a result, it is unknown how many people will die in the turmoil. Even Chen Feng himself is a little emotional.

"So who do you think will be the final winner of this war?"

"It must be the Xu family." At this time, Ye Ziming, who had been silent in the corner, spoke up, and his face was also complicated. Anyway, Ye Ziming also came from the Xu family. Although he was imprisoned in the Xu family, Ye Ziming's clan members are still in the Xu family. If the war breaks out, I don't know how many people will die. For the direct members of the Xu family, these branch clan members are just cannon fodder for the charge.

"Yes, I think the Xu family will win this war. Although Xu City was severely damaged last time, the overall strength of the Xu family was not seriously damaged. Among the high-level cultivators, only Xu Changkong was seriously injured. However, I think with the foundation of the Xu family, Xu Changkong should have recovered almost by now. Although I don't know the specific strength of the Sun and Moon Sect and the Ghost King Sect, they are not first-class sects after all, and the possibility of their defeat in the end is very high."

"Of course, no matter what the war situation is, the Xu family will not have time to trouble our Donglong Island in a short time. With this buffer time, our Donglong Island is enough to make all preparations."

After hearing that the Xu family was involved in the war, Chen Feng was relieved.

But at this time Ye Ziming spoke again: "Brother Chen, I plan to go and take a look secretly."

Chen Feng was stunned, and then he understood what Ye Ziming meant. Ye Ziming was worried about his people.

"Okay, but I don't trust you alone. Let's take some sea monster guards with us. If we find your people, we can take them directly to Donglong Island." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

According to Chen Feng's suggestion and request, Ye Ziming finally set off with several sea monster guards.

After settling Jian Xiaotian, Chen Feng also temporarily calmed down.

That day, Chen Feng sat on a cliff on the edge of Donglong Island. In front of him was a vast sea, with waves pushing into the distance. From time to time, fish monsters emerged from the water. With enough eyesight, Chen Feng could even see human monks exploring on the sea, and some monks looking for spiritual medicine on the scattered small islands near Donglong Island.

Even the vast sea was very lively, but Chen Feng's heart was very calm. This calmness was achieved by Chen Feng after suppressing his breath for several days.

That day, Chen Feng finally felt that his state of mind was like still water, so he began to ask about his life experience, but at the beginning, the trembling in his voice began to betray Chen Feng's state of mind.

"Hey! Sure enough, this is my biggest knot in my heart, and it is also the motivation for my cultivation." Chen Feng shook his head and sighed.

"Tower, should I talk about it?" Chen Feng showed a smile on his face that he couldn't explain. He had been pursuing this answer for a long time. It can be said that he had been following it since he was sensible. Now that he knew it, he felt a little worried.

Of course, there was more excitement and expectation.

Taking a deep breath and trying to calm himself down, Chen Feng said again: "Okay, tell me."

Ta has been silent, or it should be said that he has been silent for a while, as if thinking about how to tell Chen Feng the truth.

"Hey! Well, it's time to tell you the truth, but I don't need to tell you, everything you want to know is in your sea of ​​consciousness." The smile on Ta's face was gone, and there was a trace of contemplation and nostalgia.

"What, in my sea of ​​consciousness, this is impossible." In fact, Chen Feng has searched his sea of ​​consciousness many times since entering the secret realm, but he has found nothing. Hearing Ta say this, he was naturally shocked.

"Ta, you are not perfunctory to me, right?" Chen Feng asked immediately.

"What can I perfunctory to you? Anyway, you will know sooner or later. Get ready, I will help you." Ta said and stretched out his hand, and a stream of light penetrated into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness through the Changsheng Tower.

If Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness is the dark universe, then the stream of light emitted by the tower is like a rapidly burning meteor.


The meteor exploded suddenly, and Chen Feng immediately felt that a tiny origin in his sea of ​​consciousness was blasted open, as if a world had opened a passage, and as if a reservoir had opened a gate. Countless things gushed out from it.

"This is the memory that you sealed up back then. These are all memory fragments. Although there are not many, I think they are enough for you to digest." Ta said in a deep voice.

"My sealed memory." Chen Feng was shocked and wanted to ask something else, but at this time the memory fragments had already scattered in the sea of ​​consciousness and merged into various parts of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Pictures began to flash in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. These pictures recorded what happened to Chen Feng from birth to the age of six.

At this time, these pictures were released again and merged with Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, making Chen Feng feel as if he had experienced it all over again.

In fact, the things in these memories were what Chen Feng had experienced in his childhood, but they had been sealed up. Now they were suddenly unsealed, which made Chen Feng feel familiar and a little flustered. Once he found something that he had not been able to find for many years, he would have a feeling of not daring to face it.

For Chen Feng, it would only take a few blinks of an eye to remember these sealed childhood memories completely. After all, with Chen Feng's current cultivation, it would only take a few breaths to search the sea of ​​consciousness of the human immortal.

But Chen Feng was stuck in it and kept playing these scenes back and forth. When Chen Feng woke up from his memories with tears streaming down his face, three months had passed.

"How is it?" At this time, the tower had come out of the Longevity Tower and used energy to condense into an incarnation in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng shook his head first, then nodded, but his eyes began to get brighter and brighter, and finally they were like two compressed fireballs, and even the tower was startled.

The fireballs went out, and Chen Feng's eyes returned to calm, but the aura on his body was rising steadily. This aura was a little different from Chen Feng's previous aura, becoming a little strange and a little ancient, and there was a hint of longevity.

Finally, the aura stopped when it climbed to the top of the initial human immortal.

Chen Feng stood up slowly, his hair flying, his eyes steady, his face resolute, and he roared suddenly. The sound waves rushed out, causing a huge tsunami.

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